Authorities, a lot of resources are being focused on that particular area given where it is. What we do know at this point is this is the Alpine Police department that is investigating this incident here. That the alpine isd High School Students are to be picked up at Jehovah Witness Church across the street from the school. Trying to calm the parents who are supposed to get their children. What we are working out is to find out if there are any potential injuries. At least one Person Injured during a shooting, near the big bend area in texas. As polo just said, parents are being told to pick up their kids at a jehovahs Witnesses Church not far from that school. Here in new york, a bunch of schools just went back into session. Maybe the same in texas. One Person Injured at this point. Well keep our eye on this, so keep tuned for details as they come in. We have breaking news on the political front as well. Hillary clinton, tell us how you really feel. No kidding. Just moments ago. She kind of went to 11, offering a meticulous takedown of Donald Trumps performance at last nights National Security forum, what she called his criticism of u. S. Generals and his praise for russian leader putin. Overnight, trump said the russian president is a better leader than President Obama. And this morning, Hillary Clinton did not parse words. She called that unpatriotic and scary. Listen. Bizarrely once again he praised russias strong man Vladimir Putin, even taking the astonishing step of suggesting that he prefers the russian president to our american president. Now, that is not just unpatriotic and insulting to the people of our country as well as to our commander and chief, it is scary. Because it suggests he will let putin do whatever putin wants to do. And then make excuses for him. I was just thinking about all of the president s that would just be looking at one another in total astonishment. What would Ronald Reagan say about a republican nominee who attacked americas generals and heaps praise on russias president . Lets talk about this and everything that happened last night. A lot has happened this morning. Rear admiral charles kubik, Donald Trumps National Security policy adviser. Brigadier general john douglas, former assistant in the navy. Hillaary rosen, democratic strategist. Mark shlap, now chairman of the american conservative union. Cnns chief political analyst gloria borger. Everyone, thank you very much. Gloria, first, to you, after last night, they had their say. Why did Hillary Clinton come out this morning . What does that tell you . Because there are 0plus days until the election. She cannot let anything go unchallenged. And i think donald trump gave her an awful lot to talk about last night. She could go on the attack against him. This is talking about Donald Trumps temperament and qualifications to be Commander In Chief. She went right after him. As you pointed out on the putin issue. What i always find astonishing she did not talk about is donald trump answered a question about a classified briefing. Somehow saying that there was one thing in the briefing that shocked him. He wouldnt tell people what it was. But then he said it involved a decision by President Obama and mrs. Clinton. So he kind of teased that in, i felt, an inappropriate way. You know, she had lots of opportunity to go out there and answer him, particularly on this question of praising putin and his approval rating. And and on from there. Lets play what donald trump said last night about Vladimir Putin and his leadership skills. If he says great things about me, im going to say great things about him. I already said he is very much a leader. You can say, oh, isnt that a terrible thing . Very strong control over a country. Its a very different system and i dont happen to like the system, but certainly in that system, hes been a leader far more than our president has been a leader. All right, admiral, let me put the question to you, is Vladimir Putin in your mind a better leader than President Obama . Good morning, john, good morning, kate. I think what mr. Trump was really trying to say is he didnt approve of the system. He was just defining the characteristics of being a pro active leader. Contrasting that with our current president who has been very passive leading from behind. I dont think he was picking one other the other. I could never really endorse a foreign leader over our own president but i do think the Leadership Styles are remarkably different and probably we are in need of a much more proactive leader like mr. Trump to be able to confront the kind of leader we see in russia today. So do you disagree with donald trump . Because he pretty clearly said last night certainly in that system, the russian system, hes been a leader far more than our president has been a leader. I think thats what i said. Hes contrasting their Leadership Styles. Hes not necessarily saying he would want to live under a putintype leadership but he is basically saying they have a proactive leader, we have a passive leader, we need another proactive leader to match him. I think thats all hes saying. Im just giving you my read on what he said. Hilary. Im sorry, sir, you just dont get to get away with that. What donald trump said last night was Hillary Clinton wouldnt say this, but i will, it was treasonist. Not only unpatriotic, it was so disrespectful to the existing armed forces, to our