The president continued to do again today concerning his friend and convicted felon roger stone. He appeared to suggest that any connection between the president s tweeting and his own decisions, well, that would be just a coincidence. You know, the fact that the tweets are out there and correspond to things were doing at the department sort of give grift to the mill, and thats why i think its time to stop the tweeting about department of justice criminal cases. He says it makes it impossible to do his job, which of course raises the question what job and for whom . Is he really staking out his independence here or merely begging the president not to say the quiet part out loud . Or is this just a Public Relations attempt to appear independent after a number of actions have certainly put into question barrs handling of the role. Well talk more in a bit and the veracity of his claim that he is not, as critics accuse acting as more of a personal attorney than the countrys attorney general. There is also a report in the New York Times that is raising serious questions about the work the attorney general is doing behind the scenes investigating what the president calls the russia hoax. It is also with the u. S. Intelligence community, sending some of the president s handpicked top officials caused russias interference in the 2016 election. Quoting from the New York Times, Trump Administration officials investigating the governments response to russias election interference in 2016 appear to be hunting for a basis to accuse obama era intelligence officials of hiding evidence or manipulating analysis about moscows covert operation, quoting to people familiar with people familiar to aspects of the inquiry, which is exactly what the president has been wanting to hear, has been talking, tweeting and sometimes ranting about for months. What barr said today about quote, not being influenced by anybody, end quote. Adam goldman shares the byline. He joins us now. What more have you learned about the focus of this investigation by the department of justice . Hey, thanks for having me. Well, john deere, the prosecutor appointed to look at the origins of the fbis russia investigation and the Intelligence Communitys assessment of russian interference is basically picking apart the analytical analysis that went into this assessment that said russia interfered in the election. And its really in many ways extraordinary. Durham is now investigating the people who sounded the alarm about russian interference. And the whole investigation, according to your reporting, its rattled current and former intelligence officials. What is their concern . What are they assuming based on the questions that durham and others have been asking . It seems to be that hes picking apart analytical disputes that went on, disputes between the nsa and cia about providing information that the cia was supposed to give the nsa about an informant who had helped the cia figure out putins intentions. And a couple of other things. You know, hes really we have not seen this before that a criminal prosecutor is going to pick apart an analytical assessment based on the work of three intelligence agencies, the nsa, the fbi, and the cia. And one of the particular cases that you write about is that the nsa wanted more information about the source of some information the cia had, a source who was in the kremlin at the time. Cia, as is often the case with all intelligence agencies, was concerned about revealing the identity to the nsa or spreading the information too widely. Eventually, according to your article, they did give more information to the nsa, and in the final draft, the cia and i think one other agency both said they had high confidence in the material, the information. And the nsa, they had an alternative which is they had only moderate confidence. Thats right, anderson. So the agency had the cia had a wellplaced agent informant within the kremlin, who is providing the cia information about putins intentions. And so they were reluctant to provide information about that, because they were fearful that the Source Information about the source would get made public, which by the way it eventually was and had to be resettled in the United States. But the cia relented and gave the nsa that information. So what happened was the cia had high confidence in their source. The fbi had high confidence in the cia source, but the nsa, which devotes its life to signals intelligence, it wants to see or hear things, doesnt rely on human intelligence, had moderate confidence. I think the nsa would have gotten high if there had been a course who would have corroborated what the cia source was saying. But they didnt have that. So they stuck to this moderate this moderate confidence level. So durham has been sort of examining this divide, this disconnect between the cia, the fbi and the nsa. Adam, stay with us. I also want to bring in the former director of National Intelligence and also retired air force director clapper is joining us by phone. First of all, im wondering what your reaction is by adam and others is tonight. Are you concerned about the apparent focus of this investigation, or does this raise questions for you . Well, obviously, yes. And others notably mark morel, former acting director of cia has spoken about our concerns about a prosecuting attorney critiquing the judgment of intelligence analysts after the fact using what prosecuting attorneys, the evidentiary bar they use, which is probable cause as opposed to the evidentiary bar that intelligence analysts