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So our hearts go out to everybody whos going to be suffering down here for an unforeseeably long time. Kate . Absolutely. Bill, thank you so much, bringing us that really amazing perspective from the waters along the keys, as weve been traveling there. Joining me now to get some more perspective, Monroe County county commissioner, heather caruthers, the county that covers the keys. Thank you so much for jumping on. Can you hear me . I sure can. Thanks, kate. Whats the latest youre hearing today on search and recovery and how its going in your county . I can tell you the recovery effort seems to be going really well. Literally, as i was waiting to speak with you win got a phone call from a very close friend that i havent been in contact with. Its great to know that were starting to get cell service back, so ive seen cell service now from key west and also someone in marathon. That is huge. Hopefully people can start communicating with their friends and their loved ones. You know, were working on energy in the city of key west. We have power now to the hospital, the Airport Grocery stores, the Senior Center and even home depot and expect to make more progress there. In terms of water, we do have water from key lar go now to marathon. If youre not getting water in your home and youre one of the folks that have come back in the upper keys, its a good chance that the problem is actually a broken pipe in your yard, when trees fall over, they break pipes all over the place. Weve got a ton of work going on. There are going to be about 2,000 National Guard in there within a day. Weve got 40 crews working on energy, throughout the keys. Weve repaired the washout that we had at mile marker 74 for u. S. 1. And we should have another lane raerpd that was damaged at mile marker 34 today. Our crews are doing cut and toss work all along the highways. Were really making a lot of progress. But its still extremely uncomfortable. We do not have power, particularly to these most devastated areas in the lower keys, and its going to be a long time before we get water there, as well. So were just asking folks to hold on and i appreciate bill taking a boat down to the keys, but he needs to be really careful, because theres a lot of submerged debris, loose buoys, boats that have capsized and sunk in our relatively shallow waters. We are discouraging anyone from boating into the keys and if you must go to key west, understand theres a safety zone around key west and youre going to have to be in touch with the authorities there before you can enter the harbor. All great points and thats wonderful to hear. 2,000 National Guard thats going to be down there within a day. Thats going to be a welcome sight to everyone throughout the keys. Let me ask you, you have questioned some of the estimates that fema has put out on the on how many homes and properties that have been damaged or destroyed in the keys. When do you think, commissioner, that youll have a clear sense of the damage throughout the county . Well, we have staff thats starting right now going theyre going to be going doortodoor and investigating the structural integritity of all the homes that were impacted. You know, most of the city of key west, where, you know, we have the greatest concentration of population, most of the city of key west is structurally in tact. So we know as a percentage of the keys, thats a good chunk that withstood this storm quite well. We know there are pockets throughout the keys, and particularly in the upper keys that did pretty well. One of my other commissioners, i guess, had power through the entire storm. She was in her home in tavernier. So it really is a casebycase basis. A lot of what happens in hurricanes is you get these spinoff tornadoes that can literally take out one house and leave the house next to it in tact. Just as john said earlier, he was probably surprised that the damage was spotty, depending on where youre looking. So its going to take us a couple of weeks to really get a full estimate of the damage. Commissioner, whats your advice . One man who was talking to cnn earlier said he rode out the storm and he said, stay away for two weeks, at least, from how, you know, what hes been kind of living through. If folks have evacuated and theyre itching to get back, whats your advice . Do it or do you recommend still, stay out for now . Well, depends on where you are. In the upper keys, again, utilities are coming back a little bit better. Weve already opened the highway to mile marker 74. So, you can come back. Be prepared that youre going to be roughing it and the gentlemen was right, we dont have fuel. Thats a big issue. Most of the fuel that were getting in now, we need to use for all of our emergency vehicles and our recovery vehicles. So thats going to be a big issue. We will probably open sections of the keys in stages, but we want to make sure that everybody is safe. Even though we may get power and water in some places, because both the power and water come through the lower keys, we need to make sure that all those lines are cleared before their energized. Because we will be energizing transmission lines before the distribution lains and some of those distribution lines are down. And water and electricity dont mix. So weve got that issue. We want to get a lot of this debris out of the way before people come back. So just be patient, understand that weve got additional Law Enforcement patrolling. We are doing everything we can to clean up, to get back on our feet, and to open this. Because, look, im not in key west right now. I have small kids, i left. I am dying to get back. Dying to get back to help out. My home is in pretty good shape, but theres so much that we want to do to help. Just be patient. And Pay Attention to what were trying to tell you. Commissioner, really appreciate you coming on. Youve been making yourself available to cnn to give