current Commander In Chief. Countries Around The World have to look at this and say is America United in its resolve against dictators and bad actors Around The World or isnt it. The message that donald trump sent last night was that we are divided on that issue and as a surrogate for mr. Trump, he deserves better. The country deserves better. Than you whitewashing his comments last night. Any Military Officer that defends wait a minute, wait a minute of donald trump last night ought to be ashamed of themselves. Go ahead, admiral. Wait a minute, i mean, youre sitting here and now youre deciding to attack me. I think what were seeing is the facts speak for themselves. We see how our president is treated by our nations, by other leaders. What hes really saying is its time for a change. Hes not necessarily saying hes disrespecting the president of the United States. Hes saying politically he will pursue a different path and its time for a change. Please, its not time to attack me. Im just basically saying what hes saying and what others are reporting. General douglas, lets bring you in here. He said in that system, he, Vladimir Putin, hes been a better leader, far more than our president has been a leader. We, you know, last night mr. Trump showed an appalling lack of understanding of what leadership is, an appalling lack of understanding how the military operates. Talked about purging these generals that we have today. And somehow bringing others into the process. He doesnt understand the Promotion System within the military. He made some sexist remarks about women in the military. He disparaged our judicial system in the military. You know, it goes on and on. As secretary clinton said, it is truly bizarre to see him up there and dangerous, because what he doesnt seem to understand is the world is listening. Hes now a national candidate. When you get up there and you say these irresponsible things, you say what the world knows are misrepresentation of the facts. Hes for this. And we find a tape, he said hes against this, so on. General, one of the things youre probably pointing to is when donald trump said last night i think under the leadership obama and clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble, reduced to a point where its embarrassing for our country. Yeah, bizarre statement. You know, we have the finest military that the United States has ever produced. Young officers from 2nd Lieutenant up to our highest generals are superbly qualified. Theyre vetted through a very nonpolitical, based on merit system, that they rise to the top. Here we have a candidate who wants to introduce some kind of political litmus test to become a general. And as you know, when were on active duty, we keep our mouths shut. I spent four years in the Reagan White House as a democrat and president reagan used to tease me all the time, hey, look, got this democratic guy here. He, you know, tells me the other side of the story. I used to go with him in meetings to tip oneill on highly classified programs. Mr. Trump just doesnt understand how the military works. He doesnt understand what these comments that he makes, the impact they have. When i was number two at nato headquarters on the military committee, i developed a lot of friends in the german army. You know, now my friends are contacting me and saying what in gods earth is going on. Will you pick up on that for a moment, along the lines of the putin comments. Admiral cubic made a statement, he said put in a proactive leader. He locks up, targets for assassination. And matt shlap, just moments ago, Hillary Clinton said every republican has to answer the question, do you think putin is a better leader than President Obama. Back to the idea we cant criticize barack obama, you know, thats silly. We have the first amendment, we have the right to criticize our president do you think President Putin is a better leader . Back to this, we all know clinton went over there and met with the russians and had the gimmicky red reset button, said all kinds of favorable things. I heard him on public speeches time and time again try to do all he could to be diplomatic and reach out to the russian leader. I think you cant have it both ways. You criticize donald trump when you think hes being too negative and attacking people. Here you have him in a mode where he could be the president of the United States and hes actually trying to be constructive and reach out to an important world leader, and youre criticizing him either way. The fact is this, the reason were in the state were in in the country is because of the Obama Clinton foreign policy. It really has been a disaster. To be clear on this, though, john and i were not criticizing donald trump. Were asking a question. Thats fair. I do want your take. Which is do you think i just met the other people on the panel okay, do you think when you hear donald trump, and all we can do is take someone at their word. Yes. I aprm very hesitant to try continually interpret what Donald Trumps meeting is. Taking him at his word, do you think that Vladimir Putin is a better leader than barack obama . Do you like that comparison and the message that it sends . I think what i took from listening to that last night was that what donald trump is saying is that what we have with barack obama and potentially with Hillary Clinton is weak leadership globally which leads america to a worst