So, fact, our president has failed to take this virus seriously from the beginning. Failed to get tests that actually worked into hands of medical professionals all across this country who needed them weeks ago. Failed, last week, despite confident talk by the Vice President about a million tests being shipped out. And failed this week by saying anyone who wants a test can get one. How do we know these failures . Because doctors and hospitals across the country are telling us. Because our own government still cant say how many of our s citizens have been tested. We compare our responses to south korea which has now tested roughly 20 times people than have been tested here. And our failure is made all the more painful because we had warning that south korea, china, and other hardhit countries did not. We saw what was happening there and we did not do enough. Our failure is a scary truth but at least it is the truth. And listening to our president , the truth, like the test for the virus, well, that is in short supply. Today, the president continued to lie about availability for the testing of the virus and he did it even as dr. Anthony fauci was telling the truth. Heres what dr. Fauci said. It is a failing. Lets admit it. The fact is the way the system was set up is that the Public Health component that that dr. Redfield was talking about was a system where you put it out there in the public. And a physician asks for it, and you get it. The idea of anybody getting it, easily, the way people in other country are doing it, were not set up for that. Do i think we should be . Yes. But were not. That was about 11 15 this morning. Less than an hour later, the president said this. The testing has been going very smooth. If you go to the right agency, if you go to the right area, you get the test. Were very much ahead of everything. Thats just not true. I mean, thats a lie, plain and simple. The president repeats it frequently and even some republican lawmakers are starting to lose patience. Today, after a closeddoor briefing, Administration Officials on testing problem, democratic and republican lawmakers came away frustrated and angry. Senator james lankford, conservative republican from oklahoma said the president should stop saying anyone who wants a test can get one. It is not accurate. It is not the truth. That lie. It does get heard by tens of millions of people here and around the world, which may have been why, as the president spoke, markets were melting down on their way to the worst day for the dow industrial since 1987. Already slumping after the president s Oval Office Address last night, which required several clarifications about the european travel restrictions he announced. The president also apparently did not tell the truth about america americans arriving back home. We have them very heavily tested if an americans coming back or anybodys coming back, were testing. We have a tremendous testing setup where people coming in have to be tested. There is screening but our reporters at multiple major american airports saw no evidence of testing today. Nearly 1,600 people have now tested for coronavirus in this country. The number is now rising sharply, daily. But the truth is, we have no idea what the actual number of infected people is because we do not have the test. That tonight is the one unfortunate but central truth in all of this. All that and more in the hour ahead. Later tonight in a special twohour cnn town hall with dr. Sanjay gupta. We begin right now in new rochelle just outside new york city where a containment zone has been established and went into effect today. Its also where they have closed all ten Public Schools till the 25th of the month. And its where sanjay gupta spent time today. You went into a hospital in the containment zone. What is the situation . Well, we wanted to see. This is one of the largest cluster of patients now in the united states. We have been talking a lot about preparedness. Are we ready for this . So i decided to go to the hospital where these patients are and find out just how the hospitals doing. Dr. Theresa madelyn is the ep deem nol deemiologist who manages new rochelle hospital and the other ten hospitals that make up the Healthcare System. She gave us an exclusive look at the hospital, which is now at the center of one of the countrys largest virus outbreaks. On march 2nd, the first positive patient in Westchester County appeared, right here in new rochelle. A 50yearold attorney who works in manhattan. On march 4th, two days later, his two children and wife tested positive and so did tis neighbor. By march 6th, the new rochelle hospital received its first confirmed patient. To give you a sense of how fast this is all moving, not even a week later, there are now at least 148 positive patients in the county. If you look at those curves, they kind of go like this. And then all of a sudden, like this. Thats what youre preparing for here . Thats right. Your icus fall. It is. So how do you how how are you going to handle this part of things . Well, we have plans for transferring patients to different places if we need to. We have plans for setting up different units in areas of the hospital if we have to do that. Its just a matter of keeping our eye on the situation all day, every day, and being ready to push the button at any moment. Right now, the hospital has one confirmed coronavirus patient. And six others with symptoms they