She joins us now. What did these emails between butina and gordon reveal . Yeah, they showed that the two met at an embassy event, a party at the Swiss Embassy in late september 2016. So really in the final weeks of the Trump Campaign. And then paul erickson, the republican operative who she was apparently dating kind of connected the two of them over email, and they show that the fact that j. D. Gordon had this trump tie appeared to be important to the email relationship that they then struck up. Paul erickson referred to the fact that he was an important person likely in a trump transition, and then j. D. Gordon himself sent back to ms. Butina at some point a copy of a story from politico noting that he had a role in the trump transition. And there was an invitation from gordon to her to attend a concert as well as his Birthday Party in the fall of 2016 . Yeah, thats right. They have a series of emails. Anderson Cooper takes viewers beyond the headlines with indepth reporting and investigations. What has j. D. Gordon said about the communication between the two of them . He has said this was innocuous. She went to a lot of events. She met a lot of conservatives. She talked up her role as founding this organization in russia, the right to bear arms, and that he thinks that any kind of focus on sort of any person who met her is sort of a smear an attempt to smear conservatives. Rosalind helderman, appreciate the reporting. Coming up, Paul Manafort, Robert Mueller, and the woman formerly known as the manhattan madam. How are they connected . Perhaps in some fascinating ways. Mueller indicted manafort, apparently wants him to flip. And today manaforts accountant took the stand at his trial and the testimony was damaging to say the least. As for the former madam, Kristin Davis, today we learned she talked with muellers team. Shimon prokupecz joins us with the latest. Lets talk about what came to light on this day four of the trial. Certainly damaging testimony, as you say, for Paul Manafort. An accountant taking the stand who really is the first person who has direct knowledge of manaforts alleged scheme. She was given immunity to testify. Her name is cindy laporta. She was a longtime accountant for him, and really a big day for prosecutors here in that really what she showed was that manafort had asked her to falsify documents. Some of this activity, you know, when he was running the Trump Campaign in 2016. In one case, she says that he asked her to say that money that he had in offshore accounts was a loan when it was, in fact, income which reduced his taxes by 500,000. Theres also all sorts of emails that the government used in the case today sort of to show the communications between manafort and this accountant. When it comes to roger stone and Kristin Davis, do we know what muellers team asked davis about . We dont specifically know what was asked, but we do know the Special Counsel on muellers team is specifically interested in their relationship. The Trump Campaign, and they were contacting him. How this relates back to davis is that davis was on roger stones payroll in late 2016 when these contacts would have happened with the person with contacts to the senior trump officials. So if that is roger stone and she was on the payroll doing clerical work, which is apparently what she was doing, she may have seen email traffic or other communications either between stone and wikileaks or other entities. So if she is the person referred to in the indictment, that could be the nexus that they are trying to look into further. Morgan, youve obviously spent a lot of time with roger stone making the documentary. Is he fazed by this kind of stuff . I mean does this freak him out . You know, ive interviewed him a couple times and he seems clearly he has history. Hes no stranger to kind of the rough and tumble of politics. I havent seen him be too concerned about the russia investigation or the wikileaks probe. I do think that he may be concerned and he has noted that if i am indicted, its going to be for something unrelated to all this. I think that Kristin Davis has probably seen his email account. She may have been privy to information theyre trying to pin down. If theyre looking into rogers business affairs, the way he pays people, the way he receives money, that may be something that Kristin Davis could provide insight into. Asha, in terms of the Manafort Trial, it does seem like its coming down to how much prosecutors are actually going to be able to prove it was manafort himself who was directing fraud that was taking place because obviously the defense is putting it on his associate, rick gates. Right. This is an Uphill Battle For Manafort because the crux of the allegations is that he lied to banks in terms of representing his income and his other liabilities in getting loans, and that he also lied to the irs in his tax returns. Avoid, you know, the tax burden of it. Morgan, in describing Paul Manafort, i want to get the quote right. You said that he was a Diabolical Specter Who materialized in far off lands to meddle in their affairs and then dissolved back into the shadows when his work was done and his sizeable fee connected. Thats im sorry. Collected. You interviewed him for the