position. And what happens with Vladimir Putin, although we hate the system, and hes a strong man and i dont like much about him at all. The fact he projects leadership and what russia wants to accomplish on the globe, he does very well. I dont like what theyre doing but he does it well. I want to make sure the president of the United States can counter that by being a strong leader as well. That is what we want to see happen. You know, what he said, what donald trump said last night, quite plainly, was Vladimir Putin called me brilliant. So im going to take that as a compliment and im going to compliment him in return. Then he cited 82 Approval Ratings in russia, which we all understand are are probably not accurate. And then went on to compare Vladimir Putin, might i remind, compare Vladimir Putin to barack obama, and called him effectively a stronger, better leader. And that is why, to get back to your first question, guys, that is why Hillary Clinton came out on the tarmac today, swinging, because she wants to underscore this comparison and she wants the American People to make a judgment on that. Its a completely fair question for Hillary Clinton to be asking right now. After that forum last night. Completely. All right, guys, stick around. A lot more to discuss. Donald trump says he knows u. S. Intelligence officers are not happy with President Obama. How is that, you ask. He says he saw it in their Body Language during the Class Fewed Intel Briefing hes received. Details on that ahead. Plus, Hillary Clinton is now firing back after the rnc chair criticizes her facial expressions during last nights forum. Her response, thats coming up. Did you know that chevrolet is the most awarded car company two years in a row . Oh wow. Im surprised chevys coming out with some nice stuff. The design is great. I love it. Number one in my book. And chevy is going to give you 0 financing for 72 months. Thats 6 years of no interest. Thats awesome. I know, right . If you only had 72 hours to get a great deal on this car, what would you do . Can we sign with you . The chevy 72 hour sale is here. This labor day, get 0 financing for 72 months on all your favorite 2016 chevy models. Hurry, the clock is ticking, get yours now. 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Come see why tmobile is 1 in customer satisfaction. Sweet, sweet st. Thomas nice. So nice, so nice st. Croix full of pure vibes. So nice, so nice. St. John a real paradise. This winter experience Us Virgin Islands nice. Book your trip at visitusvi. Com before october 31st to receive your 6th night free, plus 600 in spending credits. Did you know people can save over 500 when they switch to progressive . Did you brush your hair today . Yes, mom. Why . Hmm. No reason. Under the leadership of barack obama and Hillary Clinton, the generals have been recuduced to rubble. He supported it as it happened and he is on record as supporting it after it happened. Praising russian President Putin while trashing President Obama. Hes been a leader far more than our president has been a leader. [ laughs ] okay, okay. The u. S. Intelligence officials have a problem with President Obama. Donald trump seems to think so. During last nights Commander In Chief foruforum, trump was aske what he noticed in his Intelligence Briefings. Heres some of what trump said. Our leadership, barack obama, did not follow what our experts and truly, when they call it intelligence, its there for a reason, what our experts said to do. How . I was very, very surprised. In almost every instance. I could tell. I have a pretty good Body Language. I could tell they were not happy. Our leaders did not follow what they were recommending. All right, Hillary Clinton had a response for that this morning. Lets listen. I think what he said was totally inappropriate. And undisciplined. I would never comment on any aspect of an Intelligence Briefing that i received. All right, our panel back with us now to discuss. Admiral cubic, there are two parts, the part Hillary Clinton was talking about here, and the other part which, you know, were hearing from our intelligence experts. Phil mudd who worked in the fbi and cia, knows a little bit about briefings. Phil mudd told us these briefers, theyre not telling the people theyre briefing recommendations, theyre giving facts. So they said its not believable that donald trump would have learned what recommendations were given to the president and Hillary Clinton from these briefings at all. So my question to you, admiral, wheres he getting this . Is he just making it up . I think what he was doing was using very, very careful when he was asked a direct question, if anything surprised him, not to reveal any details, he said there was one thing that surprised him and then he kind of broke from the what was in the Intelligence Briefing and offered based on his own knowledge and what he was saying reading Body Language that it was clear to him that based on the intelligence he had been given that President Obama had been rejecting the advice of his military and intelligence professionals. I think those were two separate parts. I dont think he really got that information from the briefers. He was drawing that conclusion based on his own observation of what they were doing, visavis the intelligence he had received that surprised him. Hillary clinton said it was totally inappropriate and undisciplined. To be fair, he