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We get that fed in from the white house. That has already happened. We what we saw was the video being fed in. We dont know what was said at the top of this meeting. We will get that to you as soon as it comes. Meanwhile, there is breaking news. We want to bring in evan perez. Hes our justice correspondent, hes got a big development, a new head for the Justice Department. Evan, tell us what you know. Michaela, the new attorney general that president obama is expected to announce very soon is Loretta Lynch. Shes right now the u. S. Attorney in brooklyn and shes very well regarded. She has been u. S. Attorney since 2010 under president obama and previously served in the same job in the clinton administration. Now this is obviously the big a big announcement for the Obama Administration. Eric holder is stepping down, as you know. He announced that last month and theres a lot of big cases that theyre looking at, including the investigations into the shooting of Michael Brown. Now, Loretta Lynch handled a very important case similar to the Michael Brown case in the 1990s, if you remember the haitian immigrant abner louima who was sodomized by some new york city cops. She handled that case. So thats going to be an interesting thing for experience for her to bring to the Justice Department. Evan, such a fascinating choice. She is not known as a headline grabber here in new york, and there are plenty of those in this area. Shes known as a crime fighter mostly and a prosecutor and you brought up the abner louima case which is so interesting because obviously one of the biggest cases or one of the biggest situations the Justice Department is dealing with right now and will be dealing with is what happened out in ferguson and the issue of police conduct. Right. Exactly. And as you pointed out, Loretta Lynch is not a big name for a lot of people. In new york shes overshadowed sometimes by preet be rar a, the federal prosecutor in manhattan. But she has a lot of the same experiences. Not only has she done the regular crime cases but shes done National Security cases and so and more importantly for folks here in washington, shes not going to be controversial. She got approved by a senate voice vote last time and so i think the Obama Administration knows that theyre going to have to deal with a republican congress, they want to make sure its not anybody whos going to be held up because of any controversies. Well, and you know, controversy is obviously one of the aspects and the fact is theres a lot of conversations right now going on about Race Relations in our country, as you mentioned, about whats going on with ferguson. Obviously somebody like this people will turn to her and look for her voice and communications in a situation like ferguson. Exactly. She would be the second africanamerican to serve in this job. Second woman. Janet reno was the first. I should note we asked the white house for comment they said they dont have announcements to make just yet. The president is leaving on a terrorism to asia on sunday so we expect the announcement might come in the next few days. Perhaps when he gets back. Tell us a little bit more about Loretta Lynch. 55 years old, a harvard law graduate. Harvard law. Two stints as a u. S. Attorney . She worked in private practice in the middle . She was a lawyer with hogan and hartson which is a big white collar firm. Shes very well liked. I saw her the other day when she was down here for some awards ceremony and the attorney general basically just went up to her and grabbed her and hugged her in front of everyone. Shes a very, very wellliked person. Shes a big fitness buff. She likes to jog and so on. So shes somebody that frankly is just going to be wellliked inside the department which is a big deal. You have a hundred thousand employees to oversee and she comes from the department so that will be a big deal for them. Of course, president s decision is not final until the white house officially announces it. Do you know when theyll make that announcement . Well, as i said, the president is expected to hes on his way to asia on sunday. We had thought maybe that this announcement might come today but it looks like the president has a lot of things on his plate. Hes got that meeting at the white house. Well, hes got a lot going on today. The Cabinet Meeting that we showed you the messed up photo of. Well hear what he said. There is a white house regular press briefing at 11 30,en this he neats with the new congressional leadership so he has plenty of opportunities to talk. Evan, Loretta Lynch, the name started surfacing more over the last week. People saw her in washington with the current attorney general eric holder and i think people started talking well, hey, maybe this might be the pick. Any whispers from capitol hill about how this nomination might be received . You know, there was a lot of concern about some of the other people that the president was looking at, including tom perez, the labor secretary. And so this name was one that a lot of people said, look, this is not one that republicans would try to oppose and thats one of the other things that everybody knew that i think everyone was predicting that the republicans were going to have a big day on election day and so the president was going