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A friend of mine that said, why wouldnt you just try the juul. And so i went out and i bought one. The idea of going back to smoking. I couldnt even imagine doing that. I dont think anyone including myself thought that i could switch. Good evening, the wait for Robert Muellers report is almost over. How much of it does congress get to see. William barr went before the house committee, much of the question centered on the special counsels report. He says to expect it in a week and he plans documentation for every redactions thats been made. He said he does not plan on seeking a court order to release grand jury information. He doubled down as contention and being forthcoming and releasing a redacting report because regulations do not require public disclosures. The attorney general did not answer this question. Did the white house see the report before you release your summarizing letter . Has the white house seen it since then . Have they been briefed on the contents beyond what was in your summarizing letter to the Judiciary Committee . I say what i am going to say about the report today. I issued three letters about it. I was willing to discuss the historic information of how the report came to me and my decision on sunday. But, i have laid out the process Going Forward to release these reports, hopefully, within a week. And i am not going to say anything more about it until the report is out. Everyone has a chance to look at it. For one of those letters, he mentioned the fourpage summary, the attorney general says it was not intended to summarize the report by mueller. He did use as much of the special counsels own language. It is an interesting way to look at it considering his letter containing 74 words and a few more from footnotes from a 400page document. Democrats point out barr writing 19 whole pages on the probe which he shared with President Trumps attorney. More now from lawmakers thats been apart of this story from the beginning. Congressman jim hans from connecticut. No, he does not get the benefit of the doubt. Nobody gets the benefit of the doubt. One way or another we need to see every word of that report. Some of the stuff will of course be classified and that may have to be looked at by small group of people in a closed room. Well negotiate and figure out how we go on that. We certainly dont get the benefit of the doubt. If you think back of what those four pages were about. They were about supposedly clearing the president and yet there is 400 other pages of information that we need to review. So, again we theed to review it. Why not wait until he actually released it to judge his action and intent and the level of redactions. I am not judging his action or intent. I am saying he does not get the benefit of the doubt. It would be wrong for the congress to assume that the executives were going to be full some or disclosure itself. Look, it is a fact that well probably have an argument over redactions. Remember we made progress here. Look back a year ago, we were worried that mueller may get fired or the report may never be released. Well see the report, i suspect well have a fight over redactions and it will last some time. I am comfortable that when all is said and done, well get to see the full report. What do you make of the fact this attorney general would not say of the report and they have not been, he could just say so. Yeah, it is a little disturbing. You think you can answer a simple question, i dont have any information but i would be shocked considering the fact that the president have obsessed over this investigation and this report. As long as the investigation had been underway, if it had not made its way to the white house. That did not trouble me so much. What concerns me is we see that report and we see that whole report. So long as thats true, we have an opportunity to look at it and the investigative materials and evidence that we think is important, i dont care who else sees it. The argument against there is two different things. There is releasing report to the public and members of congress. There is a lot of folks who will say things leak out of congress all the time. The idea that this report would leak out even if only members of congress who got to see it could surprise a lot of people. Well, look. The fact that there is precedent over come both of the objection of the department of justice of the attorney general. One objection is grand jury information and chairman nadler was talking about it today. The other thing is the attorney general says we are going to protect the identity of uninvolved third party. Thats kind of funny to me. Pet pet peter stroke and within who he had extra matt pratermarital af. The attorney general and the department of justice did not have a lot of precedent or credibility when they say we are going to protect peoples arrive going to protect peoples arrive going to protect peoples arrive going to protect peoples arrive privacies. Hard to say and my hope is and i suspect i will be disappointed in this hope. My hope is the redactions are thorough material. If you want to protect someones privacy, black out their name or something. There is a difference of getting a report of page after page black out information. It sounds like well get it in a week or so. Congressman schiff says the attorney general is behaving like cohen not cooperating. The attorney general did not do himself any favor when he essentially arrogated a judgment thats not his to make when he said i got together with my deputy and we decided there was no obstruction of justice and even if mueller did not clear it. Thats really since the department of justice under their own procedures wont indict a president , thats not his judgment to make. And so he did not really set himself up to be in a sort of happy relationship