us updates and we really appreciate it. Thank you so much. Well continue to be in touch. Thank you. Byebye. So more than 38,000 federal personal are helping with the government response to irma, including many members of the coast guard. Joining me now for more perspective on that, captain jeffrey januassen, a commander the coast guards key west sector. Commander, can you hear me . Yeah, good morning, kate. How are you . Im very well. Thank you so much for jumping on. Youve been in the air quite often surveying the damage over the keys. How bad is it . What are you seeing . First of all, i wanted to let you know that the coast guard parties, first and foremost, are lifesaving search and rescue and martime Law Enforcement. I was on a navy h670 helicopter yesterday surveying the port. I can tell you literally probably hundreds of sunken vessels around key west. As captain of port, i need to ensure that the waterway is safe for both commercial and recreational vessels before i hope it. The port is closed at this time. But once i get the survey done, thats basically where you come in, i can see above on the flight, i could see above the approaches into key west, but what i cant see is underneath the water. We have some assets right now that are looking, the channel right now. If there are any obstructions, well try to get those out of there. But once the channel is open, that is my job to get that channel both open. It is kind of dire down here. Obviously, you heard some of the things, no food, no water. My base at sector key west was damaged pretty heavily. The base in there where Fast Response cutters six, they got out of here in time for the storm, which was good. Those vessels are will not be able to return immediately until i get until i can get mine open. But theres a lot of navy here, department of defense. Were doing really woith the federal, state, and local partnerships. The partnerships are outstanding. Have been working with Monroe County, as well. My area of responsibility includes the entire 55,000 square miles that covers all the florida keys. So his folk have said great, as well. But its a dire situation. The good news is, the resources are coming. Were getting food, were getting water. Were reconstituting sector key west. Were reconstituting the port of key west, but its going to take a little time. I would ask people to be patient. And right now were only if any coast guard families are listening, because we had to evacuate about 500 families out of the keys to orlando, just please let them know that at this time, only missionessential personnel are to return to key west. We have hotel rooms for folks up in orlando and theyre being some of my staff is up there watching them, as well. Were okay up here. We survived the storm. The coast guard is always ready and were going to do what were good at. And thats, were going to save lives and protect the port. Captain, so many important pieces of information you just passed along, especially to other coast guard families. Thank you so much. I dont want to keep you from your mission. Thank you so much for jumping on the phone. Well jump back in with you especially as you get those ports back open. And if any way, shape, or form, try to get some sleep. The port is closed. Please, whether its a dingy or a larger vessel, we cant have people going through the channel. When i did the overflight yesterday, there was massive sailboats sticking out of the water. Very, very dangerous. So please, please. I know people are getting anxious, but please do not get underway and try to get into the port of key west, because it is closed at this time. Well spread the word as much as we can. Captain, thank you so much. Thank you. Well have much more of our special coverage onned th this including chaos in the caribbean. Many still seeking food, water, shelter, after the storm essentially flattened several islands, including the u. S. Virgin islands. What one woman is facing now. Plus, some Major Political developments we need to bring to you, including a meeting happening any moment now between the president and republican senator tim scott. You will recall, it was tim scott who made headlines very recently when he said that the president compromised his moral authority with his response to the violence until charlottesville. Whats going to happen today . Details on that just ahead. And breaking news on the former fbi director, james comey. The department of justice is now blocking Senate Investigators from talking to two fbi agents in connection with the president s firing of the former fbi director. Whats going on there . Thats coming up. You dont let anything lkeep you sidelined. 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It has been very traumatic, even being on the streets after, and constantly hearing sirens and seeing military personnel on the ground, that is not something i want to experience again. I want to show you some nasa images from space that show just how hard the blow was from irma. Literally, transforming this string of caribbean islands. St. Thomas, st. John, tortola, virgin gorda, transformed from lush and green paradises that we all know to what looks like brown wastelands. In the video that you see, it looks just like that. Cnns cyril vanier is on the dutch side of st. Martin, where it was cruelly hardest hit. Cyril, what are you seeing . You just got in late last night. I was watching your live shot. Tell me what you got. Reporter kate, i want to show you essentially what its like to be on the ground, of those satellite images you just showed our viewers. You just said, you know, it looks like wasteland. This is it. This is it. It doesnt require a whole lot of explanation on my part. This hotel is 250 rooms. Its unclear that its ever going to be able to rebuilt. This was the dining area. Anybody who was in this building was in danger. All the windows, martin, lets pan over here, if you can. If yuou were in this building, all those windows were blown out. So that was dangerous. Just remind you of the death toll. Four people died from Hurricane Irma on this side of the, of st. Martin island. 