Transcripts For CNNW At This Hour With Berman And Michaela 20140407

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Hello, everyone, great to see you today. It is a monday, it is 11 00 a. M. In the east, 8 00 a. M. In the west. Those stories and much more right now at this hour. A potential break through in the search for flight 370. Authorities have what theyre calling their most promising lead yet. This comes 21 days after their plane vanished. Two separate signals in connection with cockpit and voice recorders have been detective e detected by a u. S. Navy pinger detector. The first detection lasted more than two hours, thats significant. A second one lasted about 13 minutes. Malaysias transportation minister is voicing cautious omt missile. We are cautiously hopeful that there will be a positive development in the next few days if not hours. Also today, a senior malaysian government source tells cnn the planes radar track shows that it skirted indonesia on its path toward the indian ocean, taking a route that to some suggests an intent to avoid rar voivoid radar dete. Keep in mind that the batteries on those black boxes could run out literally at any minute. Theyre already past their life expectancy. Good to see you, will. Still no visual sighting of the wreckage, tell us how authorities are focusing the search today or will be in the next hours when they pick up the search again . Reporter youre actually right, still no visuals. There really are two simultaneous searches that are happen right now. Every day we see the planes taking off from the air base where im standing. So far its come up empty. But the real promising lead that were looking into and the promising lead thats being investigated right now is 1,000 miles from here, where the ocean shield is there, with that tpl, that underwater listening device, scouring the ocean, trying to detect the signals that the ship found twice over the weekend. What theyre trying to do is get a lock on this. If they can get a lock on the signal, start passing over the area more carefully, then they can box in where they think this wreckage might be. That is critical because thats just the first step, then you have to go down and locate all the wreckage as well. So definitely a lot of work happening and the visual search, so far, even flying over the area today, where those potential pings were heard, the planes didnt see anything. Will, we heard from the ma malaiysian defense minister who said he is possible there could be developments within hours. What about australian officials leading the search there from the ground. How confident are they that they turned the corner here . T reporter the language is more, like you said, much les confident. Mark matthews is the guy whose team is actually operating this towed pinger locator. Hes going to explain how it works and what else needs to ham. What i would like to say before i say with absolute certainty that it is the aircraft, one reacquire the three, switch out that sonar with a camera unit and take photographs of the what would be the wreckage. But certainly, you know, were jumping to conclusions here, we need to definitely reacquire the signal to confirm that it is the aircraft. Right now, it really is a race against time. I mean every time the ocean shield makes a pass, that takes eight hours, then you think about if they do locate this signal, just getting this underwater drone down there, it takes two hours to get down to the bottom, 16 hours to scan, and then two hours back up. Nothing happens quickly in the deep ocean, so its going to be a matter of time and as you guys mentioned, those black box batteries could actually run out at any second. Thanks to will ripley and we heard from commander marks this morning, and we got the sense that he was worried they could run out as theyre searching for it right now. As theyre pinging, that the black box could run out of power. Lets talk about all the developments today in the search with our aviation expert mary schiavo. What exactly for you as an investigator whos been onscene many times in this initial excitement, what is it, what makes everybody so excited about these pings . Well, the pings themselves arent so exciting, it what lies beneath the pings, the pings are so exciting because theyre the right frequency, 37. 5, theyre the right frequency of pinging noises, and the rate at which the ping comes is about once every second, and thats right. The ocean shield mentioned that it had heard not one but two, which would suggest there are two pingers, one on the flight data recorder, and one on the flight voice recorder. And they dont travel very far, means they were at some point right on top of or nearly on top of whatever was making this sound. So they have the coordinates, they know about where they were when they found it. It sounds like a pinger, the frequent looks like a pinger, most of us conclude it must be a pinger. Thats why everybody is so optimistic, but it does no good unless we find the black boxes. You think these pingers are more indicative of where the search is headed, but the chinese picked up some pingers on saturday, but you trust the ones picked