If this is true, president went on to say, it does not get much bigger, would be sad for u. S. Then yesterday, more tweets, including this, the real story turns out to be surveillance and leaking, find leakers. Finally this morning, at foxnews, from multiple sources, there was electronic surveillance of trump and trump associates. There appears to be less here than the president of the United States would have us believe. Lets start with the unmasking that the president mentioned. Whats the latest on that . Reporter just a short time ago i spoke to ambassador rice, ill read it in quotes, the add that ambassador rice improperly sought the identities of americans is false. There is nothing unusual about making these questions of a senior official whether democrat or republican. I spoke today with former senior u. S. Intelligence officials, the senior most who served both republican and democratic administrations, and this is what they have told me about this story. They said, one, this is not unusual. This happens. When you are briefed on intelligence like this, sometimes Senior NationalSecurity Intelligence officials can be asked to identify those individuals in those conversations. Its not up to that senior u. S. National security official to make that decision, its then up to the intelligence agencies, the nsa, they decide whats appropriate to then unmask for that senior official. It is legal, there are protocols that have been put in place since 9 11 that allow this to happen. And im told, this very meticulously logged, someone said to me, described it, its like catholic baptismal records. And you cant do it without the approval of the intelligence agency. Every day theyre getting briefings on intelligence, in those briefings, an official such as rice might say to further understand it, i would like to know who those names are. And thats why they would make that request. Which then as i said would have to be approved by the intelligence community. Thats what im told. And again to note by Senior Intelligence officials who work for both democrats and republicans, this appears to be a story, largely ginned up, partly from that larger investigation. These investigations continue, but particularly on the house side, there are now questions coming from both democrats and republicans about how bipartisan this investigation can be. Tonight members of the house Intelligence Committee, meet to try to find a way forward in the committees russian investigation. Even gop senator john mccain says any hope of a bipartisan effort under the committees republican chairman devin nunes is now lost. If were really going to get to the bottom of these things, its got to be done in a bipartisan fashion and as far as i could tell, congressman nunes killed that. Reporter on friday, the top democrat on the committee congressman adam schiff examined classified intelligence reports of intercepted communications, referencing Trump Campaign officials. This several days after his gop counterpart nunes first viewed them and claimed they showed evidence of possible surveillance of trump advisors. How does the white house know these are the same materials that were shown to the chairman if the white house wasnt aware what the chairman was being shown . These materials were produced in the ordinary course of business. Well, the question for the white house and for many spir. Spicer ordinary course of whose business . Reporter that is raising questions among Senate Republicans as well. I think the whole episode is bizarre. If he did in fact receive intel from white house staffers, to then go brief the president is a bit odd, why cant they just show the president what theyve got . So that whole episode was kind of strange. Meanwhile new revelations about former National Security advisor michael flynn. Flynn was paid thousands of dollars in local speaking fees in russia. The Intelligence Committee is to far not interested. President trump backed flynns request in a tweet. Mike flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hu hunt. Hes basically daring the congress to give him immunity. Should we be giving him immunity, . No, we dont want the story to come out. Jim sciuto, stay was. Joining us on our panel is mike dorian, julian kyam and our own julian borger. Let me just clear up a few things with you, this whole thing about susan rice, youre being told by people close to her and other i guess former intelligence officials that youre talking to, this is not completely unusual for a National Security advisor to ask for some of these to be unmasked. How widespread would the name of somebody amassed be distributed through the upper echelons of what was then the obama administration, it wouldnt just be mike flynn and over else it was . I have asked both people close to rice, and also former intelligence officials who have been given similar requests and they told me that information was shared from the briefer to that Senior National security official. So ambassador rice would ask her briefer if the Intelligence Committee approves that request, would then come back and share that information exclusively with ambassador rice, now the open question is, does an ambassador rice or someone else in that position thats requested unmasking then share that information with someone else . Thats possible. We dont know that at this point, but its not sort of put on a memo and distributed around 35 people in the white house, at least by protocol. The next question is, if that information is leaked out, i think it was david ignacias at the Washington Post who originally wrote that mike flynn was the one who initially spoke to the ambassador. Its not clear, its depends on how many people knew, right . I think we should be aware of where intelligence is being politicized, theres no question, and frankly you can argue about both sides and leaks are not new in washington, we have seen that many times before in multiple administrations, and the fact is that the argument from the Trump Administration is that there were leaks in the obama administration, of course there are some leaks that are due to the Trump Administration. Its sadly the way things work in washington, as we have seen for some time. Gloria, what do you make of this reporting that someone close to jim sciuto that someone had improperly requested the unmasking of these individuals. Well, you know, i was talking to a former Senior Intelligence official who basically said the same exact thing to me today. He said to me, look, no one was a target, this wasnt about surveillance, this is about trying to understand the information that has been presented to you, and if you are trying to understand what youre reading and you feel that a name needs to be unmasked in order to understand the context better, then youre going to ask for that to be unmasked. And i was also told, this is audit trailed, this is for nsa officials to look at. This is like lifting a post it from a document saying, oh, yes, heres the name. Thats not the way it works, there are lots of checks and balances here and its not widely distributed once the name is known. I heard what you have written about this, and i guess the question that i keep coming back to is, fine, to ask for a senior official to ask to be unmasked, its one thing to ask that name to leak out, assuming its one name to leak out to a reporter, and if that senior official took the extra step of unleaking it, then that is a whole other issue. Thats just not a normal leak, that was the use of surveillance intelligence for political purposes. They leaked the name to flynn, i mean they leaked the name to ignacias, together with a lie that flynn was engaged in illicit negotiations with the russians, and this wasnt true, so they mischaracterized the nature of the information they received. Theres supposed to be a fire wall between the National Security administration and our domestic politics and possibly susan rice ran a truck through the fire wall. We need to investigate this seriously and find out exactly what happened. Juliette, what do you make of that . Do you believe that . No, i mean, look, the law recognizes that Senior NationalSecurity Officials will seek to unmask it. Theres a series of rules, and presuming theres a fisa wiretap itself was authorized by a fisa court. Assuming it wasnt rice that asked for it. But it was president obama or his chief of staff, if suzanne rice asked for it in order to understand the information. When she asked for the unmasking, who is this american citizen, lets assume that it is about mike flynn, she hears that flynn is talking to someone about the election, she doesnt know at that moment that citizen 1, citizen a is a trump person. So the idea that shes unmasking trump tepeople, no theyre unmasking themselves because theyre talking with people under foreign National Security wiret wiretap. Youre not arguing that it was inappropriate for susan rice or some senior official to request someone be unmasked in order to understand. What youre arguing is, how did they use that information . Are they then using it for political purposes by leaking it, is that correct . Im actually arguing both. Look, the unmasking is not a crime, but these names are masked for a reason, because frivolous unmasking is a backdoor to domestic surveillance. But you dont know whether its frivolous or not. But we shouldnt jump to the conclusion, i think the other panelists are jumping to the conclusion that this was all done on the up and up. But we know for a fact that this information was used illegally. I mean it was a crime, this leaking of flynns name and it was a political crime. And so this is taking place in a certain context, we have to be worried about it. If i could just add for clarity there, when i have been speaking to ambassador rices people there, they made the point that shes not clear exactly what theyre talking about. Its not clear that the unmasking were talking about was flynn, which was then led to the david ignacias story. The fact is its been explained to me, theres an intelligent briefing every day, through the course of months and years in this job, you might ask for unmasking for any number of people, in conversations with people from any number of countries. In fact nunes didnt specify that this was russia specific. So having a career in that position as National Security advisor some names, its not clear that were talking about the one that led to the flynn leak, that connection has not been established. And the point they will make, is that in that position, you might ask for unmasking so you can better understand a series of intelligence reports over time. So to be clear, what we know right now, we dont know that the unmasking led to the leak. No one has established that. We have to make that clear. But we do know that there was an unmasking of flynns name, thats the only way it could possibly leak, so somebody unmasked it, and then somebody leaked it. They might be the same person, they might be different people. Susan rice was doing unmasking, there may be other people there are doing the unmasking too. It was described to me today as sort of looking behind the curtain, you dont know whos behind the curtain, until you lift it. And that if you have, and it was described to me last week that these conversations were diplomat to diplomat largely. And so if theyre talking about something and they mention citizen a, and it involves National Security, then whoever it is is going to unmask it because theyre trying to understand the context and the meaning and the importance of this conversation. So only when you lift that veil, do you really know who it is. How did that information leak out to the reporter and the leaking is a whole other issue, which mike has raised. We have to leave it there. Theres more to talk about, gloria, were going to have more to talk about with you, including the latest on the president s First Supreme Court nominee and why getting him confi confirmed. Now president soninlaw Jared Kushner is on a mission to iraq. And the way officials in washington are reacting. Z2bg6z z10mz y2bg6y y10my gave us the power to turn this enemy into an ally . Microsoft and its partners are using smart traps to capture mosquitoes and sequence their dna to fight disease. There are over 100 million pieces of dna in every sample. With the microsoft cloud, we can analyze the data faster than ever before. If we can detect new viruses before they spread, we may someday prevent outbreaks before they begin. So we sent that sample i doff to ancestry. I was from ethnically. My ancestry dna results are that i am 26 nigerian. I am just trying to learn as much as i can about my culture. I put the gele on my head and i looked into the mirror and i was trying not to cry. 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President trump says jared is such a good kid, and hell make a deal with israel. To get an update on the fight against isis, prompting this bewildered tweet from president obamas deputy National Security advisor ben rhodes, kushner in iraq before the National Security advisor or secretary of state, totally normal. But its not just iraq, but the president appointed kushner on a list of other issues, including trade deals, communicating with china, heading up the office of American Innovation which includes updating the entire Governments Technology structure and tackling the opiod epidemic crisis. Today the president was asked how he can do all of this. Theres a lot of relationships that jared has made over time with different leaders, mexico being one of them you mentioned, that are going to continue to have conversations with him and help facilitate, that doesnt mean its not being done in coordination with the state department. Reporter so is Jared Kushner, who sources say has won the president s confidence by projecting a lot of confidence especially when he doesnt have the experience or knowledge of the defactor secretary of state. To the point that some diplomats like the Chinese Ambassador have been dealing directly with him. Sources say its also worked well for middle eastern delegates. Kushner also was at the center of negotiations to get the president and mexico to the table in d. C. , which then collapsed after President Trumps executive order on immigration and some executive tweets. We havent seen regular order in this administration when it comes to making Foreign Policy. Its supposed to be centered around the National Security council. They make the policy, and now theres a lot of freelancing going on. Reporter as Jared Kushner prepares to meet with chinese president xi on thursday, a man with no diplomatic or Foreign Policy experience may be the highest member of the Trump Administration doing just that, why and how are the lingering questions, outside the white house and around the world. That was Michelle Kaczynski reporting. General hurtling, lets start with you, what do you make of Jared Kushner, obviously he doesnt have Foreign Policy or military experience, i give him credit for wanting to know something and going to the middle east to learn for himself. I get why the chairman of the joint chiefs would want him there, but is it weird that the secretary of states not involved in this . I dont want to comment on that, but i will say that if i were chairman of the joint chiefs, i would do exactly what general dunford has done. I would ask kushner to go with me not only to iraq but to other places because he does have the trust and confidence of the president. This is something in the military we call leading up. You get to the principal through other people by informing them and helping them become part of your argument. And i think since mr. Trump, mr. Tillerson and jared have not been to iraq, just the very visit to baghdad, meeting with Prime Minister alabadi, and its interesting seeing some of the pictures, i know some of those guys, and they are going to say, is this the guy we deal with . And kushner will suddenly get some real quick information in a very short period of time on the ground in iraq. But he will also get a 16hour plane ride back and forth with the chairman of the joint chiefs and get a whole lots of information not only on iraq, but on other parts of the world. And that will allow chairman dunsford and secretary of defense mattis to help trump when it comes to the National Security of the United States. Is there a down side . Here is my question, what is the job of Jared Kushner on advising the president . Given that he doesnt have a lot of Foreign Policy or diplomatic experience. How is he synthesizing this information. I would like to see something to know where his world view is. We really know nothing about him. But its even more necessary because donald trump hasnt flushed out many Foreign Policy positions, so its very much up for grabs. But lastly, what is his quali qualification for this job and how is it not nepotism. Had Jared Kushner not married the president s daughter, he would not have this job. So because of that he needs a lot more scrutiny, because theres a lot of the stake here. Just recently, a lot of civilians were killed in iraq, we need someone who has a strong position, that request implement whatever the president wants to do, but also convincing the american people. Congressman kingston, should Jared Kushner where the one going to iraq before secretaries of state and before others . I dont any it really matters, and ill tell you why, he is the president of the United States, when he goes over there, theyre going to think this is very, very important, otherwise President Trump would not have sent his soninlaw. And all the information that hes going to get on the ground and during the plane trip, hes going to go back to President Donald Trump and hes not going to go through five layers of people, hes going to sit across from him at the breakfast table and say heres what i learned. Is that the best way our Government Works when its a question of who has the president s ear . I mean it sounds like a royal court more than sort of an organized system of government as we traditionally know it. Maybe it works but what is your concern. Robert kennedy, i guess he was a lawyer of some note, but when john said youre going to be my attorney general, he probably wasnt the most qualified in the land, but these people know Jared Kushner as a very capable businessman. Youll probably agree, i have been over there many times, the first thing theyre going to ask him, is how committed are you . Will the United States be here . And thats probably going to be the number one lesson that hes going to learn is that we have to have the commitment and hes going to go straight back to President Trump and say what is your commitment level . We should be concerned about the messages that he relates to the president , but also sitting as a representative of the u. S. Government, given that were so involved in foreign conflict, what message is he sending optically to those foreign leaders, look at those pictures, he often looks like the youngest, most inexperienced guy in the room. Most of the grades of people who have died in iraq and afghanistan are younger than Jared Kushner. He is very capable and they are used to dealing with people who are family members or people who are intelligent. We should just point out, hes never served in the military, nor has he served in diplomatic service, hes worked for his dads company and thats why hes so rich. I mean he works for his dads company and now hes working for his fatherinlaw. General kingston, the president s policy on the ground is being determined by the u. S. Military, they are bearing the brunt as they have for years, so it seems like its going to be the chairman of the joint chiefs whos going to be doing the most talking at this meeting. The thing that concerns me the most is yes, you are absolutely right, a lot of the actions that are taking place around the world not just in iraq, are currently left in the hands of the military, and thats not a good thing. Im a military guy, and im saying we need National Security strategy and we need National Security policy, we dont need more executive orders. And i dont see any of that happening. If Jared Kushner comes back after a fourhour tour in iraq, with some ideas, that hey, we have got to give some guidance to the military, thats a very good thing. But having been in iraq for many years of my live and seeing these visits and congressional delegations coming over, theres not a whole lot of policymakers who come over to determine what kind of policy or strategy we have, they just want to see the game and go back and report on tv. And thats unfortunate. What we really need is for kushner to go back to the president and say this has been working pretty well over the last year and a half. We have got to come up with a strategy, if you continue to say things in tweets and in speeches that make up what the mills tear is not we have got to get that discretion, you got to get on the same page and right now everyones not on the same page, its great for him to visit, its great for him to be with the chairman. And i think the chairman probably took the approach, of, hey, i would rather roll up my sleeves than wring my hand with this situation. Late developments in the Senate Battle over Supreme Court nominee neil gorsuch. One more lawmaker saying hell push the senate toward what theyre calling the Nuclear Option. Well explain that. To sit idly by, or watch from the stands. We are here. For one reason. To leave. A mark. Lexus high performance. With 5. 0liter v8s and sport directshift transmissions. Experience a shift in the natural order. Experience amazing. Working on my feet all day gave me pain here. In my knees. So i stepped on this machine and got my number, which matched my dr. Scholls custom fit orthotic inserts. So i get immediate relief from my foot pain. My knee pain. Find a machine at drscholls. Com. I picjust becauseream car. 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A long time. Then its a fortune. I told you we had a fortune. Get closer to your investment goals with a conversation. One more democratic senator has added his voice to the effort to block President Trumps Supreme Court nominee. Bob mendez went on record a short time ago saying he will vote no. In fact democrats already have enough votes to block the nomination unless republicans resort to an extreme measure. Judges gorsuchs answers were so deluded with ambiguity, one could not see where he stood. Reporter the partisan battle lines are now drawn. The first time in history to conduct a filibuster, i think thats unworthy of the senate, i dont think its the right thing to do. Reporter the senate is now headed toward a high stakes showdown. Democrats are setting a very dangerous precedenprecedent. Youre not ready to end debate on this issue. So i will be voting against closure, unless we are able as a body to finally sit down and find a way to avoid the Nuclear Option. Reporter according to cnns vote count, senator coons vote makes it the 41st democrat to sign on for the filibuster. Its an amazing theater that we have created here to create this pretext for a partisan filibuster, thats not going to be successful. Reporter meaning republican also have to make good on their promise to institute the socalled Nuclear Option to get gorsuch through. What i can tell you is that neil gorsuch will be confirmed this week. Reporter the Nuclear Option will change senate rules so that gorsuch and future Supreme Court nominees will only need a simple majority, 51 votes, rather than the 60 votes that have been established under long Standing Senate rules. The judges have become more ideological because you dont have to reach across the im to get one vote any longer. This is going to haumpblt the senate, its going to change the judiciary and its so unnecessary. Were now ready to vote on the nomination of judge neil gorsuch. Reporter today the last step before reaching the senate floor, giving democrats the opportunity to sound off on the process. So this nomination is not the usual nomination. It comes in a different way, and it has proceeded in a way of excessive spending of dark money that in the time i have been on this committee, i have never seen before. Reporter so heres what happens next, tomorrow at some point, Mitch Mcconnell will move to end the debate on neil gorsuch, that will set up a key senate vote, we expect that filibuster to not be defeated. That will be what triggers Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell to set up a Nuclear Option. This sets up a final confirmation votes potentially for neil gorsuch on friday, but 51 votes will all he needs to get through, just a simple majority. It seems like this is just as much for the next possible Supreme Court nominee to come along than it is about neil gorsuch. The overwhelm they cant stop a majority. The republican s from getting a majority. The republicans either will confirm with a simple majority, or theyll change the rules, so they need a simple majority. Neil gorsuch is going to get confirmed one way or another and democrats with 48 votes are not going to able to stop it. What about it is the nature of our politics today. And the Supreme Court is where abortion, affirmative action, campaign spending, its where all the final decisions are made on those subjects and those are the most controversial decisions in american politics and democrats and republicans disagree about them. So its no surprise the fight is so intense about what gets on the court. The fury were seeing play out in the senate has roots in the blocked domination of marek garland and how it has shaped the confirmation of gorsuch in a moment. The birds and the bees by dean martin let me tell you bout. The birds the bees and the flowers and the trees and the moon up above and a thing called love. 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I dont think we should be moving forward on this nominee if it was the last year of this president s term. Mitch mcconnell has made it pretty clear, theyre not going to vote on this until after the election. Most republicans agree that it should be brought up after the elections to avoid the politics. Democrats and their liberali not what we did then. The next nominee, whoever that is would be required to have the 60 vote threshold. Who would believe that either side would ever stick to such a deal . Not me. I dont think that thats an option. I think given the world in which we live and the politics that govern our world, i dont see that happening. And you talk to democrats and democrats will say, you know, republicans invoked the Nuclear Option when they refused to consider judge garland, all those clips you just showed. So the finger pointing will continue, each side will say the other one invoked the Nuclear Option. But in the end, i think Lindsay Graham was right earlier in your show when he said, look, if we end up just approving judges by just majority vote, theyre going to be more ideological. And thats just unfortunately the way its going to be because nobody will have to reach across the aisle anymore. I guess the how is it good for your party to do what the democrats are doing . I think its good for a party because the positions of judge gorsuch are in total disagreement with many of the core values of the the Democratic Party. I know theres been a lot of discussion about why not wait until the next one . This is for the Supreme Court of the United States, every person on it matters. Every person on it matters if youre outraged about citizen union, if you want to protect marriage equality, if you want to protect workers rights, the environment, a womans right to choose. So this is an extraordinarily important position. Lets put this into perspective, every nominee except thomas, every nominee since eisenhower has either been appointed or approved unanimously or with 60 votes or more. So were not asking for a standard here to be held that is unusually democrats went nuclear a few years ago to ram through everything but Supreme Court justices. Do you really have the moral high ground . I think if you look at the history of the Democratic Party as it relates to filibuster et cetera, we were in a very dramatic time. We had in the first four years of the obama administration, the republicans filibustered about 79 nominees. Lets put that in perspective, from George Washington to george bush, 58 filibusters, so we were responding to the overuse of a procedure that was really putting things into park and not allowing things to move forward. Are there any other options for republicans other than changing the rules of the senate . Not if democrats arent going to give them the votes. I think everyone should be concerned about the senate losing the 60vote threshold, whether it comes to nominees, whether it comes to legislation, whether it comes to judges. But i do worry if this is a stolen seat. It wasnt stolen at all. The senate was well