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And south korea held joint military exercises youre seeing there in response to the launch. And just before the g20 summit in germany which takes on an even greater urgency now. President trump set the arrive, facing his biggest Foreign Policy issue yet. U. S. Officials now say this latest launch was a brandnew missile thats not been seen before. What are you hearing . Reporter thats right. The assessment is intelligence shows this was a twostage rocket. A look quit section which because familiar to u. S. Officials, the other one something new, and they believe that is how it could potentially reach those extreme heights and if fired in a normal trajectory could reach the shores of alaska. This Intercontinental Ballistic Missile test is certainly raising the temperature here on the Korean Peninsula and showing widespread calls from the koreans, from the americans to push pyongyang to stop this march toward nuclear power. As you said, there will be these meetings at the u. N. Where the u. S. And south korea and others will try and push the potentially new sanctions against north korea. But china and russia having none of it. They say there needs to be talk rather than just the talk of sanctions. All right. David mckenzie, thanks for that update. It is all about Foreign Policy today, north korea taking its threats to dangerous new level just as the World Leaders get ready for the g20 summit in hamburg, germany, and the facetoface meeting between President Trump and Vladimir Putin. President trump is on his way. Cnns Nic Robertson is already there in hamburg. Nic, President Trump is already facing a series of issues on his way there. Reporter he needs to win the support of xi jinpings support, the chinese president s report. But its been going downhill in the past week. Weapons sales in taiwan has been part of that. Sanctions on the chinese bank have been part of that. There are many other elements. Theres a meeting with president putin. We knew that syria, ukraine would be the topics. But hearing today from the kremlin, they think there wont be enough time for president putin to explain everything about ukraine. I think if you read between the lines, they know that President Trump is not going to give them any ground on ukraine. Syria taking a slightly different tone saying we want to talk about piece. The estonia peace talks which i have to say syrians involved in that process dont have any faith and the russians are pushing that process saying theyll help the United States fighting terrorism inside syria. We know about that already. They dont target terrorists so much as the opposition forces. Thats the meat of that. One surprise today, a major weekly newspaper in germany had quotes from the german chancellor Angela Merkel. This is sort of a full frontal on the trade issue aimed precisely at President Trump when he arrives here. We know there are major differences, personal differences between them. She said, look, on globalization, the United States sees it in a different way than us. They see it as winners and losers. We see it as it should be win win. The United States has a view where a few people should profit. She of course, remembering shes running in elections here wants to see a more equitable resolution to what happens in the world. Thats a lot on President Trumps plate. There are other issues but thats some of the big ones, ana. Thats a big one. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson saying the u. S. Will enact stronger measures against the regime. What does that mean . What options are on the table . Joining us, james lewis of the james martyn center for nonproliferation studies. Also with us is former security official with the Bush Administration Michael Allen now with beacon global strategies. I want to show you a tweet from President Trump just this morning. Trade between china and north korea grew almost 40 in the first quarter. So much for china working with us. But we had to give it a try. This on the sanctions last week, making the arms deal with taiwan Nic Robertson mentioned. What happened to this relationship with being friends and now getting tough . Well, i thit was always a little bit of a fantasy frankly that this would somehow work out for the United States, that china would solve our north korean problem for us. I think whats happened is the president found the talking point he liked. He repeated it a lot and it didnt work out and now we have unhappy trump on twitter. Russia and china are almost teaming up, almost against trump. They put out a statement. It was as much about the u. S. As it was about north korea calling on both sides to deescalate. Michael, what do you make of that . I definitely thought it was an effort to plug further negotiations. I think china would prefer, frankly, sort of a status quo, whereas, the United States, i think, needs to raise this and is raising this as the mumbere one issue in bilateral relationship, to say to china, to pressure china so we can have greater leverage over the chinese so that they might in turn apply that toward north korea. Weve tried this with iran. Weve had a lot of success. We were able to get a nuclear deal. Some may disagree with it. Nonetheless, we had some leverage. Its time to do the iranianian styled sanctions against north korea to see if theres any way to change the