of necessity have to use to draw conclusions. I have to say that once the team was put together, the three agencies, nsa, cia, and fbi, about 28 people to include a team of experts on russia from the three agencies, plus a few people from my office, once president obama issued his tasking on about the 5th of december and we formalized our task force, one of my concerns was that there not be barriers or obstacles between and among the analysts who were assigned to this task, because we had a very short deadline. And i was not presented with any evidence of any problems with respect to accesses to all the various compartments that were used to draw this conclusion. I think the important thing here is rather than dwelling on how the sausage was made is consider the product. And at no time was any dissent or disagreement identified to me as we publish their assessment on the 6th of january of 2017. And i am not aware of any evidence of anyone holding back any important information, nor was there any occasion where any of the Agency Directors applied or directed any windage to the experts who actually wrote the Intelligence Community assessment. Has mr. Durham or anyone on his team reached out to you or interviewed you regarding his investigation . No. I expect they will at some point, but ive not been contacted. Adam . Let me weigh in here. Since general clapper is accused to be part of the deep state conspiracy to overthrow the government and trump, but one of the things that was echoed to me that general clapper said which i believe is correct that the conclusions reached in this intelligence assessment about russian interference, they werent pushed down. They werent pushed down by brennan. They werent pushed down by comey. They werent pushed down by general rogers who ran the nsa. These conclusions were reached by the analysts at the ground level. When you say pushed down, they didnt come from the top, they came from analysts . Right, right. These were career analyst, some senior, some mid level who came to these conclusions on their own and presented them and presented them to the leaders of these particular organizations. Director clapper, is that how you see it . Thats absolutely true. I didnt even meet with the group of experts, the task force until after the effort was over. After the Intelligence Community assessment had been published is the first time i met with them as a group. And i didnt issue any direction to them other than we need to get this done under the timeline that president obama outlined to us. So thats absolutely true. One other point id like to make is i believe the nsa characterization on one of the key judgments of moderate was actually one that was came from admiral roger, the director of nsa personally, rather than perhaps his analysts, which is perfectly fine. Having been through prior occasions of group think, its perfectly acceptable and not unusual that you might have the differentiation and the confidence level on one key judgment. And let me weigh in here on the analytical conclusions they reached. You know, barr has spent a lot excuse me, durham has spent a lot of time trying to understand the data sets that these agencies used to reach their conclusions, and hes asked about the analytical process, and its my understanding that the response hes received is, well, you can read it yourself. You can read about the analytical standards because general clappers office in 2015, you know, issued you can issue these analytical standards. There are actually guidelines that analysts have to follow to produce Something Like the intelligence assessment. And by the way, these analytical guidelines you have to follow are the result of the iraq war, the result of relying on a fraudulent informant and named curveball who drove this country to war. The government realized after that we need to do a better job, and these things are written down for anybody to see. Theyre public. If i can comment on that, i was the only one on the Intelligence Community seniors who were involved in the infamous National Intelligence assessment of october 2002 dealing with weapons of mass destruction in iraq. Thats why i was particularly sensitive about not suppressing dissent and to ensure if there was any, that it was prominently displayed. And there wasnt any. So i was very mindful of sensitivity about sources and corroborating information because my fingerprints were on that nie in a different Intelligence Capacity in 2002. And i remembered that very well. I havent let me make one point. I havent spoken to general clapper about this, but ive heard that independently, that people who were involved in this intelligence assessment, curveball loomed. They were all aware of curveball. General clapper and adam, hold tight. I also want to bring in jeff toobin, because i think this also calls for a lawyer. Cnn Senior Analyst jeff toobin is here. What do you make of this . You to remember the context here. The president hates james mr. Brennan, who was the head of the cia. He took away his security clearance. Brennan is an analyst on msnbc. He has been very critical of President Trump. This durham investigation is designed to get brennan. They want to pin something on him. Durham, who is a u. S. Attorney in connecticut used to have a very good reputation. Hes investigated Law Enforcement before. Correct. But when the inspector generals report about this came out a few months ago, he, even though his investigation isnt even over, you know, mouthed the trump line of the inspector generals report is flawed. So the