with congress when he said that and did that. It is really for us to judge. The reason of course doj wont indict a sitting president is the accountability mechanism resides with the congress of the United States. Congressman han, appreciate you joining us. Robert wray, also, former fbi agent, our legal and national analyst. And our carl bernstein. Jeff, what do you make of the attorney general said today . Again i dont want to prejud prejudge. He has set up four categories that could be very broad and swallowed a great deal of the report. Grand jury material which can be defined in several different ways, broadly or narrowly. Classified information which the intelligence agencies are famous for over classifying. Material relating to other investigations which could be very broad and the fourth category, the most mysterious of them all, this idea of third party who could benin fr anyone obscure figure to donald trump itself. All of the category giving the attorney general an enormous amount of generation and well see how it is used. Do you think the president can be included in that fourth category . We talked about it before. No, i dont think thats what anyone had in mind. The attorney generals words. It is not spelled out anywhere. I understand that. Under any scenario, i dont think i dont agree with that. As to what goes public and what does not, i guess well have to see and sort of an interesting discussion to have now. We dont have anything to talk about until we know exactly what the report looks like that the attorney general does release. With regards to grand jury material, thats a big net. I think there is a lot of confusion here about what the attorney generals authority is with regard to that. There is no congressional oversight exception to rule 6e and there is no distinction providing it to congress or to republicans in congress. The only one that arguably applies is one that says preliminarily to or in connection with a judicial proceeding. The precedent that came from the d. C. Circuit equated. It was not a waiver, it equated an impeachment proceeding whether it is a procedural proceeding. The chief justice presides over a trial of impeachment in the senate. That in some sentence at least understood by the d. C. Circuit and it is basically acknowledged in a most recent decision by the way the attorney general testified to today came out last friday, all of which suggests since the d. C. Circuit is the law that controls here. Unless the attorney general makes an application figuratively, arm and arm with jerry nadler to a court, there is not going to be disclosure of materials. Are the criteria too broad . I think they are too broad for a couple of reasons. One of the key things barr said today was his initial conclusions was based on a binary choice of whether the kuk was criminal or not. We know a good swath of this investigation are with Counter Intelligence committee. The other thing is that with regard to the president particularly, hes not only held to a criminal standard. He is held beyond that. Misconduct, failure to uphold your oath or National Security threat. All of these are impeachable. When it comes to representational harm or these kinds of things, with regard to his conduct should definitely make its way to congress. Carl, the white house would not say, the attorney general would not say whether or not the white house has been involved in discussions either with him or with his office about this. Well, everything that we have seen from the attorney general since he become the attorney general has been he claims to want transparencies and he pulls the shades down. And today is one example of it. I am as hopeful as anybody we are going to see the report and see every bit of it. But, from what we know from what mr. Barr has told us. Hes looking for ways that we dont see it. Hes looking for ways to pull those shades down. This ought to be a paramount important that the American People get to see every word of this important investigation about the president of the United States and National Security matters. We dont want to see and should not see anything that gives away sources of method of intelligence collection. Thats the only exception there ought to be here. This is a Grave National importance about the president and the people around him. We are in the dark because the shades of being pulled down. Jeff, would it be anything illegal if there is consultation between the attorney general and the white house about this. Not at all. It would lend suspicion to the idea that what barr is doing is doing the bidding of his boss. The president of the United States not acting as an honest broker in this process. There is certainly no prohibition on the attorney general or his staff talking to the white house or the white house lawyers that the question is whose side is mubarr on . Is he on the side of transparency as he said in his confirmation hearing or is he coordinatei co coordinating with the white house to keep as much under wrap as possible. Well see which way to go. If hes coordinating with the white house, is that okay . Not coordinating but there is a Public Record that the white house was not involved and did have their heads up about what was in barrs letter that at least the march 24th letter. Whether there is consultation or the white house have been apprised of what else is in the muller report since that time is an interesting question. I suppose it is fair to ask whether there is coordination in terms of whether there is any impact from the white house or influence from the white house as to the redactions that the attorney general makes. I tend to think thats unlikely. I imagine the reason he did not answer the question is probably the white house and the attorney general have had some discussions post the march 24th letter. The attorney general i dont need to tell him