cal clus because the military options are just too grievous to consider. Jeffrey, do you agree that thats the way forward . I think it is part of the way forward. I am less optimistic that sanctions are going to convince the North Koreans to come to a settlement. The North Koreans are much further along. They now have an icbm that can reach the United States. While putting pressure on north korea, at the end of the daying, were going to have to accept that. Theyre calling an emergency u. N. Meeting. Do you think north korea even cares, jeffrey, or is this maybe what north korea wants . They dont care. In fact, it is what they want. Ultimately if you look at the north korean regime, dheejt have a lot terribly going for them. The only argument they have for why their government is an effective argument is because of their missile programs. They dont run from the tension. They seek to stoke the tension. They seek provocation. I think we are going to have to come around to this idea that north korea is a nuclear arms state and as much as we dont like the wording of that, with very to deal that they are. How close are they to putting a nuclear tip on it . Last year. I think last year they conducted a nuclear test that was for that purpose. It was their fifth nuclear test. No country has done five Nuclear Tests and has not been able to do it. I dont think its a threat in the future. Its a threat now. Remember the tweet in january . This is january 2nd where he writes north korea just stated its in the final stages of developing a Nuclear Weapon that can reach the United States. It wont happen. President trump promised he wouldnt allow north korea to advance with it. With the newest nuclear test, does he now own this problem . We the United States does own this problem. That tweet was a little confounding. His tweet was his way of saying ive elevated the issue. This is an issue whose time has come. We cant kick the can down the road anymore. Mattis, secretary of defense who was traveling in the region calls them a clear and present danger. Theres definitely a danger to ramp up. I agree with jeffrey, it us not look pretty even with coercive sanctions regime in the future for the reasons that he stated, but i think weve got to try. I think weve got to limit the currency that goes into north korea and really see if we can change the leverage equation to make them care, and the only way theyll do that, we assess, is if china seeks to, you know, expert maeks mum pressure. So thats got to be the play. Its been the idea for years, but weve got to put it into action now. I mean it does seem like there has been an advancement in their rhetorics since this current president took office and theres been an aggression on both sides that will continue to go up and up and up. Income, jeffrey, in trumps tweet we read in january, north korea to our count has conducted upwards of ten missile launches. In fact, kim jongun tested more missiles in his last year than his father conducted in his entire reign. What could send him over the edge . I have a colleague at the nonproliferation studies who has been studying this. North korea has been testing at an incredible clip. I think they have a strategy to use Nuclear Weapons on the first day of war. Unlike gadhafi and iran and libya, they plan to go nuclear. What we have to worry about in sending him over the edge is if he has no way out. If he feels like its a military operation and hed rather go first than end up like saddam. Lets talk about the first facetoface meeting between Vladimir Putin and President Trump. Hear why putin and not the president may be the one bringing up election meddling. Plus, a Justice Department employee quit over the president s, quote, stunning behavior. Hear what she says is the tipping point. And a new York Police Officer and a mother of three ambushed inside her car. Why the nypd says theres evidence this was an assassination. Whoooo. Looking for a hotel that fits. Your budget . Tripadvisor now searches over 200 sites to find you the hotel you want at the lowest price. Grazie, gino find a price that fits. Tripadvisor. Honey, we do . We need to talk. I took the trash out. 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You know, it tells me that they want at least symbolically to make this count, that they want this to look important because Vladimir Putin really wants russia to be on the stage as a country that helps to solve issues around the world, that they are the country that really kind of one of the deciders now, and so even this meeting, just the mere fact that its happening is important for Vladimir Putin. When you get into the details, thats where i think a lot of doubts come up. They know compared to President Trump who has been in power for 17 years in russia, putin knows these issues down pat. Hes got them down pat. Mr. Trump does not. Mr. Trump also and i think its significant today with north korea and china. Mr. Trump can change his mind. So i dont think they want to get locked into anything specifically with trumple they can leave that later on to people who work in the administration. But what they want is, you know, russias important, putins important, and theyre on the stage that and, chris, the president S National Security adviser also does not want to commit to a specific agenda. Hes saying right now its going to be whatever the president wants to