documentary. Is that how you found him . You know, Paul Manafort is a brilliant political operative, and one of his great innovations was that, you know, when roger stone and Paul Manafort started off as political consultants, there werent a lot. So you could make a lot of money in america. But then there was an explosion in the industry, so they had to go find new, you know, troughs of money. And so they went and looked abroad. And the people abroad, people like viktor yanukovych, were willing to pay much higher rates for those services, and it was much harder to track the monies that they were taking in. This seems like it may ultimately have been Paul Manaforts undoing. It ended up being a very lucrative proposition for him for several decades. I was a little bit surprised by manafort being so savvy that all this kind of hamfistedness that we seem to be seeing in the trial could have taken place, but certainly that is how manafort became a very wealthy person. Its so fascinating. Finally, asha, though who describe mueller as being methodical in his approach and not one for fishing expeditions, is that description consistent with what youve seen in the first week of this trial . Yes. I think so. I mean they are trying to prove all of the elements of this crime. Do you mean with the charges generally, just that hes gone after this . I just mean in the way that you know, the way the trial is unfolding, you know, kind of setting it up methodically. Yeah, i think that, you know, they are going to follow these prosecutors do bank fraud and tax fraud cases quite frequently. There is a way of presenting the evidence. I think as you mentioned earlier, the judge is being pretty aggressive in both making sure that evidence that could be prejudicial to the jury, for example, overemphasizing manaforts spending and, you know, which is not in and of itself evidence of a crime to limit that, but also make sure that theyre going through all the witnesses very quickly and the evidence quickly to keep the prosecution streamlined, means that, you know, muellers team is going to do this the right way by the book. I dont think that theres anything unusual about the way theyre presenting this evidence. Appreciate it. Again, the documentary is get me roger stone. Its on netflix. Its really good. Thank you. Appreciate it. Just ahead, beyond just manafort and perhaps stone, more on what Robert Mueller may have in store in the weeks and months ahead. A look at clues at what might be on his to do list. Also the president s uneasy relationship with facts, the truth. New reporting shows its getting worst by the Washington Post. The untruths according to them are accelerating. Im talk with someone who has been documenting it as well as one of the president s top campaign advisers. Let your perfect drive come together at the Lincoln Summer Invitation sales event. Get 0 apr on select 2018 lincoln models plus 1,000 bonus cash. Its these new freshfx car Air Fresheners from armor all. Each scent can create a different mood in my car. Like tranquil skies. Armor all, its easy to smell good. Rewards me basically aeverywhere. Om so why am i hosting a dental convention after party in my vegas suite . Because hotels. Com lets me do me. Who wants to floss me . Hotels. Com. You do you and get rewarded. 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It enters a new phase with the start of the first of two trials for Paul Manafort, trumps former campaign chairman. In virginia he faces charges of bank and tax fraud. In washington, hes accused of failing to register as a lobbyist for a Foreign Government and obstruction of justice. And mueller may not be done with manafort. This memo indicates that the Special Counsel is still investigating whether manafort was, quote, colluding with russian government officials, end quote, to interfere in the 2016 election. There is no evidence that mr. Manafort or the Trump Campaign colluded with the russian government. Reporter manaforts former Business Partner and former Deputy Chairman of the Trump Campaign, rick gates, has already pleaded guilty and will testify against manafort. Among the others the Special Counsel has indicted, Michael Flynn, trumps former National Security adviser, and george papadopoulos, a former campaign aide. Both pleaded guilty to lying to prosecutors, and both are cooperating with the investigation. Konstantin kilimnik, an associate of manaforts, who is described in Court Documents as a suspected russian intelligence operative. Also indicted, 13 russian nationals and three russian entities charged with interfering in the 2016 election. And most recently, another group of 12 russian nationals charged with hacking the Democratic National committee and the clinton campaign. Could more charges be coming . His team has interviewed at least two dozen members of the Trump Administration and other trump associates. Bob mueller is not making deals left and right. Rick gates, george papadopoulos, and Michael Flynn all traded some pieces of information for their respective plea deals. Thats presumably incredibly important information. Reporter one crucial remaining question, what has mueller found out about that june 2016 trump tower meeting between donald trump jr. , Paul Manafort, jared kushner, and russians who promised to share dirt on Hillary Clinton . Trump junior has said that he never told his father about the meeting. There was nothing to tell. It was literally just a wasted 20 minutes, which was a shame. Reporter but sources tell cnn that trumps former personal Attorney Michael Cohen is now claiming that trump knew of the meeting in advance and that cohen is prepared to tell mueller. Cohen himself may not be on muellers todo list, though, having referred his case to federal investigators in new york. So it effectively brings the issue of collusion or conspiracy right to the president s feet. Reporter muellers latest indictment of the Russian Hackers hinted that he may still be looks at the role of other u. S. Persons. The conspirators corresponded with several americans during the course of the conspiracy through the internet. Reporter some speculate that may include roger stone who claimed several times during the campaign to be communicating with wikileaks, which u. S. Intelligence believes acted as a middleman. For emails and documents. Its innocence. Theres no evidence of collusion or conspiracy or coordination. Reporter the Department Of Justice also recently released the fisa warrant obtained by the fbi during the campaign to surveil another former Trump Campaign adviser, carter page. At the time, the fbi told the court it believed page was the subject of recruitment by the russian government. Ive never been an agent of a foreign power in any by any stretch of the imagination. Reporter questions also remain about blackwater founder erik princes mysterious meetings in the seychelles with an unofficial representative of the united arab emirates. No one was aware from the trump team that i was there. It was private business that had nothing to do with the u. S. Government. Nothing to do with the trump team or anything else. Reporter cnn has reported the purpose of that meeting was to arrange a possible back Channel Communication between the u. S. And russia, but the uae connection could expand muellers investigation to concerns of additional foreign influence in the 2016 election. Nader has been cooperating with investigators. The big question is what if Anything Mueller has in store to President Trump, including whether he obstructed justice. I think really that Obstruction Piece will be the final element of this and that what were going to more likely see is, you know, sort of these dots in the center being connected. Reporter looming large is whether the Special Counsel will demand a sitdown interview with President Trump himself. Ive always wanted to do an interview because, look, theres been no collusion. Reporter for now, mr. Trumps attorney, Rudy Giuliani, says any interview is still under negotiation. I think he shouldnt. I know how convinced he is that he didnt do anything wrong and wants to explain it, and ive seen other people get into trouble thinking that, innocent people. Reporter to be clear, none of the charges that manafort faces so far relate directly to russias interference in the 2016 election. However, he was working for, getting paid millions of dollars for working for the then prorussian president of ukraine, who has been accused of corruption and murder, and who jailed his political opponents. Jim sciutto, cnn, washington. Jim set the stage. I want to dig deeper. Back with me, alan dershowitz, author of the case against impeaching trump. Also john dean. Professor dershowitz, the president continues to call the entire russia situation a hoax, a witch hunt. He sometimes just focuses on the notion of collusion as being the hoax and the witch hunt but oftentimes he just paints a very broad picture of it like that. It does seem to ignore the fact that mueller has already brought dozens of criminal charges against more than 20 defendants, including four trump associates. Well, i think more important, his own Intelligence Agencies have warned us about continuing russian attempts to intervene in the election. I give much more weight to that than i do to indictments. Indictments are, after all, just charges. They havent been proved. But the Intelligence Agencies who are appointed by President Trump are saying categorically that there is a continuing and ongoing effort to intrude into the election. And so i think that has to be taken pretty much as a given at this point. The president , though, even when he was reading a statement after helsinki to kind of clean up, and he said, you know, russia is responsible, he also then adlibbed, could be other people. Theres a lot of you know, theres a lot of groups out there. Yes, he did. And he continues to adlib on his at his rallies, discounting what his intelligence chiefs are telling him. You know, a normal president would have taken that occasion to be present, probably would have done it in the east room, probably would have introduced them all and tried to emphasize the importance of what they were about to say. Hes done just the opposite. He put them out in the briefing room, which steps it down a couple notches right away, and then hes undercut it today in statements hes made about it just being a hoax again. Professor dershowitz, when we look go ahead. I was going to say hes in strange company. Just the other day noam chomsky, the radical, also said it was something of a joke that russia tried to intrude in our election. The real villains, he said, are israel because theyre the ones who intruded in the election. Because thats noam chomsky. Thats not to be taken seriously. But i think the Intelligence Agencies have to be taken seriously. When we look at the people who have made deals with mueller, rick gates, Michael Flynn, george papadopoulos, we still dont know what theyve given mueller because prosecutors dont offer leniency out of the goodness of their hearts. This he have to be getting something in return, dont they . Theres no question. You have to make the proffer. Youre give a queen for a day. That is what you give in the proffer cant be used against you. But then if the proffer isnt substantial enough, youre not going to get the immunity. So i think we can assume if these folks have been given immunity from prosecution, theyve given to mueller what he regards as valuable information. It may not be ultimately information. It maybe leads to other information. It may be a willingness to testify, but its much better if they get selfproving information that doesnt rely on the credibility of witnesses who have been give a deal. John, Rudy Giuliani told politico yesterday a decision about a sitdown interview with mueller is going to be made in the next week to ten days. It feels like weve been hearing the same thing for months. You know, well decide soon. Well decide after the north korea summit. Is there any reason to believe theyre any closer to a decision now . I dont think there is necessarily. We also were told with the prior lawyers that they were imminent in making a decision. This is the new crew of lawyers, and they have apparently a new deadline for themselves. But, you know, ill be frankly surprised if he does agree to sit down. Id be shocked in fact if he did. Professor dershowitz, you and i have talked about this a lot. I wouldnt be surprised. Why . Well, i wouldnt advise him to sit down if i were his lawyer. Im not his lawyer. But i wouldnt be surprised if in the end, a compromise is reached. And there are a limited number of questions vetted in advance, and hes prepared. And in order to show that hes willing to testify, he will prevail over his lawyers advice and ultimately be able to say to the american public, look, i sat down. I looked him in the eye, and nothing came of it. So my prediction is that he might very well agree to a deal if the deal is one that his lawyers can live with even if his lawyers dont think its a good idea. Well, professor, giuliani said they dont want any questioning on obstruction, that muellers team would have to concede to that. Is there any chance thats going to actually happen, that they would take that off the table in terms of questions . I cant imagine they would take that off the table. I cant imagine they would ask him just one or two questions. But its not about quantity. Its about quality. If they ask him why he fired mueller, that is dynamite. That simply opens up the possibility that he will Say Something that others will contradict. And so i think theyre going to be very worried about that kind of a question even if its only one or two questions. John, can the investigation conclude without a sitdown interview with the president . Oh, im sure it can. I think mueller probably knows the answers. Hes trying to just establish whether theres a corrupt intent on the Obstruction Issue and get and hear what the president s Point Of View is on some of the other issues hes exploring. You know, i think he could do it without it. I think there is a certain fairness the public would perceive if trump did agree to testify. Hes not going to be prosecuted for perjury because hes a sitting president. So hes got a lot of latitude. John dean, professor dershowitz, thank you. Thank you. Well, the Washington Post has been updating its list of president ial lies. In june and july, the newspaper says President Trump averaged 16 false claims a day, which is unprecedented. Coming up, a discussion about embellishments, exaggerations, and lies. The planet. Hawaii is the first state in the u. S. To have 100 Renewable Energy goal. Were a very small electric utility. But, if we dont make this move were going to have changes in our environment, and have a negative impact to hawaiis economy. 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Whether you agree or disagree with the policies, there is much thats unprecedented about the Trump Administration. One, sadly, is the president s own record when it comes to telling the truth. Hes been documented on this program and elsewhere saying things that simply are not so repeatedly. The Washington Post, which has been documenting it regularly, says the number of falsehoods is actually increasing. The new yorkers Susan Glasser has also just written about it as well as the broader direction the president may now be taking. She joins us along with jason miller. Susan, you write that History Books will likely declare the last few months a Turning Point in the Trump Presidency. How do you mean . Well, i mean, you know, it feels like this is the trump unbound phase of the presidency, doesnt it, in many ways . Weve seen the president assert himself, take control over the running of his white house, make significant personnel changes that puts him much more firmly in charge of his foreign policy, his National Security, and really hes out there on the road doing campaignstyle rallies. He said the other day he might be doing that six or seven times a week leading up to the Midterm Elections. So i feel like were seeing the president running the Trump Presidency that he wanted and feeling very unconstrained in any way. You also talk about an uptick in the number of false statements by the president. Is it a Turning Point in that way . Well, i think perhaps it is. The numbers are just mindblowing to me. If you look at the Washington Post fact checker column, they do a great job with this. He has actually been tracking all of President Trumps factual assertions with a small team of people deposed ever since trumps inauguration. What hes found is that the number of false statements has almost doubled just in the last six months compared with even the very, very fast pace of untruths and misstatements in the first year of the Trump Presidency. Glen told me the other day he thinks trump is on track to have 5,000 misstatements and untruths by the Midterm Election day this november. Jason, i mean, a, do you see an uptick in the number of false statements by the president or misleading statements, and do you see some sort of difference to the larger point of how the president is approaching the job or his Comfort Level with the job . Well, i think the president is definitely reaching a different Comfort Level. I think hes relying less on certain staff folks, and i think he has a better handle on what he needs to do from his perspective. But id say to this whole notion of the falsehoods and the misstatements, i mean, look, every president , every politician, probably ever since the beginning of time, has gotten certain statistics or certain facts wrong. Thats just a part of being in office. According to the Washington Post, the level of untrue statements, i mean, is far beyond what any Previous Administration that they have tracked. I mean its certainly its a huge number, no . Well, but even some of those and i read through the glen kessler article and some of those i would take real issue with. They have started construction on some of the border wall around san diego and el centro. Even the fact that kessler says in his article that some of the president s comments about the Trade Deficit would get an f from many economists, i mean that statement right there, that is an opinion. I think its important to keep in mind that some of the work that kessler does, i would give an a to. Again, this is my opinion. And some, i think its important to keep in mind that this is very much opinion. And so the Fact Checkers themselves have their own viewpoint and have their own opinions, and that definitely does come across in a lot of their reviews that they look at things. I think its also important to keep in mind that president s use the bully pulpit to try to drive their viewpoints, try to drive the messages that theyre trying to get across to people. And sometimes folks just dont disagree. I mean for example, i think right now as a country, i think that were winning. I would say that some of my democratic colleagues, there are some people who differ with me ideologically might say that were not. That is just a difference of opinion. It doesnt mean that its four pinocchios. It just means that we view certain issues differently. Right. There are things that the president i mean the ones that just jump in my head, that millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 election, a million Illegal Immigrants voted for Hillary Clinton. Thats why he didnt win the popular vote. Biggest inauguration crowd size. He says north korea is no longer a nuclear threat. All of that is not true, correct . Well, and there are certain points that you go through. I mean im sure there are a whole host of different statements that have come out from whether it be this white house or previous white houses that you could take issues with and say that theyre factually incorrect or they may have gotten a statistic wrong or may have been slightly off. But i think whats a little bit difference with this white house. 4,229 in the last five months. Again, anderson, i dont think you can look at that number and say this is the set in stone, the two tablets that came down from the mountain, undisputable fact of who says that theyre right and who says that theyre wrong. I mean a lot of these are opinion, and i dont think that unfortunately to my friends who are big fans of the Washington Post, i dont think theyre the one whos can say that this is theyre the strict arbiters of what is right and what is wrong when they have their own opinion that is going into this as well. Susan, is that what this is, just opinion . I have to say, you know, this is a very convenient thing to say, but lets be real. A year and a half into this administration, whatever you think of the policies, there is a war on the truth that is going on here. And, you know, i dont think it is useful for any of us to get into an argument over whether its 2,329 or 2,212. It is very clear that the president of the United States is the most untruthful president of our adult lifetime certainly or anything that any of us can remember. And, you know, he strikingly repeats his factual misstatements and Untruths Over And over and over again, even after being told theyre inaccurate. For example, the nato alliance, which has been a pillar of american National Security for seven decades, created by the United States, the president of the United States not only has gone to war essentially with the key members of the alliance, has called them foes because of their membership in the european union. He has said over and over and over again, incorrectly characterized nato as if it were a piggy bank where dues were requires. Hes been told many time thats not true. Its not an opinion, sir. Its just not true. Jason . Well, yeah. I disagree on that from the aspect of the whole issue of nato funding. Its not something to disagree over, sir. Im sorry. Its a fact. The whole issue of nato funding and nato spending i mean this was something the president ran on. Sir, its not can you just concede the fact . He thinks that america is spending too much of its money to go and defend nato countries. So did barack obama, sir. Can you just concede the fact that the president over and over again has mischaracterized willfully he said over and over again that nato requires these people to pay dues. Do you acknowledge that that is not true . Do you acknowledge that . That other nato countries other than the four that are there are no dues to nato, and yet the president says over and over again that there are. Why . So thats just not true. Its not true. Its not opinion. Its not about policy. So if the president slightly characterizes it differently no, no, no. Thats untrue, sir. The broader point he even said that president obama criticized nato allies as well. Right. But the president repeats factual misstatements. Heres the thing. I think members of the media have such hatred toward President Trump that they want to go after him. And even if hes making a very similar point to say what president obama had made just a couple of years earlier, they want to go and nitpick over every little word to go and try and beat up on him. The question were talking about is truth and facts and whether facts exist and whether this president misrepresents facts, and i mean obviously you can take issue with something susan wrote or Somebody Else wrote. But its basically just distracting from the core issue just as talking about the larger strategy on nato, thats not what this discussion is about. Its about whether facts exist and whether this president is misusing facts. I got to wrap it up because were so over time. Jason miller, Susan Glasser, thank you. Thank you very much. We have a lot more ahead including the latest from houston where there has been a dramatic ending to that hunt for the suspected killer of a surgeon who was gunned down while riding his bicycle. Details ahead. [upbeat music] now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller im Gonna Follow The Sun now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller im Gonna Follow The Sun transitions™ light under control™ transitions™ tremfya® is Fors Caadults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Im ready. With tremfya®, you can get clearer. And stay clearer. In fact, most patients who saw 90 clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. Tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin, and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. Tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. Before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. 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Suspect pappas had his left hand up and had his right hand secreted where the officer could not see his hand. The suspect said something about suicide, and the officer said, let me see some hands or something of that nature. Reporter a Second Police officer arrived seconds later. I think he shot himself. Reporter this resident saw the scene unfold in front of his home. I saw a Police Officer pull his weapon and it was pointed at a man behind that tree that had his hands up. Then i heard a gunshot. Didnt see the hand anymore. Reporter pappas killed himself. It ended the manhunt for the killer of prominent houston cardiologist mark hausknecht. The doctor was shot and killed while biking to work on july 20th. Newly released Court Documents reveal that Video Cameras from city buses captured extensive footage of pappas following dr. Hausknecht before he appears to shoot him. Then the unknown male did not stop and rode his bike away from the scene. It was Video Footage from a home Surveillance Camera in a nearby neighborhood that helped Police Identify pappas. At the suspects residence, they found a very extensive intelligence file that this suspect had put together on dr. Hausknecht. He knew everything that you could possibly find on this man. Im not going to go any further in the details, just to say it was very extensive. Reporter the file also contained the names of several dozen doctors and employees who worked in the same medical center, which raised alarms for investigators. We actually passed that information on to the medical center, and they dealt with it to make sure that notifications were being made as they identified those employees. Reporter the newly released Court Documents also revealed that Inside Pappas home, the front door was barricaded with a large piece of metal and that The Living Room had been cleared out except for a lone chair facing the front door. And in the kitchen, pappas left his Last Will And Testament. Ed joins me now. Do we know anything about what was in that Last Will And Testament . Reporter no. We just do know that over the course of the last few days, it was clear that it seemed, to borrow the expression, he was essentially kind of putting his affairs in order. Remember there was the deed of his home that was transferred to a woman in ohio. There was also some weaponry and firearm paraphernalia that was put up on a Firearm Auction Site as well. So it seemed clear that and thats one of the things that gave investigators this idea that he was willing to commit suicide, is that he was trying to get rid of things. As the doctors family responded to todays news at all . Reporter yeah. A great sense of relief. You know, celebrating the work of the investigators and thanking them for that work over the course of the last almost two weeks that this manhunt lasted, anderson. It really kind of speaks to the sense of relief that the city of houston feels tonight now that this is all over. Ed, thanks very much for the reporting. Appreciate it. Up next, hes presiding over the first criminal trial of the russian investigation. The nononsense judge making interesting headlines in the manafort case. A closer look ahead. This is not a bed. Its a hightech revolution in sleep. The new sleep number 360 smart bed. It intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. And snoring . How smart is that . Smarter sleep. To help you lose your dad bod, train for that marathon, and wake up with the patience of a saint. The new sleep number 360 smart bed, from 999. Smarter sleep will change your life. [ horn honking ] [ Engine Revving ] whats that, girl . [ Engine Revving ] flo needs help . [ Engine Revving ] take me to her coming, flo why arent we taking roads . flo. [ horn honking ] oh. You made it. 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Cameras arent allowed in elliss courtroom in alexandria, virginia, but reporters have been documenting what some have called his shock and awe. Ellis reportedly warned prosecutors against using the word oligarch when describing those who paid manafort. Were not going to have a case tried that he associated with despicable people and therefore hes despicable, thats not the american way. He interrupted a landscaper testifying about the construction of manaforts outdoor kitchen and garden, telling him bluntly, youre done, lets move on. Hes known for keeping things moving. Jury selection wrapped up the first day, and he insisted prosecutors trim a week from presentation. He wants the trial wrapped up within three weeks. Im not in the theater business, he joked, you have to be better looking than that. In his 31 years on the bench, hes seen his share of high profile cases. He presided over the trial of walker lindh, sentenced him to 20 years, telling him you made a bad choice to join the taliban. Long before the Manafort Trial started ellis questioned the Special Counsels motives in Prosecuting Manafort saying you dont really care about mr. Manaforts bank fraud, suggesting it was an effort to pressure manafort into providing information he may have on donald trump. I think judge t. S. Ellis in virginia said it best, hes not a particular figure, he has no skin in this game except the law. Still, ellis surprised the white house and let the case go forward. Ellis was born in 1940 in columbia. He graduated from princeton, went on to study law at harvard in oxford. For all his toughness, he apparently tones it down for jurors. When one answered his question before hed finished, ellis said, i know im predictable, my wife says thats one of my only virtues. Really seems like an interesting fellow. Randi kaye joins us. The judge gets involved in his cases. Hes an interactive judge. He was actually questioning the potential jurors, wanted to test their impartiality, hes been known to question witnesses and cut off witnesses. He certainly cuts off the Defense Attorneys and the prosecutors, and anderson, in fact there was one point during the pretrial phase of this that there was an fbi agent testifying and the judge got up and was Walking Around on the bench and circling his big leather chair. You can imagine how offputting that might be for a witness. Hes fun to watch. He does take it seriously even though he cracks jokes in there. If the jury does find manafort guilty it is up to this judge and this judge alone to make the decision. He wants the record to be perfect. Randi kaye, thanks very much. Let your perfect drive come together at the Lincoln Summer Invitation sales event. Get 0 apr on select 2018 lincoln models plus 1,000 bonus cash. Our new, hot, fresh breakfast will get you the readiest. buzzer sound holiday inn express. 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