up by the American Equipment more . I think realistically, both have to be checked out because we dont have the black boxes anymore. You cant afford to overlook any lead because the battery life is dwindling down, but the chinese ship noted the lat tuitude and longitude. But because they replicated it, the ocean shield, they replicate it it. Thats a really, thats a good fix on a sound and because they have so many indexes of reliability, i think that sounds very reliable. If i had to choose, that would be the one i go with. I think that many people were sort of hoping, maybe theyll spot some debris, a visual spots of planes in conjunction with the area that the pings were detected. Is it realistic to think that debris would still be a float, 31 days in . What do we know about debris and how it behaves after this much time . No, i wouldnt expect the debris to be right there where you find the wreckage under the sea. In air france and other crashes on the water, it moves away with the currents and it wouldnt say right there where it is, ocean guyer or not, it moves away, so it wouldnt expect to see it there. But conversely, i would have expected to see some. Because when a plane hits the water, it breaks apart. I mean you can count you can probably count on one finger recently the ones that didnt break apart. And that was the sullenberger crash on the hudson river. Because when it hits the water you expect it to flip. Well talk about that in just a minute. Mary, stay here, were going to come back to you for a discussion on many more things just ahead. This hour, did the plane deliberately avoid viennese vov indonesias air space and if so, why . Thats coming up. Tburn . When your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. Heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. And goes to work in seconds. Tum, tum tum tum. Tums to truck guys, the truck is everything. And when you put them in charge of making an unbeatable truck. Good things happen. This is the ram 1500. The 2014 motor trend truck of the year and first ever backtoback champion. Guts. Glory. Ram. Co until youre sure you do. You need a hotel room bartender thanks, captain obvious. Co which is why i put the hotels. Com mobile app on my mobile phone. Anyone need a coupon . I dont. [ mala body at rest tends to stay at rest. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. 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So its the best lead so far in what has been a long and frequently frustrating search. But will crews be able to find those signals based on the two pings. Jeff weis, the cnn aviation and pilot, jeff, i want to talk about another key piece of information that cnn developing overnight. According to officials, they say they believe the path that this plane took skirted around indonesia, presumably to avoid indonesian radar, to avoid Indonesian Air space. Its been curious, why didnt indonesi indonesian if the plane was heading into the southern indian ocean, did not want to be detected. What we do know about the track was that it went west of the peninsula and it would have made a lot of sense for it to curve around and remain in the open ocean. The new question about this information is what is the source of it. If it was far enough out to sea that it did avoid indonesian radar, what is the reason we know that was the path the plane indeed took . We know, mary, that the information coming from indonesia has been incomplete or absent and sometimes a little odd, does this put further questions in your mind . It puts boat loads of questions in my mind and heres why, the indonesian press, and granted i had to read it through google translations, but 70 of the units are damaged. It only operates half the time, not 24 hours a day, but 12 hours a day. They have new radar on order, but theyre just starting to take deliveries in 2014, and it wont be finished for another decade. In other words indonesia has been under tremendous criticism for the lack of radar coverage. I think it sounds like creating a nifty story to explain why they didnt get any radar sightings because theyre not likely to. They said that 40 of the rarda units in indonesia are so damaged and old. Its a fact of life, things get broken. The United States primary radar units are damaged and broken and lost. It sounds like a lot of cya, i want to see facts to say that it skirted the radar thats largely nonexistent. What i want to know is, what now . These towed pinger locators has detected these pings, those may run out before they get a better location. So this next 24 hours is crucial. What do you do to find these boxes . What you do is, you just go back, which im sure theyre going to do as soon as they can, is go back to that site and try to cross back over it, try to get a firmer fix on where the signal is coming from. This is a real hail mary pass, last week we were saying its incredibly unlikely given the short range of those fingers, that theyre going to find thit in . Huge area. Talk about a hail mary pass, its right before the end of its life span that the battery stops operating. If they go over it another time, are they going to get a better location . Each time you go over it, youre going to have a new track and on that track youre going to be able to track the intensity of that signal. With each pass, hopefully theyll keep hearing it, theyll be able to triangulate down and then you send down the autonomous under water vehicle and see if you can get a look at it. We want you both to stick around with us, were going to take some questions from our viewers, you guys have been great about tweeting us and commenting on facebook. And ahead for us at this hour, if flight 370 was trying to avoid radar and intentionally flew around indonesia, which is what some people are saying now, where in the world could the missing flight have be headed . Well have more after this. Before larry instantly transferred money from his bank of america savings account to his merrill edge retirement account. Before he opened his first hot chocolate stand calling winter an underserved season. 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Over the weekend, a ship picked up two promising signals consistent with flight data and cockpit voice recorders, in other words the sounds dont occur in nature. So theres a good chance, our experts are saying that there is something down there. Tom, these signals detected by an Australian Naval vessel, but yesterday there was a chinese vessel that people didnt recognize so much. Is it possible they could have been detecting the same thing . No. Unless something really, really strange is happen, this cant be the same thing, not in that period of time, lets take a look at these act tus theres amount of searching, a lot of vessels moving around, there are a lot of sounds that dont occur in nature occurring in these waters right now. That raises some questions about what people are hearing. Heres where the chinese heard their signal on saturday. Theres no way that a pinger heard could be heard over here or vice versa, unless something really, really unknown has occurred in an acoustic sense. And i dont think theres any reason to believe that. The pinger types are different, in terms of the locators. Thats one of the reasons that people are so suspicious of the chinese location, because they were using this type of pinger, which even the manufacturer has said that this is not necessarily being used in the way that it wasme meant to be used. This is the second set of pinging being detected by this device, it moves through the water at a very slow rate, it gives a much better picture of whats happening down there. Thank you, tom foreman in washington. And again, as tom was saying, he did an interview this morning with the maker of the device that this chinese ship is using, they didnt seem confident they could find it using their equipment. Their equipment is meant to be hadnt held in shallow water. Its not meant for those departments. They can put an adapter on it. But even he was doubtful that they were picking up the same pings. How exactly is an airplane full of 239 people avoid radar and simply vanish . Legs, for crossing. Feet. Splashing. Better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. If youre trying to manage your ra, now may be the time to ask about xeljanz. Xeljanz tofacitinib is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz is an ra medicine that can enter cells and disrupt jak pathways, that comes with ra. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. Dont start xeljanz if you have any kind of infection, unless ok with your doctor. 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The sound has been picked up in waters that are nearly three miles deep in the east indian oce ocean. The first lasted 2 eed two hour second for 13 minutes. The next couple of days, the next couple of months, the next couple of years, we will find the ending, but there will be a time that it will end. So to me i dont want to know certainly. The planes radar track shows it skirted indonesia on its path toward the indian ocean, taking a route that suggests they say an intent to avoid radar detection. So whether the moves of flight 370 were intentional or not. The fact does remain, there are questions about how a boeing 777 could simply vanish. It does raise a slew of security concerns about just how planes are tracked. Joining us for more on this is our Martin Savidge and its interesting martin and i want you, mitchell, to chime in on this as well. The officials are saying that it skirted indonesian radar. Wouldnt in be radar in the area that would have picked them up . They skirted Indonesian Air space and whether or not it was an attempt to skirt the rartd, is known only to who was flying in that area at the time. We know they werent successful because we know this information and we also know that various pingers tracked the plane. But skirting around, could you avoid radar . Absolutely you could, if you knew the lay of the land, as it were, if you know the vertical and horizontal areas of the radar zone. With some careful planning, you could absolutely do that. Reporter were on that flight, in essence, were flying from kuala lumpur flying toward beijing, but mitchell has programmed in what could have been the route where they changed