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Republicans who oppose even modest reforms. Governor scott has also launched a state investigation into the Broward County Sheriffs Department and its response before and during the massacre. Cnns Kaylee Hartung is in parkland, florida, with that fallout. But lets begin at the white house with kaitlan collins. Till with be interesting to see if the president gives more clarity on what he wants done when it comes to gun control. What is the level of confidence . Reporter yeah, fred, it will be interesting. As a new poll shows, 70 of americans are now in favor of stricter gun laws, especially in light of that tragic shooting in parkland, florida. So the president has made several proposals so far, including improving background checks, expanding that system, raising the age to buy a firearm from 18 to 21, something that has been endorsed by Florida Governor rick scott, but rejected by the nra, who campaigned on behalf of the president during the election. Hes also proposed ending the sale of bump stocks, but biggest proposal easily by far has been Arming Teachers with weapons. The president offers a few nuances of this saying inin ii wants it to be teachers adept at handling a firearm, he would give them a bonus. This is an idea that has seen a lot of widespread support. It would be interesting to see what the governors ideas are on this, especially after over the weekend the president tweeted he believes it would be something left up to states and not something that would come from the federal government. His daughter ivanka trump, a Senior Adviser in the white house, was asked if she thought Arming Teachers would be a solution to prevent Mass Shootings like this one. And here is what she had to say. I think having a teacher who is armed, what cares deeply about her students, his students, and who is capable and qualified to bare arms is not a bad idea, but it is an idea that needs to be discussed. So you see ivanka was wavering a little bit on that idea from the president , certainly his biggest idea so far but, fred, were at the point where the white house has to start offering more specific ideas if they want to see this be a legislative solution on capitol hill because as you know, you cannot dictate policy on twitter. Kaitlan collins at the white house, thank you so much. The Broward County sheriff is facing blistering criticism for his departments handling of the attack. Dozens of republican lawmakers are calling for scott israel to be suspended amid reports that four of his deputies arrived during the shooting but did not enter the school to confront the shooter. On cnn yesterday, sheriff israel says his department is also investigating at least two calls about gunmen nikolas cruz and the potential danger he posed. I can only take responsibility for what i knew about. I exercised as my due diligence, ive given amazing leadership to this agency. Amazing leadership . Yes, jake. There is a lot of things we have done throughout this this is you dont measure a persons leadership by a deputy not going into these deputies received the training they needed. And just moments ago, a powerful and emotional News Conference by 17yearold maddy wilford, she was shot several times in that attack. Cnns Kaylee Hartung is in parkland, florida. We saw maddy when the president and first lady visited her at the hospital. How is she doing . Reporter yeah, fred. Well, to hear her doctors say today that she is very lucky to be alive was striking. Maddy survived a gunshot wound of a large caliber that pierced through her chest, her abdomen, and also her arm. First responder detailed when an officer first approached her on the School Campus by the color of her skin, her paleness thinking she was already deceased, but a shake to her got a reaction out of her and they realized it was time to get her out of there as soon as possible. Her family expressed gratitude to all those who helped her survive. Im so grateful to be here and it wouldnt be possible without the officers and First Responders and these amazing doctors and especially all the love that everyone has sent. I was sitting on my couch today just thinking about all the letters and gifts everyone has given and just, like, all the love that has been passed around. I wouldnt be here without it. Reporter maddy endured three surgeries during her time in the hospital. Her doctors say the wounds to her chest and her abdomen had healed. The benefit of being young. But it will take longer for the wound to her right arm to heal as will the emotional healing process. But to see maddy be able to stand up from that presser, walk out the room with nothing more than a cast was emotional for all who witnessed it. And the Broward County police department, it is facing a lot of questions about those missed warning signs and inaction. The sheriff says he is welcoming these investigations and will help facilitate in any way possible. Reporter we have just learned that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, their review has begun. Thats after Governor Scott called for an immediate investigation. The fdle saying that they are reviewing the response of all Law Enforcement agencies who provided initial response to the shooting. Fred you mentioned those missed warning signs, so much frustration being pointed towards the Broward County sheriff scott israel, missed warning signs, the calls that came in to that Sheriffs Department, the warnings that were effectively ignored as well as the reports of his Student Resource officer and his deputies who didnt go into the school that wednesday. Kaylee hartung, thank you so much, from parkland. Joining us now, one of the florida lawmakers calling on sheriff israel to resign. State representative jay fant signed a letter with colleagues calling on Governor Scott to suspend israel. Good to see you. Youre one of four