durham investigation looks at this point like a hit job designed to get someone, probably brennan in the deep state as the president calls it, not like a good faith investigation of what went on here. So durham has worked for both for different administrations. Hes worked under both parties investigating wrongdoing and Law Enforcement and elsewhere. Why would he do this . You know, the being associated with donald trump is the great reputation killer of our lifetime. I mean, if you look at all the people who have, you know, whether its members of his cabinet, whether its chiefs of staff, mr. Tillerson was a very respected head of exxon. General mattis, general flynn. General kelly. General kelly. All of them wind up degrading themselves by their association with the president. And also with them being degraded by the president subsequent to degrading themselves. Jeff, stick around. Adam goldman, fascinating reporting there the New York Times tonight. General clapper as well. Coming up, how to take his claims of independence at the Justice Department. And later the president s attack on Mike Bloomberg. Bloombergs answer to it as well as the ability he seems to have as some put to it live rentfree inside the president s head. Top bloomberg adviser happens to have written a definitive book on citizen trump, joins us when we continue. Stop dancing around the pain that keeps you up again, and again. Advil pm silences pain, and you sleep the whole night. Advil pm tmobile has the first and only, nationwide 5g network. And with it, you can shape the future. Weve invested 30 billion dollars and built our new 5g network for businesses like yours. While some 5g signals only go a few blocks, tmobile 5g goes for miles. No other 5g signal goes farther or is more reliable in business. Tomorrow is in your hands. Partner with tmobile for business today. Bon top of severe ptsd,n and to have a tooth pain tomorrow is in your hands. Will take you down in the dump. 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So just as were learning more about the investigation that critics say was hatched from a president ial Conspiracy Theory and is being conducted at the president s behest, the man in charge of it speaks out. Attorney general barr saying the president s tweets make it impossible for him to do his job. You have a problem with tweets . Yes. I have a problem with some of the tweets. Im happy to say that in fact the president has never asked me to do anything in a criminal case. However, to have public statements and tweets made about the department, about our people in the department, our men and women here, about cases pending in the department, and about judges before whom we have cases make it impossible for me to do my job and to assure the courts and the prosecutors in the department that were doing our work with integrity. If that was a shot across the bow of the white house, it landed with hardly a thud. Stephanie grisham, the president wasnt bothered by the comments at all and he has the right just like any american citizen to publicly offer his opinions. President trump uses social media very effectively to fight for American People against injustices in our country, including fake news. The president has full faith and confidence in attorney general barr to do his job. Joining us generjen psaki and j gergen. Why is attorney general barr doing this today . I think he is right. It does make his job impossible if he is going to continue baifing the way he is going to behave. The problem is the press secretary says he has the right to express his opinion like he is the host the apprentice. He is not the host of the apprentice. He is the president of the United States and the attorney generals boss. So if as that statement suggests he is going to continue doing this anyway, the problem has not been addressed at all, nor has the attorney general said why out of all the sentences handed down in the United States he zeeds to intervene on the one involving the president s friend . Do you feel barr felt he had to speak out now amid all the scrutiny and resignations and folks in the Justice Department trying to leave, get off the case . He was certainly under pressure, anderson. Given his record, given the way he seemed to be in the tank for the president right from the beginning of his service at the Justice Department. Its hard not to be cynical tonight about what was really going on here today. It very much looks like hes come out with a statement that he can take back to the Justice Department and show them he stood up to the president or as in fact this was a setup deal, might have been a setup deal in which there was an understanding with the president yeah, you can make that case so that things go easier. But on the substance of what you do, you listen to me. Right. Its hard not to believe that. And jen, the white house is saying the president wasnt bothered by barrs comments. Do you believe this was, you know, barr gone rogue . It doesnt seem that way. It sure doesnt feel that way, anderson, and a lot of his supporters from the outside, people working on his campaign, donors have said something similar. Look, its hard to believe i think that these prosecutors left because they were offended by one of the president s tweets. If that were the barr, there would have been a mass exodus from government. Its not just that attorney general barr disagreed on the sentencing guidelines. He also replaced the lead prosecutor with a buddy of his. So there are a lot of actions that took place that i suspect are more concerning