talk about. Do we know what the goal is for President Trump in this meeting . Not really. See, that i think sorry, jill. H. R. Mcmaster is smart in that hes dealing with the fact that donald trump usually doesnt operate on an agenda. When he says were going to cover up this ground opens up the possibility it wont get covered. For many republicans in washington, what they would hope donald trump does is offer a stern sort of talking to, warning to Vladimir Putin regarding the election meddling, that this cant happen again, you know, we have ample evidence that you guys did this. Im skeptical that this will happen, but, remember, Donald Trumps brand is sort of being tough. He billed himself as being someone tough that barack obama in his mind wouldnt be. Are you saying you wouldnt be surpri be surprised if he brought up election meddling many. I would be surprised because with his brand, i see no evidence of trump being willing to to that even with Vladimir Putins face on it. Hes certainly the one voice within the Republican Party and among the elected officials to say, well, yeah, most things suggest it was him, but will not issue the strong condemnations weve heard from virtually every other republican other elected republican official. Would he do it . Sure. But given that he hasnt done it yet, i guess i would be sur praised. Thats it. Im surprised daily about things that donald trump says and does, so i wouldnt be surprised if he did take that approach. Let me ask you, jill. Would it be putin who may bring up the russian meddling . They were involved involving the obama administration. I think vladimir wouldnt want to bring it up because it goes nowhere. The russians and Vladimir Putin says we didnt do it, end of story. All of this, the hearings and investigations are all part of american political hysteria, so i dont think he would want to waste his time doing that. I think if donald trump wanted to bring it up, putin would do what he always did, which is he will ram right back and say, hey, you do the same thing to us because right now in moscow theyre having hearings their own parliament about american interference in russian domestic politics. So thats not really going to get anywhere. I mean i think what they would like to do is get somewhere in syria, work on syria, work on some antiterror coalition going, maybe get into nuclear issues. That is really important. But i think their expectations are very low because they realize that this administration so far does not really have a russian policy. They have bits of it. They have issues. But they dont really have a strategic longterm approach to russia. Listen, they could say, we met, it was a good meeting, a productive meeting. I think the emotional tone is very important because if donald trump is nice and kind and friendly to Vladimir Putin, its going to back fire domestically. Its so easily scrutinized not just for the tone but the context. In the context of what happened last tight when President Trump met with the russians, the stakes are even higher now. Remember the infamous oval office meeting. There was classified intelligence sharing, russians were laughing about it. In fact, i want to play a spot and remind viewers of how that exchange happened when they talked about when the russians were asked about this meeting itself. Watch. You saw the reaction by the Putin Administration laughing how his administration if there were secrets exchanged, they didnt fill him in. It was very much coming across as they have the upper hand, chris, with that interaction whereas the president of the us was getting slapped on the hand if not more. Two things. Context matters, ana. Context matters in that image ha you show. Remember, that was the same meeting in which donald trump said he sort of had a great burden lifted with the firing of jim comey. He referred to jim comey as a nut job in that meeting as well. But also the fact that, you know, we dont really know what donald trump looks like on the world stage with someone who, as jill noted, is very skilled and practiced at this. This not Vladimir Putins first rodeo on Something Like this. I think as much as what they say, how they look, the body language, we know this is a thing with donald trump with the politics of the handshake onward, i think all of that stuff will be scrutinized and rightly scrutinized because Vladimir Putin gets it. He gets this is theater at some level, and he will be ready not just for questions about what was discussed, but for how it looked. And so i think donald trump look, he has a real challenge on his hands, not just with putin but with the broader meetings. In his last trip to europe, he didnt exactly i know this will make his supporters happy, but he didnt exactly wow european leaders, so i think theres real questions meaning the broader g20 summit with trade, migration, with it being in germany and Angela Merkel hosting it. Thats a lot of political policy peril there that gets beyond just the Vladimir Putin meeting. When you talk about people watching the interactions, i cant stop thinking about the handshake with the french president. Or trudeau, the lack of the handshake. Its a big story. So much to watch and well be discussing it. Thank you so much. Thank you. Coming up in a rare move, a justice didnt official is now saying why she quit, President Trumps conduct. What she calls a stunning