republicans running for state attorney general. Sheriff israel has said hes not resigning, and now that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, fdle, is conducting an investigation, are you willing to wait until the findings of that investigation before the governor were to take action on the sheriff, if any action at all . We have seen enough from sheriff israel on this very network yesterday. He, in spite of all of the evidence they ignored numerous contacts warning about cruz, and the standing down of one to four deputies on site that could have prevented loss of life, sheriff israel yesterday said hes exhibited amazing leadership. But, with amazing leadership comes amazing responsibility and amazing accountability. None of which he has embraced since this tragedy. Floridians are tired of the circus. It is time for him to resign. So the sheriff denies there was an order of any kind of stand down. He said hes not even sure why the first resource officer didnt go in, whether he didnt ask that question, he said he didnt get the answer or explanation. You also have spoken to the governor about this letter, that you and your colleagues have sent, about considering a suspension. Have you heard from the governor . To your prior point, federica, this sheriff also has said ive given him a gun, ive given hum a badge, if he doesnt have the heart to go in, it is not my responsibility. It is your responsibility to protect the children in that school and the citizens of Broward County. The governor is keenly sensitive to what is happening in broward. Thats why hes launched the fdle investigation. But it is not going to get better for sheriff israel, it is going to get worse. The Coral Springs report will come out later. I dont think it is going to look favorably upon the sheriff. You dont think fdle investigation is enough . You wrote on twitter you want the attorney general appoint an outside prosecutor, to look into investigating matters. Why . In florida, we have under the Attorney Generals Office something called a state wide prosecutor that can come in and do an independent investigation. I think independence is what is needed right now. The sheriff should resign, there should be an investigation, it should be independent. The governor has also sent out a list of proposals. How to make schools safer, one officer, you know, to every thousand students, raising the age of buying a rifle and other firearms in florida from 18 to 21 are are you in agreement with that . Some of the proposals are very good. We need to make sure our schools are armed, fredricka, next time a would be shooter comes on campus, they need to be first ones who are shot. Now, other aspects of the proposals remain to be seen as we go into legislation. Some involve curtailment, some constitutional rights, obviously will be against that. But ones that work, the solutions that work, protecting the children, were going to move forward into the legislature and pass. State representative jay fant, thank you for your time, appreciate it. So Congress Comes back to session later on today with more pressure to get something done on gun control. Joining me now democratic congressman Gregory Meeks of new york. Good to see you. Good to be with you. One of your colleagues is planning to introduce an assault weapons ban in the house. Any confidence thats going to win enough support . I dont. I hope that it would, but i dont. I see so many of my republican colleagues, particularly entrenched as well as the president , with the nra. And they are clearly not moving forward. But are there some signals being sent to you even from the president while he has, you know, garnered and 30 million in support on the campaign trail, he is saying, and he is separating himself from the nra saying he wants age limits raised. I want to see him come out affirmatively and talking about raising age limits, if hes talking about ending bump stocks, talking about better background checks, ill work with the president on those things. I think we need all of those things. I think we need more. I think we need assault ban, the ban of assault weapons. We had ten years of assault ban weapons here. And that were if you look at that time, you didnt see as many Mass Shootings that took place. You look at other democratic and civilized places like australia, japan, you see that they put in assault ban, you dont see these kinds of Mass Shootings. Most places in europe you dont see these kinds of ban shootings. They have Mental Health problems there, other issues there also as we do. They dont have the mass killings problems that we have. One of the other proposals, Arming Teachers, arming those who are adept to firearms, we heard from his daughter ivanka while she was overseas saying it is not a bad idea, something that needs to be explorexplored i think it does not make sense. If you ask Law Enforcement officials, whether they want people out on the streets with assault weapons, they say they could outgun Law Enforcement, people that are trained, outfitted to protect us, they are outgunned by these kinds of weapons. Thats known if you just arm someone in a school, these weapons still can overpower them. So the best way and the most important way to keep our young people safe and at concerts and other places or going to clubs, is if people did not have access to assault weapons that are made for one purpose, the mass killing of human beings. And i think thats what you hear out of American Public is making right now, we have got to prevent these mass killings and the mass killings can only happen with these assault style weapons. Were seeing amazing passion coming from the survivors, from parkland, florida. Is it your worry that what they went through after this week or even a month from now, if there isnt action in congress now, that what they went through might be forgotten. I think that those young people will not