and led more to the actions by the prosecutors than president ial tweets. Jeff, does what happens now in terms of the investigation . I mean, you have people trying to get off the case, getting off the case, in one case resigning. There are a lot of u. S. Attorneys out there, and theyll find someone to do the case. The question is who is deciding, and is the president still dictating individual sentences . Barr has said that the president has never made a request to him about a criminal case. He doesnt really have to, though, if he is tweeting stuff out and making clear what he wants. Exactly. Barr is no fool. He got the job by submitting he wasnt even soliciting. He just submitted his own ideas. Correct. And as long as the president injects himself into individual prosecutorial decisions, whether its in a phone call or in tweets, thats a distortion of how the Justice Department has worked for decades, and well see if barr is going to do anything about that. David, its really interesting how time and time again we hear these arguments well, the president never said to me directly quid pro quo. The president never said directly. It doesnt work that way. It doesnt have to. It doesnt have to. Winks and nod als will work. Barr know whats the president wants. Its been perfectly clear from the tweets and everything else. I think well have to see what happens now. Does stone get a much lighter sentence . Does general flynn possibly get probation . Does President Trump wind up pardoning both of them . And does durham come in with a blasting statement that looks suspicious on its face about brennan . All those things are going on. And i have to say, i think that barr needs to show much more than he did today if he is really going stand up against the president , i think he has to do it on substance, and i think he has to be very consistent about it. He cant just this oneoff kind of statement saying to the Justice Department employees, hey, listen, im for you when its not at all apparent he really is. Let me add one variable to that. Judge Army Berman Jackson is a wild card here. She doesnt answer to donald trump. She has life tenure. She is going to sentence roger stone. She would be well within her rights to say i want to hold a hearing about what the hell happened here because this is not the normal process for how sentencing is handled within the Justice Department. And maybe she will call in political appointees and explain how and why this sentence recommendation was changed so dramatically at the last minute after the president asked for it. Jen, there are republicans who said, you know, on our air and elsewhere, look, every president wants an attorney general who is on his team, and they say eric holder was a close confident of president obama. Robert kennedy was obviously john f. Kennedys brother. Sure. The president any president picks who their attorney general. They nominate them. But at the same time, there are rules in place in any white house. Whenever the attorney general was in the white house as a political appointee, as a close adviser of the president , i kind of avoided any contact. You dont know when cases are going to be decided. You dont know when information is going to come out, or how it will come out. You know, that is what is normal. And this is crossing some lines that i think go far beyond having somebody you like as the attorney general when youre the president. Jen, do you think the president will actually stop tweeting about Justice Department cases . It seems highly unlikely, right. I mean i dont think given he didnt take any offense to it, and given he doesnt seem to have any selfcontrol with twitter, i would bet we see some more tweets around his friends who are about to be sentenced or facing prosecution i suspect. We dont have to guess. The press secretary said hes going to continue doing it. Thats true. He confirmed it. Its not like there is some mystery about whether the president learned a lesson. He very explicitly according to his press secretary did not. Jeff toobin, jen psaki, david gergen, thanks very much. Here is what the democratic president ial candidate tweeted about the attorney general saying president ial tweets make it hard for him to do his job. Quote, if its any consolation, trumps tweets make it impossible for him to do his job too. Reaction next to one of bloombergs top advisers. howling wind howling wind uhh, excuse youre in a is there a problno parking zone. Oh, i. I didnt know. You didnt see the sign . That. 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No secret that the mayor has been getting under the president s skin a lot lately. Some new evidence today. At 8 23 this morning, the president started things off by tweeting mini mike is a 54 mass of dead energy who does not want to be on the debate stage with these professional politicians. No boxes, please. He hates crazy bernie and will with enough money possibly stop him. Bernies people will go nuts. Just 20 minutes bloomberg posted this. We know many of the same people in new york. Behind your back they laugh at you and call you a carnival barking clown. They know you inherited a fortune and squandered it with stupid deals and incompetence. I have the record and resources to defeat you and i will. And then bloomberg offered this to reporters. Somebody said, you know, that hes taller than me. He calls me little mike. The answer is donald, where i come from we measure your height from your neck up. I am not afraid of donald trump. Donald trump is afraid of us. And thats why he keeps tweeting