was asked a couple times, you know, not going into detail let me add a little bit of fact to this. I used to sit in on president ial Intelligence Briefings when i was on the National Security council. The Intelligence Community oftentimes doesnt agree. Defense intelligence agencies, others, maybe even homeland security, something else, and they sort of argue these things out and then they try and present a combined position to the president. They dont make recommendations as to what to do. Thats put together by the president s National Security team, the state department, the Department Of Defense obviously, the chairman and his staff over at the pentagon. So, you know, this is another example of trumps appalling lack of understanding about how the National Security apparatus works. For those of us who served at the highest level, actually been there with the president , listened to how a president like Ronald Reagan operated, this is pretty scary stuff matt shlup, was that you with the come on there and let me ask, Body Language, if its a classified briefing, i imagine the words spoken, would the unspoken words, Body Language, be classified too . Look, hes trying to answer a question so the voters understand where hes coming from. I can understand why this general, whos a democrat, has his view that he didnt like what he said. The fact is, is this. The fbi director appointed by President Obama has called Hillary Clintons actions with Classified Information reckless. This is why the voters look at her and why 70 of them dont think shes honest or trustworthy. How san can she stand up at that Press Conference and say donald trump is not handling Classified Information correctly when person after person who investigated this including the fbi director has said shes been reckless, shes been inappropriate, she hasnt been forthcoming with the information. By the way, general, shes been dealing with these types of things for over a decade. Yes, donald trump is new at this. But Hillary Clintons been doing this for decades. What she has done is close to criminal, if not criminal, and i think the voters are going to hold her accountable for it. Fbi did not find any grounds to recommend they called her reckless. They did they did call her reckless. They did not recommend criminal charges. We have to keep that clear. I do want to move on to one thing that was said last night that Hillary Clinton did have to answer for again this morning. Talking about she promised last night no Ground Troops in iraq and no Ground Troops in syria. Listen to what she said last night. We are not putting Ground Troops into iraq ever again. And were not putting Ground Troops into syria. And then she explained it this way. This morning. Ive said it on numerous occasions. I believe it. I think putting a big contingent of american Ground Troops on the ground in iraq and syria would not be in the best interest in the fight against isis and other terrorist groups. Heres the problem with that, she didnt say big contingent last night, she said no Ground Troops ever, hilary. Well, look, she gave a more complete answer than donald trump did on all of the plans in terms of antiterrorist activity there are Ground Troops there already. 2,000 Ground Troops there already. What she was doing in that answer was very clearly responding to what the veterans in the room are interested in. Are you going to address terrorist activities currently by increasing our support on the ground . Donald trump refused to say what his plan is. Hes got a secret plan. Its right in there with the secret Immigration Plan and his secret economic plan and his secrets about, you know, about about did she go too far last night trying to make that point which she had to clean up then today . No, i dont think she went too far. I think what she was saying to them is i do not see adding Ground Troops to this effort and i think thats what people needed to hear. She was very clear on that. I think she was clear on it today. Frankly, shes the only one who has talked about what the alternative to Ground Troops is. We have no clue what donald trump knows or is going to do. I want to give you a last word here on this. Big picture from last night. Weve been talking a lot about what trump said. Well talk more about what Hillary Clinton said, particularly about the emails here. Was there a clear winner last night or did they both leave something for the wanting when it comes to proving they can be Commander In Chief . Im going to agree with your latter point. I think they both left questions in peoples minds. She was, you know, this question of Ground Troops, questions of emails which were thrown at her time and time again. I think donald trump, again, raised an awful lot of questions about his the depth of his knowledge of foreign policy, particularly when he said i, you know, dont want to let anybody in on my secret plan to attack isis. And talked about the generals, he be said he knew more than, suddenly saying well the generals were now in rubble because of become Obaarack Obams been all over the map on that. If youre watching this last night as an undecided viewer, youre kind of scratching your head. I would have to say on the if you were sort of tilt the scale one way or another, think many more questions were raised about trump. Thats why we got 60 days left. Thanks, everybody. A lot more to discuss. Less than 60 days. 32 minutes. Keep going. Private conversations. A Bombshell Exchange between former Secretary Of State colin powell and Hillary Clinton, including tips from powell talking about using a private email account. Well be right back. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 Skin Clearance at 3 months. While the majority saw 90 clearance. Do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. 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I make no excuses for it. Classified material has a header which says top secret, secret, confidential. Nothing, and i will repeat this and this is verified in the report by the department of justice, none of the emails sent or received by me had such a header. All right, want to bring in cnn justice correspondent evan perez. Along with this last night, there was also the release of an email exchange between former Secretary Of State colin powell and then Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton about the use of private email. Explain. Thats right, john. Representative Elijah Cummings on the Oversight Committee in the house which has been investigating all this issue released this email. Its the first time weve seen this actual email that we heard a lot about actually. Its kind of fascinating. It goes back to 2009. Hillary clinton had just taken office. And she asked colin powell for advice on what to do, how he operated as Secretary Of State, whether or not he was able to use his blackberry. Remember, around that time, President Obama had to get a special blackberry issued by the nsa so he could keep using one. Thats what she was kind of after. What we get from colin powell is fascinating simply because it shows the lengths that he went to try to evade his personal matters getting into the government email systems. It says here, there is a real danger that if it is public that and you have a blackberry and whether youre using it or not, the government im sorry, whether using it, it becomes official record and subject to the law. Reading about the president s blackberry rules this morning, it sounds like it wont be as useful as it used to be. Be very careful. I got around it all by not saying much and using systems that captured the data. You get a sense from this email from colin powell, hes kind of trying to push back against the rules that were trying to limit how much he could use blackberry frankly for Security Reasons but keep in mind this is 2005 when colin powell was in office, when Hillary Clinton takes office, its 2009. The Cybersecurity Concerns were far different. And, really, what she ends up doing is setting up a private server to do all her government business, which is not really anything that colin powell ever did while he was in office. And shes still answering questions about it and still talking about it this morning. Was asked a lot about it last night. Evan, thank you very much. Well be talking more about that ahead. In the meantime, the chair of the Republican National committee, under fire this Morning Afterhitting Hillary Clinton for not smiling enough in late nights National Security forum. Well get the clinton response. Thats next. Picking up for kyle. Here you go. 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Alice stewart is here, the former Communications Director for ted cruz as he ran for president. Hilary rosen, last segment, we heard about Hillary Clinton and the emails. We heard some sound last night from the forum. Still fascinates me she spent so much time relitigating in great detail what was printed and not printed on the emails in terms of what was marked classified and not marked classified. When the fbi director flatly said, she should have known she was sending and receiving classified emails. It seems to me when she tries to relitigate the issue of what markings were on what papers, that isnt the level of candor in some cases that i think people want to hear on this issue. Well, first, i think everybody would agree that there was far too much discussion last night about the emails in a way, because people wanted to hear more from Hillary Clinton about what she will do as Commander In Chief. I think matt lauer did a disservice by letting so much conversation about the emays. Her response on that, i dont think shes relitigating it. Shes apologized. Shes said numerous times it was a mistake. What she was doing was showing some respect for this audience. A new audience of veterans who care about National Security, who care about these issues, to give them the respect, to try and explain herself in terms of her treatment of Classified Information. And what she said was true, john, it wasnt a falsehood, they were not marked at the top. The fbi director has said that, you know, et cetera, so, you know, it has been talked about over and over again, but i do think her attempt last night to explain herself wasnt about relitigating, it was about trying to show some respect to a new audience she was speaking to. Paris, im sure you want to respond. At the end of the day, this comes down to judgment. Secretary clinton should have known better. Shes been in the public service, in highprofile positions for decades. She should know what classified, top secret and all these things mean. Whether it was at the top, at the bottom or in the middle. And why its important for the American People, especially the audience, to hear about the emails is because the issue