move that led to her resignation. Plus, the new york commissioner calling the death of his own an assassination that claimed the life of a 12year veteran of the nypd. Theres nothing more than my vacation. Me so when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. Booking. Com gets it. And with their price match, i know im getting the best price every time. Now i can start relaxing even before the vacation begins. Your vacation is very important. Thats why booking. Com makes finding the right hotel for the right price easy. Visit booking. Com now to find out why were booking. Yeah yeah, and i can watch thee bgame with directv now. . Oh, sorry, most broadcast and sports channels arent included. And you can only stream on two devices at once. This is fun, were having fun. Yeah, we are. No, youre not jimmy. Dont let directv now limit your entertainment. Xfinity gives you more to stream to more screens. New York City Police are investigating what they say is an unprovoked attack that has left one of its officers dead. The officer and her partner were sitting in a mobile command unit when the suspect approached, firing through the window, hitting her through the head. The police confronted, killing the killer about a block away. Police are now looking for a motive. Joining us now. Its so unclear why anybody would do this, right, ana . That officer, Miosotis Familia, a 12year veteran of the nypd, mother of three. She was sitting in the mobile command unit. Its one of the larger vehicles parked in the bronx which has really seen a number of gang incidents, and thats why it was there. According to police, again, this was an unprovoked attack. The 34yearold suspects name was alexander bond. He walked up to the vehicle striking through the window, striking the officer in the head. You can hear the panic as officer familias partner called for help. You can just hear the kchaos. The police found the suspect a block away. What we know about bonds is he has a history. Officer Miosotis Familia died in the hospital in the bronx which was filled with officers of the nypd, all in mourning on what the Police Commissioner was calling an assassination. It shouldnt have happened. It was the fourth of july. People were celebrating. And then this. More to learn about that. Thanks, brynn, for joining us. Straight ahead, the gop summit but the focus is on north korea after a new provocation. What are President Trumps options when it comes the dealing with the rogue nation . Well discuss. Days after the president s tweets and criticism, the person creating the video showing President Trump body slamming an individual with a cnn logo, hes apologizing, what hes telling cnn. Dude, you just woke up im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. For her compassion and care. 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Act® strengthens enamel, protects teeth from harmful acids, and helps prevent cavities. Go beyond brushing with act®. The person who created the video showing donald trump body slamming with a cnn logo is apologizing saying he doesnt advocate that. He says the video was intended purely as satire and he also admitting trolling users for reactions and he apologized for some of his other posts that were racist and antisemitic. Cnn is not using his name because of his apology, removal of all posts and his pledge not to submit any more. He said trolling is an addiction and he urged others to get help. He said the Trump Administration has not asked to use the video and the white house says theyre not sure how it ended up as a tweet from the president. So ill start with you, keith. This guy, he has apologized. He even admitted to getting some kind of sick satisfaction from trolling and he vowed not to do it again. Do you see this as some progress . Well, i think it shows a little bit of maturity on his part that he was welling to apologize for his behavior, but he owes it to the United States who has yet to apologize for his tweeting this, his childish and immature behavior and for supporters to enable this type of caricature of the president we see right now. Think i we need grownups again and mature adults. Donald trump is not one. Adults around him are, they should speak to him and demand accountability. Thats going to move us forward, not some reddit user. This reddit user obviously had a moment of reflection. He tweeted all these things, didnt take it down or apologize until he was called to the carpet. The president has not apologized even after people have criticized some of his tweets that and he probably wont. The other distinction, we had this person apologize, take it down, and promise not to do other similarly disparaging posts in the future, which we will also probably not get from the president. To me personally i think the whole thing is childish. I think its unbecoming of a president. And i think it doesnt matter where he got the video from, whether this person hand delivered it to the white house. It really doesnt matter. The fact that the president on the verge of these major foreign trips and speaking with Vladimir Putin and having very important meetings about our nation, our National Security and how we deal with north korea, for us to be distracted by this, i think, is unfortunate. I think it doesnt matter where it came from. I think with these types of posts and media, theres no place for that. The World