how to do his job. Would it be appropriate for the white house to talk about redactions . It is highly inappropriate unless we can confirm all the threads that involves the president had been closed. We know certain thread will refer to the Southern District of new york that involves Campaign Finance violations. The Counter Intelligence piece, we know there is a Counter Intelligence investigation opened on the president himself. We dont ever know if that was closed. It is highly improper for barr to be discussing it with him without making it clear to the American Public that those are not ongoing matter. This is about whether barr sees the president as his client or the United States of america as his client and i would say that as attorney general his client is the United States and not the president. Carl, the judiciary commit e committee, if they are not happy with their redaction and of the battle. Thas real is that really good for the country . May be the only way that well have a possibility of f d finding out what this investigation by mr. Mueller has been really about. Anything that brings us closer to full knowledge is good for the country. Anything that takes us away from that is not good. We are operating in an atmosphere here where we see the Trump Presidency and those around him moving on authoritarian impose instead of real democratic impose to let the light in. To let the American People know what has happened here. It is extraordinary that both parties cant get together and say we need this information so that we can move on as a country together. Jeff toobin and robert ray, thank you so much. Thank you. The president responding to his reported plans for separation of policies. It is not really policies at all but president obamas. Maxi congresswoman Maxine Waters is joining us since this exchange happened a few hours ago. Can you clarify that for me . Yes, clarify. If you wish to leave, you may. If you wish to leave, you may leave. I dont understand what you are saying. Allergies with sinus congestion and pressure . You wont find relief here. Go to the pharmacy counter for powerful claritind. 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This exchange between Maxine Waters and mnuchin, the House Finance Services Committee will speak with him in a moment. The exchange happens a few hours ago. How much time will secretary mnuchin will give the committee. I sat here for over three hours and 15 minutes. I told you i will come back. I dont believe we are sitting here negotiating when i come back. Well follow up with your office. How long would you like me to come back . I told you i will accommodate you. I appreciate that and you reminding us of our time. This is that is new way and a new day and a new chair. I have the gavel at this point. If you wish to leave, you may. Can you clarify that for me . Yes, clarify. So if you wish to leave k , may. We are dismissed, is that correct . If you wish to leave, you may leave. You are wasting your time. Remember you has a foreign d dignitary in your office. The republican did not treat the secretary of treasury this way. If this is the way you want to treat me, i will rethink whether i will voluntarily come back here to testify which i was offered to do. Mr. Secretary, i want you to know that no other secretary has ever told us the day before that they were going to limit their time in the way that you are doing. If you want to use them as examples, you have acted differently and they have acted as i have said if you wish to leave, you may. If you wish to keep me here so i dont have any important meeting and continue to grill me then we can do that, i will cancel my meeting and i will not be back here. I will be very clear if thats the way you would like to have this relationship. Thank you. The gentleman, the secretary has agreed to stay to all of the rest of the members. Please cancel your meeting and respect our time. Whos next on the list . You are instructing me to stay here. You just made me an offer. No, you made me an offer. I did not make you an offer. I just want to be clear. You are instructing me. You are ordering me to stay here. No, i am not ordering you. I responded, i said you may leave any time you want and you said okay, if thats what you want to do, i will cancel my appointments and i will stay here. I am responding to your request if thats what you want to do. Thats not what i want to do. What would you like to do . I thought it was republican fu republican respectful that you let me leave at 5 15. Please dismiss everybody, i expect you are supposed to bang the gavel. Congresswoman Maxine Waters. Whats going on there . What led up to that exchange and had it been that contentious up to that point. We negotiated that he would come. He did not tell us he had to leave at 5 15. We learned the day before that he was deciding that he could not stay any longer. He told you the day before. Yes, the day before that he was not going to stay. We indicated early on that we wanted him to stay but we have a huge committee and a large committee. If he does not stay, too many members of our committee do not get to participate. We let him know that. If he left, he was going to have to come back at least two times in may which he did not agree to at the time. When he decided he could not stay, i offered to him then fine, if you cant stay, you may leave at any time. It seems like there was a battle going on. You did not want to say he should leave or could leave and he did not want to just get up and leave even though you said he could get up and lever. Thats true, he wanted me to order him or shut down the committee to use the gavel to say that the committee was adjourned for his purposes. When he said he had somebody important, i dont think there is anybody important than the congress of United States of america trying to find out exactly what