to have to figure out someone who was not going to get hung up on any fights or any controversies. So she is a very safe bet but she also someone whos very accomplished so he gets to have both things at the same time. I was going to say, i think when you look at the appointments of certain people to lead these organizations and these administrations, you get so much more respect from people if they have been on the front lines, that has woman certainly has. And she has a great deal of respect here in new york, shes got a great deal of respect and accomplishments. That kind of thing goes a long way and you talk about the fact that it wont be controversial and i think that other aspect will win over a lot of hearts and minds. Exactly. The one thing she has more recently is this prosecution of Michael Grimm whos the congressman, the republican congressman from Staten Island who, by the way, just won reelection despite the fact that hes under indictment. So talked to voters down there in brooklyn and Staten Island. She was prosecuting that case. Shes leading that case and she was very she did a press conference in which she had some very strong words about the congressman. He is calling the prosecution politically motivate sod expect that line of attack to come from his people probably in the next few weeks. Evan, a great reporting on this, breaking the news that president obamas choice to head up the Justice Department will be Loretta Lynch, 55 years old. I want to bring in dana bash. Dana, this will be a confirmation process. We dont know yet the timing of it if the president i assume he will try to figure out a way to get this through in some kind of lame duck. Any sense how the senate will deal with it . Its a good question. Unclear if republicans in the senate will allow it to happen in the lame duck. It depends on how they view her. Evan is right, she doesnt appear to be someone who is highly controversial but the problem for the Obama Administration is the obama Justice Department has done controversial things and and its been under the microscope. On the house side, Darrell Issas Oversight Committee has been tough on attorney general eric holder, on the fast and furious issue and so many other issues. Because of that its probably going to be a discussion about whether they really want to do it in the democratic controlled lame duck session which starts next week or theyre going to wait until the next congress which starts in six or seven weeks. Its so interesting in light of the Midterm Election results. We have been talking about what next, what happens. Now we see a choice that the president is making and we have an example well see played out before our very eyes about whether or not youre going to get a fight between the president and the congress. The president and the majority. Its a very interesting example, case in point. It is. Even though i just said that there has been a lot of tension between many republicans in congress and the obama Justice Department, the flip side, you also have republicans in the senate who several of them are making very clear they want to be president who are being a lot more liberal, for lack of a better way to say it, on some criminal justice issues. Rand paul is a perfect example. Hes been working with democrat corey booker on dealing with doing away with changing some of the mandatory minimum sentences for drug use. So while you on the one hand have some hard feelings dana, stand by for a second because the president as we said is meeting with his cabinet right now and were getting our first look at the tape at the top of that meeting. Lets listen. Business has added 209,000 new jobs. The Unemployment Rate fell again. Our private sector has now added 10. 6 million new jobs over the last 56 months and this is the strongest job growth that we have seen since the 1990s. And all this is a testament to the hard work and resilience of the American People. They have been steady and strong, digging themselves out of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and what we need now do is make sure that we build on this momentum because we recognize that despite the solid growth, despite the drop in unemployment theres still a lot of folks out there who are anxious about their futures, who are having trouble making ends meet at the end of the month or saving for their kids College Education or being able to make sure that theyre able to retire with dignity and respect. So everything that we do over the next two years is designed and geared towards ensuring that folks who work hard in this country are able to get ahead. Now, obviously weve had a significant Midterm Election, as i said at the press conference. My attitude has been and will continue to be that good ideas dont necessarily come from Just One Party and im looking forward to seeing the leaders of both democratic and republican caucuses this afternoon to have a chance to share with them both what i think we need to be doing to build on the economic momentum that we already have and make it even stronger. But im also going to be interested in listening to them in terms of areas where we think its possible to work together. Whether that is putting people back to work through stronger manufacturing here in the United States and selling more to countries around the world, one of the