Leaders are seeing this too. To you think this impacts the foreign trip coming up sp. More than anything, it diminishes the focus of the presidency and he should be talking about what are we going to do about another test by north korea. How am i going to deal with Vladimir Putin and the russian interference. Those are the things that need to be occupying his time and social media. Anything aside from that and furthering his agenda, were making progress on health care. Lets talk about that. I just feel like it needs to be a more concentrated effort. Use his vast platform on twitter and facebook to further the agenda and not detract from it. I want to ask tara about the vetting procedures because thats what this does, right . When this comes up, we immediately say, where did this go before it was put on twitter. Do we know what the vetting processes are for social media . Is somebody looking at the post before theyre going out to anybody . They arent. A lot of the social media happens instantaneously. Im not i dont have the exact details of how the president was shown this precise, you know, video, but he is often shown things, he finds them to be amusing. He chooses what he tweets. He deck tates what he tweets, down to the exclamation points, punctuation, everything. And he doesnt go to others to vet it. Afterward he may go to veterans a second what did you think of it, but at the end of the day, the president decides what he tweets. At the end of the day, will we see an apology . Absolutely not. Donald trump does not want to be pressured into an apology, especially by the media. Dont hold your breath for an apology. H comes from people very close to him in the white house. To not expect an apology. History shows that. Weve seen them double, triple down on some of his most controversial comments. Lets turn now to voter fraud and the commission. 44 say theyre not going to give it. They they say expect them to give them what is already available to the public. This is the short list here. Its not just democrats. Republican officials are saying this isnt right. Were seeing bipartisanship over this issue. Do you think the white house and administration misclalt miscalc here . The commission overall is working to address the integrity of our elections, doing what needs to be done to make sure one person, one vote in the election is errorfree. Thats the role of those in the states across the country. This is this is a big focus. This is something every state takes pride in, and a lot of those 44 states are complying with information that is readily available out there. Let me advise you of a rupp from mississippi, the secretary of state there. They can go jump in the gulf of mexico and mississippi is a great state to launch from. I dont think thats a republican saying this is a legitimate request. Hes not fully on board yet. Well put him in the undecided column. But the overall goal is to make sure the elections are full of integrity and fair and free for all americans, and there are many of those in that 44 that are complying with some information, just not all. I love alyce. Shes a good soul. But this is an opportunity for President Trump to continue with his obsession on why he lost the popular vote. He feels the election was not faithful of the republican senate. He created this Fraud Commission led by chris kovac of all people. And the truth is that, you know, not only is the guy from mississippi, the secretary of state of mississippi but then louisiana, another republican, republican secretaries of state across the nation are saying this is wrong and its a reflection of how donald trump is not respected. Not even by his very party and state leaders. I just came back from madrid yesterday. I was in latin america a few weeks ago. People across the divide despise donald trump, hes a laughing stock, and its an embarrassment to our country that people still defend him. And now the secretaries of state are starting to stand up to him as well, democrats and republicans. Theyre saying, donald trump, thats enough. Were child of your chicanery. I do want to remind viewers to date theres been no evidence of widespread voter fraud. This is what was said in the article. What this commission is doing is offering a conclusion. What happens when they dont have evidence to back up the president s claim that three of five people voted illegally in the 2016 election . Ana, the results are not an important part of it. Just the fact that he put together the commission furthering the narrative of the widespread voter fraud. His bait truly believes there is widespread voter fraud and dead people are voting. They want to see this happening regardless of the governors actually helping the president. Its the fact that hes done it. If theres one thing we know about donald trump, its action, action, action, and not necessarily results. It pleases the base. Teresa palmieri, alice and keith boykin. Well break down possible options to the u. S. In responding to the rogue nation. And a member of the department of justice has quit her jam blaming congress for walking out. Why she felt her job was starting to feel hypocritical. As President Trump heads to europe for the g20 meeting, his diplomatic and Security Advisors are deciding just how they will deal with north koreas test launch of an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. President trump says