the secretary is doing. He has been contradictory in how he talked about whether or not he was going to follow the law and release those tax returns as a laumaw mandate that is he do. We need to do our oversight. We need to be able to represent the people of this country and understanding how this Government Works and what we need do to ensure that the government are respected and the people are respected and that we are doing the kind of work thatll ensure that their government is acting according to the law. The secretary says he personally has consulted with the white house and some members of his department have, would that be okay given they are both part of the executive branch . No, it is not okay. As a matter of feedbacact, l say this. We cant believer anythi anythis been said by this president or mr. Mnuchin. Let me refer you back to the president of the United States who have said over 16 times that he would release his tax returns. He confuses it by saying it is under audit. It does not make any difference if it is under audit. He could release those tax returns and dont forget that his chief of staff mr. Mulvaney says to the democrats you will never get these tax returns. He said that over the weekend. Between the president and mr. Mulvaney and mr. Mnuchin, you cant believe anything they are saying. Basically, what they are all about is never really releasing those tax returns. The president has lied again. Mr. Mulvaney backed him up and he made it clear to us, well never get them and mr. Mnuchin is trying to have it both ways by saying that hes going to follow the law and yet hes going to protect the president. So we have a job to do. We have the oversight responsibility for this nation and we are going to do it. The president ought to take it to the supreme court. Is the president s tax returns, is that worth this kind of a fight . Yes. I beg your pardon. Is it worth this kind of a fight . Is it worth democrats fighting on this . Thats what the president basically said he would do. We would go all the way to the supreme court. He believes that hell have support in the supreme court. He believes kavanaugh will stand up for him and so hes willing to go that far. Thats a fight do you think thats a fight that is democrats should fight . Thats a fight that the public wants us to fight. They want to see those tax returns. He said hell give those tax returns, every president have released those tax returns and thats the pride we should have. Congresswoman waters, we appreciate it. Thank you. The president says it was president obamas policies and hes the one that ended it. Keep it right here. With a lot of other young couples. Then we noticed something. Strange. Oh, could you, uh, make me a burger . Poof youre a burger. [ laughter ] everyone acts like their parents. You have a tattoo. Yes. Fun. Do you not work . So, what kind of mower you got, seth . I dont know. Some kid comes over. We pay him to do it. But its not all bad. Someone even showed us how we can save money by bundling home and auto with progressive. Progressive cant protect you from becoming your parents. 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The day after getting rid of his Homeland Security secretary. The New York Times put it this way. Trump signals even fiercer immigration agenda with a possible return of family separations. If you were to say that out loud, the country can debate the idea and decide if it is a good one. Today he denied bringing back the separation at all. And he lit the gaslight and said this. Obama separated the children by the way. Just so you understand. President obama separated the children. Those cages that were shown. I think they were very inappropriate. They were built by president obamas administration, not by trump. President obama had child separation. Take a look. The press knows it and we know it. We all know it. I am the one that stopped it. President obama had child separation. I will tell you something. Once you dont have it, thats why you see many more people coming, they are coming like it is a picnic. Lets go to disney land. President obama separated children. They had child separation. I was the one that changed it. So, other than many facilities being built during past administrations, what he said is not true. Children were separated from parents only when authorities had concerned of their wellbeing or could not confirm if they are their guardian. Numbers were not kept. The practice was so rare. Being a picnic like disney land it is how housing a asylum seeker. Joining us now who have seen conditions up close. Thank you for being with us. Do you take the president at his words when he says hes not looking to resume his child separation policies . I think he got a lot of feedback yesterday from republicans on capitol hill saying this is an evil, dark policy and dont go back there. It was a mistake to begin with. They dont want any part of it. Perhaps now hes convinced it is not a smart thing to do and certainly not a good thing to do. To the notion the president put forward of more families are coming and of his words of a picnic or disneylanddisneyla are you thinking . And so they end up choosing, do i stay on the mexican side or crossing between the border . It becomes the opposite of what trump had told the American People that he wants people to come to the port. As far as a surge, they were talking about. Thats directly because of trump. I called up all the folks, i had been working on this. Whats going on . There is a couple small reasons. Small reason is elections in guatemala and better bus travel. The big reason as trump rants about the border so many people are saying i am in this terrible situation if i am going to go, i better go now. It is all trump generating. There is a crisis at the border. Border patrol released statistics they apprehended more people at the