major topics well be discussing during my asia trip next week. Whether its figuring out how we can build on modest new investments that weve been making in Early Childhood education. We know that works and theres strong bipartisan support around the country for some of those investments. Lets see if we can do more. All these issues are ones in which there is a strong possibility of bipartisan cooperation as long as we set politics aside for a moment and focus on the people who actually sent us here. In the meantime, in these regular meetings that im having with my cabinet, ive been emphasizing to them from day one and will reiterate in this meeting the fact that separate and apart from legislative activity we have the capacity to continually improve how we deliver services to the American People. Part of whats happened over a course of several decades is that people sometimes feel as if the federal government is distant, that its not customer friendly, that theres too much bureaucracy. Because of the fine work of many of the members of this cabinet, were chippingaway at that and instituting new ways of doing business that improve customer service, that make sure the people are getting the hen they need. This week i had the chance to have a conversation with our new secretary of veterans affairs, bob mcdonald, whos coming from the private sector but also is coming from west point and an extraordinary legacy of service in our armed forces and what were already seeing is that bob is able to start skinning down the wait times for people in terms of getting appointments that they need, but also building on successes that have been taking place over the last several years, reducing homelessness, for example, with our hud secretaries donovan and now castro weve reduced veterans homelessness by 30 and a lot of that is not by virtue of new legislation, just by us focusing more on these problems and managing them better and continually listening to the American People to see how we can be more helpful. So there are a lot of opportunities for us to do that here today and were going to i think taken a inventory on the progress thats being made in various departments. Were also going focus on the fact that between now and the end of the year theres still some immediate work that needs to be done. We have made progress in building the kind of Public Health infrastructure that we need to deal with any eventu eventualities with respect to ebola but its still a concern both here domestically but most importantly still a concern internationally. So well get reports from sylil vie y Sylvia Burwell and ron klain whos here will tell us how the work we need to be doing with congress can help advance and ultimately stamp out this epidemic overseas to make sure the American People are safe. We also have some significant National Security issues. Weve got to make sure our efforts against isil are properly funded so that will be an opportunity for secretary of defense hagel to brief us on the progress in our campaign against isil in iraq and some of the work were doing in syria. Bottom line is that as ive told my white house staff and shared in the past with many of my cabinet, we are extraordinarily privileged to be in a position where every single day we can have a pozive in impact in some way on the lives of the American People. And when i started out on this journey with joe biden and we traveled around the country, we were constantly reminded of the hard work, the sense of community, the sense of family that exists in every pocket and every corner of this country. The same kinds of values that joe grew up on and i grew up on. And what we want to do is to make sure that between now and the time that our next Administration Takes over that every single day in every Single Agency we are constantly finding ways to build on those values and to make sure that we are making this country safer and more prosperous and i know that based on the conversations ive had with this cabinet there is no lack of enthusiasm or energy in achieving that goal. All right . Thank you very much, everybody. Reporter sir did you [ inaudible question ] thank you very much. That was moments ago the president speaking ahead of a Cabinet Meeting. Obviously a lot on the plate for the president and his cabinet. Coming off a bit like a pep talk. The teams down by half at the down by 30 at the half and trying to reinvigorate these conversations that he feels need to be had. Obviously a lot of things pressing on them, the situation overseas with isis, the economy here at home. One thing he did not discuss, the news that our evan perez broke moments before we played you that video, that the president has settled on his choice to be the next attorney general. He will nominate Loretta Lynch, 55yearold u. S. Attorney, a harvard law graduate currently in brooklyn. We dont know when the president will officially announce it. He didnt do it just then and i had the chance to. I want to bring in the anchor of the lead, jake tapper. Jake, this is in some ways the first move of the rest of the president s life. His first nomination, his first big decision after the Midterm Election which did not go well for him. Looking at it, what do you make of it . Its interesting for a number of reasons. First of all there were the other contenders for the