russia and china are against what they call economic suffocation of north korea, calling those two options unacceptable. So what can the u. S. Do to force the end of north Koreas Nuclear ambitions . Michael ohanlon is the author of bending history barack obama foreigns policy. You have three options for forcing north korea stop its nuclear ambitions. It was an option in the theoretical sense, not one that im advocating, this would not directly affect the nuclear program. It doesnt have any way of targeting most of the nuclear infrastructure. And it wouldnt try to. What it would try to do is prevent north korea from doing icbm Intercontinental Ballistic Missile tests. Option one for that, one approach is to destroy a missile on the launch pad as its being readied for launch, while its being fueled. Since we know where the north korean major launch pads are, anything we see could be launched in advance, and we could use a regular conventional bomb to destroy the rocket. But the problem is the july fourth launch seemed to be from a mobile launcher so we didnt know where it was being set up. So that approach may be no longer valid. You could try to intercept the missile just after it was launched. And the purpose there is lets deprive north korea from seeing offensive their rocket works. Deprive it of the ability to see if the missile survivors atmospheric reentry. Thats option one. Its not a big solution, but it helps prevent north korea from perfecting its Missile Technology at the risk of escalation. And it would take away some of the information they could gather about how advanced their Missile Technology would be. That would be a reactioreaction. So option two . Option is what essentially all american president s have been trying to do for a long time and thats to try to put pressure on china in this case, also historically south korea, to do less eck nomic interaction with north korea. North korea would not have many options left and would feel the pain and perhaps would reconsider. I think that would be a good idea, but china doesnt like that idea. And if youre going to get china to really do it, rather than paying lip service to it, youre probably going to have to sanction the Chinese Companies and banks who do business with north korea. The Chinese Government has just started that process, i agree with that decision, but one could go a bit further, and that is making a u. S. Policy that does business with anyone who is under u. S. Sanctions. The problem is it doesnt guarantee any north korean compliance, it doesnt even guarantee chinese compliance with putting on the chokehold, it certainly doesnt produce a longterm change in north koreas strategy. It would be a longterm strategy. You have a third option, you say a new negotiation strategy, explain what it is. Option three would build on the economic sanctions, you still need the economic pressure, but then you try to give north korea a light at the end of the tunnel. Since they seem to be intent on hanging on to their nuclear arsenal, we may not be able to negotiate that away in the first instance. Some kind of a flees, this idea of a freeze on north Korean Nuclear and missile testing has already been proposed but i think it has to go further and freeze north Korean Nuclear production of plutonium or highly enriched uranium, and we could freeze our biggest exercises with south korea as kind of a quid pro quo. We havent looked as whether we can freeze their nuclear production, and thats the part i believe we should investigate further. Great information, thank you for providing that excellent explanation for us. A Justice Department official calling it quits after what she calls stunning conduct from the president. Her stunning comments next. Eret to me than my vacation. So when i need to book a hotel, i want someone who makes it easy to find what i want. Booking. Com gets it. And with their price match, i know im getting the best price every time. Cmon, gary your vacation is very important. Thats why booking. Com makes finding the right hotel for the right price easy. Visit booking. Com now to find out why were booking. Yeah your insurance on time. Tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . News flash nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™ Liberty Mutual insurance. Yeah, and i can watch thee bgame with directv now. . Oh, sorry, most broadcast and sports channels arent included. And you can only stream on two devices at once. This is fun, were having fun. Yeah, we are. No, youre not jimmy. Dont let directv now limit your entertainment. Xfinity gives you more to stream to more screens. Welcome inside politics, im john king, thanks for sharing your day with us. President trump is on his way to europe for a big economic summit and meetings with the leader of china, russia and more. And gop politicians avoid parades and protests this weekend. The pentagon says that missile tested yesterday by north korea is new and a game changer because of its likely ability to reach the United States. Americas top general in south korea warns the prospect of war is real. That as the United States and its allies stage their own missile display in response to pyongyang. The south korean government added this to the message war, a computer animate ed recreating devastating attack on the north korean capital

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