within their rights not to consider marek gar len land and i think it was donald trump was very clear about what kind of person he would nominate. He gave a list, which was unprecedented for a president ial candidate to do. Hillary clinton didnt do nearly a good job for making a case for why she should be picking the next Supreme Court justice. No one thought donald trump would win, so the republicans were taking a very big risk in making this election issue, and they won. What i dont understand is whats so great about a filibuster . The senate is an undemocratic institution already. Wyoming has the same number of senators as california. So why should 40 senators be able to stop anything . Whats wrong with having a majority rule . Doesnt that help people bier into the process . I want to see gorsuch confirmed, but i dont want do go down the road where the senates loses 60 votes for legislation, which will happen at some point in time. Look at how quickly the senates changed in the last five years, into something thats openly talked about among many staff members. I understand this believe that the senate is this wonderful deliberative body, i think it is an undemocratic body. Youwhat youre talking abou a problem and making it worse. Gloria, a final thought in you. I want to disagree with jeffrey on this, because honestly, i dont think you want the senate to be the same as the house. Is the house such a great role model for leading in this country . Im not saying that the senate is, but im also saying that there is some utility about having people having to reach across the aisle once in a while and try and bring people around to pass major pieces of legislation on Bipartisan Legislation so that people have a buy in. Im not saying that the senates been brilliant, but i dont think you throw that into it. Up next, the new legal battle for President Trump that was connected to his Campaign Rally last year. Can trump be cited for violence or can he be sued . We can invest in the things that matter most making farmland healthier. Cutting down on food waste. And bringing you higher quality, fresher ingredients for less than you pay at the store. Because food is better when you start from scratch. Get 30 off at blueapron. Com cook various shouting heigh ho its off to work we go woman on the gulf coast, new exxonmobil projects are expected to create over 45,000 jobs. And each job created by the Energy Industry supports two others in the community. Altogether, the industry supports over 9 million jobs nationwide. These are jobs that natural gas is helping make happen, all while reducing americas emissions. Energy lives here. Welcome back. President trump faces a new legal battle tonight for something he said on the campaign trail last year in the middle of a stump speech. His legal team says there was no riot and tries to make the case he was protected by free speech. A judge is letting the lawsuit proceed. The moment in question was caught on video. Gary tuchman has details. Reporter this is the incident that led a judge to declare its plausible donald trump incited violence. Get out. You know, in the old days, which isnt so long ago, when we were less politically correct, that kind of stuff wouldnt have happened. Today we have to be so nice, so nice. We always have to be so nice. Reporter the woman getting pushed and two other antitrump protesters accused supporters of assault and battery and accused donald trump of incitement to riot. The judge in kentucky ruling there is enough evidence against the president to allow the case to go forward. During the campaign, then candidate trump clearly enjoyed being a tough guy. Get out of here. Get out of here. Out, out get him out of here reporter the lawsuit identified other rallies where the president allegedly incited violence. Such as this one in las vegas in february 2016. Byebye. See, hes smiling. See, hes having a good time. I love the old days. You know what they used to do to guys like this when they were in a place like this . They would be carried out on a stretcher. Reporter a few weeks earlier, mr. Trump told the crowd he had been warned protesters might have tomatoes. If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you . Seriously. Okay . Just knock i promise you, i will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise. Reporter the president s verbal attacks, a reliable way to stir up the audience. On this day in green bay, he didnt know he was insulting a supporter. Get him out. Get him out. Reporter a supporter who had fallen ill. The commotion coming from people shouting for a doctor. Starting a chant of medical. Medical. Medical. Medical. Reporter mr. Trump didnt realize what was going on and kept on with the lines that normally got him cheers. Theres always one. Reporter typically, that kind of talk was red meat for his supporters during the campaign. On ta dhat day when he said he would pay the legal fees, he also added there wont be so much. The courts agree with us. Reporter that certainly remains to be seen. Ga gary tuck tuck man, cnn. The latest allegation on trumps tweeting and allegations. What the leaders of the house Intelligence Committee are doing now to try to get the probe back on track. 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E trades powerful trading tools, give you access to indepth analysis, and a team of experienced traders ready to help if you need it. Its like having the power of a trading floor, wherever you are. Its your trade. E trade topping this hour, the president is back tweeting about russia and how the real victim is himself and a supporter of the presumed target is pushing back. The question though is the president s only evidence something he saw on Early Morning television . As his drama is playing out in 140 characters or less, the