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Actions ive taken to modernize our system. Im prude of the work weve done to help show more than 740,000 dreamers that the country they grew up in. The country they love, believes that they are worthy of this countrys blessings, just like your kids, just like my kids. But if were truly going fix this broken system, then were going to have to push back against bluster and falsehoods and promises of higher walls. We need a comprehensive solution, one that works for our families and our businesses, that grows our economy. That enhances our culture. We need an approach that upholds our tradition as a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws. And it is possible to do that. It is possible to insist on a lawful and orderly system while still seeing students and their hardworking parents not as criminals. Not as rapists. But as families who came here for the same reasons that all immigrants came here. To work, and to learn and to build a better life. And look, throughout this political season, you know, the talk around these issues is cut deeper than in years past. Its a little more personal. A little meaner. A little uglier. And folks are betting that if they can drive us far enough apart. And if they can put down enough of us because of where we come from or what we look like or what religion we practice, then that may pay off at the polls. But im telling you that is a bet their going to lose. Weve seen this kind of ugliness and anger and vitriol before. That kind of politics. Sometimes may carry the day in the shortterm. I know that there are a lot of folks who have this notion of what the real america looks like. And somehow it only includes a few of us. But whos going to decide who the real america is . [ audience ] whos to determine that in this nation of immigrants, in a nation of unless you are a native american, you came here from someplace else [ cheers and applause ] that you have a greater claim than anybody here. So we cant let that brand of politics win. And if we band together and if we organize our communities. If we deliver enough votes, then the better angels of our nature will carry the day. And progress will happen. But it is going to take all of us. This is not something that a president can do alone. It is not something the next president will be able do alone either. No matter how tough she is. [ cheers and applause ] so weve got to work to get a congress that is willing to act on Immigration Reform. That means we need more than just the people in this room tonight. Were going the need some fresh faces under the capital dome. It is going take work on all of our parts. And i have faith. Because over these last eight years, every time ive fallen short. Every time ive faced doubts or been taught a tough lesson or experienced a loss, what got me through has been you. You have picked me up. Chcs picked me up. Knowing that ive got allies like like linda and ruben and charlie and lydia, fighting tooth and nail on the hill. And back in your home states, even on tough votes. Knowing that you are fostering the next generation of leaders. Including more than four forty of your former fellows who have helped in my administration. Knowing you are giving folks like diego a chance. Where is diego . Is diego here . There he is back there. So when diego was 7 years old. Diego moved to arkansas from mexico with his parents and his dad took a job repairing and building wooden pallets. A lot of hard work. Calloused hands. Few years later his dad opened his own business and diego was up every morning and working every weekend through high school. His family didnt have a lot ever money but they had belief. Faith in america. Because as he says, and im quoting here, if you come here and work hard, eventually you will succeed. And today diego is first in his family to graduate from college. [ applause ] and now hes a fellow here at chc hirks. And one day he hopes to go into government, it is young people like that who keep me going. Folks who prove that immigrants arent somehow changing the american character. Immigrants are the american character. That is who we are. It is the dreamers full of optimism. The moms and dads working long hours to give their kids a better shot. The entrepreneurs who came here to start new businesses and put americans to work. And teachers and nurses and the lawyers. Who cake up at the crack of kahn dawn to get ahead. And the folks who clean up after us and the folks who care for our grandparents. The folks who are so proud of this country that they carry a pocket constitution in their breast pockets. That is the america i know. That is the america i believe in more strongly than ever. So thank you for picking me up every step of the way. Thank you for making this country great. Weve got more work to do. But we will keep on making progress and create a Brighter Future for everybody in this countr country. Si se puede. God bless you. God bless the United States of america. President obama wrapping up his speech before chci. Believe it or not the president just the warm up. Hillary clinton will be speaking in just a few minutes. While