job, the solicitor general don verrilli and the secretary of labor tom perez. The fact that he reached outside his comfort zone and is anticipated to pick u. S. Attorney lynch says something about reaching outside his comfort zone. Also it says something about wanting to pick somebody that perhaps there will not be a contentious confirmation hearing about. There was perez when he was nominated and then confirmed to be secretary of labor that was very contentious. Verrilli, while he was low key and respected as solicitor general, he was somebody who has been part of the obama team so that would be an opportunity to revisit decisions made under president obamas watch, ones that republicans oppose. U. S. Attorney lynch is somebody who is not part of obamas world at all. She was somebody that was u. S. Attorney during the clinton administration. She was tapped by obama and picked and she won by voice vote in the senate in 2010 but shes not part of the Obama Campaign the way eric holder was. Not part of the obama team, not somebody that he knows well. So its an interesting pick. Shes somebody thats built a fairly well known pardon me, fairly respected reputation forrers in new york as the u. S. Attorney in brooklyn. Although its the u. S. Attorney in manhattan who gets headlines, she has a more low key reputation even though as evan pointed out shes prosecuting Michael Grimm, the Staten Island congressman. Shes also been involved in the prosecution of citigroup. She was involved in the prosecution of the police who assaulted abner louima years ago. So its an interesting pick for that reason. Its not the kind of decision president obama has made in a lot of ways because its outside his comfort zone, somebody whos not been part of his team. Not a huge boldface name. There is ive talked with a lot of Obama Administration people in the past about whether or not he was going to pick chuck hagel to be sic secretary of defense or Hillary Clinton to be secretary of state, leon panetta. And there is part of the president that likes to go for those boldfaced names. Loretta lynch is not one of them, although obviously this would be a historic appointment because she would be the first black woman from that role. Significant to be sure. Again, were not sure when that announce system going to be made but the choice is expected to be Loretta Lynch. Jake, since we have you, i want to ask you about this a lot being made about this meeting today with congressional leaders, the lunchtime summit, if you will. I dont think any bourbon will be served at that lunch but im curious what youre hearing on the hill and what your sources are saying about the tone and the expectations even ahead of that meeting. I think first of all both Mitch Mcconnell and john boehner, the expected incoming majority leader in the senate and the expected House Speaker in the new congress, both of them are legislators. Both of them are guys who want to cut deals. Both of them are people who have cut deals with the Obama Administration when it comes to taxes and other issues. President obama does not want the last two years of his presidency to be disastrous and to be full of no accomplishments, to be full of gridlock so while i think that there is going to be a lot of that, theres certainly going to be a lot of disagreement when it comes to the pending executive action by president obama on immigration or the pending attempts by the republican majority in the house and senate to overturn obamacare, i think youre going to see and hear a lot of attempts, at least initially, to find some exxon ground to do some Common Ground to do some accomplishments. Obviously the public is not going to be excited when they hear about the compromise. Everybody coming together to repeal the medical device tax. I mean, thats not something thats going to, like, rally the crowds. Hard to design. Or a bumper sticker. But at the same time i think youll see some attempts and calls for commity and agreement. Jake, stand by one second here. Evan perez breaking a short timing that president obama is expected to nominate Loretta Lynch, 55 years old, u. S. Attorney in brooklyn, expected to nominate her to be the next attorney general. This news broke as i said just minutes ago. The question is how is it being received on capitol hill . What do they or did they know about it . Dana bash has news on that. Dana . Im not sure if this speaks to the fact that the white house is still not communicating properly with capitol hill or just how incredible evan perez is, maybe a combination of both, but were already hearing from republicans on capitol hill and this comes from our colleague ted barrett, rumblings they didnt know it was coming and they dont know much about her. The latter part surprises me a bit since she has had not a prominent role for the public but a prominent role in legal communities being the federal prosecutor, the u. S. Everyoneatn brooklyn never mind the fact that there were no problems when she was nominated by the u. S. Senate four years ago. It was by voice vote meaning everybody didnt have to say yeah yea or nay but thats happening is how its being received, with surprise on capitol hill. Im curious, is that sour grapes or does that make you believe that theyre theres concerns about a potential appointment. Probably more the former. Probably more just that they didnt know that this was coming. Its definitely too early to say there are problems with her for sure because it doesnt seem like she has anything on her resume or background considering the fact that the senate has already confirmed her for a different post to stop it would be much more, again, about the politics of the obama Justice Department and so forth and her as a person and her credibility and abilities. Dana, we want to bring in jeffrey toobin, he joins us on the phone here in new york. I understand you know Loretta Lynch, maybe you can tell us what you know of this woman and what you make of a potential appointment as attorney general. Well, in 1990 we started at the u. S. Attorneys office as junior prosecutors within weeks of one another and spent three years as colleagues and weve been friends ever since. I have to say, im pretty flabbergasted. Shes a lowprofile figure not only in the United States but in new york. She is by far the secondbest known prosecutor in new york after preeter er bbarara. Its a surprising choice. But her own record is impeccable. She is not known as a political figurement shes spent the vast majority of her career as a lawyer, as a federal prosecutor. Either as an assistant u. S. Attorney or as u. S. Attorney under president clinton and now under president obama. I dont think there is anything krov shl in her background. Shes just a career prosecutor who has done a variety of cases. She was the head of the Long Island Office in the brooklyn u. S. Attorneys office for a while before she became the u. S. Attorney. She was First Assistant for a while. This is just a classic government prosecutor. Her views on policy issues which the attorney general has to address are largely unknown but certainly in terms of credentials and back ground she is an uncontroversial person. Congratulations to you, jeffrey, on having a new highplaced source in washington, perhaps. Let me ask you, one of her job experiences that we do know about is she worked on the prosecution of the abner louima case, one of the more notorious cases of Police Brutality ever in the country. How do you think that might inform what she may do Going Forward with so many issues on the table, including in ferguson . Well, it is true that some of her career, probably more than most federal prosecutors, has involved official misconduct. In the Long Island Office she prosecuted some Police Misconduct cases. She supervised the louima case in which people probably dont remember in the broader country was just a horrendous case involving a Police Officer in brooklyn who abused a young immigrant named abner louima with a toilet plunger. Just a horrendous, horrendous case. There were several trials involving the Police Officers and ultimately the main prosecutor won that case. She stuck with it throughout her tenure. It was important to her. I think that will be a priority for her just as its been under attorney general holder. But, again, it wasnt really a political move so much as a legal matter and she handled it very successfully. Im kind of struck by the fact of what you keep talking about, this notion of, jeffrey, somebody that puts the work in, that isnt the best known prosecutor in the city, that isnt the person thats necessarily out front. But rather the person that, you know, does the hard work, the tough work behind the scenes. I think weve got to count one for the little guy in that respect. Well, i think thats the idea behind the pick. Loretta lynch is not going to get is not going to pay big political benefits, i dont think. Its not like shes a political figure with a constituency. She is someone who has just worked hard and done a good job for the people of brooklyn. For people who dont know, the u. S. Attorney in brooklyn also covers queens, nassau and suffolk. So its actually a fairly diverse jurisdiction. Suffolk county, the far eastern end of long island, is a very different place from inner city brooklyn, but shes been the u. S. Attorney in charge of all of it and shes remained popular, she is very well regarded by Law Enforcement with the job of the u. S. Attorney in many cases involves dealing with the fbi, dealing with the Drug Enforcement administration and shes very well regarded by those agencies. But as you say, she is not a wellknown person. Not in the United States and not even in new york. So i guess thats why a job of this magnitude frankly is surprising. Theres no doubt about that. Again, the news broken by our evan perez about 20 minutes ago, the president is expected to nominate Loretta Lynch, 55 years old, currently the u. S. Attorney in brooklyn, expected to nam nate Loretta Lynch to be the next attorney general. Well stay on this, bring you any developments, let you know if the president says anything about in the the coming minutes. Meanwhile, ahead at this hour, under attack. He says he fired the shots that killed osama bin laden, but is a navy seal breaking the longcherished code of silence . Think about this, how is his take different from, say, a retired general . Let me get tyes . Straight. Lactaid® is 100 real milk . Right. Real milk. But it wont cause me discomfort. Exactly, no discomfort, because its milk without the lactose. And it tastes . Its real milk come on, would i lie about this . Lactaid®. 100 real milk. No discomfort. 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What are you hearing from your sources about his claims . Michaela, john, there are sources disputing robert oneils claim he fired the kill shot at osama bin laden. Sources in seal team 6, thats the team that conducted the bin laden raid, have told our National Security analyst peter bergen that it was not robert oneil who fired the kill shot. Those sources are telling us that it was a man they call the point man who has not revealed his identity and who peter bergen says will never reveal his identity. They say that man fired the shot at bin laden from the top of the stairs leading to the third floor where bin ladens bedroom was, that he fired the shot from the stairs as bin laden was peering out his bedroom door, clipped bin laden there with a fatal wound, presumably to his head, and once bin laden fell over, mortally wounded, then two other seals came into the room and finished bin laden off. According to those source, Robert Oneill was one of those two seals who finished bin laden off when he was mortally wounded and matt a bissonnette, the author of the book no easy day was the other. But neither of them, according to sources from seal team 6 who spoke to peter bergen, neither of the men were the man who fired the fatal shot that killed osama bin laden, they say that was an unnamed seal they call the point man. As you say, brian, the point man who will never reveal his name or come forward which is the issue here is should these navy seals who are bound by an unspoken code here not to talk about their duties, should they be talking. Earlier today, the pentagon spokesman admiral john kirby spoke about this code of silence. Listen to what he said. Theres a code in that community that you dont talk about what you do and you dont try to get financial gain off of your operations. So its disappointing that some have sought to do that. I wont speak to the specifics in this, some of these things are, as you know, still being investigated. But its it does violate a code of ethics that this Community Holds dear and 99 of them live by that code. There is a flip side, brian, too, isnt there . Generals, admirals, plenty of people retire from the military and Government Service and go on and write books. Nevertheless, somehow this going public being received inside the Seal Community . Not very well, john. Theres a real brotherhood inside the Seal Community and a lot of seals who we talked to, former seals have said that these two men have broken the code there and are not necessarily welcome back into that brotherhood. And its not so much even an unspoken or unwritten code, its been written about and spoken about just this week or last week. Admiral lowsy, the seal team commander, wrote a letter to current and former seals saying, listen, do not break the seal ethos, is what he said. And the quote is the seal ethos is i do not advertise the nature of my work nor seek recognition for my actions. And the admiral warned of judicial consequence if you do break that code. You could be criminally prosecuted for it. Matt bissonnette, the author of the book no easy day is under criminal investigation for possibly divulging classified information paid speeches and other avenues. So his lawyer says he did not do that, that hes not guilty of that. But he is under criminal investigation for that. So not only is there an ethos, but you could be prosecuted for doing this kind of thing. And thats a very real thing to be worried about. Right. Its interesting as we talk about the loyalty that is such a part of this world, a part of the navy seals and to many this seems absolutely disloyal. Brian todd, thanks so much for that. We appreciate it. Well watch it obviously with you. Ahead for us at this hour, just an awful attack in a minnesota hospital caught on video. A patient on a rampage. Well talk about violence inside health care facilities. Later on, Willey Nelson talking about weed. Hes talking about politics and the white house. He talks about it with our brook baldwin. Thats quite a tease delight. For retirement. But when we start worrying about tomorrow, we miss out on what matters today. At axa, we offer advice and help you break down your retirement goals into small, manageable steps. Because when you plan for tomorrow, it helps you live for today. Can we help you take a small step . For advice, retirement, and life insurance, connect with axa. But parallel parking isnt one you do a lof them. Ings great. For advice, retirement, and life insurance, youre either too far from the curb. Or too close to other cars. Its just a matter of time until you rip some guys bumper off. So, here are your choices take the bus. Or get Liberty Mutual insurance. 