course if they wanted to make this maneuver. We actually point it out to you here. This is us, the triangle and were headed up to igari, thats not a place, its really just a way point in the sky. Youll see that the aircraft made a dramatic turn offcourse and begins to follow this rather winding and bending route to go over the northern part of malaysia, and this is the part that skirts around indonesia. You can do it by setting the autopilot, but theres another way you can do it . You just do a little bit of course correction, you choose the heading that you want and then you press the button and the autopilot will take you. Reporter and you can get a sense that the aircraft is tilting and moving here. So thats one way you could turn. The other thing i would like to show you, though, when it comes to tries to hide from radar, this is my personal favorite scenario, but this is not really necessarily how its done. We need a keyboard back there, if you would be so kind. Were going to bring up a va vantage point. You can pick another wide body or large aircraft and you would try to fly right behind it. Now this would require incredible coordination, you would have to know, there is going to be one up there, it had to be a large body, but this could be done, right . Could be done, if you were, you know, really skilled at it and you had a really steady hand, you could do it. The thing is, we should point out is that following in the wake of one of these would be like you being in a little sports car, behind its called wake turbulence, its akin to that wake that you get off the big ship that disrupts the rounding water. Just because i say it could be done, you would have to be insane to try to do Something Like this. To do that for hours on end doesnt seem possible, but you could hide in their shadow, in cheery. Some other news to look at now. Oscar pistorius tells his side of the story. But even before doing, the track star apologized to the family of re he thinks of the family all the time. I would like to apologize, there hasibilint been a moment i havent apologized in the morning. The first people i think of, the first people i prayed for. I cant imagine the pain and the sorrow that i have caused you and your family. I was simply trying to protect rebou reba. I can promise you when she went to bed that night, she felt loved. Reportedly seized weapons in one and declared their own separate republic in another. Moscow was trying to tear that country apart. Russia is now telling the ukraine to stop blaming russia for its troubles. Were still waiting for more details on that situation. Ahead at this hour, were going to talk about a part of the ocean where the black box is from, flight 370. Searchers couldnt ask for a bigger challenge, that ocean is so dark, and its so deep, its named after the greek word for hell. Mine was earned in korea in 1953. Afghanistan, in 2009. Orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once its earned, usaa Auto Insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. Because it offers a superior level of protection. 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Its part of a week long series of proposals that the president will be talking about to push his domestic agenda. Three students are being honored as the national am connect the hunt for flight 370 right now. Chasing the pings, the australian ve australian vessel ocean shield has picked up pings consistent with black boxes and voice recorders. But the ocean is not giving up up its secrets very easily. We know that this part of the indian ocean is so very deep and it is so dark, its called the haydel zone, which is after the greek word for hell. I cant know you were greek . Im learning. The heydel zone is bay down there. Lets bring in the professor of academic and oceanic science. We are talking about an area that is three miles deep. Talk to us about what the terrain on that ocean floor is like. Because it will give us an indication of how challenging, if they detect something at the bottom of the ocean, how hard its going to be to get to. Yeah, i mean the indian ocean is unique, it has this 93degree east ridge running down reaching the diamondtina ridge to the west of perth. But we are to the northwest. It gets closed off on the indian continue innocent, so the very heaviest waters in the world that inundate all oceans, also go into the indian ocean, so they have to come back up to the surface and go back down. They do make the sound travel faster, so mary was mentioning the pings can only travel so far. The heavier water should make them travel faster. That is very interesting because one of the things we have been talking about now is the possibility that the u. S. Device used by the australia the u. S. Ship picked this up over such a wide area, they were towing for about two and a half hour, so you are saying this dense water the sound travelers faster . You have the speed of sound being four times faster in the water, and as the water gets heavier because of its so called antarctic water. So in this region, below got 1,500 meters, any pinging thats coming from the bottom should travel faster. You talked about what