38 total across the caribbean. There is some good news that a couple of gas stations are reopening and some supermarkets are said to be reopening. I wont believe it until i see it, but thats what we were informed of by some authorities last night. That means, slow, incremental progress, every day. Maybe a little bit more water, maybe a little bit more food. But youve still got to go looking for it. Its not being handed out. People are still living on the food that they purchased before the hurricane, that they stock up on. Kate, just one last thing i want to get in there, because ill be getting messages about people who want to help the caribbean, when they see this devastation. Go to our website, cnn. Com impactyourworld. As we do for these kind of stories, we vet charities and organizations to which you can donate to help this situation. Kate . Absolutely. Best plug to make right now, cyril. Thank you so much. Be safe. Well be coming back to you. I want to go now. Hes in st. Martin, but i want to go now to the u. S. Virgin islands, home to more than 100,000 people. St. John was very hard hit by the storm. Many are still in need of food and shelter and help, truly. Country music singer countr music star kenny chesney, he actually has a home on the island. Hes been there for years. He was not on the island at the time of the storm, but was able to shelter about some 17 people at his home. One of them spoke to cnn along with chesney. Listen to this. Its really just so many emotions running through my head and through my heart. The rebuilding is not going to be measured within a few days or a few weeks or a few months. Its going to be measured in years, sadly enough. Its been terrifying. The scariest thing ive ever been through in my entire life. Joining me now is ann bequet, she also ran out the storm in chesneys home. Ann, can you hear me . Yes, hi, kate, how are you . So happy to hear your voice and to have you on. We have been hearing some dire stories coming out of the islands and st. John was so hard hit. Ann, what are you seeing there . Right now im looking out over camille bay, which is pretty much completely destroyed. I heard yesterday, theyre looking to maybe reopen in two to three years. Thats how bad the damage was there. Im looking at one leaf on a tree and trees are blown up the mountain because of the tornado and the winds that hit when it hit this little area that i used to call home. Pretty devastating to look around. And thats one of the things, ann. It may seem small relative to all of the Property Damage and destruction, but it is just so striking to see how all of the vegetation just seems wiped out. The Green Landscape that is so beautiful and lush that everyone loves in this paradise is now brown. Mmhmm. Its horrific. Im a wedding photographer, but my career is over on this island. Like, theres not going to be any weddings here anytime soon. Thats for sure. Were looking at i mean, i understand that florida are all hurting as well and my heart goes out to all of those affected. But ive heard from some of the states that theyre looking at a few weeks without power and were looking at next year. Its going to take so much time and so much help and we need so many more resources than whats coming in right now. You mentioned, you live on the island, youre a wedding photographer. Are you going to are you going to leave the island . Are you going to stick around . What are your plans right now . I actually started felt this urge in calling to document this from the day before the storm hit to while we were in the bunker room, while i was crying, while i couldnt it was the only thing that kept me sane, even for a minute at a time, was to film and take photos of everything thats been going on. I got up the next morning and hiked into town in the pouring rain with a couple of the people that help eed save my life and s just in tears at the zraux adesn and little kids running around and people without homes. Like, im fortunate enough to have been where ive been, but so many of my friends have lost everything. And their businesses, like, their boats are sunk. Theyre underwater, its gone. They just lost everything. I know im so sorry. I know youre stay you were staying at Kenny Chesneys house when the storm came through. How is your house . I was actually in the middle of moving. I havent checked on my new apartment, where all my clothes are. I havent gotten in contact with that landlord yet. Im really hoping hes okay. The roads have just started to be officially cleared in that area for me to even go there and check, but theres just other priorities that ive been trying to take care of, by helping people in town and helping, you know, the guys that i am with. Theyre designating their own roadclearing teams and actually out there right now trying to clear out in coral pay. Theres still many families that havent been heard from yet. And communication is so limited, i dont even know how i have a signal right now, to be honest, because so many others dont. Im kind of the team lead as far as communicating messages from sorry, a helicopter, might get a little loud. I dont mean to put a fine point on it, ann, but st. John is a u. S. Territory. The United States is and weve heard from a lot of folks who are concerned that the islands are just getting forgotten in how much devastation it is. Do you feel forgotten . Do you feel safe . Is help getting there . I i mean, im not down in town at the docks where the ports are now officially open and running short, limited, you know, ferries and stuffs like that. But im not seeing fema anywhere. I dont really see a strong presence. Ive been asking everyone, but them going out and doing road clearing and getting medical supplies together and we do feel