we wait lets check with the panel and i want to bring in paul right now. The president really talked about mostly about himself right there. He in fact did not mention either president ial candidate, Hillary Clinton or donald trump, by name. Though hi he did make, you know, not so thin hi veiled references about them. I love he how talked the folks lifted him up and no president can do this alone no matter how tough she is and the place record. It was great. Very appropriate. It wasnt the time for just a Campaign Style speech but one of the great assets Hillary Clinton has is is that the president s jop Approval Rating is moving up. Higher now than it was even when he was reelected. In Washington Post is 58. Probably like 52 in most national polls. You can run with that. Hes going to be a really effective surrogate. Getting elected for a third term a party elected for a third term is very difficult to do in this country. And president obama while he may be popular now. While hes had himself reelected and won elections for himself he hasnt shown ability to elect other people has he. You had the Congressional Elections in 2010 and 2014 and didnt go too well. I think there are people who would say. Liz warren would say president obama has helped get people elected and. Really president obama reminded us tonight in his speech is of course what you said is correct politically. But it is not as hard when you contrast all president obama has done for the country. Particularly for the latino and Hispanic Community against the person Hillary Clinton is running against. A man whos based most of his camp. A lot of his campaign specifically on attacking immigrants, talking about building a wall. Calling mexicans rapists and criminals. Attacking ining mexican americae and saying he wasnt fit to hear his case. Helping so personified in diegos story. You are reminded whats at stake and just how dangerous donald trump listen to our country and to the latino hispanic and immigrant community. And that matters to people like me who arent immigrants but my grandparents all came from ireland searching for a better life and getting it here and i want others to have that. Karen, respond to christen quinn. But also president obama did not mention donald trump by name but he did talk about the bluster, falsehoods and higher walls which the president said hes against in the campaign. I think we can assume hes talking about donald trump. We can assume. And it is no secret hes not a fan of donald trump that. Said i think what christen just said is emblematic of what i think the problem is with the Obama Clinton campaign because they are linked together in this. And it is describing the economy for viewers and voters rather than acknowledging how they feel. I heard one say, and this was a telling moment. If only we got the news out that median wages rose. If only we got the news out. It is not about that. It is about how feel and twothirds of the country still feels were heading in the wrong direction. How voters feel and certainly how hispanic and black voters feel because their Economic Indicators have lagged behind white voters to a big extent so there hasnt been this closing inequality gap where you look at net worth and the average white person is. We need to remedy the gap here. It shouldnt exist. Hasnt gotten better under obama and wont get better under clinton and this is how voters feel. I dont think you listened to the president just now. Because he did acknowledge the gains that we have made but also acknowledged the work that needs to be done. People can be grateful and not fully satisfied or declaring victory at the same time. And i think the president eloquently spoke to that reality. And Hillary Clinton has dedicated her life to bridging that gap. And there is nothing in Donald Trumps history of being sued by the department of justice, being forced and, you know, directed to follow laws against discrimination and pro civil rights law. There is nothing about his history of sending jobs over seas and taking good jobs away from americans that would give anybody any sense that he would sustain the president s gains or bring new conservative writer with the federalist go ahead. Giving this speech for essentially eight years. And you are right he acknowledges both sides but the two candidates running for president now after him are both running at change candidates because people are not happy. And that is the bottom line. Both are running as change candidates. He didnt get done what he wanted and his speeches are aspirational and hes an all right speaker. Right. And people in that room too are like man really wish we had another one of those but i do think there is ab issue of whether he can be an effective surrogate in the places where donald trump can be stronger. Somewhere like ohio. There is part hoff his speech here. Im far left on immigration. Im not far right. But when hes saying unless you are a native american you came here from somewhere else and he sort of blends this into anyone is american. And there are people in ohio and the rust belt and look at that and go wait there is a line there is a process people go through