are closely monitoring. It just started as a cold. I mean, i still dont know if i have it or not. But it just started as a cold, and, you know, just want to be safe and just get checked out. But heres the thing. With every new or suspected patient, it comes down to resources. So this has become a pretty precious commodity. Ventilators. Machines that can help patients breathe are now in high demand. And you cant just move them to any room. You need backup power supply. And, of course, you need an oxygen line. I think sharing of resources and thinking really creatively as, not just the Health System but what about nationally . I think we are really going to need to begin collaborating together and thinking about this on a larger scale. Are you able to keep up . Right now, we are. But certainly, things change quickly and were preparing for if resources get tight or it gets to be a Surge Capacity situation. And so that means keeping things even like masks under lock and key. Stocking up on gowns and cleaning wipes in warehouses. All of this at a premium during an outbreak. Down to every last swab. We saw what happened in china. We hear about hospitals being filled to the to the brink, really, in italy. And tough decisions being made about patients and patient care over there. Do you anticipate that happening here . We certainly hope that we wont need to make tough decisions like that. But we have to be prepared to do so. I imagine because at some point, it comes down to somebody needs one may not be able to get it because someone else is deemed to be more likely to survive or younger or healthier or whatever. Just got to be you know, i just thats the hardest part i think in all this. Its heartwrenching. We are caregivers. We took an oath to take care of people and to have to ration resources is a very painful decision to make. But when were given no choice, we try to collectively, together, make the best decisions that we can. Do you have a sense of how access to testing or lack of access to testing is affecting this issue . Very much so. I mean, a lot of the hospitals like this one, they are starting to try and develop their own testing protocols. They want to do testing onsite because its just taken too long. This containment zone, in part, you know, you had one case, basically, a week ago. And now, 148 cases. Thats just, you know, we have no idea if thats it. They have no idea if thats all theyre talking about. Most those patients are being told to just go home and isolate themselves ats home so as to not infect others but they really dont know how widespread this is in the area. Which is why the governor i think took this aggressive action. If its 148, its got to be much bigger than that given the lack of testing. I also want to bring in dr. Lena wen, thanks for being with us. Of course. First of all, what do you make of things today, this hour, right now, compared to last time we spoke a day or couple days ago . I mean, i think theres been a seismic shift, at least in terms of how people are understanding the situation that were in. There is a lot more seriousness. I mean, people are taking this seriously. When people see the entire nba shutting down, peoples you know, people may be not watching news on a regular basis suddenly see a basketball game about to start and then being stopped, it starts to get more real. Exactly. And they see their kids schools being cancelled for weeks at a time. They also see tom hanks and people i mean, its just its something that now feels very well that it could be us next. And i think thats the big shift that we are seeing leaders make these difficult decisions that they have to. Because if they dont, we are going to see these cases of overcapacity in hospital, these hard choices that you were describing. There are things i mean, one of the things i find hopeful in all of this, as difficult as it may be, as many people may die or and get sick this is not completely something from another planet that we have no idea how to mitigate, how to reduce. I mean, this is a relative though, theres a lot we dont know about the virus, we know about viruses and what works to contain them. And so its just a matter of doing the painful things necessary to do that. Yeah. Is that right . Yeah. I mean, i think youre absolutely right. First of all, its not the existential sort of threat that i think people have sometimes defined it on one side. But it is it is concerning. You know, so i think people have been sort of here or here on this for so long. Now, i think people are starting to realize this is serious. But, also, learning that we have actually made Significant Impact on previous pandemics by what seemed like, maybe, aggressive strategies but very effective strategies. I mean, social distancing, the idea that, you know, if we can break this transmission from you as the host of the virus to me as a host of the virus can make a huge difference and is very real. Should gyms remain open in a city like new york city . You know, i was in the gym today. Someone came on the treadmill right next to me. There were other treadmills empty. I went and moved to another treadmill because i thought theres no reason to be right next to somebody. Is that theres a lot of places still open where people congregate. Is that okay . I mean, i think there are a lot of places that are being shut down, too. We hear governors banning Mass Gatherings in a whole number of places across