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The disturbing incident caught on camera after a patient apparently removed a bar from the side of his hospital bed. 68yearold Charles Logan storms the st. Johns hospital nurses station around 2 00 a. M. Sunday swinging wildly. Nurses running toward the exit. One woman here even tries to secure the doors but logan barrels through. The bar held high above his head, hurling it down right on one nurses back. And then another repeatedly striking two nurses that are left helpless. Once the patient made his way outside, even the police had a hard time subduing him. The taser was ineffective. In other words, it did not connect to the man. Officers finally tackling logan to the ground, but not before he injures four nurses, one reportedly stuffing a collapsed lung. That kind of thing can happen. It happens all the time. This brutal rampage highlights the dangers Health Care Workers face everyday. Weve heard stories of primarily nurses who have been hit or spit on or punched. A survey from the International Health care security and Safety Foundation says 60 of workplace assaults occur in health care facilities. For these nurses, running this sanctuary for the sick has come at a cost. So Charles Logan died just moments after he was taken into Police Custody just two or three blocks away from are the hospital. An autopsy, john, now is happening to determine why he died. Theres still so many questions about why he went even went on this attack to begin with. Yeah, but really highlights something that is important to see. That you have stat in your piece right there that 60 of all workplace attacks happen to Health Care Workers or in health care facilities. Thats a lot. I want to bring in the president of the Emergency Nurses Association. Deena, let me start off by asking you, i assume youve had a chance to see that video. What goes through your head when you see Something Like that . Unfar natalie, thats it all too fall familiar. I can tell you from an Emergency Nurses Association perspective, half of the nurses weve surveyed have reported being a victim of either verbal assault or physical assault in the last seven days they worked so this is an epidemic of violence in our health care system. Do you think this is something on the rise . Has it always been this way and maybe were only just sort of realizing it now in talking about it now . Or has something changed . I think its been going on for a long time and we can we have the data from an Emergency Department perspective to show that. I think whats happening now is now we can see it. Now its on tape and its much more difficult to ignore. You say its all too familiar. Thats upsetting. That is upsetting. I was with my son a month ago in the emergency room, hes okay and everything, but there was somebody flipping out right there in front of everybody. What can you do to stop this . With so theres a lot of things that we can do. First we have to remember that hospitals are highstress environments. And so their accessibility 24 hours a day, seven days a week can really you tend to see more violence in those situations. There are several things that we recommend doing. The first is actually we need to change the culture around violence and the acceptance of violence in health care. Its not part of anybodys job in health care. Its not part of any nurses job to be assaulted while at work. And thats not only a culture within nursing itself but throughout the hospital and all the way out to the judicial bench. We need to work to change that culture. But to be fair we should point out before you get to your second point, i want to make that point, deena. I think its also important we dont know what led to this mans outburst, because often times, and youll fully admit to this, im sure, people present to the hospital, to the e. R. With all sorts of problems. Sometimes its mental illness, sometimes its something else, a change in their medication, theres all sorts of things that could bring people there and they could have underlying issues. So its not necessarily that they mean to be violent. We dont know what happened here, if he had some sort of psychotic break. But we do understand that violence happens in the hospital and there cease some precipitating factors. So drugs and alcohol is one. Overcrowding 1 another. And patients with dementia, theres a lot of reasons. Were not saying i understand that its a very easy parallel to make between someone with Behavioral Health issues and violence but what we have to understand is that the vast majority of patients with Behavioral Health emergencies are not violent. So being able to assess the situation and understand when things are escalating and behaviors are escalating and to create a safe environment is what we feel that nurses and all Health Care Workers should be trained to do. Well, we certainly appreciate you coming on to react to what we just saw there. Maybe we can keep this conversation going. Obviously the situation in dallas and the Health Care Workers there putting themselves in harms way to care for patients. We see our Health Care Workers always on the front lines in these e. R. S and medical senters across the country. We a appreciate the hard work you all are doing. Thank you for joining us. Thank you so much. Still ahead at this hour. Im going to say fur things that will make you pull up very close to your tv. Marijuana, willie nelson, the white house and brook baldwin. Im done. You sold me. We have all four. All four sorted right after this. Or more on Car Insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know certain cartoon characters should never have an energy drink . Action blahbechtblah blublublubblah geico®. Introducing the birds of america collection. Fifty stunning, handpainted plates, commemorating the state birds of our proud nation. 