southern border in march than any months in 2008. There are a lot of people coming the border but it is nothing like the highest point in the past which is 200,000 people a month. It is point a third of that. It is a trump generated surge. It is trump whos making it happen. It is also the logistics are difficult because hes trying to put so many people into prison. He now haswe 15,000 Migrant Children locked up in a child jail which is so out of character of who we are. Are you concerned of who ends up replacing nielson can be hard liner as she was . Well, i am concerned because there has been such pressure in this administration to force people back into mexico and proceed to throw them into prison and separate the kids and making their lives as miserable as possible is part of a strategy of deterrence. I am telling you it is very clear about that and honest about the American People about that. What bothered me about nielson, she lied to congress, no, we did not want to do child separation and does not exist. Thats just not acceptable. If you are going to do the policy as she did and supported all along and you got to take responsibility for it. Senator, i appreciate it. Thank you so much. Our senator max boot. It is incredible, max, that the president is spinning his role in all this as the person who stopped this policy from the obama administration. The word we are looking for anderson is an in version of reality. This is a sign of how frantic the president is getting. He is speaking out of both sides of his mouth. Hes denying what he wants to do and claiming obama did it but hes going to do it. By all accounts urging his sbub ordinates doing things that are illegal. Hes now using trumps cages but before when those pictures were coming out, the people of the administration saying those are not cages and it is arguable, you can define them whatever you want. You did have Jeff Sessions and you had general kelly at the time. The secretary of Homeland Security saying that they were planning and thinking about this and it is as a deterrent to stop team as it is coming. This is not his policy and yet it works and it does work as a deterrent. As you said hes speaking on both sides of his mouth. Hes saying not my policy but i may do it again. The cruelty of it, that was the point. It was intended to detour peoer from coming. This is going to be remembered along with entrapment of japanese americans. There is no way the Trump Administration can escape the blame for it. I wonder when the president says it is not going to be policies. There is this talk of having binary choice policy that people across the legal would be given a choice of being with their children or if they want to be separate. Which is kind of no choice at all. This is a nochoice policy they are thinking about this and telling you how cruel and deprave and desperate they are. This is one of President Trumps core election appeals, he ran as a man is going to save america of waive of immigration. Now hes desperate because instead of going down, the number of undocumented immigr t immigrants is going up. He does not know what to do about this. He does not have an actual policy so hes lashing out and firing people. It is sort of an antics of ah md king. Steven miller, hes the shadow, the person who pulls the strings. I think there is something to be said for having the puppet master coming out and assume legal and personal responsibility for these inhumane policies instead of manipulating trump from behind the scene and torturing his appointees at dhs. You are saying if hes Homeland Security, he would not last long because you think his policies are so important. I am not sure if he can win senate confirmation. President trump should have the urge of his racist conviction sends miller up there, lets have an honest debate about it. Max, thank you very much. Coming up. Dan rather, well see his take on the political combat in washington. Thank you. Steven could only imaginem 24hr to trenjoying a spicy taco. Burn, now, his world explodes with flavor. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for allday allnight protection. Can you imagine 24hours without heartburn . Hey, who are you . Oh, hey jeff, im a car thief. What . im here to steal your car because, well, thats my job. What . What . . What . laughing what . . What . what . [crash] what . haha, it happens. And if youve got cutrate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. So get allstate. And be better protected from mayhem. Like me. [happy irthday music] dont get mad, put those years to work with e trade. Dad dad can you drive me to jessicas house . At northwestern mutual, this is what our version of Financial Planning looks like. Tomorrow is important, but so is making the most of the house before theyre out of the house. Spend your life living. 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Every time i think it cant this is the strangest time you have ever seen in all your reporting . It is. I would say by far. That includes watergate. One of the reasons, of course, watergate was domestic. Here, we have the intervention of foreign power in our elections, which complicates things. Also, nixon, for all of his shortcomings, he did believe in the institutions of government. Now, you know, he broke the law to cover up crimes, thats true. With President Trump, i honestly dont know what he believes. But to take him at his word and his actions, he doesnt believe in the system of checks and balances. He believes he rules. As we are seeing, we have seen over the last 24, 48 hours. In which hes insisting that people break the law. We have never had a president who openly blatantly and even proudly encouraged his subordinates to break the law. Its interesting. We were talking before the break, i was watching the tricky dick documentary that cnn has been airing. And nixon talks about the media is the enemy. Talks about the establishment is the enemy. And it is very, i mean, there are a you start to hear parallels. He talked about a witch hunt. And yet, he did, though he felt the establishment was the enemy, as you said, he did have respect for the institutions of democracy. Well, for example, when the courts ruled, Richard Nixon took that as the rule of law. Giving up the tapes, for example. With President Trump, hes saying hes quoted as telling his subordinates, if the judge tells you to do something, you tell them youre not going to do it. It was reported theres a word for that, its called lawlessness. Thats the reason its crunch time as a country. Were beginning to ask the question who are we and what are we becoming when we have a president who openly says i dont intend to obey court rules. One of the things, Steven Bannon was on this program a couple of weeks ago, he said he believes this next year is going to be the most volatile in american political history since before the civil war. I dont know if thats true or not but its certainly an ominous statement. Its an ominous statement and not without justification. I would agree with him that theres certainly that prospect. Thats why our whole society is undergoing the stress test. Its incredible when you think about the demonstrations against the vietnam war and tens of thousands of people filling the streets and protesting and fights at times between construction workers and protestors in the streets. It seems like i was thinking about that when the president just a couple of weeks ago talked about how he has the police, the military on his side. He has construction workers and bikers on his side. Well, thats the kind of rhetoric were accustomed to hear from dictators all around the world. Theyre always saying i have the military with me, i have the police with me. I have the strong arm. I get it. He says i won the election and therefore what i say goes. That isnt the way our system is put together at all. This is a test for people and a society. Now if the Mueller Report and whatever bar does with it, it will be a highly redacted version. You think it will be highly redacted . Yes. That will put it up to the congress and the public to put the pressure on to see the report because theres nothing like sunshine. Its a great disinfectant and easy way to see things. There is a big fight looming and yet another strain along the lines of a national crisis. If congress does its job and insists on seeing most of the report, hearing from mueller, may be in a closed session but hopefully in an open session under oath what youll have is a great battle between the congress and the people at large and a president Trump Administration. That happens to be a political war of attrition. Do you think that any of the democrats that have come forward thus far and announced know how to run against President Trump . Just in terms of pure campaigning . He obviously has a particular set of skills which is extraordinary and he beat a very talented field of republicans . Im not sure. Its so early on, i cant say definitely. This one or that one can do that but we should make this point, that President Trump believes and theres evidence that hes right about it that the main reason he won the last election is he hammered on immigration. Particularly people of hispanic heritage and muslims. He believes that was the main reason he won. Therefore, what we have seen today is, a, he is ramping up an already underway Reelection Campaign and b, talking about immigration as a way to distract from problems with the Mueller Report. Dan rather. Its always great to have you. Thank you. Thank you. Good to see you. Time to check in with chris and see what hes working on for cuomo primetime. I hate taking time from dan rather to talk to me. Even i dont like it. The perspective of what he has seen and what it means and what we should be asking is an Invaluable Service for the audience tonight. Thanks for doing it. Tonight well be advancing the interests that the great anchor himself was telling us about trying to get inside what happened today with our attorney general on that appropriations committee. We have the committee chair, longtime veteran new york congresswoman, why doesnt she trust him . What does she believe is going on . And what are the democrats willing to do about it . Thats one thing. Second thing, governor Gavin Newsome of california, hes in el salvador. You need to know what they say is the answer to your problem on the border. Its something we havent heard. Well bring him on as well. Then well have a debate. Can you be a White Nationalist if you are jewish . We have congresswoman omar that says Stephen Miller is believed to be a nationalist and white house says hes not because hes jewish and that makes you an antisemite. Youre looking live at the upcoming president ial town hall where Kirsten Gillibrand will answer questions at 10 00 p. M. Eastern live. Well be right back. Turn up your swagger game with one a day gummies. One serving. Once a day. With nutrients that support 6 vital functions. And one healthy you. Thats the power of one a day. Im craving something were missing. The ceramides in cerave. They help restore my natural barrier, so i can lock in moisture. Weve got to have each others backs. Cerave. Now the 1 dermatologist recommended skincare brand. We told you earlier about the battle over President Trumps taxes. Bernie sanders released his most returns. He will release a decades worth of his returns in the next few days before the annual income tax deadline of april 15th. Sanders also reveals he is a millionaire telling New York Times, i wrote a best selling book. You write a best selling book, you can be a millionaire too. You get to vote on some of the stories that we cover. You can get e

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