let it be forgotten. I think that what im seeing happen, they are looking those who are 17, theyre not waiting for someone to ask them for a Voter Registration form. Theyre going and saying i want my Voter Registration form. They understand this is a movement, they may not be able to vote today, but in a year, or two years, definitely they will be able to vote. And they will be focused on growing that and other friends and relatives of similar age so that theyre going out to vote, i think thats whats going to make a difference. They understand that there has to be change, real change, that only comes at the polling place. After sandy hook, there wasnt widespread legislation that really moved the needle. But instead a lot of states took the initiative, were seeing the federal governor making these proposals. The president is meeting with governors today in the white house. Is it your feeling that states have to take it upon themselves because there is just too much rancor in the senate, in congress, in order to get anything done . I definitely think that states, my state of new york has decided that it it has taken a big stance to that regard. But i think it is important for us, you know, for all americans, across east, west, north, south, middle america, that we got to make sure that all americans are safe and the best way to do that in my estimation that we dont have these Mass Shootings again is to take away the weapon that causes mass killings. Thats how we make sure that our children are safe, thats how we make sure that we eliminate mass killings. If you take away weapons that causes mass killings. Thats the big obstacle. The incertain taterpretation is away the weapons by restricting the access or availability of some. Which is clearly not the intent. My family comes from the south. They hunt, they have guns, et cetera. Most Law Enforcement people, i dont understand why we dont ask them, those are the individuals that help keep us safe, if you go to most Law Enforcement, the people that are have the responsibility to keep us safe day in and day out, whether or not they want people to have access to mass weapons, they will tell you if they do or not. Maybe more of that consultation will take place this go round. Thank you. Appreciate it. Were keeping an eye on the white house. Right now the president is meeting with the nations governors talking about how to stop gun violence in america in the wake of that horrible shooting in florida. We should hear from the president at any moment. Well bring that to you. Plus, the president is firing back at the newly released democratic intelligence memo that counters gop claims of spying abuse. Trump is calling it a nothing. Well dig into details on that coming up. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . 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Congress is also likely to debate that issue as the house and senate reconvene in the coming hours. A lot to talk about. Lets bring in nia Malika Henderson and rebecca berg. Congress is once again under a lot of pressure to act. This new cnn poll showing the public wants something done. Will gop leaders act if the president , you know, keeps making these demands and proposals . We have seen this before, right, with contentious issue, gun control, in prior in prior instances. We have seen it with issues reilike repealing and replacing obamacare and daca, the president making it known what he wants to see. In congress, individual members of Congress Going their own way. I think those dynamics are still at play here. Conservatives on the house side unlikely to really want to do anything that looks like gun control and then youve got red state democrats in the senate side who are up for reelection in states like west virginia, states like indiana, missouri, and north dakota who also are probably very skiddish in terms of wanting to back anything that looks like gun control. I think the main backdrop is 2018, an election coming up, democrats are nervous in the house and they want to stick to their positions too in terms of dpun contr gun control. I think the president wont be a factor, not clear what he really wants to push for as sort of the leading policy proposal other than hes very minor fixes to the background check system which really would be encoura encouraging states and local municipalities to do what theyre already really supposed to do. Yeah, which really leads me to my next question. After sandy hook elementary, no one doubted there would be some sweeping changes nationally. Instead, some states did had they could. Does congress feel that doing nothing will be a lot more costly . In an election year, she mentioned this in her response, fred, this is a key crucial midterm election, it is going to be a very tough year potentially for republicans and so their cost benefit analysis right now is going to be is it worth doing something potentially to that could upset their base, their most passionate voters, at a time when they need those people to turn out in an election cycle. I think the key here is also looking at the range of potential policy changes that you could see proposed by congress. You have senator john cornyn, a member of the Republican Leadership on the senate side, working with senator chris murphy on a bill that would try to address the National Criminal background check system, trying to make some small fixes to the system that could have prevented, for example, the Sutherland Springs shooting last year. Theyll say, look, we did something, but Many Democrats and some republicans would say thats not doing enough to address the problem. And so big wild card here is going to be the president and how far does he push this, how aggressively does he use thinks Political Capital to try to get more done on this key issue. Lets turn to ivanka trump now overseas and being asked about a variety of things and among those