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Farxiga can cause serious side effects, including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, low blood sugar,kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. Common side effects include urinary tract infections, changes in urination, and runny nose. Do the walk of life yeah, you do the walk of life need to lower your blood sugar . Ask your doctor about farxiga and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. He a music legend, an american icon, and he likes pot. Willie nelson, a man who makes music and news. Hes part of a white house salute to the troops that is set to air tonight on pbs. Our Brooke Baldwin asked him about this weeks victory for Marijuana Legalization in the capital and whether it will help smoke out some of the gridlock. Do you think it would help people in d. C. Get along . Well, i really think stress is the cause of a lot of our problems and i really believe the best medicine for stress is pot. Yeah, i think it would make us get along better all over the world. I want you to tell me what you did on the roof of the white house. Well, brooke, its that shortterm memory thing. O. , come on, weve talked about it on cnn before. It involves maybe some rolling papers, willie nelson. Well, up on top of the white house its really a great scene up there. All of the roads come together up there and you feel like youre at the center of the world. Will you address this with the white house as you enter said white house . I probably wont say anything to the president about it but i think i realize how he feels about it and arrive read his books about when he was a kid so im sure hes understanding of what is going on and may be happy to see it happening. Brooke baldwin, thank you for being here. Hello. Fresh off your conversation with the legend. How great is this . Any day is a good day when you get to talk to willie nelson. Every day is a wonderful day for willie nelson. When we talked about the salute to the troops event airing on pbs and issues are near and dear to his heart and then given the news worthiness, i saw that eyebrow raise, michaela, it was alaska, d. C. , and oregon passing different propot ballot measures. I wanted his thoughts. And i was sort of surprised. He has a wonderful relationship with jimmy carter. Hes absolutely taken a bit of a toke on top of the white house. I said, is that true . He said, well, i rolled it before i was on top. True story. I asked how long he think it is will take half of the country to legalize Recreational Use of marijuana and he seems to think not very long. Going into that interview, it makes me hungry. But the point is, he takes this very seriously. This is something that he works for. This is something that has been near and dear to him for a long, long time. I didnt actually expect him to say, yes, i plan to address this with president obama when we sing on the road again but its been incredibly important to him. Hes been a voice in this mass legalization movement. So as were watching and seriously covering state by state by state, i think it will not be too long before we see the tides turning. Especially because for him, look it, how old is he . Hes his hard trigger is 50. I know that. So hes north of 70. Its not just a thing he did in his youth. Its been a lifestyle for him and if anybody is at the forefront of this conversation, hed be the one to broach it with the president. I doubt they had the conversation yesterday. Im guessing that they didnt. But there are many people on the flip side who argue that its not okay, its not safe, based upon designation that it has with the department of health but, yeah, i mean, this is so important for willie nelson. I thought it was awesome for him to come on live on the tour bus with me. He was on the tour bus. Life in the tour bus. Thank you very much, willie nelson. You know when you show up, the painting on the side, you know where he is in town and it was so wonderful for him to set up shop and talk to us. Again, hours before the salute to the troops event at the white house. Tonight on pbs. Yes. Watch it. Brooke baldwin, great to have you here. Thank you. Youre welcome. Always. Thats it for us at this hour and thats it for us this week at this hour. Thats michaela pereira. And youre john berman. Legal view starts next with ashleigh banfield. Barriers are meant to be broken. Lines are drawn to be crossed. Introducing the first ever 467 horsepower rcf coupe from lexus. Once driven, theres no going back. So ally bank really has no hidden fethats right. Accounts . Its just that im worried about you know hidden things. Ok, whys that . No hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. Hello, everyone. Im ashleigh banfield. Welcome to legal view. President obama may have his pick for the next attorney general of the United States and there she is, folks. United states officials telling cnn that Loretta Lynch, a u. S. Attorney in brooklyn, will be the president s choice to secede eric holder. She would be the second woman to hold that position. Joining me is justin correspondent evan perez. Give me the lowdown on miss lynch. What do we know about her . Shes a bit of a surprising pick because theres more highprofile people being picked for this job. Shes not very well known. The u. S. Attorney in manhattan is much higher

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