all the time. If he doesnt mention you, you got a big problem. But the president attacked me again on this morning on twitter. Thank you very much, donald. He sees our poll numbers, and i think its fair to say he is scared because he knows have i the record and the resources to defeat him. Joining us now is writer tim obrien, Senior Adviser to the bloomberg president ial campaign. Before that, a trump biographer. Tim, good to have you on the program. Thanks, anderson. To me, that response by mayor bloomberg was that tweet in particular was very interesting, because the whole ive been fascinated by President Trumps they are laughing at us constant refrain. He said that about obama all the time. Oh, other countries are laughing at us. That seems to be one of his greatest fears. Yes. Which is people are laughing at me, making fun of me. And that bloomberg went right after that, it seems like he kind of knows the buttons to push with President Trump. He knows how deeply insecure donald trump is. Donald trump is a classic bully. He uses twitter to work these things out. Its almost like therapy for him. And its a sideshow for us. I think mike knows how donald trump operates because hes watched donald trump operate this way in new york for years. Mike is secure about who he is. Mike is everything donald trump aspires to be and isnt, and i think weve discovered that we can bounce him around like a beach ball day to day and it keeps him distracted. Well stay focused on the stuff voters care about, health care, education, jobs and keep trump off balance. How much of the animosity do you think the president has towards him and vice versa is about policy . How much is, you know, just a dislike of each other . I dont think i dont think mike dislikes trump. He knows trumps a con man. He doesnt think about trump that much. But donald trump is obsessed with mike, and he is obsessed with mike because mike stands on a stack of achievements that makes him ten feet taller than trump, even if trump wants to make fun of his height. Mike bloomberg does not come from a huge fortune like donald trump does. No, mike is authentically selfmade. Mike worked as a parking lot attend attendant in college to work through college. Every dollar he has earned. Donald trump was born with a silver foot in his mouth and he has never forgotten it. His father was selfmade, and that hangs over Donald Trumps consciousness all the time. Its fascinating. You and i, ive done interviews with you because you were sued by trump. Right. You deposed trump. You actually have seen more of trumps financial records in everything than anybody else. Well, and the thing about donald trump is he is the most successful con man of the morn era. He has conveyed to voters that he is a successful businessman when he is not. He is a serial bankruptcy artist. He has conveyed to voters that im going to serve your interest and bring back jobs to your broken communities, and he hasnt. And Mike Bloomberg is someone who has actually done all these things for people. Its fascinating. You hire the best people. Every one of the things he has said, its just not true. And we have seen time and time again the kind of people. Rudy giuliani is his personal attorney. Hes never attracted alist people because donald trump himself is not alist. He is not intellectually disciplined. He is not emotionally disciplined. He cant add well. He is not a reader. And he tends to attract other people who are also carnival barkers. So how is what is the lane for Mike Bloomberg . Obviously this is a situation nobody has ever seen before, given his resource, given his late entrance into the campaign. What is the path ahead . He is going to be at the dea baits for the first time next week in vegas coming up. Thats why the democratic field has been fragmented. And i think mike is somebody who can unify most ofthese disparate branchs of the party. He is a unifier, although were willing to get into the trenches and bat donald trump around. We respect all of the other democratic candidates. We are not making fun of them on twitter or anywhere else. But we do feel that mike has the most governing experience of anybody running. Hes a pragmatic progressive who has deep appeal to independents, the business community, moderates, and on and on. He has been one of the criticisms of him is going to be on that debate stage that he has essentially bought his way into the election. Hes outspending everybody. I talked to Bernie Sanders last night on the program, and, you know, he said hes clearly going to be pointing out that bloomberg not only is a billionaire but has not spent months and months in iowa and New Hampshire and done what everybody else has done. So mike has spent months and months on the campaign trail. Mike has spent decades and decades as a public servant, as a philanthropist. He has worked very hard to earn the reputation he has. Even before this, he has been giving huge amounts of money on gun issues in various states. In 2018 he was one of the most generous backers of women running in that campaign who flipped formally republican districts. You can buy exposure. You cant by an election. If you could buy an election, tom steyer wouldnt still be at 1 or 2 . Mike bloomberg is second in a lot of recent poms because people know his story now. The other thing is the amount of money he is spending, we said if mikes not the nominee, this machine were building, were in over 45 states and territories. We have 2100 people on the ground that will be put at the feet of the party or whoever the democratic nominee. But we think mike is the best person. He is going to continue pouring money into this even if he is not the nominee . Yes, he, because he sees it as the culmination of his lifes work. The rnc and trump combined is about 180, and we anticipate theyll put 900 into this campaign. Had Mike Bloomberg not gotten into this campaign, the democrats would have been severely outrun both financially and organizationally. And he is doing what i think is a historic act to right this ship at a time when there is a fivealarm fire in the white house. You know, obviously coming up for the debate stage, im sure you are prepared for this, there is obviously a lot of criticism about his policies on stop and frisk. Right. He says he inherited it. But it did grow under him. And i think 2018 he was still speaking favorably about it. The only thing we can say about stop and frisk is that it was a mistake. Mike was wrong to embrace it, wrong to embrace and stand by it for as long as he did. I think he owes it to communities of color for the rest of his career to prove to them that this is not who he is as a man or as a politician. But stop and frisk also doesnt represent the totality of his time as mayor. He did a lot of substantial things to reach out and empower communities of color. He diversified the nypd, the incarceration rate in new york dropped when he was mayor. He had a Model Program for outreach to young residents of color that barack obama modeled my brothers keeper on. And thats why weve got current and former mayors of color, elected officials who still support this campaign. Its why mike is still rising in the polls with black voters because they understand the totality of his career. A lot of people have left biden in South Carolina and gone to bloomberg. Indeed. Thanks for being with us. Thanks, anderson. Ahead, more on the cultural history of President Trump and Mike Bloomberg. How these two millionaires from new york who were once seen publicly together, golfing, ribbon cuttings, even the president s former tv show. That when we return. The business of atlanta on monday. Cincinnati on tuesday. Philly on wednesday. And thursday back to cincinnati. Modernized comfort inns and suites have been refreshed because when your business keeps going, our business is you. Get the lowest price guaranteed on all Choice Hotels when you book direct at choicehotels. Com. High protein low sugar tastes great high protein low sugar so good high protein low sugar mmmm, birthday cake and try pure protein delicious protein shakes and then what happened . Wheres our family from . Was he my age . So nana and pops eloped . And then what happened, daddy . Well, before us, there were your great, great, great grandparents. Turn questions youve always had into stories you cant wait to share; with ancestry. Economically powerfully influenced my values. Bernie sanders hes fighting to raise wages. And guarantee health care for all. Now, our country is at a turning point. Hard working people, betrayed by trump, struggling to survive. In this moment, we need a fighter. Bernie sanders. We know hell fight for us as president because he always has. Im Bernie Sanders and i approve this message. Before Mike Bloomberg and donald trump had the white house in their sights, the two new yorkers were actually quite complimentary of each other, please at least publicly. Brian todd has the story of why their falling out predates eithers run for the white house. Look, he is a lightweight. Reporter the way they talk about each other now, youd think theyve been enemies for life. I am not afraid of donald trump. Reporter but back in new york, back in the day, a different dynamic. And i have to say, you have been a great mayor. Come here. You really have. I mean, this guy is fantastic. Reporter that was in october 2013. Then new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg and donald trump lavished praise on each other after trump helped bloomberg convert a trash dump in the bronx into a highend golf course. But if anybody has changed this city, it is donald trump. He really has done an amazing thing, and this is another part of it. Donald, thank you for your confidence in the city. Reporter analysts say that partnership could have been the genesis of their falling out, because in a 2016 interview with wolf blitzer, trump took all the credit for the project. I took it over and got it knocked up in one year and now its a huge success. Bloomberg thought that was an exaggeration. His former aides thought that was an exaggeration, and it sort of split between them. Reporter but before then, donald trump and Michael Bloomberg appeared to get along, or at least found each other useful. Trump backed bloombergs effort to run for a third term as new yorks mayor. They golfed together. Bloomberg appeared on trumps nbc show the apprentice and their daughters appeared in an hbo documentary called born rich. But in the real world of business and philanthropy in that world it was bloomberg who was the star and it was trump who was always the one looking for acceptance and rarely getting it. During all of his life, donald trump has longed for the approval of the new york establishment. Mike bloomberg was the new york establishment. Reporter now the two are being compared and contrasted under a microscope. Both switched Political Parties repeatedly and were unexpected winners in their biggest elections. And both became billionaires, although on the forbes list of the wealthiest americans at the end of last year, Michael Bloomberg ranked eighth with 53. 