forgotten. We do need a lot of help. We need federal organizations and coordination. Theres no federal Emergency Management right now and all of these groups that are coming together, just local residents trying to create order and help cant communicate with each other. So we need one main goal and one director to help us with that. We need food, we need water, we need propane for generators. We need, you know, tons of resources and medical supplies. Theres women with broken hips being turned away from the clinic because theyre not a lifeordeath situation right now. And the hospital in st. Thomas was, from what i understand, pretty much completely destroyed. There were patients that didnt make it during the storm being transferred from icu, i was told. So theres just [ inaudible ] and its just, you dont even know where to start. Thats why we just need federal Emergency Management down here. We need a lot of help. And i feel like were being completely overlooked. I feel like st. John is just a dot on the map to some people, but there are so many lives down here that need help from you guys and from the states. So were hoping to shed light on that by doing as many interviews as we can and thats all we really can do from here right now, other than, you know, immediate cleanup and search and rescue teams and getting what we can. There are people on the islands that are in the states for vacation and are calling us, go to my apartment, take what you need, take whatever you need. Before the looters get there. So weve been going to random apartments and getting their favorite belongings and just supplies and food and water that you can. So were just salvaging whatever we can right now, until major help gets here. Oh, ann, thank you so much for getting on the phone and telling your story and being the voice for so many in st. John. Thank you so much for bringing it to us. Our hearts are breaking. People are listening. And a well continue to bring your stories. Thank you so much for what youre doing. I really appreciate it. Thank you, kate. Thanks for listening. Of course. Much more of our special coverage on Hurricane Irma and the devastation she left in her path. That is coming up. Also, we have breaking news on two Major Political stories developing right now. Any moment, President Trump will be meeting with republican senator tim kaine. Of course, this is after im so sorry, republican senator tim scott after scott, of course, blasted the president s response to the violence in charlottesville. What will be the tropic de jure today . What will he tell the president today . Details on that, ahead. Plus, the department of justice is now blocking Senate Investigators to talking to two fbi agents in connection with the president s firing of james comey. Thats coming up. At ally, werel Financial Services right. But if thats not enough, we have 7500 allys looking out for one thing, you. Call in the next ten minutes to save on. And if thats not enough, well look after your every dollar. Put down the phone. And if thats not enough, well look after your every cent. Grab your wallet. Access denied. And if thats still not enough to help you save. Ooo i need these well just bring out the snowplow. You dont need those well do anything, seriously anything, to help our customers. Thanks. Ally. Do it right. All right. Cnn has breaking news on two separate investigations into the Trump Administration right now. One involving the president s firing of james comey. The former fbi director, of course. The other involving the president s former National Security adviser, michael flynn, and his ties to russia. Cnns senior congressional correspondent, manu raju, is joining me now from capitol hill with details on both fronts. So manu, first, this breaking news on the firing of james comey. What are you learning . Thats right. The Senate Judiciary committee actually wants to interview two senior fbi officials who probably have firsthand knowledge of exactly what happened around the firing of james comey. And all the circumstances around it. But, the Justice Department is not allowing that to happen. They are citing the special counsels investigation into the russian collusion issue as well as other related matters, possibly even obstruction of justice. Now, that is a sign that perhaps Robert Mueller is looking at very closely. The issues of comeys firing, because the Justice Department is saying that they do not want to interfere in any way with what Robert Mueller is doing, which is why they are not allowing these vibindividuals t come forward. These two individuals, james ririb i ribi cki. They said that this was up to the special counsels office and the special counsel said they would not comment. Theres an escalating turf war of capitol hill and the three committees that are independently investigating what happened during the elections and any possible obstruction of justice, as well as Robert Muellers investigation. Mueller, we know, wants to get information about that donald trump jr. Interview that happened before the Senate Judiciary Committee Last week. But the Judiciary Committee is saying they cannot give unfettered access to the transcript of that interview until the full Senate Approves that. Theyre citing a Longstanding Senate rule. So youre seeing this happen on multiple fronts, not just with the donald trump jr. Interview, but also this james comey firing. The Judiciary Committee suggesting that they may look into other measures, if they do not voluntarily comply with coming forward to interview these two senior officials. Well see if subpoenas are on the table as well, kate. And we would like to see things speed up and reach a conclusion. This surely is slowing things down. You also have new reporting on the former National Security adviser, michael flynn. Flynn is refusing to cooperate with the Senate Intelligence investigation. But theres now new ties to russia. Did we just lose manu . All right, were having some technical issues. We just lost manu raju on capitol hill. Well get back to that. All right, coming up for us, any moment, President Trump will meet with republican senator tim scott. This is after scott blasted the president s response to the violence in charlottesville. What will the message be to the president today . A lot going on at the white house. Lets get some details. Thats coming up. Mail and pack. And its also a story about people and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you fotheres a seriousy boomers virus out there thats been almost forgotten. Its hepatitis c. One in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most dont even know it. Because it can hide in your body for years without symptoms, and its not tested for in routine blood work. The cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested. If you have hep c, it can be cured. For us its time to get tested. Ask your Healthcare Provider for the simple blood test. Its the only way to know for sure. Any moment now, President Trump will be meeting with republican senator tim scott to discuss the president s response to the violence in charlottesville, virgin last month. Senator scott, the only africanamerican republican serving in the senate made headlines when he came out to criticize the president s response. Scott saying that the president had compromised his moral authority in how he had responded to the protests and the violence. Congress today is sending a resolution to the white house, condemning the charlottesville violence. It will be on the president s desk. Lets go to the white house right now. Cnn White House Reporter Kaitlan Collins is there. So what do we know about this meeting . Reporter its definitely going to be a little bit of an awkward meeting here, kate. Senator tim scott is someone who was an ally and supporter of trumps throughout the election last year and since hes been in office. But he did not mince words in response to what the president said about charlottesville after trump remarked that there was violence on both sides. Senator scott said that was something that he simply couldnt defend. So we know that one purpose of his meeting here today at the white house with the president today is that he wants the president to understand what its like to someone whos experienced racism for first hand and the agony of that. Thats the message hell be trying to get across to the president today. Well have more details of that meeting thats taking place right now here at the white house. But it really highlights the president s overall struggle with his relationship with lawmakers on capitol hill, not just as a whole, but especially with africanamericans lawmakers. You know that the Congressional Black Caucus declined to meet with the president and just this week, as you mentioned just a second ago, the house and the Senate Passed that resolution thats going to go to the president s desk, asking him to sign it, that condemns white supremacy. So it definitely shows its a pretty blunt message from capitol hill that they did not like the way the president responded to charlottesville. Absolutely. All right, kaitlin, one other meeting that just popped up, House Democratic leader nancy pelosi and Senate Democratic leader chuck schumer, meeting with the president today. What are you hearing about this . The white house has confirmed that both of the Democratic Leaders will be here for dinner with the president tonight at the white house. We hear that the dream act is something that theyre hoping to discuss with the president. Thats the proposed legislation that would essentially protect those undocumented immigrants who benefited from daca, the program the president decided to rescind last week. But this also comes after the president shocked republicans when he struck a deal with nancy pelosi this shortterm deal. Its the first time theyre meeting again facetoface since that last week. Lets see if any more deals come out of this meeting. Thank you so much. Joining me now to discuss more from capitol hill is, republican congressman dave virginia. Thanks for coming in. Thanks. You heard her talking about the pleating with scott and congress is sending over to the white house this resolution to the president to sign as soon as possible condemning the white nationalists at the charlottesville rally and call ath death of heather higher a comess tick terror attack. Do you have any doubt that the president will sign it. I dont think so. I think its great he met with senator scott. We need to lay out the clear case. Fascism requires a total state. Republicans bant a small state. Those groups are not conservative in any way, shape or form. Hitler and the nazis, the third reich, the first was constantine it, then charlemagne. The third is the antithesis of the judeochristian values. Were all opposed. Weve spoken in the strongest terms. Its an affront to everything republicans believe in fiscally and morally and historically and philosophically. Its about that clear, right . We stand for the judeochristian tradition, love came out of that at about the year zero in the western canon. We all stand on that foundation. Congressman, and the resolution itself is very clear. It was a joint resolution by the senate and the house, joint resolution of Congress Going to the president s desk. But theres a reason. You wouldnt need a resolution if maybe it wasnt so clear where the president stood. If he does nothing, just go with me on this, if he does nothing with this symbolic resolution, it would still go into effect in ten days. If he does nothing, what had that say . I dont know. You can ask him that. I just know my position. Hes condemned all the racists, the kkk, the fascist groups. Hes condemned every group there is. But lets codify it, put it on paper, make it formal. And institutionally we need to do those things because the country doesnt stand for any of that. I want to ask you a little bit about the Hurricane Relief effort and what were seeing out of florida, the islands as well as texas and louisiana. Moody analytics came out with an estimate that the cost of the two storms from property loss and lost output, the two together could be between 150 billion and 200 billion. If you dont get a straight, in the coming days or weeks, if its not a straight Hurricane Relief bill, are you going to vote against that hurricane funding, as well . No, i mean, that hasnt even come up yet. I dont know what were concerned about theyre likely to need more federal funding. The first bit was described as a first amount that was going to go to hurricane funding. You have to approve more. You know what i mean . Every republican last week just to be clear on this, right . Every republican was going to vote for Hurricane Relief. Every republican was going to vote for raising the debt ceiling. The problem was the intellectually questionable linkage between the two and saying we have to protect the Treasury Bill or something absurd like that. Right . We were all going to vote for all of that. But it was linking it together with no statement on fiscal discipline moving forward. The National Debt just crossed 20 trillion this week. Right. So you ended up voting for, you say you support both, funding for hurricane victims and raising the debt ceiling as long as but those need to be separate. You ended up voting against that deal that was struck by the president , but thats the important bit of this. This deal that you voted against, this is a deal that was struck by the republican president and democrats. Just so you got it straight, i voted for the Hurricane Relief the week before. The same number. You voted for the Hurricane Relief. You ended up voting against the entire package that ended up being approved, ended up being the final vehicle. You ended up voting no on the end on the final vehicle. That final vehicle, that final package was struck, that deal was struck by the republican president. Yeah, and our leadership. I made it very clear, i thought it was intellectually not sustainable. I made it clear on that linkage of putting a clean debt ceiling package which we never would have even put on president obamas desk on a republicans desk. And most of the republicans in the conference shared that view. And so who is to blame for this intellectual dishonesty, if you will . Whoever came up with a plan. Whats always left out from this is the 20 trillion. Does the president youre asking me for my view. I get your view. No, i dont have a view. The context here. You and i understand the context of debt ceiling. I understand truly understand your position on the debt ceiling and why you want to have a debate on spending cuts to go with it. Were 20 trillion in debt. And we have 100 trillion, right . I was just at my convocations back home with the kids. The kipder gartners are in the class of 2030 they told me. They will graduate from college in 2034. If you do know the context, that is the year that medicare and Social Security are insolvent. I dont think people do know the context. Otherwise there would be more urgency and they wouldnt put up with the nonsense on the fiscal front. If the press would weigh in on what the damage, its a guaranteed fiscal crisis in 2034, guaranteed in law, im on the budget committee. We cant touch it. You got to pass it in law. So thats the context. And so with that, you askedsk the average voter how you should vote on a clean debt ceiling increase with no physical discipline, the whole country is 90 . To my question, does the president deserve some blame here because hes the one who struck the deal . Yeah, on that issue, i totally disagree. Congressman dave brat, always too many questions and not enough time. Get me on for tax. I want to do tax. Thats next. Then we talked over each other. Other breaking news is out of florida. That will be tomorrow. Thanks, i appreciate it. You bet. Breaking news out of florida. There are now six people confirmed dead at a nursing home in hollywood, florida. We started the hour with five people dead just to make this clear. We now are confirming its six people dead out of this nursing home in florida. Police say theyre treating it as a criminal investigation and they believe at least now that the deaths are somehow in part linked to the loss of power in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma. Well have more details on this coming up. I have agerelated maculare degeneration, amd, he told me to look at this grid every day. And we came up with a plan to help reduce my risk of progression, including Preservision Areds 2. My doctor said Preservision Areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula the National Eye Institute recommends to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd after 15 years of clinical studies. Preservision areds 2. Because my eyes are everything. Wheyou wantve somto protect it. E, at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. With an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Welcome to inside politics. Im john king. Thanks for sharing your day with us. Irmas death toll is rising. Millions of homes and businesses still without power. The keys are devastated. As residents complain help it hard to come by, the fema director says they have only themselves to blame. Citizens are frustrated about not being able to get the support they need right now, thats exactly why we asked them to leave. The House Speaker says hes confident President Trump stands with conservatives as washington turns its focus to tax reform. But some republicans are worried the president is suddenly so eager to deal and dine with democrats. The president came out immediately and says listen, this is not a tax cut for the rich. Im not going to get a tax cut nor any of the wealthy super 1 percenters will g

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