Secretary mattis calling the president a threat to the coops tugs, were joined by another general, general john allen who warns that the president s crowd clearing to enable his bible stunt may signal the beginning of the end of the american experiment. Weve got a lot to get to with Miguel Marquez in minneapolis. Reporter moments of prayer and reflection at the first Memorial Service for george floyd. Everybody wants justice. We want justice for george. Hes gonna get it. Hes gonna get it. I want you guys to know that he will stand up for any injustice everywhere. Can yall please say his name . George floyd. Thank yall. As a city and a country mourn floyd killed by Minneapolis Police which has sparked ten days of protest and outrage. The reason why we are marching all over the world is we were like george. We couldnt breathe, not because there was something wrong with our lungs, because you wouldnt take your knee off our neck. We dont want no favors. Just get up off of us, and we can be and do whatever we can be. The three former Police Officers that either held floyd down or stood by and watched made their First Court Appearance after being charged with aiding and abetting Second Degree murder being held on 750,000 bail. Police here have released highly redacted personnel records on the four officers including a 2007 incident where derek chauvin, charged with Second Degree murder, was reprimanded after claims he needlessly removed a woman from her car. To hold Police Accountable even when theres violation of law. And there are new details from a friend who was in the car with floyd during the arrest. Maurice lester hall telling the New York Times he was trying in his hum bles tomorrow to show he was not resisting in no form or way. I could hear him pleading, please, officer, whats this for . Today thousands protesting, joined by floyds brother terrence. And as floyds life is remembered in minneapolis, new questions are being raised about other cases of police using controversial neck restraint in tacoma, washington, sarasota, florida, and sacramento. This is not the time. Were going to keep going until we change the whole system of justice. Miguel marquez joins us. On the first day of a series of memorials, im wondering how the day went and what are you hearing . It feels a bit like a somber protest, the sense of defiance and a sense of where do we go from here. Here at the memorial, the growing memorial where george floyd died is a few feet from where im standing. Its gotten much bigger. Its almost celebratory. Theyve got a communal open mic where anyone who wants to come up to Say Something, pray, sing, recite poetry, they can do that. Also those where the neighborhoods are destroyed, they can come down here and get food, get water, get all the house hold goods they might need. They can even register to vote down here. This has become sort of the center of minneapolis at least for now. Anderson. Miguel marquez, appreciate it. L lawy laura, im wondering what you made of the memorials that we saw today . They are just really beginning. The funeral in houston is going to be on tuesday. It was incredibly powerful i felt to hear from reverend al sharpton and the family of course precisely because of the amount of time that refrmd al sharpton has been trying to articulate these concerns. And over the course of history we see how really systemic these problems are. And he made a couple of references about really the general theme from Keith Ellison to barack obama to what he is saying today about a holistic approach to criminal Justice Reform, talking about every aspect. I thought it was very powerful, very compelling, and really articulated the overall atmosphere and feelings of the nation. When people talk about criminal Justice Reform, Police Reform, theres obviously a lot of different ways to go about it. Theres a lot of different points of view on it. I wonder what for you would be priorities in terms of Police Reform. Anderson, you know weve been around this a long time and ive said on your show before that the system is rigged. And now what were seeing with this particular instance is officer chauvin was training on training day. These other three officers had minimal experience, days of experience. He is training them how to abuse authority. He is training them how to harm people in the Africanamerican Community. And so we see that although we have policies, if the training and the policy is only supposed to be for certain people, that they will take a time to talk and deescalate situations in the white community. But now were seeing how despite whatever the standard of law is, whatever theyre learning in the actual academy, the individual officers are training the younger officers how to be brutal, cruel, and break the Constitutional Rights of other people and take their lives and then get away with it. So, unfortunately, were seeing behind the scenes in order to stop this from happening theres got to be criminal liability to the officer and a change in the prosecutors office. The prosecutors have too much power not to bring a case, and the officers have too much power to hurt people in the Africanamerican Community and get away with it. Laura, its so interesting what the professor is saying. When you read the criminal complaint, one of the officers, the officer who was one of the new officers is the one who actually raised the point that mr. Floyd is in distress and should he perhaps be put over on his side. And its officer chauvin who says no, hes staying exactly where he is. Yeah, i mean the idea that a rookie, essentially, would be able to have a greater sense of humanity and im not calling the treatment or the action any of these officers made human given that they are now being charged essentially with aiding and abetting Second Degree murder by officer chauvin, that the idea that a 19 year veteran did not have the level of experience to be able to know that somebody was dying underneath him. Remember youre talking about a Police Department who had to write in after the department of justice came and looked at the ineffectiveness of the tracking problematic Police Officers trying to ensure that there were ways for the community to know which officers were presenting problems, which ones even aedded the sanctity of life provision here talking about it should be the cornerstone of effective policing. Every officer knows you can only use the level of force needed to repel the force. Lethal force can only be used to repel lethal force, not when there is not even active resistance and somebody is unresponsive below you, below the knee that you are placing on the persons neck. Fundamentally even if the training was there, thats why these officers were fired. And it is such a dereliction of duty as highlighted by the chiefs firing and now the criminal prosecution. In order to get real reform at all youre talking about systematic reform at all levels not just of the criminal Justice System, but lets focus on the criminal Justice System for this discussion. I mean, is there the political will, the capabilities of it is it just seems like a task, and it starts with a first step. One of the first steps, anderson, is criminal liability. One of the first steps is to take the amount of discretion the Prosecution Office has. Its inept when it comes to the civilian crime thats committed by a Law Enforcement officer. But the prosecutor is brilliant when its upon civilian upon civilian crime. The idea is we cant trust the prosecutor to do his job efficiently when it comes a Law Enforcement officer. So, my concern is, lets look at how much power they have. Lets reform the prosecutors office. And then if we have criminal liability, these officers wont feel they can literally get away with murder. Thank you. Im sorry, laura, did you want to Say Something . I was going to say there certainly is reform there, but it has to be expansive about qualified immunity with the Supreme Court wanting to review it. It has to be reinforcing the rolled back consent degrees that Jeff Sessions pulled back as his last act in office before he was let do. Its the about the idea of human rights campaigns and cases of the officer in there. Its about as congress has the power of the purse, you know full well one of the ways in which you can incentivize people to behave appropriately is through consent decrees, through civil liability and recourse and Police Training and accountability. Unfortunately, criminal prosecution is going to be one piece of a very large pie necessary but part of a more holistic approach. Laura coates, thank you. Gloria brownmarshall as well. There will be funeral next week in houston. I spoke about an hour or so ago with houstons mayor, sylvester turner. Mayor turner, im sure you watched the Memorial Service for george floyd in minneapolis today. Reverend sharpton delivered the eulogy. He said what happens to mr. Floyd happens every day in this country and its time to step up in George Floyds knee and say, get your knee off our necks. What was your reaction when you heard that . It does happen way too often, anderson. It is important, for example, that we create a system or devise a system that respects everyone. Every life is important. Every neighborhood is important. And it doesnt matter which city youre in. We always should be taking a look at our policies and practices and procedures. We can always do things better. Training is critically important. And its especially important now when there are a lot of people that are experiencing a great deal of anxiety, nervousness, their mental Behavior Health issues. So, training becomes important, especially deescalation training and crisis intervention training. When people talk about Police Reform, theres obviously a lot of different arms about that criminal Justice Reform and also Police Reform. For you, Police Reform begins with training. It begins with training and not just training in general. That can be generic. But whats important is crisis intervention training. We started that in the city of houston back in 1998. We still need to refine it. Now every single cadet has to go through 40 hour of crisis intervention training. And were looking now to see whether or not that even needs to be increased. You know confidence is just incredibly low among the people protesting in the streets and among many americans, particularly africanamerican americans, people of color. Theres a growing movement of defund police, some protesters are calling for. When you hear that as a mayor, obviously, im wondering how you see that. Obviously theres how do you see that . I hear it all the time. We just had a public hearing. Our budget process starts next weekment there were a number of speakers that came and talked about defunding or reducing the police budget. For the city of houston, were the 4th largest city in the United States. We have 5,300 Police Officers covering 640 square miles to. Give you some comparison, chicago is the Third Largest city. They have about 12,000 police officering covering 275 miles. In our city, we need more Police Officers. Most of our people in our community are saying we need more. Its not the question of how many or defunding. What people want and what they deserve is good policing. Theyre wanting Police Officers who recognize that every single person, every community is importa important, Everyone Needs to be respected. So, they want good policing. They want accountability. And they want a system that they can believe in. Thats whats important. If you do that, then people will be supportive. Look, i grew up in the hood, as you would say in the city of houston. And as the mayor of the city of houston, i still live in the same neighborhood. I still live in the hood. George floyd, for example, grew up in this city. He grew up on the south side, graduated from jack yates in the hood so to speak. I grew up on the north side and graduated. I understand how people have been overlooked. Ive lived in the city all my life. There have been tensions that existed. Weve worked very hard to build that trust between the police and the community. His funeral is going to be in houston on tuesday. I understand i read that hes going to have a police escort. Is that is that correct . That is that is true. We will be providing security from the time when his body returns over the weekend and then we will escort him to the funeral home and on to the church. Look, just this past tuesday 60,000 people in the city of houston marched downtown. I was right there with them. To pay tribute to george floyd and to support his family. They will carry a pain and a loss for the rest of their lives. We wanted to honor them, to support them. And when his body returns to the city in which he was reared, graduated from high school, were going to do the same thing. The familys asked that we do it in such a way that will be peaceful to pay tribute to him and not to defame or deface his memory. I apreesh preciate your time. Thank you. We have a lot more tonight on this as well as retired top military commanders standing up and speaking out about failures of President Trump handling this moment in our history, failing to reach out to americans. Another four star general speaking out tonight, general john allen joins us next. It. Later new testimony in the video taped murder of Ahmaud Arbery. New evidence of what they did, hunting him down, hitting him with a truck, shooting him to death, and we know the words one of the killers shouted. [ engines revving ] its amazing to see them in the wild like th shhh. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Go to the pharmacy counter for powerful. Congestion and pressure . Claritind. While the leading allergy spray is indicated for 6 symptoms. Claritind is indicated for 8. Including sinus congestion and pressure. Claritind. Get more. The president tonight is in the middle of a raging tweet storm against james mattis who went on the record against the president on the church monday. He called donald trump the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American People, does not even pretend to try. Instead, he wrote, he tries to divide us. Tonight the president denied he fired mattis. He lashed out at john kelly for pointing out the claim of him firing mattis is false. Suffice it so say tonight and last night the man who avoided serving one second in uniform insulted general mattis career. Remember this is a man he picked for his cabinet. What general mattis did in the pages of the atlantic yesterday was in service of his county. Tali sa murkowski became a voice in the republican party. She said she thought the words were true and honest and necessary and overdue. She added shes struggling whether to support the president in november. Tonight the president vowed to campaign against her. John allen writes and i quote remember the date. It may well signal the beginning of the end of the american experiment. He went on to write while monday was truly horrific no one should have been surprised, indeed the moment was clarifying in so many ways. General allen joins us now. Thank you for being with us. The beginning of the end of the american experiment, i found really chilling given your experience and all youve seen. Can you elaborate on that . Anderson, we havent been at this place in history of this country ever. Lets remember whats going on here. Were experiencing a global lethal pandemic. Over 107,000 dead. More than 40 million unemployed. Our economy is in tatters. Almost 2 million americans infected. All of thats an operating system over just four months behind this awful moment of the death of george floud. Let me just take a moment and offer my deepest condolences to the family and to the community in minneapolis on mr. Floyds passing and how incredibly emotional that Memorial Service was today. And so its a moment, an incredible moment for us, anderson, in a context of we can take this as an opportunity to look at those factors that have brought hundreds of thousands of americans into the streets to protest massive social injustice, centuries of racism and discrimination. Or we can make this a security problem and ultimately treat those individuals as a security problem themselves as they are seeking to exercise their First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. And of course that thing which is prized by us in so many ways in america the right to dissent. So, we can take this moment, the leaders of this country can take this moment and take stock of why we are in this situation. And we can judge the issues with compassion, empathy, sympathy, and instead of debating whether to commit federal troops against american citizens, lets debate how we can pursue real reform. Lets look at the legislative changes that need to be made, the the the reforms from the bottom up of the Police Forces and how washington can partner with governors and with mayors rather than treat the American People as the american enemy, treat the American People as a population with guaranteed rights under the constitution who are in enormous pain right now. Pain from the pandemic and pain from the realities of what is ultimately at the heart of the death of george floyd. Lets use this as the moment as i said at the end of this, the end of my paper, a moment not ultimately to make this a security issue but an issue of hope. And if we do that, this is the opportunity for us to save the american democracy, reinforce that which is the centre of it, our constitution, and move forward as a people united. This is the chance the president has, and i hope hell seize it. Not only in your career of service and what you saw around the world in all the posts that you held, but just as a leader of men and women in battle and in peace and in war but also American Forces but also International Forces when you were in afghanistan. Im just wondering what did you learn about leadership leading black and brown and asian and white and people from all Different Countries around the world, that this leader, that this president does not understand . Well, i cant tell you what he understands or not, anderson. But i can simply tell you what i know with respect to leadership. And that is the finest leaders that i know where humble servants, those who are willing to lead from the front, those who are willing to make themselves accessible, those who demonstrate real compassion and respect for those that they lead. I grew up in the service when i was very young. I enlisted when i was 17. And one of the greatest challenges we had in the very early 70s was the issue of race. And we overcame it by learning how to respect each other and how to trust each other and how to lead from a position of humility and lead from a position of the sense by officers that we truly serve those that we lead. And those examples are on full display in our terrific military every single day. I served with jim mattis, and he was one of those kinds of leaders as was mike mullin and others who expressed themselves on this issue. But i have to tell you that those kind of qualities are desperately needed right now. The American People are looking for leadership at the senior levels, at the most senior level. And this is a chance for the president to truly unite the country as he tries to lead us through the covid crisis but also to lead our people through this moment of intense pain by virtue of centuries of inequity and social injustice and inequality. It cant be about security. It has got to be about the future, bringing our people together and resolving these issues of inequality. Here is the president s chance to truly lead our country forward in a unified manner. Things like Police Reform, criminal Justice Reform there are a lot of complex issues. How much do you think Something Like Police Reform is about leadership ultimately . Its all about leadership, anderson. Any reform is about leadership. Now, there will be components that are technical dimensions to it. There will be equipping and training and education and recruiting. All of those things fit in some form or another in the larger spectrum of policing. But its all about leadership. Its about the leaders at the heads of the various forces, the the commissioners and the Police Chiefs setting the example, setting high standards for performance, ensuring that police are trained to the right kind of standards. As they are doing Community Policing they are identified as being of the people and not against the people. Youve seen this already. Cnn has done this reporting and others where Police Officers, police leadership, and the police themselves in this awful moment have taken the opportunity to take a knee and hold hands with those who are demonstrating to show solidarity with why they are demonstrating, why are they in such pain, and how can the Police Protect them as they demonstrate, and how can the police be part of the solution and not be viewed as the problem . And anderson, as you well know, the vast, vast majority of the police in this country serve selflessly. Their lives are on the line every single day. And some of them are paying with their lives probably even as we speak because of the attacks on the police. This is an opportunity for reform from the bottom up, and its an opportunity for leadership from the top down. That was my point when i said when you look at what was happening on the 1st of june, we as a people have a rare opportunity that comes along only very infrequently during our history during moments of great crisis and duress for the leadership of this country to exercise a kind of compassion, the kind of assertive leadership that can solve these problems once and for all and bring the country together, get us through this pandemic, recover our economy, and ultimately take the leadership position on the globe that the United States should. General allen, a appreciate your time and your words tonight. Thank you. Thank you, anderson. Cnns political analyst maggie hay bram has been reporting about the president s what the president is up to. She is White House Correspondent for the new york time. She joins me now. The fact there is general allen, general mattis, these high profile retired speaking out against the president. It is rare that were toformer g at this level come forward like this. It is. We saw this from some military leaders during the 2016 Campaign Around the time of the conventions such as general allen talking about the problems that he saw coming with donald trump. Clearly those problems remained. You know, i think that people have had four years to see that what was described by candidate trumps advisers as him playing a role at the time is not really a role. Its who he is. And i think they are making clear that this is in their minds a threat going forward. What has been striking is the volume of people who said general mattis served under President Trump, who spent extensive time working in this administration. He obviously has been under a lot of pressure to speak sooner. Some democrats think it is too late. I think that it is a precarious moment for the president , especially as he is fighting with Current Department of defense leadership where he risks losing the military support. And that is a dangerous place for a commander in chief to be. I think we will see there are more people coming forward in the coming days to talk about this president. The president is obviously very bothered by it. Weve seen his tweets. Thats consistent with what hes saying privately to advisers. Hes very angry at general mattis. I expect if there are more people speak against him, i think that will be very jarring to him. Its stunning to me though that anybody who works around the president must know by now that no matter how they debase themselves in order to curry favor with him, that in the end he will turn on them and he will try to destroy them if they move beyond him, if they say anything that he doesnt like. Look, i think the president s supporters have framed it repeatedly as hes just a counterpuncher. When he gets criticized, he punches back. What he does if they disagree with him at all, he attacks them personally. Youve seen repeatedly one person after another who has left the administration tried to orchestrate it in a way they werent getting hate tweeted on the way out the door. He clearly is willing to do this with almost anybody with whatever resume they have. And i think that weighs on people and i think it has been at least some people working for him. There are people who do genuinely believe in the policy matters and what he does and care about him personally. But the level of morale in the white house now is really bad and there are people who are pretty candid in private conversations about this showing the limits of his abilities in this job, this has to be the showing the limits of his abilities in this job. I always find the idea he knows the idea to throw a punch this is coming from somebody who has no idea how to throw a punch. I find it ludicrous. What attorney general barr said today about mondays photo op and the time line that refutes his argument there was no correlation between clearing the protests and the photo op. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. 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Today attorney general bill barr denied the violent and sudden clearing of protesters and the subsequent protoop by the president were coordinated. There was no correlation between our tactical plan of moving the perimeter out by one block and the president s going over to the church. Well, that denial would be funny and ridiculous if what he did wasnt so dangerous, ordering police to rough up innocent americans exercising their right to free speech just so President Trump could stand in front of a church, hold up a bible, and say nothing for a photo op. The time line on live television, completely refutes mr. Barrs explanation. At 6 10 p. M. Cnn cameras first spot barr inspecting protesters and Law Enforcement. 12 minutes later he leaves the speech in the rose garden. Hes not ducking for cover. Hes just standing there, hands in pockets watching Peaceful Protesters. 6 31 after Law Enforcement has gotten closer to protesters. Four minutes later at 635 imthe t Law Enforcement sees the first gas or spoke. The action by Law Enforcement was completely unprovoked. Minutes later trump begins to speak in the rose garden and lasts less than 7 minutes. Shortly thereafter, trump is headed outside the white house grounds. He reaches the church at 7 08, gets handed that bible by his daughter ivanka trump who carried it in her white purse over to the church. All that happened in just under an hour, and attorney general barr would like you to believe that the two have nothing to do with each other, that the video on your left had nothing to do with the video on your right even though again President Trump was walking to where the protesters had been. And this whole thing was designed to be a photo op to show strength. Of course they would want they probably thought these decide by side images were good. They probably thought wow, he looks so strong saying these protesters are going to be cleared and having them cleared at the very same time. Its absurd now in realizing that it doesnt look so good. In fact, using force against Peaceful Protesters is exactly against what the president claims he supports. Its absurd. Its not the only thing attorney general barr has been up to when it comes to using his power to quell the protests. Alex marquardt joins us from d. C. In fact from the spot he was at when this went down monday. Can you describe what youve seen on the streets there . Reporter anderson, its been unbelievable. Ive been trying to put together a complete list. If i started rattling off the names it would sound like alphabet soup. Youve had the u. S. Park police which are federal Police Officials inside the park along with u. S. Secret service. Youve had atf, dea, fbi. One of the most remarkable ones, anderson, was the bureau of prisons. So, you literally had prison guards, many of them from texas. I saw one wearing a tshirt from a prison near houston right out there yesterday on that front line and over there on 8th street off Lafayette Park surrounding the white house. So, that speaks to this incredible patchwork of Law Enforcement officials who have descended upon washington, d. C. For the sake of Law Enforcement. You have d. C. National guard called up. More than 4,000 National Guard from different states. You also have active duty troops from fort drum in new york and fort bragg in North Carolina that were called to d. C. They were never deployed into the street. But of course you saw the back and forth between the president who would like to see military in the streets and his secretary of defense mark esper whos been very uncomfortable with that. So, youve really had this incredible long list of different type of federal agencies. And today we saw speaker of the house nancy pelosi write to President Trump saying shes concerned about the increased mi miltization that may increase chaos. In subsequent days the white house has been claiming that the president restored law and order to that little area that they then laundered through in order to make the trek to the church. The idea that they were restoring law and order against Peaceful Protesters is just ludicrous. Reporter and i should note, anderson, were at the steps of that church, st. Johns, abecause theres been a huge thunderstorm thats just come through. That has not deterred the protesters out there who are backed up against the park. That is the exact spot where that crackdown began. You have attorney general bill barr saying that those protesters provoked the response from the Law Enforcement. I was out there for three and a half hours to the dime before that crackdown started. I was so impressed that there hasnt been any sort of projectiles thrown by the protesters at the police that i kept turning to my Team Including producer Jamie Crawford saying did they see anything. They did not. You have attorney general bill barr saying stuff was thrown at police, that a warning was given. We saw neither of those things. Just as you noted just before the president was going into the rose garden, that crackdown started, sweeping through that area, firing all sorts of things that made everybody out here, our team included, choke, cry, and cough in order to forcibly, violently sweep out what was a very peaceful protest, anderson. Appreciate you being there. Thank you. Our next guest knows a lot about leading groups in a major american city. Hes in new orleans leading the response effort after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Take a look. Hey, weapons down. Weapons down put the weapons down. Weapons down. Put that weapon down. Weapons down. Put it on your back. General, i have the privilege of being in the gulf coast and in new orleans during that time. And when you did that, i just remember being so impressed because it wasnt about the military coming in to dominate a battle space. It was about, as you said, bringing food to people. This president views the use of military forces as hes characterizing all these protesters as anarchists, as looters, as thugs. Some portion of that drupgs prescription of protests, there are looters in there. There are troublemakers in there. But to characterize the general population of washington, d. C. , many of those people on the street out there work in the government. Theyre the people that makes the city run. And to characterize them because theyre protesting in this manner is most unfortunate. And i hope the president learns some manners in how he described the citizens of the United States. And other thing that we havent gotten much into is that helicopter, that low medevac help continuer. It had to be a national helicopter. That is the most protected airspace in the world, the white house airspace. It has rings around it that automatically deploy. So, somebody approved that high up in the government. And people dont realize youre talking about a helicopter that was told to fly low in order to help disperse the crowd because of the wind that would be created by the rotors n. Fact the president tweeted about that tonight praising the pilot as a very talented pilot. Which no doubt im sure the pilot is a talented pilot. But praising the idea of using a National Guard helicopter or whatever branch it was from in order to clear, again, Peaceful Protesters from the white house area is, again, just extraordinary what the images that we were getting. Where do you see this going . I mean, you know, where do you see this going . Its got to be investigated. That whole chain of command that approved that. In any air mission, theres multiple area of approval. You have the military district of washington. You have the offices run by the secret service and the fbi. So, theres multiple levels of command and control that control that space around the white house. I know it because that was one of my jobs when i was in the joint chiefs of staff as deputy chief of operations. That helicopters, using it as a weapon of intimidation against our own sids is inappropriate and is stupid. And were lucky we didnt end up with a helicopter on the ground on fire. What was interesting to me about what you said to those young troops in new orleans that we just showed, you know, the gentleman who was holding his rifle the way he was and you said put it down, hes not a bad person. He probably just, you know, he was just doing what he thought was right. Its about leadership as general allen was saying earlier in this program. Youre the leader. You point out to him, you know, that sends a message that you dont want to be sending, that thats not our role here and thats what leadership is about and thats required for real change to happen. Well, you know, i respect the troops on the ground. I respect those pielots told thm to do that but they know better. The army taught them better than that than to use a helicopter as a weapon. That is stupid. Up next, new details in court in the Ahmaud Arbery murder case, another black man whose killing was caught on video. What the investigators said was said when we continue. The tenth night of protests across the u. S. Over the death of george floyd and generations of injustice. Demonstrators are also calling for justice in the Ahmaud Arbery case. That includes this protest in brunswick, georgia. He was 25 years old, out for a jog and he was horrifically chased and gunned down. Three white men are involved in the case. The courtroom investigators shared new and sickening details about the killing. It is hard to hear and hard to watch this. But this happened. The only we know about it is these murderers were so proud what they did to a fellow human being because of the color of his skin they videotaped it. Heres Martin Savidge who was in the courtroom today. Reporter it was a hearing that sounded like a trial. Georgia prosecutors summed up their case against three white men accused of killing a 25yearold black man running through their neighborhood. On february 23rd of 2020 the victim Ahmaud Arbery was chased, hunted down and ultimately executed at the hands of these men. Reporter the three defendants, Gregory Mcmichael and his son travis and William Roddie brian jr. , appeared via video link to the county jail. They initially said they thought arbery was a burglary suspect. The prosecution says arbery did nothing wrong. The fact of the matter is theres no evidence these defendants saw a burglary, saw any crime, had any subjected belief or even a hunch by these civilians that would authorize their choices they made to chase after and ultimately gun down this unarmed victim in the middle of the street. Reporter in fact arbery was out jogging the day he died. Friends say its what he loved to do. Prosecutors detail the events leading up to arberys death saying all three men using two pickup trucks became a neighborhood Hunting Party blocking and redirecting arbery as he tried to flee before they finally cornered him. One of the suspects captured arberys final moments on cellphone video. On the witness stand the lead investigator in the case said 34yearold Travis Mcmichael admitted to the first officers on the scene he deliberately shot arbery three times with a shotgun. Then agent richard dial shocked the courtroom alleging what coconspirator said Travis Mcmichaels said next. He said after the shooting took place before Police Arrival while mr. Arbery was on the ground he heard Travis Michael make a statement [ bleep ]. I should point out that the Defense Attorneys for Travis Mcmichael anderson have denied that Travis Mcmichael ever made that racial slur and that the Defense Attorneys for all the men have maintained that all they were trying to do that day even though two of the men were armed was trying to have a conversation with Ahmaud Arbery. But that all went wrong, they say, when Ahmaud Arbery turned on them and that Travis Mcmichael had to fire in selfdefense. One last thing that hate language, that awful alleged language from Travis Mcmichael may not have any bearing on his trial. As you know georgia is one of the handful of states that has no state hate crime law. Though there is work now to try to change that. But it wont impact the trial or the killers of Ahmaud Arbery. Martin savidge, thank you. I said martin was at the courtroom. He was at the courthouse. You ever wish you werent a motaur . Sure. Sometimes i wish i had legs like you. Yeah, like a regular person. No. Still half bike half man, just the opposite. Oh, so the legs on the bottom and motorcycle on the top . Yeah. Yeah, i could see that. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. But if you look to the land, its a whole different story. From farms to backyards, wheels are turning. Seeds are being planted. Animals are getting fed. And grass is growing. And families are giving their all to the soil because no matter how uncertain things get, the land never stops. So to all those linked to the land, we say thank you. Were here for you because we all run together. That go out today get delivered. There are people who can only get food from amazon. When you come into work, thats what drives you. My little one, i would say hes definitely proud of me. Every time he sees the blue prime trucks, he says, daddy, theres your people i know every single one of us is here busting as hard as we can go every day to make sure these packages get delivered

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