the country. Those are the types of actions that cant be taken on a mass level. But i agree with sanjay, too, i think theyre individual actions that make a big difference and we shouldnt discount that. And we also should be prepared for the next phase, which is what happens when our relatives, our loved ones start getting ill, too . I mean, right now, this still feels remote for a lot of us who are just watching the news but we dont hear about outbreaks in our community. But its only a matter of time. How do people prepare for that . We can start thinking about what happens if certain members of our family get ill . If an elderly parent gets ill, who takes care of them . If a child gets sick, who is going to take care of them . And what about the other kids in the family . I mean, i know these are hard things to discuss and to think about but now is the time for us to prepare. And those are the actions that we can take to make a difference, too. Ive been talking to my parents just every day. Theyre in their late 70s and because im the doctor, they always call me with their medical question anyways. But we had a conversation today. Its a risk reward proposition. I tell them they shouldnt go out as much as they used to. I tell them they shouldnt go to crowded places. Theyre very social people. But, you know, i think to your question, i dont want them to lose the joy in life either. I dont want social distancing to equal social isolation, which i dont think anybody wants. But i think we have to be very mindful of that, as well. So i am talking to them more than i ever have because i cant see them right now. You know, so i think thats what is happening in a lot of households across america. The thing i find hopeful is that unlike many things, this is something that each of us can play a role in. This is not just something we sit and watch on television. This is something you can wash your hands, repeatedly, throughout the day. You are helping other people if you do that. You dont hoard sanitizer if the supermarket has it, you dont buy the entire supply because you may have the entire supply but you know what . The people who are sitting next to you on the bus dont have that supply, and theyre going to make you sick nevertheless. So you want to help other people to help yourself. Thats right. And if you are young and healthy yourself, dont just think, well, its not going to be so bad if i get it. That may be true but you might be infecting other people around you, too. So keeping yourself healthy is a really important part of the process of keeping other people healthy, too. We have an obligation to each other i think more than ever before. How i behave affects you and how you behave affects me. Its an opportunity to rise, as citizens, and play a role and form a community as we have in the past in wars and 9 11. And when things when we have been under attack. Its a chance to get together as opposed to isolate, separate, and divide further. 100 . Doctors, thank you, appreciate it. As a reminder, we are going to pick this up later tonight for cnn facebook global town hall coronavirus facts and fears. Sanjay and i, dr. Wen, dr. Anthony fauci, correspondents around the globe, plus your questions. Tonight, 10 eastern, two hours, central, watch it. Coming up next, a live report from the white house on the president s thinking he might have been exposed himself to the virus and more. Former trump Economic Advisor gary cohen joins us with insights on the markets. Later, Clarissa Ward traces some of it to west africa. This is a fascinating story, a story of troll farms and russians in west africa. Well go there. Well take you to the frontlines ahead on 360. At fidelity, we can help you build a clear plan for retirement to help cover the essentials, as well as all the things you want to do. Because when you have a retirement partner who gives you clarity at every step, theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. 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To the women who are next. Find your familys connection to this moment in history. At ancestry. You clean dishes as you cook, to save time and stay ahead of the mess. But scrubbing still takes time. Now theres new dawn powerwash dish spray. The faster, easier way to clean as you go. It cleans grease five times faster. On easy messes, just spray, wipe, and rinse. On tough messes, the sprayactivated suds cut through grease on contact, without water. Just wipe, and rinse. Get dishes done faster. New dawn powerwash dish spray. Spray. Wipe. Rinse. Just 24 hours ago, we were waiting for the president s oval office to address the nation. Tonight, we are seeing confusion among travelers and businesses and dismay from even some republic lawmakers about what the president s been saying about the availability of testing. Jim acosta joins us now from the white house. How is what the president said today squaring with what dr. Fauci was saying pretty much at that exact same moment or just shortly before that, under oath, about the system failing . Well, anderson, it was remarkable because we heard the president last night just before that Oval Office Address and there were sources around the president , inside, outside the white house saying he is understanding the gravity of the moment. And then today, when he was in front of reporters, he was back to this mode of Wishful Thinking and really just a flatout misleading the public about whats going on. And i think a key part of that is what he was saying testing is going smoothly, even as dr. Fauci was testing on capitol hill that this has been a failing on part of the administration. I talked to a couple sources close to the Coronavirus Task force this evening who said at this point, essentially, Anthony Fauci is not in the doghouse, that theyre not mad at him for leveling with the American People. But you have to wonder at what point do people inside the white house start getting frustrated with some of this . I mean, i will tell you one of the oldest rules in trump world, and this has been burned into my brain by so many trump sources over the years, is that you dont admit failure and you dont admit mistakes. And thats what dr. Fauci did earlier today no question about it. Brazilian president bolsonaro, his press secretary tested positive for the virus just days after meeting President Trump at maralago. The president today said he is not concerned about being exposed. Thats i find that hard to imagine, given what we know about the president s concern about germs in, at least, when he was a civilian. Thats right. And i talked to a source close to the president earlier today who said he is telling people around him, people who are close to him, that he is concerned. That he may have contracted the coronavirus or he was at risk for contracting the coronavirus based on some of these exposures that are being reported. Most specifically, this one regarding is he going to get tested . At this point, the white house is saying no. Stephanie grisham, the White House Press secretary is saying there is no plan at this point for the president or Vice President to be tested. But anderson, i will tell you tucked into Stephanie Grishams statement to us earlier today is that they are assessing the situation and they are waiting on some of these tests to come back on other officials and other people who were down there at maralago and that may dictate next steps. Now, one person who is being tested at this point is brazilian president bolsonaro. If he comes back positive, that could change the equation. But one thing we should also point out, South Carolina republican senator lindsey graham, who was a key ally of the president , who was also down there, he is now putting himself into quarantine. He is not taking any chances. Why the president is not doing the same thing, we are not just not getting any straight answers on that, anderson. They did not have a briefing. Jim acosta. Someone whos up close. Gary cohen, thanks for being with us. Thanks for having me. There is a lot of concern people about 401 k s about the markets. You have lived through a lot of ups and downs in markets. I know nothing about financial. I cant even pretend to. How freaked out are you . And what do you want people to know about what lies ahead . Well, lets put this in perspective. So in the recent history, so in my life at least, we have lived through four of these aefts. We had 87, we had 01, we had 08, and now we have 2020. Theyre all similar and theyre all different. So we have seen dramatic moves like this. Yes, today was the largest point move weve seen but we started from a much higher point. What makes this one somewhat more unique, if you think back where we were three weeks ago, were alltime record highs in the stock market. Just three weeks ago, record highs. Last weeks unemployment report showed the economy was growing, employment was robust. Wage groekt wwth was high. So three weeks ago, we were in a very, very good situation. This has really become a huge Public Health crisis, which has in turn curtailed consumer demand. And likely will continue to for some time. Absolutely. Consumers are protecting themselves and doing what they think is in their and their familys best interest. They are withdrawing themselves from the economy. Theyre withdrawing themselves from going out. Going out and getting cup of coffee. Going to mcdonalds. In fact, theyre all cancelled now so they cant even go to those things. So when you think about withdrawing all that activity from the economy, the economy slows down very quickly. Most likely, i and i would be willing to say we are in a recession right now. We are having negative growth right now. And the market is pricing in that uncertainty. The good news is we did start from a very strong position just three weeks ago. And this, when we get done with this Public Health crisis and i am convinced we will get done with it. No one knows how long. The market will be resilient enough to recover. There is a lot of corporate debt. I mean, a lot of corporations, you know, had zero hardly any Interest Rates and been borrowing a lot of money. When confidence goes and if it is goes for a long time, i mean, the bricks start to kind of come apart, no . Look. Were not in that type of environment right now. This is not 2008. This is not 2008. 2008 was a completely different scenario. This is a scenario where the consumers have withdrawn from the market. Consumers arent spending money. Companies cannot sell products. And, in many respects, theres no ability to sell products. And what iss happening, and th is the tragedy of this, is youve got many workers in the Economy Today who actually want to go to work. Theres no place for them to go to work. You think about the cancellation of nba basketball games or march madness or basketball tournaments. Think of the ticket takers, parking attendants, the people who sell popcorn and hotdogs. They earn a living doing that. They want to go to work. And if an elderly parent gets sick and somebody has to leave work and take care of that. If, you know, their child is out of school, they have to leave work. I mean, it does have a followon effect. The bottom line, though, is you believe the economy was stronger coming into this than it was going into 2008. Well, 2008 was a different scenario. 2008, the economy was growing. People were borrowing a lot of money. The entire system was getting highly, highly levered. The banked were dramatically, dramatically levered. So we walked into this Public Health crisis three, four weeks ago, with our banks if phenomenally good situation. And you saw that. The ceos at the white house yesterday said, look, the banks are in good position. The banks continue to lend money. The president last night said i want to get exact quote. He said its not a financial crisis. You are calling it a Public Health crisis. Is this not a financial crisis . Well, we have repriced the stock market. But its not a financial crisis. Were reacting to the fact that we no longer can figure out what companies are going to earn for the relative short period of time, medium period of time. And the markets repricing that. And thats natural behavior of markets. Markets hate uncertainty. Markets love predictability. China, we dont know about, you know, medical supplies coming from china. How long that can last. If that gets curtailed. I mean, this is a global situation. It is a global situation. And and youre right. Were all concerned about the worstcase scenario of the supply chain. Where do medical supplies come from . Where does protective equipment come from . Where do protective gowns come from . I was at a Hospital Board yesterday and thats what we talked about. We talked about all that protective equipment and what would happen in a worstcase scenario. So you worked in the white house. There is a lot of past stuff id love to talk to you about. This is not the time for that. When the president goes on the air last night, part of the objective not only is to calm the American People and give them legitimate answers, its also markets, clearly the markets did not respond in confidence with what the president said. Is there anyone in the white house who can say to the president , you know what, let the task force speak on the virus. Do not speak on the virus because every time you speak, you are lying. Or shading the truth and making things worse. Which i hate to even say it because i dont want people to view this as political but it just seems factual that you look at the president he has consistently underplayed this, said its going to disappear like a miracle from our shores. He had diamond and silk saying amen to him on that. You know, he said the 15 cases almost all gone. Why does he do it continually . And why do people around him let him lie . Why not just let the virus task force talk . I agree. The virus task force and the experts. You talked about dr. Fauci. You talked about the other Public Health experts. They are the ones we should listen to. Theyre the ones whose opinions matter. But does the president s opinion matter on this . Because, you know, i would think its you know, the the hes the president. What goes from the top down. And if hes not on board with science, if he doesnt believe he needs to get a coronavirus test because bolsonaros aide who he shook hands with and stood next to in a photo is infected and he could be infected. If the president doesnt believe in science, doesnt that filter down to everybody else . Im highly confident that the Task Force Team and the doctors there, they believe in science. They believe in whats going on. And you saw today but if you have the president coming out you know, faucis testifying and youre on the administration, im not putting you on the spot. But you have fauci testifying and just as a citizen, i find it frustrating that the sense of watching the president is he doesnt really believe this. Or the lens hes looking at it through is a political one or something else. Its not about curtailing a viral infection. Look. This is a Public Health crisis. We have a substantial Public Health crisis going on in the united states. The Financial Markets are reacting that and telling you that. Peoples behavior is telling that and theyre reacting to it. And i think the people and companies are taking it upon themselves to do what they think is in the best interest of their people, their employees, and their families. And thats whats going on right now. As somebody who worked in the white house and knows the situation there, you would say to americans, dont listen to the president on let the president say whatever hes going to say. Listen to the Coronavirus Task force. They are actually the ones who are going to be actually executing stuff. Look. I think the president , last night, tried to come out and tell you that he understands the magnitude of some of the financial issues. I dont think they he threw enough Financial Resources at it and understood the magnitude of what needs to be done. Talked about all those people that are unable to work, whether they are an uber driver or a taxi driver or they work at restaurants and theyre going to get laid off. We have to, immediately, find a way to get money into those people in the economy. And were not talking about 50 billion. Were talking about substantial amounts of money that have to be put into the economy and have to be put in now. And i think that was what people saw in the disappointment of last night. They didnt they didnt werent disappointed with other parts. They were disappointed with the magnitude of what the president was talking about on the Financial Resources. They didnt see action thats actually going to make a difference in peoples lives that will stem some of the the real the hit that people are taking. Right. Look, we need to get people texte tested. People that cant afford healthcare, we have to get them healthcare to get coronavirus contained. We have to get them contained. It doesnt matter if you can pay for it or not. We have got to take care of that. If you got to stay home and take care of sick relatives, you have to do that. We have to figure out a way to keep people doing what they need to for their families and make sure they are not out spreading the virus because its a Financial Hardship for them to stay home. The president needs to remove that Financial Hardship from the system. Appreciate you being on. Id shake your hand but no. Were following science. Lawmakers on capitol hill trying to craft a bill. Vote expected tonight. Ill be joined by a top democrat in the how is who served as health and Human Service secretary. Talk about potential solutions we may see this seek. Be right back. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. 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[ barking ] some breaking news. New mexicos governor Just Announced all Public Schools, k through 12 statewide will be closing for three weeks starting monday. Other states have made similar decisions which feeds directly into the question what the government can do to intersect people. The president says going, quote, smoothly. Dr. Anthony fauci says it is, quote, a failing. House Speaker Pelosi are hammering details of a relief bill that could be voted on tonight. Talk about all of this with congresswoman from florida who also is the longestever serving health and Human Services secretary. Congresswoman, appreciate you being here. You were in the briefing today with top health officials. What do they say . And are you confident the government is in a good place to respond to the virus . No, its not. We have a long way to go and we dont have very much time. We got out of the box late. You know, most administrations stumble because these are ad hoc processes. We just havent made the kind of investments in local Health Departments and state Health Departments that we should have over the years. And and i cant blame just the republicans. Democrats, too. I fought for many for local and state Health Departments. And theyre the people that are on the ground. Tony fauci is extraordinary. We have physician scientists in our government that weve invested in their institutions for a very long time. But weve underinvested now and were not listening to them all the time because the president is stepping all over the messages. Weve got to put the scientists in front and listen to them. But at the end of the day, local governments and state governments are going to make Public Health decisions based on the situations in their states. You know, i mean, when the president talks about this, and i mean, i dont want to turn this into a bashing of the president. But this is not about politics. This is, actually, now a deadly virus that actually is affecting peoples lives. And is cratering the economy. When the president , you know, the Coronavirus Task force comes out and dr. Fauci speaks and others speak, and then the president , you know, just says its going to go away or he says its its like a miracle thats going to leave our shores. And or that, you know, everybody can get tested. The tests are going fine. Everythings going perfectly, just like the ukrainian letter. You know, retweeting out bizarre images of himself. I mean, its i dont know if its criminal at this stage. But, you know, when people start to die because of decisions that leaders make, there should be ramifications. I mean, these are peoples lives. People are going to die because of the foul ups and the lack of experience. Well, this president is dangerous to our health. This is a lifeordeath situation. And the president is undisciplined. Ive never seen anything like it. Ive worked for a number of president s over the years. They were usually pretty disciplined. Sometimes they misspoke. But almost always, they corrected themselves. But this president , repeatedly, says the opposite of what the scientists say. And its tragic because it is a lifeordeath situation. And and he just ought to leave it to the scientist physicians to give us correct diagnosis and correct facts. The idea that the president , you know, shook hands, posed with somebody who has now tested positive for coronavirus. The chief of staff for the president the president of brazil. And apparently, the white house claims theyre not going to test him. I just find that kind of stunning. I mean, if he was the ceo of a company, you know, if he was a Office Worker or somebody who is in a cubicle next to him tested positive, that person would be tested. Well, its reckless. And were working on a package of supports on the hill that, basically, say to the American People, weve got your backs. Lose your job, well have unemployment insurance. Need to get a test, that test will be free. You wont have to worry about copayments. If you have to stay home with your kids, well figure out a way to give you parental leave. I mean, weve got lots of things in this package. But the most important thing is were using existing programs. This is not rocket science. Do we can use existing programs but beef them up. Can our Healthcare System hold up under this as bad as it may get . I mean, ive talked to a bunch of doctors who are just friends and, you know, every one of them is seems to be, to me, raising huge red flags and saying you need to be shouting this from the rooftops like what we are seeing here. Well, i think thats exactly what were doing. Can the Health System be expanded . First of all, we have to test and test and test. Particularly, the most Vulnerable People in our community. We have to keep people out of emergency rooms. And test them, hopefully, in mobile clinics or in other places. The university of washington, actually has a driveby test system. Crazy that we dont have that in new york. Imaginative things we can do, anderson. Were just beginning to do them because the states and the and the local Health Departments are basically taking their resources and they are going to get this testing done. But what we dont want to do is to overwhelm our hospitals, and we have a limited number of beds in this country. And the last thing you want to do is end up in an emergency room. Yeah. Congresswoman, i appreciate your time. Thank you. To be continued. Just ahead, as Election Officials contemplate the effect of the coronavirus on safety of our elections we have a new cnn report that suggests a russia has a new address but the same plan to discord among voters and you might be surprised where a trolling hub now is. Wish you werent a motaur . Sure. Sometimes i wish i had legs like you. 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Well, anderson, you know, a lot of americans have been very concerned since the last election that russia would try to meddle once again and with help from researchers at clemson university, cnn actually managed to track down and expose an active russian troll operation. And let me tell you, anderson. Its not where you might have expected it to be. We also work closely with facebook and twitter, who had already, in fact, been investigating some of these accounts. And now, i want to show you this neverseenbefore look at the anatomy of a troll operation. Thousands of miles from the frosty streets of st. Petersburg, this is a new hub for russias infamous trolls. A cnn investigation has found that akra ghana was the launch pad for an online operation to stir up social unrest in the u. S. Ahead of the 2020 election. On twitter, facebook, and instagram, hundreds of accounts churned out posts about issues, such as racism and Police Brutality in the u. S. For months now, we have been investigating this network of trolls targeting africanamericans. And now, weve actually come here to ghana to try to get the full story. In the run up to our journey, we had discovered that all of the accounts were connected to an ngo called eliminating barriers for the liberation of africa. Known as ebla or ebla. Looking at the website, it was clear something was off. Parts of it still had dummy text. It was impossible to make an actual donation. And most mysteriously, one of the photographs had a russian file name. Though the group claimed to be focused on issues like poverty in ghana, its employees posted almost exclusively about the u. S. Some used incendiary language. Americas descent into a fascist police state continues. Someone needs to take that senator out. Often, they posted on real u. S. Groups. An attempt to gain legitimacy and build an audience. Many even implied they were in america. We are sick and tired of the violence thats taking place in our communities. In reality, they were here. In a nondescript house on the outskirts of ghanas capital. This is the compound where the operation has been based. Theres no sign for an ngo. Were about an hour outside of the city. And you can see this is a very secluded residential area. And people here have been telling us that about three weeks ago, Ghanaian Security services showed up here, raided the building, and no ones been back since. Sources in ghanas National Security tell cnn that all of eblas funding came from russia. After the raid, the accounts went quiet for a few days. Then on instagram, the group changed their handle names and started posting again. Were heading now, nout now to one of the ebla employees. They dont actually know that cnn is coming to this meeting. But were desperately hoping they might be able to give us some more information about how the ngo works and who might be behind it. After some discussion about their safety, the employee agrees to talk to us. Provided we keep her identity hidden. We sit down in a secure location. She tells us she was hired in september of 2019, and had no idea she would be working as a russian troll. Tell me more about your training. So we were trained to use relevant hashtags. So if im posting about black lives matter i shouldnt add a hashtag about probably baueyonc. They were given different areas to focus on. Initially your success was measured by the number of people you reach. The chapters are strikingly similar to those used by russias Research Agency known a the ira, the aim to pit americans against each other and create mistrust of the political system. Run by a close associate of president putin, the ira was later sanctioned by the u. S. This time the russians appear to be outsourcing some of their troll Networks Offering plausible deniability. The employee tells us her boss was a South African who calls himself mr. Amara. He certainly was passionate about helping people. Did you know if mr. Amara spoke any other languages other than english . But hes not South African. In fact hes not mr. Amara at all. Cnn has learned he is ghanaian. Months after starting the ghana operation he opened a Second Branch in nigeria. Ebla even posted a job on linkedin charleston, South Carolina. The raid did not stop him. We found out hes organized a secret meeting of employees on a university campus. He tells them to create more accounts and promises they will get paid soon. As the meeting finishes we approach him wearing a hidden camera and greet him in russian. Hi, my name is Clarissa Ward. I work for cnn. I just had a couple of couples for you about ebla and why you posted this job in the u. S. And charleston, South Carolina. But its actually so strange for someone to come and ask me about ebla right now so i dont know how much i can be of help to you. Youre aware theres a president ial election in november . No. Youre not aware of that . I know theres one in ghana. How long have you been working for the ira, for the troll factory in st. Petersburg, russia. So why do you call mr. Amara and say youre South African . Anyone can call themselves what they want. Anyone can transform into whatever they want and be protected by god. Okay, but youre actually doing it for russia so you might want to explain to god that there was a mixup. He repeatedly denies running a russian troll factory, and with that our conversation ends. Moments later we see him drive off in a red mercedes. Wherever his money comes from he seems to be doing well. The room where eblas trolls once sat now stand empty but efforts are ramping to influence the 2020 election continue. We reached out to all the 16 ebla employees in ghana. They all told us the same thing, anderson, which was that they had no idea they were working for a russian troll factory. And just today and in the past few days twitter, instagram, facebook have taken all those accounts, 274 of them reaching a quarter of a million people, most of them americans. But remarkably, anderson, this they sis was really a successful story, this was still in the early stages of becoming what could have been a very Pernicious Campaign to meddle with the u. S. Election. Coming up next more signs how different life is becoming as coronavirus spreads. Calfshredding shoes with special rubber platforms designed to increase vertical jump sure, they look ridiculous but nothing looks more ridiculous than going up for a dunk and coming up two inches short. Invest in Innovative Companies with invesco qqq do you recall, not long ago we would walk on the sidewalk all around the wind blows we would only hold on to let go blow a kiss into the sun we need someone to lean on blow a kiss into the sun all we needed somebody to lean on all we need is someone to lean on i was told to begin my aspirin regimen, blem. And i just didnt listen. Until i almost lost my life. My doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Listen to the doctor. Take it seriously. Its only human to find inspiration in nature. And also find answers. Our search to transform. Farm waste into renewable natural gas led chevron to partner with california bioenergy. Working to provide an alternative source of power. For a cleaner way forward. Michael vasquez come over here. Ive heard such good things about you, your company. Well, i wouldnt have done any of it without you. Without this place. This is for you. Michael, you didnt have to. And, were going to need some help with the rest. Youve worked so hard to achieve so much. Perhaps its time to partner with someone who knows you and your business well enough to understand what your wealth is really for. Just after we ended the program last night tom hanks revealed he and his wife rita wilson have tested positive for the coronavirus. At the same time the nba canceled its season and this all became a little more real. Today the ncaa canceled march madness entirely as did the nhl its season. The suburb just north of here became the countrys first coronavirus containment zone. Four states are closing schools, disneyland and disney world also shutting down. In so many ways life moved even further from normal. Join us at 10 00 p. M. Eastern tonight for a cnn global town hall, coronavirus facts and fears. Its a two hour special. Try to get you as much facts and information, the truth as possible. The news continues. I want to hand it over to chris for cuomo primetime. More facts, less panic. Thank you so much for being a part of the town hall in the next hour. It is so helpful to so many. I am chris cuomo and welcome to prime time. America is closed and closed in a way we have rarely if ever seen, and thats true. A shaky president told you last night that all is well. We know it truth is very different. Tonight the realities. Testing is not going smoothly. We have to expose the needs, and we need to see the real challenge. The precautions that were taken, okay, theyre going to help reduce cases, but more cases are coming than we can imagine r

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