it does to sounds, what about visuals and light, when you talk about the heavier ocean. Once you get below about a half a mile from the surface, you basically have no light, down to about half a mile to a mile, you have some diffuse light, but Sea Creatures often generate their own life. Its called biolum for example when the submarines are slipping along, and they pick up their transmitted from a tower. When they do send stuff down there, they have to be mindful of these kind of density gradients in the water. Thank you so much, i think we learned a lot right here. Its interesting because the blue fin submersible, it doesnt need to see, per se, it can do a sonar map right there. Using different types of technology. Every time they do one of these searches, they learn more about what they need for next time. If they find this one time this, it will be unprecedented. Were going to have more about the search and mystery surrounding this flight. You can tweet your questions to 370qs. Don dont forget were on facebook atthishour. What exactly are search crews hearing out there in the indian ocean . What does it all mean . Well answer your questions that we just asked for, coming up next. Dlower Credit Scores and higher mortgage rates. Its a problem waiting to happen. Check your credit score, check your Credit Report at experian. Com. When my son was born, i remember, you know, picking him up and holding him against me. It wasnt just about me anymore. I had to quit. [ male announcer ] along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. It reduces the urge to smoke. Chantix didnt have nicotine in it, and that was important to me. 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Talking about this new search area and the new pings they detected, and jeff, does the area where they detected these pins, does it match the out of gas scenario where the plane ran out of fuel. That famous southern ark around the end of the southern indian ocean. We dont know what altitude is plane was flying at, we dont know how fast it was flying, so we dont know the definitive burn rate, but it does match it, its consistent i should say. The second question is does a pilot have any control over how much fuel is put on the plane . I would imagine the answer is no, am i right . Oh, no, he does. Or she does. Absolutely. If youre getting ready for a trip, like youre going to beijing, you have to have, at least by u. S. Laws and other countries have the same, its actually an icao guideline. You have to have enough to get to your destination, plus your emergency destination, if you cant get into beijing, you have an emergency destination that youve chose on and you have to have enough gas to get there. If you think youre going to hit head wins or youre have got some concerns, you can call for more fuel. And we have learned that these pilots did not call for more fuel. You can put more on if you decide you want it. I would have assumed, this shows im not an aviation expert or even have my own pilots license, because you would think you would just simply fill up the so its one of these things in this case they seem to know. Jeff, let me ask you this here. One of the things that people have been talking about all along is the pinger locators, it would be a miracle to detect anything right now. When you heard the news breaking overnight that they detected these pings, did it make you think that they have more information that theyre not telling us . Because thats what i thought. I thought for them to get a detection the first time they put that thing in the water, it would take more than a miracle. Right. This has been one of the burning questions of this whole investigation. They seem very confident about the steps theyve taken. Theres very little we know as the public that would lead us to share that kind of confidence. The assumption has always been, well, they must know something else. When they ran into that first search area they demar dated very early, it seemed like the malaysian Prime Minister went on air, actually was in front of parliament and said this is a very promising lead, we found this debris, and it seemed like they had a lot of confidence in what they were talking about, and then a few days later, boom, they were off looking somewhere else. So you do really have to wonder, do they know something or do they not know something additional . Yes, it would be 1 in a million kind of miracle if in the absence of finding any floating debris, which as mary pointed out early in the show, this plane, if it crashed in the ocean, should have generated a lot of debris. So the fact that we hadnt found anything floating and yet we found this pinger is strange. It is strange. Jeff, mary, thanks so much for your expertise. Ahead in this hour, lig lightsab lightsabers, camera, action. Apparently films has begun on a new star wars film. Are you going to see it . Oh, yeah, are you kidding me, absolutely. I live for star wars. Plus, a goodbye to one of hollywoods true icons. The life and career of mickey rooney. vo you are a business pro. Maestro of project management. Baron of the buildout. You need a permit. To be this awesome. And you. Rent from national. Because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. And go. And only national is ranked highest in car rental Customer Satisfaction by j. D. 