4 billion while trump ranked 275th with 3. 1 billion. They both named their businesses after themselves. Theyre both very wealthy people. But bloomberg came from a more working class background, and donald trump of course inherited a lot of money from his father to run his business. Reporter going forward, how nasty and personal will their battle become . Well, i think in a head to head battle, Mike Bloomberg and donald trump will be nastier than anything weve seen in politics perhaps in 100 years. These are two people who are not afraid to fight, and theyre not afraid to fight in a very personal way. Reporter analysts say one reason donald trump fears Michael Bloomberg is that he realizes bloomberg has the resources, millions of dollars that bloomberg can spend on ads, highly produced ads that he can use to keep attacking trump in the most personal of ways. Brian todd, cnn, washington. Just ahead, well return with breaking news and talk with a lawmaker about what hell ask attorney general barr when barr testifies before congress. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, Little Things can become your big moment. 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We will take it all on, with investigators as well. Coming up next, congressman eric swalwell, what he wants to know of a claim of independence from the white house. Or get pick up or delivery at redlobster. Com hi, i need help getting an appointment with my podiatrist. Hows wednesday at 2 . I cant. Dog agility. Thursday at 10 . Sorry. tuesday at 11 . Nope. Robot cage match. How bout the 28th at 3 . Done. With Unitedhealthcare Medicare advantage plans, theres so much to take advantage of like help finding specialists and scheduling appointments. Unitedhealthcare Medicare Advantage plans. Including the only plans with the aarp name. Go ahead, take advantage. Including the only plans with the aarp name. Lets get down to business. The business of atlanta on monday. Cincinnati on tuesday. Philly on wednesday. And thursday back to cincinnati. Modernized comfort inns and suites have been refreshed because when your business keeps going, our business is you. 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We learn from Michael Cohen there is a code, the president has. He will intimate something, it will be really nice. Hes tweeting and so barr gets the message, whats so frustrating here is that the president could just pardon roger stone, but instead, hes chosen to show all of us that hes got others who will do his hits for him. He is in check to this corruption. You think its intentional . I think its intentional. He can show he can actually have the doj do his work. Because no matter what happens, stone is ultimately getting a pardon. He was so concerned. He can pardon him right away. This is more about a show of power. The idea that barr is saying, you know, the president s tweets make my job impossible. It doesnt seem like, i mane, do you believe that this is really him pushing back . Because traditionally, if that happens, you know, the president would slam him or the white house would in this case, the white house is free to have his own opinions. I dont buy it, also, tell ne time when bill barr went to a court and said you know what, that young black man who is being over prosecuted for having cocaine on him, we will lower the recommendation on that. Thats not happening. This is only happening, its not the first time. They also have changed a recommendation for former National Security adviser michael flynn. For quite a long time, there have been prosecution, overly zealous prosecutions of people for all manner of very serious crimes or even for not serious crimes and he hadnt intervened . No, he hasnt. And again, its because he is helping the president s friends. What is most concerning is he is not only asking, the president is not only suggesting a friend should have their sentence reduced. He is also showing that if you are an enemy of mine, i now have weaponized the department of justice. We can go after you. Not just help our friend, punish and imprison our enemies . Barr will be appearing be every the Judiciary Committee you are on. What do you want to hear from him . Do you expect much to come of him . Independence of prosecution is a pillar of democracy. We want to know if that still stand . He is going to he will say he does, of course. We are launching an investigation immediately into this case and looking at others. I think we will see what we can find. We are not helpless, we won the majority and subpoena power and these great prosecutors who have resigned. If you are a prosecutor and are you fearful the department of transportation is being weaponized, i would hope more people would come by. I appreciate it so much. The news continues, we head over to chris, cuomo prime time. Thank you, i am chris cuomo. Welcome to prime time. Just when it look itses like th president has slapped down, attorney general barr with a slap in trumps pile saying the tweets make it impossible for him to do his job. Imagine that. And the senate slaps down the president s ability to use the military, eight republican senators joining the effort. We have key players tonight on what happens now. What do you say . Lets get after it. Attorney general bill barr is selling the story to the media that reducing the stone sentence all him. But, he became the first sitting cabinet many eb to take a whack at the boss in the process. To have public statements and tweets made about the department, about cases pending in the department, and about judges before whom