is her judgment. The root of this stems from benghazi. We have to keep that in context. She should know better no, no, no, no, the way it came before congress was because of the benghazi investigation. That wasnt why thats true. That wasnt why it was after the fact she made the decision to have the private server. Referring to the hill inquiries and investigations there. Which showed nothing, demonstrated nothing. Go ahead. The fbi director stands in stark contrast to that opinion. And the American People stand in stark contrast to that opinion. Thats why the issue about the emails and her candor and her relitigating is important. Because we have to get to the bottom of it. It speaks to her judgment. And is she capable of leading. She has an ad out about that it takes one call about judgment, one issue. Well, her judgment, her character as relates to her time as Secretary Of State on egypt, syria and all of the other countries in the middle east where she failed us. We have to talk about this issue. Its going to be an issue all the way until november. Paris, your candidate hold on, hilary. I do want to ask you, get your take, alice, on this involving the republican committee. The chairman of the committee, Reince Prebut sent out a tweet. Hillary clinton was angry and defensive the entire time, no smile and uncomfortable, upset she was caught wrongly sending our corrects. No smile bit, thats what everyone is pouncing on, saying it smacks of sexism. Other people said smile more, why isnt she smiling. They have been hit with this very same criticism throughout the campaign. No ones talking about donald trump smiling. This morning, Hillary Clinton was asked about it. I dont take my advice and i dont take anything seriously that comes from the rnc. We were talking about serious issues last night. I know the difference between what we have to do to fix the va, what we have to do to take the fight to isis, then just making political happy talk. Alice, do you take any issue, after everything that was talked about in it the forum last night, thats what Reince Priebus wanted to tweet about, not smiling . Well, i think if you look at the full tweet, you understand what he was trying to say. Look, surely this was a serious topic and it deserves serious composure by those involved in the forum. But the democrats are pouncing on the smile part of the text because they dont want to talk about the part of the text where he says she wrongly sent our secrets. That is the takeaway from the tweet. Is that she, as paris said, showed a complete lack of judgment when it compaes to the use of alice, were not talking about alice, the smile thing though, that may all be true. As a communications expert, was it a mistake to add the line about the smile there, because it would distract from those points you wanted to make . In hindsight, if he wanted to focus on the real issue, which is wrongly sending the secrets, he could have left that out. But i dont think for the democrats and hillary supporters to pounce on the fact and claim that its sexist, i think thats completely inappropriate. I think a lot of times, comments are made about Hillary Clinton. That is the go to line, to say its sexist, in order to distract from the real issue. I think what reince was trying to show we did not find the tweet from Reince Priebus anywhere on his feed about anywhere else smiling. Ever. Talking about any smiling. Well, i think were making a mountain out of a molehill. I think the focus of that tweet is about sending secrets through her email server. I think too much is being made out of that part of the tweet. When clearly the message is what was really the takeaway from the night is that she is still, still, trying to explain why she exposed Classified Information through her private email server and thats going to be an issue that will continue to dog her as we get through the next 60 days. Thats the focus and thats the real issue. Democrats can distract about look, youre trying to distract look at me, im smiling, thats how silly i think this conversation is in a way. When Hillary Clinton is in the Oval Office Making the hard decisions about the deployment of american soldiers, i do not want her smiling. I want her thoughtful and i dont want her being made a fool like the way donald trump did last night. All right, for the record, we did check the tape. They both smiled when they came on stage, not many smiles after that. Lets all smile right now. Im smiling On The Inside very often, paris, On The Inside. Were going to smile as we go to break. Coming up next, a stunning question, really sending shockwaves throughout this political race right now. Were not talking about a democrat, were not talking about a republican candidate for president. Were talking about the libertarian candidate for president. What he said, what he asked and what is now being said about it. She spent summer bingewatching. Soon, shell be bingestudying. Get back to great. This week 50 off all backpacks. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. What would you do if you were elected about aleppo. About . Aleppo. What is aleppo . Youre kidding. No. Aleppo is in syria. Its the epicenter of the Refugee Crisis okay, got it. Got it. That was libertarian president ial candidate gary johnson this morning on msnbc and what is not surprisingly become one of the biggest holy wow moments of this election. Lets bring in bill carter, cnn media analyst and author. Kerstin powell, former Clinton Administration official. Jackie kucinich. Kerstin, i want to start with you. Gary johnson put out a statement, he said what was about aleppo. He was immediately thinking about an acronym. I blank. It happens. It will happen again during the course of the campaign. This was glaring. Gary johnson isnt going to be president of the United States. What effect does it have on the campaign . I think it is going to have an effect because hes pulling 9 or 10 on most polls. Its not a minor issue. Some people think hes polling equally. The recent Public Policy polls in florida shows in the fourway matchup including joe stein, you have trump up. When you do a headtohead with hillary, hillary is up. Theres an effect of having you in the race, i think if he flounders or drops out, it could make a difference with him pulling away from other people. Jackie, with that, is Gary Johnsons time in this race over . The other thing this says is it sort of squelching any talk of lowering the bar to get into the debate. There was some talk about, is 15 too high . After those comments, probably not. There is a reason. Kerstin is right. He does make a difference. Should he drop out. It is up to gary johnson. It is going to be very hard to recover from hash tag what is aleppo at this point. Bill carter, media expert. Theres a question about whether or not the moderator of the forum was fair, was too tough on one candidate, didnt press back on another candidate. Matt lauer let donald trump get away with saying that he was always opposed to the iraq war when the evidence was to the contrary. It leads to the question, is there a double standard when it comes to measuring these two candidat candidates, and what does that mean Going Forward this. This has dominated the discussions really since the primary. Trump was being given a lot less scrutiny and can get away with saying much less. I think the other thing i think matt lauer is a good interview. Let me say that, in general. I think this format was terrible for him, not well set up. I think it was overly aggressive with her. He didnt have a chance to talk to her about the email before he was going to go after it. It seemed a little hostile. Objectively speaking, that seemed a little hostile. If youre interviewing these people, youre under incredible scrutiny yourself. The media itself has become a big part of the story and whether or not theyre standing up to the job is something everyone is examining. David axelrod tweeted something interesting. He said matt lauers performance last night could actually help Hillary Clinton in the debate. His line of thinking is if lester holt reads the critiques of his colleague, hes not going to give donald trump the same pass. I doubt matt lauer went into it thinking that he was going to give donald trump a pass. But when i was watching it with hillary, i thought this is good, hes being aggressive. I think its good hes being aggressive with her, but will he be as aggressive with donald trump. You cant be aggressive with one and less aggressive with the other. It seems he was less aggressive with donald trump than Hillary Clinton. What role do the moderators play . Is it their job to say, im sorry, what you just said is wrong, or is it the job of the other candidate . I feel like if it destracts away from the debate, it shouldnt be about the moderator debating the candidate. Something about trumps statement about iraq, so pat at the present timely false, does warrant a mention. The scrutiny is going to be on the moderator for sure as much as the candidates going into this. Theyre going to be watching very closely. Donald trump is a very different person to handle than Hillary Clinton. Hes very different than any president ial candidate. Matt lauer isnt the first anchor to be sidelined by donald trump. Maybe they should be watching jake tappers interview over and over and over to find out how to get an answer. Last word, bill, the challenge looking the the debates . I think all the moderators will watch that and say i have to up my game. I cant let everything go. I have to come after them fairly, but if they Say Something is wrong, i think they have to kmo comment. Bill, kerstin, jackie, you all brought your game. Thank you very much. Hillary clinton will speak live any minute in north carolina. This is a big speech after the event last night. How will she take on donald trump today . Stand by for that. Every day starts better with a healthy smile. Start yours with Philips Sonicare, the no. 1 choice of dentists. Compared to oralb 7000, Philips Sonicare flexcare platinum removes significantly more plaque. This is the sound of Sonic Technology cleaning deep between teeth. Hear the difference . 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If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Squuuuack, its what you do. Hello everyone. Im ashleigh banfield. Welcome to legal view. We are 61 days away now until the big day. If you dont know what the big day is, dont be worried. Theres at least one candidate who doesnt know a big thing, too. Ill tell you about that in just a moment. The Finish Line A couple months away. 90 minutes away, Hillary Clintons event in charlotte, north carolina. National security is the theme this week in case you missed it for both the

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