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Thats as useless as chuck at a golf tournament. Or you at the three point line. Or you in a spelling bee. You gotta switch to the venture card from capital one. You can fly any airline. No blackouts. Thats what i did. I dont say this often but listen to the ref. I cant believe i said that. Dont get blacked out, get the capital one venture card. Earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. Good on any airline or hotel. Whats in your wallet . You know youve been dying to talk about this all day, right . If anyone predicts uconn will be playing kentucky tonight, we want that person to be playing our Lottery Ticket numbers for us. Thats because this was not the final that most people had in their brackets. Did you anticipate that . Oh, man, no, i wish i did. I got nothing left. Kentucky and connecticut face off tonight in the ncaa mens basketball championship. Technically speaking, this is the first time an 8 seed and 7 seed have met in the championship. I happen to think kentucky as an 8 seed is absurd. Well let andy shoels speak to that. He is where the action is happening in arlington, texas. No one had this game in their bracket. The only people that might have had it is the students at uconn and kentucky or maybe some of the alumni for some of the two schools because the run these two teams have been on have been absolutely amazing over the last few weeks. The entire season has been quite a journey for the young kentucky wildcats. At the start of the season, they were the preseason Number One Team in the country after bringing in arguably the best freshman class ever. Fans were so confidence before the season they were wearing 400 tshirts. The team that did go through plenty of growing pains during the season, they dropped out of the top 25 right before the tournament, but through it all, this group of 18yearolds and 19yearolds never lost focus of their goal. Were playing for each other. I knew that once we got the Little Things together, that we could be a great team. We just had too much talent and, you know, we saw in spurts how good we could be so just felt like it was a matter of time before it clicked. One kentucky fan actually saw this run coming all along. Tyler austin black, he got a tattoo back in march that said 2014 national championships. People called him crazy back then, but now, guys, hes just one win away from looking like a genius. Also cleanly shaved. A little bit disconcerting to me. A terrible spot for a tattoo. I watched the game with a lot of wildcat kentucky fans in my apartment here in new york city and let me tell you it got loud because that game was insane. That buzzer, you know, the last second, that threepoint shot, Aaron Henderson is one to watch. Theyre set up for next season no matter what happens tonight. You know what, you were breaking up there for a second and theres actually a garbage truck so i couldnt hear you that well, but theres going to be a lot of fans excited for tonights game. Just agree, its what i do. Just nod your head and say yes, youre absolutely right. We have a couple other stories. First up, good news for star wars fans which is actually really Important News for everyone, frankly. The latest installment of the star wars Series Episode 7 has started filming. According to the Hollywood Reporter who spoke with disney studios chairman allen horn about, you can imagine, a bigbudget production. Dont run down and try and run tickets yet because the new film does not even hit theaters until december 2015. I know i speak for every human on earth and mostly young boys who hope these films make up for the first three, you know, the phantom menace and those ones. Hollywood also saying goodbye to an acting legend. Mickey rooney died sunday at the age of 93. Theres something about an ice cream soda. Hello, cynthia. How do you do, mr. Hardy . This guy could really do anything. Way back in 1937, he landed the role of andy hardy, a character he revisited in a series of 15 films. He wasnt just one of the biggest stars in hollywoods golden age, he stayed at it well into his 80s with roles in a ton of movies including the comedy hit night at the museum. He is credited with more than 200 films and television appearances. The end of his life wasnt easy. He testified before congress about abuse of the elderedly. He obviously had some challenges. He certainly put smiles on so many faces. 80 years in the business. Thats it for us at this hour. Legal view with Ashleigh Banfield starts right now. Hello, everyone, im Ashleigh Banfield. It is monday, april 7th. Welcome to legal view. The box in the lower lefthand corner of your screen should be telling you that the mystery of flight 370 has now gone on for 31 days. And thats longer than the expected lifespan of the batteries in the pingers on the socalled black boxes that were on that plane. And yet after all this time, the chief coordinator of the search

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