things, asked about the women who accused her father of Sexual Misconduct and this is how she handled the question. Your fathers accusers . I think it is a pretty inappropriate question to ask a daughter if she believes the accusers of her father when hes affirmatively stated that there is no truth to it. I dont think thats a question you would ask many other daughters. I believe my father, i know my father, so i think i have that right as a daughter. So, nia, a daughter and a Senior Adviser. So was it inappropriate . No i think what she meant is it is an uncomfortable question for her. Because she is her fathers daughter, because shes also someone who has spoken out and talked about other accusers. Talked about the roy moore accusers and said they should be essentially be believed. This idea this is an inappropriate question for her is ridiculous. It was a terrible response on her part. Instead of offering a full throated defense of her father, she looked nervous and uncomfortable in that moment, but it certainly wasnt an inappropriate question and we have seen this before, Hillary Clinton got plenty of questions about her husbands accusers and things that went on. Shouldnt have been surprised. Thats the thing. It is a really odd response from her and, listen, if someone sits down with her again, shell get the same questions. This is what it means to be part of the trump family. Right. And so, rebecca, she has inserted herself in the conversation in the broad conversation before, she tweeted out after oprah, you know, had her speech and she talked about, you know, being inspired, and galvanized, the whole me too, times up movement, why was this different for her. Why does she feel like this was just too close, too personal . It was different, fred, because it was a tough question. Ivanka trump was trying to have it both ways. She wants to be portrayed as a serious policy adviser to her father, not as a daughter, she does that. When she gets a tough question, about her fathers behavior, she recedes into the daughter role. And it is completely inconsistent. And you also have to remember that ivanka trump as an adviser to her father as a white house senior staffer has tried to take on portfolio that includes womens issues, that includes fighting for women, championing equal pay, championing child care, child leave policies. For ivanka trump to say in this case that shes just a daughter, and not in a place to answer this question is ridiculous on its face. As a Senior Adviser, shes representing the president who happens to be her father, but, you know, what the new memo says about when the fbi started investigating Trump Campaign associates next. If yor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough, it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. This condition has not been reported with entyvio. 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The gop memo from congressman devin nunes accused fbi and Justice Department officials of abusing their powers when they put a former Trump Campaign aide under surveillance. Cnn crime and justice reporter shimon proekupecz is live in washington. Walk us through the democratic memo, how it differs from the republican version . Thats right, fred, major differences in the two memos. It gave us a fuller picture of what exactly the information the fbi and the department of justice provided the judges in seeking the highly secretive and sensitive warrants. For instance, the nunes memo shows us that says the dossier was an essential part of getting this fisa warrant, this wiretap warrant on the former Campaign Adviser where as the schiff memo, the dems memo says that the dossier was used and the info from the dossier was narrowly used. And one of the other differences, the nunes memo says the fbi made no mention that the author of this steele dossier, Christopher Steele and he was working for the dnc and the clinton campaign, and then the schiff memo, the dems memo, says the department of justice did tell the court that steele was hired by politically motivated u. S. Persons and entities and was really compiled for political reasons and purposes so that was clear in the schiff memo. Now, the fbi has complained that the nunes memo was unfair and partially showed what the fbi, what their investigators toll the court and there has been a lot of concern that the nunes memo was seeking to discredit the fbi and the russia investigation now being handled by the mueller team. Shimon, thank you so much for that. Lets talk more about all of this. Joining me now, cnn legal and National Security analyst asha rangappa, now a lecturer at yale, very busy. Good to see you. What is your biggest takeaway from the schiff memo . Does it fill in the blanks or clarify things or create more confusion . Well, as someone who has gotten fisa orders before, i think that the schiff memo definitely fills in some of the gaps in the nunes memo and is much more consistent with actually how the fbi obtains these things. It demonstrates that there was an investigation that existed prior to obtaining this fisa order that was independent of the steele dossier and that was also based on evidence of other cases relating to Russian Election interference. It discloses that the fbi did let the court know that the steele dossier had political backing and, you know, was someone who had worked with the fbi before and had been terminated. So this is this is consistent with how the department of justice and the fbi work in presenting these things. They do present a full picture and i think that the nunes memo was misleading and didnt provide the full picture. Former Trump Campaign aide rick gates pleaded guilty, not cooperating in the mueller probe. Do you see any real significance there . Yes. This is going to be yet another person that mueller is going to be able to talk to do get information. He already has michael flynn, he already has George Papadopoulos and now rick gates who is not only going to be able to provide mueller with information about manaforts activities and potentially give mueller even potentially more charges that could be brought against manafort at this point, who can bring more pressure to bear there, but remember that gate was also himself present at many meetings and also has firsthand knowledge of other workings of the campaign. So this is a big boon to mueller and his investigation and i think that to the extent that other people maybe in the cross hairs, they should be nervous right now. It has been dizzying, what just transpired in the last week and a half looking at the big picture. Ten days, you know, in the Mueller Investigation, the past ten days, you had 13 russians indicted for meddling, gates pleading guilty. Prosecutors adding new charges against Paul Manafort including conspiracy against the United States. In your view, where do you believe the Mueller Investigation is going . I believe that at its core, fredricka, i think muellers investigation really is going to expose the full breadth of russias attempts to interfere with our election. The indictment against the 13 nationals of russia and the three Companies Really gave the public a, you know, a big scope into how they did the propaganda and social media aspect of that operation, but there are still other fronts, potential hacking, there are, you know, attempts to compromise voting machines. I think he really wants to lay this out to the extent there were americans who were assisting in those efforts, i think you will see criminal charges there. But i think the big problem is to make this, you know, on the radar of americans that regardless of party, this is something we all need to be concerned about. All right, asha, thanks so much for that. Appreciate it. Thank you. It sounds simple. A phone call between two president s. Oh, but then it got really ugly. It ended with a canceled trip to visit the white house. Coming up, what does the contentious conversation say about the state of the u. S. And mexico relations . Thats next. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. Ancestrydna can pinpoint where your ancestors are from. And the paths they took to a new home. Could their journey inspire yours . Order your kit at ancestrydna. Com at the Marine Mammal center, the environment is everything. 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Here now, cnn Global Affairs analyst and former deputy secretary of state under president obama tony lincoln. How serious do you think north korea is about these talks . North korea is playing this hand very well. We had this olympic pause, it put on a very smiling face at the olympics, kind of gotten the upper hand. And the south korean president , president moon is eager to try to engage the North Koreans. The rhetoric that has come out of the United States, the threats, the potential for a bloody nose attack on north korea has sort of frightened the south koreans into wanting to engage more with the north to avoid that. And so we have very difficult moment because there say Charm Offensive by the north, the south korean president is susceptible to that. And we need to make sure that if even if he engages the north, keeps the pressure on, that is what ultimately is bringing them to the table. The economic pressure, the isolation that the Trump Administration pursued. Trying to navigate all of this will get very complicated. Does the norths offer, this latest offer, seem any more genuine because at the beginning of the olympic games, there was the invitation that perhaps the south would come to norths soil and actually have some dialogue. This is the second invitation of coming together here, in just a couple of weeks time. Is that a good indicator that north korea is really serious . I think the north is feel something pressure from the economic sanctions, that have been levied against it. The Security Council resolutions increased that pressure. And it is trying to get some relief. And it is trying to use the good marks it got in the olympics for showing up and putting on a smiling face to see if it can basically peel away the south koreans from the United States, to put some kind of leverage into breaking that relationship apart. Thats why this is such a challenging moment to navigate. I think we have to give president moon a little leeway to see if he can engage the North Koreans, but to do it in a way that doesnt remove the pressure that is what is bringing the North Koreans to the table. Lets talk about china. Where the government is paving the way for president xi to stay in power indefinitely. How worried should the u. S. Be about this kind of step toward authoritarianism. We have seen this really remarkable, xi jinping consolidating his power, making it clear hes going to pursue a third term, and basically doing away with term limits. It puts us in an interesting position because all at once we have a partner in xi jinping who has remarkable control over china and its destiny. It is going to possibly make him more assertive in everything hes doing in the region and around the world, we have to do two things. We have to somehow avoid these twin shoals on the one hand of confrontation in no ones interest and abdication, we cant let china set all the rules and the norms in the region. So somehow steering the ship with cooperation where we can and competition where we have to is where we have to go. I think the danger for xi jinping is as this power is consolidated, he overplays his hand, to say there are no checks on his power. No checks on his decisions. And if he makes a wrong move there is no one to tell him, stop, thats not a good idea. That could leave china in a difficult direction. This is going to be very interesting to navigate over the coming years. Lets talk about relationships between mexico and the u. S. It wasnt good, and now it seems to have worsened after reports that the mexican president Enrique Pena Neto canceled his trip after that very fiery 50minute phone call with the president. All over who is paying for that wall. So now what . This is another case where America First really is america alone. He could not come to the United States and visit without getting President Trump to make clear that mexico would not be paying for any wall. Public opinion in mexico is dead set against President Trump and the United States. The paying for the wall, the brow beating, bullying, renegotiation of nafta, all of that created a toxic public environment. So pena neto couldnt come here without getting that backdown from President Trump on the wall. President trump made clear he wasnt going to get it. The relationship with mexico is arguably one of the most important. 350 million legal crossings, every year, our second largest export market, and, of course, issues of crime and drugs, et cetera. We have to have an effective on going strong relationship with mexico starting at the top. So having this problem, having this roadblock, this wall, in the relationship, isnt good for either side. All right. Tony lincoln, thank you so much. The Trump Administration needs a new administrator at the faa and once again the president is turning to a familiar face to him from the Trump Organization to fill an important slot. Straight ahead, well hear who this person is and whether hes qualified for the job. Small business, internet providers promise you a lot. Lets see who delivers more. Comcast business offers fast gigspeeds across our network. At t doesnt. We offer more complete reliability with up to 8 hours of 4g Wireless Network backup. At t, no way. We offer 35 voice features and solutions that grow with your business. At t, not so much. Get internet on our gigspeed network and add voice and tv for 34. 90 more per month. Call 18005016000. Your only worry. Ty Customer First guarantee. Will be how to drink this monstrosity. Get help with hotels, free twentyfourhour flight changes, and our price match guarantee. Travelocity. ® wander wisely. ™ i look like most people. 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Talk to your doctor today. See if lyrica can help. The Trump Administration is looking for someone to head up the federal aviation administration, and at the top of the short list, Donald Trumps personal pilot, axios, reports that the president is pushing to have john duncan to lead the agency which oversees the countrys Civil Aviation and has a 16 billion budget. Joining me right now with details is cnn aviation and government regulation correspondent, renee marsh. Renee, what do you know about all this . So, fred, duncan oversaw the president s president ial campaign air fleet. Hes worked for the president as his pilot since the late 80s when, as you remember, trump launched his own Airline Company which later folded. Now, when talking to axios about this potential of, you know, duncan being chosen to head the faa, an official told axios that hes not just a pilot, but hes on the list to lead the agency because he and im quoting now he managed airline and corporate flight departments, he certified airplanes from startup under the faa regulations, and oversaw the trump president ial campaigns air fleet, which included managing all Aviation Transportation for travel to 203 cities and 43 states over the course of 21 months. So it is clear that the president thinks very highly of his longtime pilot. If you remember back in february of 2017 when the president met with top airline executives, he mentioned one of his most trusted sources of information about the nations Aviation System is his personal pilot. And the president actually said at the time, i have a pilot who is a real expert. Hes a smart guy. He knows whats going on. Well, duncan certainly does have experience as a pilot, but i have been speaking to several people within the industry today, and they really say that, you know, this may be a tough one to get through congress. Of course, he would have to be confirmed. They point out that being a pilot and running a agency like the faa, two totally different things, as you pointed out off the top. They have a 16 billion budget and they have thousands and thousands of employees. So there are many other issues that come along with running the agency beyond knowing, you know, how to manage an air fleet, essentially. Well leave it there. Renee marsh, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Meantime, were also keeping a close eye on the white house. Right now the president is meeting with the nations governors talking about how to stop gun violence in america in the wake of that School Shooting in florida. We should hear from the president at any moment. Also, were expecting to hear from first lady melania trump. Shell be making her first Public Comments of the year. Were told that shell talk about the florida School Shooting and gun violence in america. Im fredricka whitfield. Well bring you that and more after this. Booking a flight at the last minute doesnt have to be expensive. Just go to priceline. Its the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40 . Just tap and go. For the best savings on flights, go to priceline. Welcome to inside politics. Im john king. Thank you for sharing your day with us. Were waiting to hear from the president of the United States. Hes speaking as we speak right now at the white house, meeting with governors, sharing his proposals on gun control with dozens of governors around the country who are meeting here in washington. Again, we expect video remarks any minute. Were also going to hear this hour from the first lady, melania trump. She, too, will give her views on gun control. In a bit well hear from reporters in the room of what

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