to become american and you are not just american if you show up here and that is something hes going to have trouble relating to. He says what is a real american. The president focused on that. And for some people being a real american only includes a small number of people. Any question who gets to determine who is a real american . That is a shot donald trump. Saying Hillary Clinton is running a campaign about unity and trump about division. That is the argument. I think you hit a point about the distinction between Hillary Clinton and obamas message. Obama wants to cheer lead for his eight years and talk about the positive numbers. Hillary clinton has a difficult task. She wants to celebrate and embrace whats been popular but at the same time make sure shes addressing the real concerns that people have. People who say that enough hasnt been done. So shes walking much more of a tight rope and their messages do at times diverge i think because of that. And on the poll it is very complicate ted. As paul pointed out obama has 50plus percent Approval Rating so if that doesnt track with the understanding of the electorate that is also 60 to 66 change electorate and i think part is polarization. Democrats even if they want change they might want more liberal change rather than conservative. Right. You can like the person and not like the policy and real americans are actually bearing the brunt of 113 billion the illegals are costing us today. 1,000 on average per household americans are having to pay right now and it is interesting you talk about obama in jobs ford announced in the next two years they are going to move all small manufacturing to mexico out of detroit so in that ways obama has caused jobs to lose to mexico at this point. Really a point of job creation and donald trump jobs losing to other country when we have a fact just this week of barack obama causing jobs to leave america and go but donald trump didnt lose he sent jobs. He made [inaudible]. Manufacturing of clothing right now is in other countries was a we are not an environment in America Today that respects jobs. He made a decision as a ceo to send those jobs. And and there are others in the fashion industry who make the decision to stay here. He could lead by majority of [ inaudible ]. The question have you going to lead by example wherever you are in public life or are you going to take the easy road that hurts American Workers and then come out hypocritically and pretend you have never done and act like you are something differe different. Then all of a sudden you change because it is incorrect presentation get to tell us why it is incorrect. Break. After the break. Hillary clinton set to speak right now right in front of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus institute. Well be right back. Guyhey nicole, happening here . This is my new alert system for whenever anything happens in the market. Kids a natural. 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And one in four since china joined the world trade organization. Both clintonbacked disasters. Bad judgment, remember. Bad judgment. And im going appoint the best and toughest trade negotiators. And we have the best in the world. We have the greatest people if the world we dont use them. We use political hacks. Were going stand up and defend our American Workers. Any deal that doesnt increase jobs and wages in america, i will oppose and i mean seriously oppose. Not politician oppose. We are going turn our bad trade deals into great ones. Another major reform is going to be school choice. Ive outlined and by the way, we are going to terminate common core and bring education. Ive outlined a plan to provide every disadvantaged child in america the freedom to choose the private, public, magnet or Religious School of his or her choice. This will help lift millions of poor African American and hispanic children out of poverty. The poverty in our country is unbelievable. It is time to break up the failed democratic control over our inner cities and provide real hope and opportunity to every Single Community in this nation. Our policies on taxes, trade, regulations and educations will grow. Incomes will boost and go right through the roof. We have to increase peoples incomes. Do you know that many people in this room made more money 18 years ago in real wages think of it than they do now. They are working harder now. They are older. And many people because of obama care and for other reasons are holding two jobs. So youre getting older. You are working harder. And you make less. I dont think that sounds great. The only good thing is that im also working a hell of a lot harder than ive ever worked so i dont feel so sorry for you. Working hard. All right. Thats donald trump. Hes in New Hampshire addressing the crowd there. A trump rally. His second speech of the day. He gave an economic speech earlier today. We are waiting on Hillary Clinton. Shell be speaking in washington any minute. Now there is a little bit of other donald trump news to report tonight. The Washington Post just posted an article online. Just a few minutes ago. In this interview donald trump once again refused to say that he thinks that barack obama the president of the United States was born in the United States. Im going read you direct quote of what e says. He says ill answer that question at the right time. I just dont want to answer it yet. Unquote. For the record, the president has produced a birth certificate, not just one but two. A short and a long one. He was born in hawaii. Hawaii is in the United States of america. Back now with the panel. We want to discuss not just that. Donald trump refusing to back off his birther stand once again but skoet nell hughes. In the last you said Ford Motor Company moving jobs to mexico. In fact they are opening a plant in mexico. Moving small car manufacturing there but the ceo told our poppy harlow that in fact not one single american job will be lost. They are going make other cars at that plant. You can suge coat how you want. Sugar coat . Hang on. It is not sugar coating to say no one is getting laid off. Donald trump says everything is getting fired there. They are not. They are making a different kind of car. 2800 jobs will be employed in mexico. Since barack obama came in 40 approximate, more jobs in the Auto Industry alone are now in mexico. Detroit, there are 288,000 workser in 1994 now only 150 thousand automotive workers. Those jobs have all been exported to mexico under the obama administration. Thats not true. A, and b, it is curious for Trump Supporters to be talking so much about the Auto Industry when donald trump did not support the Auto Industry bail out which would have cost us far more jobs. But i want to add on the Washington Post story, not only did mr. Trump answer the question as was quoted. He also to a large degree disassociated himself from Kellyanne Conways comments where she said donald trump does believe the president was born in the United States. He said and im paraphrasing hes shes totally allowed to say what she thinks and what she wants. He did not say she was correct. Again we have donald trump standing by a factually incorrect statement thats been disproven between weve seen two birth certificates from the president of the United States. It is racism on the part of donald trump. Nothing else. Im glad you brought up the other quotes he gave to the Washington Post. One of which was im not going to talk about this. I havent talked about this since the beginning of the campaign because i want to focus on jobs and the economy and terrorism. And when you look at latest gallup poll issues most important, noticeably ab sent from that is the birther controversy. Hang on one second. Why is there a statue of limitations on saying that the president wasnt born in the United States . Why does it matter that he wants to talk about other things . Unless he says he was wrong when he was spinning the notion the president wasnt born here. Hes not going to get back soo this jargon and continual news story and the Clinton Campaign wants to bring it up. Because were the dploshls. I get you guys want to go there. Donald trump has taken this campaign to a higher level. Guess what you saw him do today and yesterday and last week. Policy speeches. Hillary clinton stoog stood on the stage calling him a showman. Laughing about dr. Oz. The Trump Campaign you want to talk about the birther movement. Did candidate on rise and your candidate is on the fall. Lets be clear. Donald trump was asked a series of questions today by the Washington Post. Dont again. Attack the messenger. It is not trump m. O. Attack the messenger. They brought it up. He was in the interview. No one put a gun to his head to meet with the Washington Post. He close do it. Whatever he thinks of them. He was in this story today and it would be irresponsible for us not to talk about it. He was in the begins of the birther movement. He started this. And he can now not just walk away in it because he knows it is a bad incorrect racist position. [ laughter ] kaylee, you are a gifted person but you cant say donald trump is taking the campaign to a higher place. He is. Well you can but hes going to be struck by lightning. He attacked a minister this morning. Hes not attacking a minister. He did. A few months ago he attacked the pope. He made horrible comments about who has a physical disability. Mocked his on and on. You cant pretend hes put the campaign on a higher plane. Its absurd millions of americans calling them desperate or dploshable. She the next morning said that was a mistake and apologized. Do you believe the president was born in america . I do. Why doesnt trump . This is an exact example of what im talking about . Millions of people think it is racist. It is raisist. Trump put forth an economic plan that lowers tax brackets of all americans and look at the other side. Talking about the birther moment. Do you know what scotty just talked about . Ford motors. They are not moving jobs. This is where our campaign wants to go and every time the Campaign Goes there the response from this side is the birther movement. Wait wait actually i did say christen first. Then mary kay. They are not moving jobs other seas. Facts matter. This is not a conversation the Clinton Campaign or the obama people ever started. That is factually just but you are bringing it up again. Woe whoa whoa who. Im not the Washington Post. They are an arm of your campaign. Oh please. Good lord. They have oh it would be writing much better stuff on a regular basis. They have twenty on and lets just say your your great different reality is that zrump the policy candidate whos elevating think. This week he put out a highly flawed child care plan. Said the secretary had none when shes had a child care plan out there for a year. So this is another example of the Trump Campaign distorting the facts to try to make donald trump something other than he is. What he is, is a con man and weve seen that yet again. Mary katherine was waiting patiently. I think it is fair to say on one hand why is the Washington Post focussing on this fairly fringe issue that i dont think is all that important in this campaign. It is also fair to say crump would just say yeah he was born in america. We can move on. Im not sure we would. He does not like to be disciplined and hes but hes doing it and has done it in giving these policy speeches. Kellyanne conway i think part of the reason he has been and that is the reason she came up in this discussion. Shes the one imposing when he makes these smarter decisions. And hes bucking a little at it. And hes going continue to. The gains hes made in the polls have been largely with collegeeducated white folks. They are republican in ohio and florida hes now leading among those and he was trailing. No republican ever lost in the. President obama was reelected pretty comfortably but hillary has been winning them now narrowly losing them this is an important develop in the race. It is why this thing in the wirter movement hurts him. If hes got any sense hes given up on the African American vote. He was getting two or three. Which is what george wams got. I dont think trump is going to do much better. Wau lot of College Educated white people cannot possibly support somebody who they believe is racist and a lot of people believe the birther thing is racist and when trump fails to disavow given an easy opportunity to do so it hurts him with the voters he these to win. As a implement strg im glald he doing it. But if i can put my hat on thinking about the trump strategist, they must be tearing their hair out now they have made gains with this key constituency and now they are going right back, attacking that minister this morning who was wonderfully gracious to him but told him not to be too political at her church and then now reviving the birther issue because he wont disavow it is going to hurt her again with the voters he needs. What you do call the Washington Post . Arm what crusade. Arm of the of the campaign. Kernel of truth in this idea that there is a lot more reporters and a aggressive reporting on donald trump. For one reason. I dont think i dont think it is conspiracy. Everyone in the press and is crazy liberals. Hillary clinton has been around a really long time. When there is a scandal that preponderance pops up about Hillary Clinton i dont think you can say the gresz doesnt pursue it and aggressively report it. The email story has dogged ler from day one. At the same time most people know who she is. They have very set feelings about her. Donald trump is new sort of character on the political scene and hes got a very long very complicated history. Lots of business deals. And so that is just going to attract a lot more scrutiny. Thing that you are ryan. What journalist would just say oh donald trump you dont want to talk about that anymore . In that case it is a settled issue. Quotes in the piece. You have his Campaign Manager who in a month has really done a lot of work with this one constituency paul talked ab. College educated whites. Sort of the most Important Group out there. And they have targeted that group and in a very disciplined manner spent a month improving their numbers among that group. So i if i were donald trump id be listening to everything Kellyanne Conway says. When he says yes o bom was born in the United States like a wink and a not nod. Trump is very stub heborn and doesnt like to admit hes wrong. Were going take a break. Were waiting on two speeches right. Now donald trump still speaking in New Hampshire. But also Hillary Clinton set to speak in washington d. C. In just a few minutes. And donald trump, donald trump also went on the tonight show. Had his hair messed up and also talked about this issue weve been talking about here about stay okay message. If youve gone to extremes to escape your nasal allergies. Try clarispray. From the makers of claritin. Clarispray provides 24hour, prescription strength relief from sneezing, runny nose, and nasal congestion. Return to the world. Try clarispray today. Some relationships you stick with. Over time, they get even better. Thats why more people stick with humana medicare advantage. We Work Together with you to find the best plan, however your needs might change. Because great things are ahead of you when your health is ready for them. Humana medicare advantage. The plan people stick with. The surface pro allows us to be flexibleting. And get work done where ever we can. Its a laptop, i take the keyboard off, its a tablet. Macs cant do that. When i took theq ancestry dna test, i mean a few results came up that were really shocking. 11 of me comes from the part where i had served. We all come from such different backgrounds that you never know. We are waiting on Hillary Clinton. She is due to speak in washington very shortly. Well bring that to you as soon as it happens. Donald trump, he just finished up speaking in New Hampshire. Mr. Trump has been campaigning on jobs, specifically keeping here in the United States. He speaks often about jobs going to mexico. Earlier today donald trump says there is a new example of that and ford was planning to fire all the employees in one plant and move them to mexico. In an interview with popmy harlow it was said that is simply not true. So it is not true that ford will be, quote, firing all of its employees in the United States. Will ford cut any u. S. Jobs as a result off this move . One . Any sickle one . Absolutely not. Zero. And what we announced is that well be moving our focus out of michigan so that we can compete more financially in that particular segment. But at the same time and that is an agreement we have with the uaw. And what well be doing is well be replacing those products with two very exciting new products so not one job will be lost. And most of our investment is here in the u. S. And that is the way it is going to continue to be. So mr. Trump is wrong, is that correct, mark . That is correct. So mark fields there with poppy harlow. Finishing up. You can see he says donald trump is wrong. Ford is not moving jobs to mexico. He says not a single job will go. So if i can bring you in. Donald trump was factually wrong. He just was. Those jobs arent going to mexico. That is breaking news. But at the same time were talking about michigan, which all of a sudden is a state which is a lot closer. Margin of error race in michigan. It would be susceptible to the types of arguments donald trump has been making about manufacturing jobs leaving the country. Which over time they have. Yes. And in part because of trump is what the democrats have had to put out. There is a terrific ad. It might be hillarys campaign which sews trump himself on the David Letterman show hocking his shirts and ties and letterman backs the fact checker and asks where are the ties made. The shirts are bangladesh, ties in china and suits in mexico. It is not true everybody exports but this suit, this fine new suit you were compliments me on this morning, it is made in chicago. All Brooks Brothers stuff is made in america. He could do it. So that is a huge vulnerability for him. Any time you can puncture a persons argument by pointing to hypocrisy it is a good thing. But there would be no auto jobs in america if it werent for president obama and that bailout. Which trump opposed. Hear the ford ceo there clear that up. So what donald trump has been saying about the jobs going to mexico, that is wrong . Yes. For today it is wrong. Lets talk this in awe weeks, a few month, a few years. Because i think that is why mr. Trumps message is resonating they heard that before from ceos like this and those jobs are shipped off. Like carrier plant losing 1400 workers, shutting down in indiana and moving to mexico. That is why mr. Trumps message is resonating because they dont trust these slick high wielding Union Control ceos telling them these things today when they know tomorrow they might be out of a job. There is no trust. And if you ask the uaw people, people i know well they will love to the ford ceo. But they admit they do not and he would admit that is not true. I appreciate that mr. Trump is now standing up for keeping jobs in america. But at a critical point where the president needed sport to put a plan in place with taxpayer money that would bail out the Auto Industry that was critical and time sensitive, mr. Trump wasnt there for him and has opposed that plan. So today congressman pence as well. Today we wants to be the champion of auto workers. But when he actually had a moment where his voice as a ceo and Business Leader could have been critically helpful, he chose not to. So your words at any moment are not necessarily more relevant than your history ib actions. Same problem she always has. Shes not a credible voice and she has these are very close ties with corporate organizations and that is why, for instance, bernie came up and snuck up on her in michigan in that primary because that is a place where that message works and trump has a bit of that that can appeal. And that is the problem shes facing, where that message works she remains vulnerable. Introducing Hillary Clinton here. So were just minutes awrite a from her speech in front of the National Hispanic Caucus Institute in washington d. C. Mary katherine you brought up an interesting name just then. You said Bernie Sanders. I happen to see Bernie Sanders doing a round of interviews tomorrow morning for Hillary Clinton. I happen to see that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are going ohio to rally young people in support of hibbert. A number of events scheduled. Bernie sanders and Elizabeth Warren, flooit Spring Chickens so there is a bit of irony there they are going rally young voters. Young at heart. And on monday. Does this indicate the Clinton Campaign has work to do among younger voters. This election isnt over until election day. So the Hillary Campaign as any campaign would is going to fight to the end and focus on all constituencies but particularly on key ones, which is the youth vote. I think secretary clinton has said since day one after the primary was over she always knew this was a community in which she had work to do. And were doing it. And were so grateful to have the support of people like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. You dont see nearly as many he had more of Donald Trumps opponents out there stumping in the same by away. Hillary clinton is not doing as well with millennials as president obama did. Im not a millennial but when i hear a politician whos 69 right now, 68, saying im going to be giving my speech to millennials on monday. To me it just kind of misses the mark a little bit. Snapchat it. First of all millennials are a complicated demographic that are idealogically diverse. Now know there are some issues in common but it seems a little too telegraphed and maybe a little tone deaf for that group what. You want do is just go talk about issues that might appeal to them but not necessarily telegraph that now is my speech to the youngens. Im a millennial, i Student Loan Debt. Im in the same i disea i have Student Loan Debt and i look at the candidate who took two million in speaking fees from my loan debt and went to the enrichment. Kayla . It is tied in ohio as plan. The number one plan i can tell you is to lift wages among young voters. Well talk about this in a second. Hillary clinton walking up on the stage right now. Well talk about millennials, talk about all things as soon as shes done speaking. Lets listen in to the secretary. Lets get loud turn the music up to hear that sound lets get loud aint nobody got to tell you what you got to do if you want hello. Hello chci. [ cheers and applause ] it is so great to be back here with so many friends and to see so many young people here. Because that fits with theme this year. Educate, engage, vote. And i cant think of better marching orders if for next 54 days. And anyone who just heard the congresswoman knows we cannot be on the side lines. This is the most consequential election in our lifetimes. I want to recognize the institute ar all you do to inspire the next generation of latino leaders. Last year i had the chance to spend time with some of the chci interns and fellows. It really was like seeing the fauch of america in one rooutur. I cant wait to see everything that they achieve. And i cant wait if im fortunate enough to be president to put some of them to work. And i want to thank all my friends in the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. You fight every single day to lift up the latino community. When the cameras are rolling and when the cameras are off. At home in your districts and here in washington. And no one understands better than you the pifrtal moment were at right now. Not just for latinos but for our country. My friends in the caucus have traveled to every battleground state, registered voters. You have stayed focused. By the way, i personally think a th taco truck on every conner sounds absolutely delicious. [ cheers and applause ] now, heres a confession. Running for president is never easy, but it shouldnt be, right . But tonight, i have the ultimate challenge speaking after president obama. Hes always a tough act to follow. In more ways than one. I, for one, dont think the president gets the credit he deserves for rescuing our economy from another great depression. Think of what weve achieved east last eight years. American businesses have created 15 million new jobs since the recession. 20 million americans have Health Coverage and no one has seen a bigger drop in uninsured rates under the Affordable Care act than latino americans. We got more good news this we can. A report came out showing that poverty is going down and incomes for American Families are going up and latino families have seen the biggest increase of all. Now, that doesnt mean we rest on our laurels, by any stretch. Our work is far from finished, but i am more confident than ever that our best days are still ahead of us. I believe with all my heart that the American Dream is alive and its big enough for everyone to share its promise. That doesnt mean that lots of people are still not hurting. Because i know they are. And when you hear a president ial candidate spewing bigotry and hate, its easy to get discouraged. But were here because we know this election is a choice between not just two people, but two very different visions for americas future. Either were going to make our economy work for everyone, or either were going to fear our differences, or embrace and celebrate our diversity. Either were going to pit americans against each other and deepen the divides, or were going to be stronger together. Today [ cheers and applause ] today, as you know, were in the midst of hispanic heritage month. [ cheers and applause ] in classrooms across america, children will study Delores Huerta and cesar chavez, Roberto Clemente and laura hernandez, Gloria Esteban and Lynn Manuel Miranda and countless others. Names we know and names we might not know, but every one of whom who has enriched this country for generations. Whether youre mexican, puerto ri ricoan, cuban, latin america, whether your family just arrived or has been here since before the United States even exist ed youre not strangers. Youre not intruders. Youre our neighbors. Our colleagues, our friends, our families. You make our nation stronger, smarter, more creative. And i want you to know that i see you and i am with you. Ev and time and again, time and again, we have seen that when we invest in the community, when we make it possible more latinos to get the health care you need, get the education you desire, compete for jobs, start new businesses, pursue your dreams, all of america benefits. As i said this afternoon in north carolina, we are in the final stretch of this election. And i intend to close my campaign the way i began my career. Fighting for kids and families. Thats been the cause of my life. It will be the passion of my presidency. [ cheers and applause ] so tonight i want to mention two things ill do in the first 100 days of my administration to help families in every corner of america. First, we do need to create an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. Theres something wrong when latinos are 17 of our countrys population, but hold only 2 of its wealth. Weve got to Work Together to connect more latinos with good jobs that pay good wages, with more opportunities to get the skills they need to go to college, to launch new ventures, to build wealth that can be passed on to your kids and your grandkids. So were going to make, in my first 100 days, the biggest investment in new, goodpaying jobs since world war ii. Jobs in infrastructure, manufacturing, technology, innovation, clean energy. And were going to cut red tape and taxes and expand access to capital for Small Businesses, including the latinoowned Small Businesses that create so many jobs and so much growth in communities everywhere. [ cheers and applause ] and i want to give a particular shoutout to latina Small Business owners. [ cheers and applause ] not everyone knows this, but you are among the fastestgrowing group of entrepreneurs in america. And were going to put families first, with new solutions that reflect the way people live and work today. Supporting families with paid family leave, earned sick days, and affordable child care. Isnt a luxury, its a necessity. When families are strong, america is strong. And that brings me to another important family issue. In those first 100 days, i will send a proposal for comprehensive Immigration Reform to the congress. [ cheers and applause ] my proposal will keep families together, and it will include a path to citizenship. [ cheers and applause ] now, i know this isnt the first time youve heard it. In fact, people have been making the same promise for more than a decade. But i believe with all my heart that some things are too important to give up on. Ive been called a lot of things. Ive never been called a quitter. And in this election, in this election, we have a chance to show that comprehensive Immigration Reform isnt just the smart thing to do. Its what the American People demand. And you know how well show thatha that . Well, i hope to have a Democratic Congress next january. But no matter what on my first day in office, i will reach out to republicans and say, this is your chance to help millions of families and show that your party, the party of lincoln is better than donald trump [ cheers and applause ] and while were fighting for comprehensive Immigration Reform, were going to keep families together. When the Deadlocked Supreme Court put dopa and expanded d ea on hold for 5 million immigrants, it was devastating for millions of families. But the court didnt actually rule on the substance of the case. And as ive said, repeatedly, i believe dopa and expanded doca are squarely within the president s authority. And i will protect them and keep fighting for them. But in addition to defending dopa and doca, theres more than we can do. We need a simple, straightforward system, where other people with sympathetic cases, who are contributing to their communities, can make their case and be eligible for a deferred action, too. Like people who experience and report extreme labor abuses, and we wont stop there. Were going to end family detention, close private detention facilities, and stop the raids and roundups no child should have to say goodbye to their parents every morning, not knowing if their mom or dad will be there when they get home. So heres the bottom line. Comprehensive Immigration Reform will not only be the right thing to do, but it will add 700 billion to our economy. And enable america to be what its always been, a place where people from around the world will come to reunite with family, start new businesses, pursue their dreams, apply their talents to American Growth and innovation. