And then an event in hampton, illinois, right next to iowa, by the way. Later, bill clinton will be in cincinnati. Bernie sanders on the trail for his first Solo Campaign event supporting clinton. Trump is heading to canfield, ohio. Look at this map. Its all on, all over the place. Cnn senior Political Correspondent brianna keilar, a new campaign plane, traveling with the press for the first time. Hillary clinton and, breaking news, she spoke to the traveling press corps. This is an informal introduction. And, you know, ever since she declared her candidacy last april, more than a year ago, she has traveled separately than the press. Donald trump has done this as well. But a lot of times, for instance, when you had mitt romney in 2012, they share a plane with their press. Hillary clinton is now at that point. And she had what she called an informal welcome for the media as they, shortly after they got on the plane, and here is what she said. Hey, guys. Welcome to our big plane so exciting. What do you think . I think its pretty cool, dont you . Youre supposed to say yes. I april m so happy to have all u with me. Ive been just waiting for this moment. No, really. Ill come back and talk to you more formally. I wanted to welcome you on to the plane. How was your Labor Day Weekend . It was good, it was really good. We had a good time. The last moment of hello, mark. I recognize your hat. How are you . Im glad youre here. Last moments before the mad dash the next two months, so i hope you guys are ready and are you ready . Im ready. Im more than ready. Are you ready, arun . Has arun been taking good care of you . Yes, very good. [ inaudible comment ] arun has been how long have you been working for me . 2 1 2 years. He started well, you were still in college, right . Were so happy. What . [ inaudible ] happy labor day. Do you have a labor day message . I do, youll hear it. I definitely, i definitely do. If you want more happy labor days, you know who to vote for. Thanks. Ill come back later. Thank you. Shoutout there to her press staffer who frequently accompanies the press. As you guys know, Hillary Clinton has been very press averse. Not just in terms of not traveling with press on the plane, but the fact that she hasnt had a press conference a fullfledged press conference, since last december. Its been a considerable amount of time. Shes taken questions. A few here, there, in gaggles. She hasnt had a full fledge press conference. Shes been coming under a lot of criticism from donald trump and his supporters for not being more accessible. Its not a format she enjoys. You almost heard a little sarcasm in that where she said ive just been waiting for this moment. I think perhaps a little hat tip to the fact that maybe she hasnt. I think we it wasnt almost heard a little sarcasm. At the end, she may have tipped her hat a little more. She said, im going to come back and talk a little later. I wonder if Hillary Clinton is planning a more formal question and answer session. I think she probably is. I would actually find it odd if she didnt. Because if she were to have this first day where shes traveling with her press, the press that follows her, that has been assigned to her since the beginning, and many of these people on the plane have been following her for a considerable time prior to her launch in april. I think it would be odd if she started the day, you know, going on the plane with them and then wasnt accessible to them. It might just highlight some of the issues that shes had with press accessibility. Its hard to remain inaccessible when youre on the same plane. Oh, they still manage though. They still manage. Because, you know, youre separated. Its not like theres free roaming up the aisleways. The secret service is literally between you. Yes. With a little note, come speak to us, please, send food. Lets go from Hillary Clinton to donald trump. Phil mattingly is covering that. Where do things stand today with donald trump, hitting up several stops in ohio and hitting up several stops on his immigration policy along the way. Thats exactly right. Depends on who you talk to what his immigration policy is. Trump was clear on a lot of his immigration policy in the big speech in arizona last week. One of the key issues he backed off a little bit, immediate deportation for the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country. What he says he wants to do is prioritize. First criminals. Then those who overstay visas. Thats about 6 Million People. That leech leaves a decent amou people left. Its tbd, according to most of his aides, except for former new york mayor Rudy Giuliani, this is what he had to say. Donald trump, as he expressed in one of his interviews recently would find it very, very difficult to throw out a family thats been here, you know, for 15 years and they have three children, two of them are citizens and that is not the kind of america he wants. Now, that is not what donald trump said last week. Donald trump made very clear there is no pathway to citizenship. There is no pathway to legal status. Unless those who are undocumented in this country go back first. But what were seeing right now is a lot of this from the trump advisers. At least one republican lawmaker, senator jeff flake, said all he heard last week was donald trump doubling down. Saying that on state of the union on cnn yesterday. Trump responding on twitter calling jeff flake weak and then very weak in backtoback tweets. As you know very well, reince priebus, the chairman of the gop, likes mor s more than atta on twitter. Now at least for today, donald trump as you noted, kate, on the campaign trail in battleground states going to ohio. And why that matters more than anything else is where hes going in ohio. Northeast ohio. A part of the state that completely identifies with the type of voter that trump said he could bring to the party. That republicans hand been able to get before. Blue collar, former democrats. Thats who theyre targeting today. Now that were officially at that starting gun for the homestretch. So everything thats happened until this point. Because this is when it really matters, right . Until tomorrow. Yeah, okay. Phil, great to see you. Our panel. Paris denard, donald trump supporter. Basilsome smikel, director of the new york state democratic party. Ronnie chen, mitt romneys former director during the 12 campaign. And joining us in a moment, hilary rosen. Hillary clinton supporter. A little teaser as were dealing with a Technical Glitch as we like to say. Basil, lets start where we are right at this moment. Hillary clinton has the plane, the press riding on the plane with her. Goes back to say hello and says ill be back for a little bit more. Is she going to be able to avoid the press . I dont i wouldnt use the word avoided. I wouldnt use the word avoided. But i do think shes going to talk about i would like for her to talk to the press. I think it would be great. Shes got a lot to say. Shes been talking about some great policies over the last couple of weeks, including some issues related to mental health. Its gotten lost in some of the other coverage, unfortunately. Shes got a lot to say. I hope she can engage the press today. Some of that other coverage which youre referring to is the emails and the fbi report and the notes they took coming out on friday and the idea that, you know, she didnt know what c meant, it was a mark for confidential on the form there. Does she need to explain this out loud today . Listen, i dont think so, but, listen, with respect to that particular point, director comey said anyone who saw that know tation could have easily not thought it was classified. The big picture is this, the fbi unanimously believed there was no indictment, no charges that needed to be brought. Theres really nothing more to say. Except what she already said. She took responsibility for it. We have all said it. A lot of her surrogates have said that. I dont know what else she could say to change the conversation except to say what shes already said. Shes going to have to keep saying something, even if she doesnt like it, basel. There are other things to talk about inclauding policy issues some of the things wed also like to talk about right now, paris, donald trump, hes still answering questions about his immigration policy, a speech he gave on wednesday, there still seems to be playing a lot of cleanup in terms of advisers dont seem to struggle to try to explain what he meant in his immigration speech on wednesday. You heard Rudy Giuliani, Phil Mattingly talked about that sound bite, where he said that he would find it very, very difficult to throw out a family thats been here for 15 years, they have three children, two of whom are citizens, that is not the kind of america that donald trump wants. Do you support, do you think thats exactly what donald trump is saying right now . You know, i think theres a stark contrast between what donald trump is saying and the fact that he is actually saying something. Weve had secretary clinton actually avoid the press and not have a press conference for over 275 days, so hopefully she will begin to answer the questions hey, paris, paris as it relates to the fbi. But as it relates to mr. Trump, i think hes had a very clear tenpoint plan on immigration and anyone who listens to hip understands that it is a process. When you go through this election, when you go through the campaign it becomes a process learning, of listening and understanding the best way, the best solution to deal with illegal immigration policy that we have not had. Mr. Trump is the candidate would said he is going to solve the problem once and for all. That the democrats, that administration have been unable to do. One second, basel. This is donald trump at a roundtable in ohio. Hes meeting with some voters. I think thats mike pence. Theres no audio of this but he is in ohio, working that key swing state. You said everybody understands what donald trump was saying. Thats just patently false because the Trump Campaign has been trying to explain what he said for five days now. Donald trump himself came out the next day and said people didnt get what i said because of all the cheering and what not. Theyve had to explain it day after day, including yesterday with Rudy Giuliani. So if hes trying to say that he wont work to deport some of the 11 million undocumented immigrants here, people arent getting that message. Well, because he doesnt want to say it. Mr. Trump has a tenpoint plan on illegal immigration. Hes laid it out and its very clear. What people are trying to figure out or say or distort is whether or not everybodys going to go out at once, everyones going to come out. You know what he said is the criminal Illegal Immigrants that are here, the ones that have done criminal harm, that have enacted violence against american citizens, they will be the first to go. Then he said we will deal with the rest of them. But let it be known, let the facts reflect that mr. Trump is not for amnesty, he has not ever been for amnesty. He said if anybody is here illegally, they have to go back and come back the right way. The process to figure out as to how that happens. Its a difficult process. Let it be known, no amnesty, and people will have to leave. Let me pose the question john threw out to you. As a former policy director for romney. If he gave a speech and five days later f, folks or its t clear or folks are still trying to understand what he was saying in the speech, is that helpful to the candidate . Lets put it that way. If that had happened, i wouldnt have had a job. This is incredibly unusual. The challenge is when you look at a policy on immigration, really the only question that people care about is what youre going to do with the 11 Million People who are here as illegal or undocumented immigrants. Saying youre going to deal with the people who have criminal backgrounds first is great. I think everybody agrees. Thats about 690,000 people. Those who overstay their visas, youve got about 1 of that population that companiy comes country each year that overstays. Thats another number on top of that. I think the question now becomes will we ever get clarification on that. I think the reason why youre not getting clarification is because its a very sticky issue. What donald trump has said that folks have to return home first implies that there is going to be some kind of deportation. I think all their surrogates have to get on the same page. Its a tough policy area. Theres no doubt, we havent gotten a lot of clarity from the Trump Campaign on how the campaign would address that particular question. Hillaary rosen, i want to ta about the issue of race, because donald trump went and spoke at an africanamerican church on saturday in detroit, and it was a fascinating article out this morning in the new york times, jonathan martin, talking about some focus groups have been done with africanamerican millennials. Essentially says Hillary Clinton isnt doing as well as you might think. Shes certainly not doing as well as president obama did. But theres some softness there among millennials in particular in the Africanamerican Community who arent supporting Hillary Clinton in the numbers she would need going forward. Why do you think that is . Well, lets just go big picture for one minute. To the extent we still talk a week later about trumps positions on anything. Just means that it shows that he just doesnt really have solid policy positions and ideas for going forward. So lets relate that. Look, there are no easy answers. People are discouraged about politics generally. Black lives matter would not have had the energy and excitement among the young Africanamerican Community that it has had over the last year if people felt great about their opportunity. So i think you have Hillary Clinton out there with real economic investment, Real Infrastructure investment, real solid tax cuts for the middle class and education investment. She has plans. Whether or not thats going to make everybody happy is a tough call. I think its certain that Donald Trumps tax cut for the rich and trickle down economics is not going to help. I dont particularly trumps sort of johnny come lately analysis here is going to be persuasive. Bas, kind of in an unrelated element to this, as it happened this morning, president obama was asked at the g20 presser he was holding to weigh in to his reaction to Colin Kaepernicks protest. It happened earlier this morning. Lets play what donald trump pardon me, what president obama said, and well talk about it afterwards. As a general matter, when it comes to the flag and the National Anthem and the meaning that that holds for our men and women in uniform and those who fought for us, you know, that is a tough thing for them to get past, to then hear what his deeper concerns are. But i dont doubt his sincerity, based on what i heard. I think he cares about some real legitimate issues that have to be talked about. Colin kaepernicks protest has really got a lot of people talking. What do you make of how president obama reacted . I think hes right. Number one, he has a right to protest. Number two, there are individuals that may feel uncomfortable about the way that he is protesting. What is true, and i say this all the time, you can love this country and still protest and push it to be greater. I think thats a cornerstone sort of, of our country, of our constitution, that were always trying to be greater. I think thats where protests throughout history, particularly that scene with muhammad ali and luol cinder and jim browns and others standing behind him. Thats still a powerful image, supporting him when he did not go to vietnam. I think theres a long history of protest, particularly among athletes. I absolutely agree with the president. I would also say just to go back to Hilary Rosens point, it was Hillary Clinton, the first candidate to acknowledge openly that black lives do matter. So there are many ways in which i think both this particular protest with Colin Kaepernick and you have Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail engaging communities of color at churches and elsewhere where the Africanamerican Community is very, very much engaged in this election, so i take little issue with how that how that reporting was done. I think theyre very engaged. All right, basel, paris, hilary, thank you. President obama was asked about Vladimir Putin. He had a 90minute meeting with the russian leader. Look at that stare down. The subject of hacking and some of the digital shenanigans going on, that came up. Shenanigans, technical term. Plus, scary new cnn reporting coming out reveals mysterious operative linked to the terror cell involved in the paris terror attack. And an hispanic trump supporter warns america there will be taco trucks on every corner if donald trump does not win. The man who just quit trumps Hispanic Council joins us live to discuss that. Random thing. Ienist said thet she said i should think of my teeth like an apple. It could be great on the outside not so great on the inside. Her advice . Use a toothpaste and mouthwash that strengthens both. Go pro with crest prohealth advanced. Its uniquely formulated with Activestrength Technology to strengthen teeth inside and is better at strengthening the outside than colgate total. Crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my whole mouth feel amazing. 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That would allow us, both the United States and russia, to focus our attention on common enemies like isil and nusra. But given the gaps of trust that exist, thats a tough negotiation. Gaps of trust. Gaps of trust that dont seep to be healing any time soon. Cnn pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr joins us now. What is the status of the syria discussions . Well, you might think of it this way, the other two entity that are candid, blunt and businesslike are the state department and the pentagon. The pentagon very skeptical of the state departments diplomatic efforts to get this agreement with the russians. Why is it so important . Well, of course, the humanitarian disaster in syria. If it can get socalled cessation of hostilities, maybe you can get some humanitarian aid in, maybe some relief for the tens of thousands besieged in syria. But the pentagon really wants the russians to make a verifiable commitment. That if this happens, they will turn to fighting isis. Thats the u. S. Goal of course, get rid of isis, you know, reduce the threat of another terror attack. The russians on the other hand very much still supporting bass shar al assad and their air strikes really have been pounding the people in northwest syria, very much aimed at getting after the opposition groups to assad, while the u. S. Wants to get after isis. That may be the biggest gap of all right now. Well, thats going on also, barbara. President obama was asked during this press conference he was holding about whether he thought russia was trying to impact the u. S. Election through the hacking that weve talked so much about. President obama did not answer that question. He sidestepped that one big time. Of course, a lot of this looking for reaction to a story in the Washington Post today, that the russians may be very covertly trying to influence the u. S. Election through some cyberattacks. The president would not directly address that question. But he was none too subtle nonetheless. He pointed out in his view the u. S. Had the greatest cyber capability in the world. He talked about it being both defensive to prevent attacks and he used a very interesting word. He said the u. S. Also had offensive capability in cyberattacks. The president putting a little bit of skin in the game there, just making sure the russians remember and others remember that if they hack the United States, the u. S. Has the capability to engage in offensive operations in cyberspace as well. Yes, the president doesnt accidentally note that the United States has more offensive and defensive capabilities when it comes to digital warfare than anyone else, it was fascinating to hear him say that. Barbara starr, thanks so much. Coming up for us that stunning new cnn reporting isis plan for the terror attacks in paris to be much, much worse, a much bigger plot. They also plotted more attacks across europe. Thats ahead. Plus, donald trump advisers explaining his immigration plan, saying that it has, in fact, softened. So, what do the people who actually quit trumps Hispanic Council think about this softening . One joins us live next. Hmmmmm. [ dreams by beck ] hmmmmm. The turbocharged dream machine. The Volkswagen Golf gti. Named one of car and drivers 10best, 10 years in a row. It takes a lot of work. But i really love it. S. Im on the move all day long. And sometimes, i just dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost® to get the nutrition that im missing. Boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a great taste. I dont plan on slowing down any time soon. Stay strong. Stay active with boost®. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. 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Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. New questions, new clarifications, new claims of consistency from the Trump Campaign about his immigration plan. This is after last weeks major policy speech in which donald trump called for a Deportation Task force and promised no amnesty for undocumented eed immigrants. Former mayor of new york city Rudy Giuliani now says donald trump is no longer calling for mass deportations. Listen. Donald trump as he expressed in one of his interviews recently would find its very, very difficult to throw out a family thats been here for, you know, 15 years and they have three children, two of whom are citizens. That is not the kind of america he wants. Joining us now to discuss that, jacob monty, an immigration attorney who just resigned from trumps council. Mr. Monty, thank you for joining us. When you quit, you said donald trump hwas using you as props. You said, very interestingly last week, that what you heard in Donald Trumps speech in your words was not realistic and not compassionate. If you listen to Rudy Giuliani, Rudy Giulianis saying that donald trump is being compassionate. Do you believe him . I also said it was not republican. It didnt recognize that these people are working. Look, read the transcript. Too bad Rudy Giuliani isnt our candidate because we would win. Ive supported Rudy Giuliani. He understands youve got to protect the border but he understands you cant throw out the bus boys, the bakers and the Health Care Workers that are doing jobs that are needed here in america. Too bad Rudy Giulianis not leading this party. We would win. Instead, we got donald trump and he could have articulated a plan. They promised a plan. Instead, we got populist rhetoric drafted by senator sessions and steven miller. And, look, measure nwere not rr bap b alabama primary. Were trying to win this election. He betrayaled Republican Values and gave a terrible speech. Again, read the transcript. So what donald trump now says and what Rudy Giuliani says and his campaign now says is that when he said after the criminals are gone, after we handle other things like that, then we will readdress the people who are still here. What trump is now saying is what im really saying is im not going to try to deport necessarily millions and millions of people. If that is his position, i understand you may not have heard that and a lot of people listening to the speech didnt hear that either. But if that is his position now, could you get behind that . Look, this man deserved a lot of credit for being a straight talker. Now he wants us to assume he didnt mean what he said in phoenix . Come on. I mean, i think Hillary Clinton knew what c meant on those transcripts. I think donald trump knew what he said in phoenix. Words matter. Tone matters. This guy could have been a contender. And hes hijacked our party and were left with Hillary Clinton. Thank you very much. I mean, its a disgrace. But what speech then did Rudy Giuliani hear . As youre saying you wish giuliani was the top of the ticket. But Rudy Giuliani, i hear you saying, didnt hear the same thing you heard. Well, yeah, well, lets i mean, again, lets look at the transcript. At the beginning, he says were going to have fun if phoenix. Come on. Were talking about peoples lives. This isnt a fun thing. This isnt a rally. I mean, at the beginning of the speech, and ive gone back and read it, the more you read, the worst it gets. Were going to have fun in phoenix . Thats the message he sends . Look, i dont know. Thankfully i guess theyre there, theyre heroes. Maybe theyre trying to bring some sense to this campaign. You need to get rid of those advising him, send sessions back to alabama, send mr. Miller back to alabama too. Were talking about a National Campaign here that was winnable but its not going to win you cant win it with statements like that. Words matter. Tones matter. I dont know. I respect Rudy Giuliani but, you know, words matter. Read the transcript. I dont see it. What donald trump says is my primary focus isnt the 11 million undocumented workers now in this country. He says his focus is or what he says is the criminals. When you hear that, as much focus as he put on undocumented workers committing crimes, what did you hear . Well, hes creating this impression that most of the undocumented people are criminals. And thats not true. And he told me that when he met with us. He said, i know that most of the people are hard working. He said he knew that he had to come up with a way to deal with the 11 million. He was moving. But yet, again, depending on who he talks to, it appears, his position changes. Boy, i wish he would have talked to Rudy Giuliani before that speech in phoenix. We would have ended up with a sensible plan that would have made the border safe and that would have been consistent awit Republican Values. When you heard him on tv and you said the problem with illegal immigration, if trump is not elected, there will be taco trucks on every corner, thats kind of the crux of what everyone is talking about in terms of that interview, what was your reaction when you heard that . Well, i was saddened by it. First off, donald trump had real hispanic supporters. Ive never heard of marco gutierrez. He was not in the meeting with donald trump. There are real hispanic supporters that were willing to give him a shot. And its all its all over now. I mean, you cant bring everyone together, tell them youre going to listen to them and then not follow through. Words matter. Tone matters. This guy could have been a contender. Theyve hijacked our party. Lets concentrate on keeping the senate and the house. You say real hispanic. Marco gutierrez is hispanic. Well, yeah, hes not a recognized leader though. I mean, i have 20plus years of serving the community. Ive been working with charter schools. Educating immigrants on citizenship. I dont know who this fellow was. He was not part of the hispanic advisory council. It was disgusting to see. I mean, he sounds really sick. But the issue is donald trump had a chance to expand the party, to reach out to latinos. To get latinos to give to the campaign. You know, in the bush campaign, we had latinos giving to the campaign, contributing to the campaign. All of that, you dont see any of that right now. Because we dont got a real candidate here. Jacob monty, thank you. All right, a member of the trump ticket going to release his taxes soon. But not donald trump. Donald trump . No, no. Mike pence, his running mate. What does donald trump think about his running mate releasing his taxes and might he follow suit . Plus, the man who was once her opponent. Why Bernie Sanders thinks some of the debate rules should change and how that could make not a lot of people in the Hillary Clinton campaign happy when he said that. Well talk about it. Its peyton. Its peyton on sunday mornings. Eman what up, peyt. You know i have directv nfl sunday ticket. I get every game, every sunday. All in hd. Yeah. I know that. So you wanna come over . Ill make nachos i cant right now man. Im playing. Oh yeah. Alright. Ill pencil you in for tuesday. vo get nfl sunday ticket included at no extra charge. Only on directv. Car company two years in a row . The most awarded oh wow. Im surprised chevys coming out with some nice stuff. The design is great. I love it. Number one in my book. And chevy is going to give you 0 financing for 72 months. Thats 6 years of no interest. Thats awesome. I know, right . If you only had 72 hours to get a great deal on this car, what would you do . Can we sign with you . The chevy 72 hour sale is here. 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Just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so youre more comfortable and confident while you eat. So its not about keeping my dentures in, its about keeping the food particles out. Try super poligrip free. Mike pence says he will this week. Donald trump says he wont this week. Or at least we, ll, we have idea when. Were talking about releasing tax returns of course. This is what Donald Trumps running mate said over the weekend. Donald trump and i are both going to release. Ill release mine in the next week. Donald trump will be releasing his tax returns at the completion of an audit. All right, donald trump releasing his at the conclusion of an audit. Which means maybe never. We simply dont know when. Joining us, cnn chief political analyst gloria borger. Its really interesting mike pence is releasing his taxes because all it leads to is everyone saying yeah, why havent we seen Donald Trumps. He says Donald Trumps going to release his, but before the election, i dont think so. He says its because hes being audited. It kind of highlights the fact that donald trump will now be the only person running for the high office because kaine has released his, pence is going to release his, hillary has released hers. And donald trump is the only candidate in 40 years who has not released his taxes. The only president ial nominee i should say who has not released his taxes. So i dont see how it helps trump for pence to kind of announce this. At all. At all. I mean, good for him for releasing it but sure. Just highlights that juxtaposition. Yeah. Okay, lets talk about something we heard at the very top of the show. Hillary clinton goes to the back of her plane to welcome the press. And then had this little had this little statement that she added at the very end in speaking to the press, listen. Thanks, ill come back later. Thank you. Ill come back later. As if that were a natural occurrence. Ill come back later. Ill be coming through with beverage service. She said ill come back and talk to you more formally but i wanted to welcome you on to the plane. Me thinks i hear a little bit of the fact shes going to do an informal presser. Anything on an airplane, and you guys know, youll been on campaigns, anything on the airplane that has got the noise in the background and the candidate comes back and answers a bunch of questions, reporters hang out with their recording devices, et cetera, et cetera. So its a way for her to say she is giving a press conference and i bet shell do a few of them. They can limit the number of questions. The cameras arent that great or steady. But its a way for her to answer the charges that she hasnt appeared before the press as a group, which is what donald trump is talking about every single day. Look, its not everything we want, not even close, but its more than what theyve been giving. If it happens today, and i think she just told us its going to. It has to be something more than what she saw. That is more than what weve seen to this point. Does that make any sense . Yeah, they have to kind lance the boil here its not a pretty term. But they have to they have to do it because its all people have been talking about and theres been a lot of news about Hillary Clinton and about her emails, et cetera, so shes got to talk about it. Gloria, thank you very much. Youll see much more from gloria today. Were looking forward to glorias special report. All business, the essential donald trump. That is tonight after unfinished business, the essential Hillary Clinton, at 8 00 and 10 00, eastern, right here on cnn. Secret documents revealing isis terrorists plotted more attacks across europe, hiding among citizens and even Syrian Refugees to avoid being caught. Ugh. Heartburn. Sorry maam. No burning here. Try new alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. 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We have breaking exclusive new details about the deadly paris terror attacks last november. Cnn getting thousands of pages of documents from the investigation. They offer new perspective on how the terrorist group works. Photos that the public has not seen. Communications between isis attackers and their handlers and the name of an isis operative who spent months on the lamb. Paul crookshank is joining us now. Paul, you have been taking a look through a lot of this. What are these documents, was it 90,000 documents that have come out. What does it reveal about how isis is planning their attacks . They built up a significant terrorism infrastructure inside syria to launch attacks against europe. It reveals they set up an intricate Logistical Support system inside europe to support those attacks, that they are communicating in real time using these encrypted apps with operatives in europe as they make their way to launch these attacks, handling logistics, money transfers. All that kind of thing. This is terrorism by remote control. This is the isis operatives running the show from syria when it comes to european attacks. With all your reporting, you have discovered this paris attack as it was last november, might have been smaller plot of a much bigger plot. Yes, there are indications this was a slimmeddown version of a much larger plot that they were also aiming at launching attacks in the netherlands, other locations, including shopping areas and supermarkets in paris. They have to scale down those plans, because some of these operatives did not manage to get into europe, were held up or didnt get over there. These are very concerning new details which comes at a time when the group is ratcheting up its attack planning against europe. There are an astronomical number of europeans who have become radicalized, tens of thousands, almost 10,000 that have traveled to syria and iraq to join groups like isis where they are starting to come back. European services are very, very wide indeed. On my alert. Paul, great to see you. Thank you so much. He is the pastor in charge of firing up crowds at donald trump rallies. He walked off a cnn interview after questions about whether he was lying about his background. Did you attend north Greenville University . I did. Did you graduate from north Greenville University . No, i didnt complete the degree. Again, the bio on your website claims that you earned a bachelor of science degree. Did you make that claim . Actually rving. Good morning, indeed. V8. Veggies for all. Someones hacked all our technology. Say, have you seen all the Amazing Technology in geicos mobile app . Mobile app . Look. Electronic id cards, emergency roadside service, i can even submit a claim. Wow. Yep, geicos mobile app works like a charm. Geico. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. Soon, shell type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. Get back to great. All computers on sale like this dell laptop. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Tonight, two revealing documentaries. Hillary clinton and donald trump like you have never seen them before. I accept your nomination. For the presidency of the United States. We are stronger together in charting a course towards the future. The essential donald trump. I love you and we will make America Great again. All on one blockbuster night. Clinton has been called the most famous person no one knows. I never understand that. It is so clear to me who my mother is. She never forgets who she is fighting for. She is fighting first and foremost for children and for families. Trump has a passion for business and the spotlight. No one is going to outwork him. No one has more energy to him. He always said, find what it is your passionate about and pursue it with your full heart. Stories from the people who know them best, cnns special report. Hillary clinton at 8 00, donald trump at 10 00. Cnn, tonight. That is tonight but for now, thank you so much for joining us at this hour. Legal view starts this hour. Hello, everybody. Im Christine Romans in for ashleigh banfield. Welcome to legal view and the homestretch of the 2016 race for president. Just 64 days separate labor day from election day. That explains some laborintensive campaign travels that around limited to the candidates themselves. Today, Hillary Clinton gets some campaign help from bill clinton and Bernie Sanders and joe biden who can talk about labor and election in the very same breath like nobody else. They will be spread out. Donald trump meantime has his running mate, mike pence, by his side as he campaigns in the arucial swing state of ohio

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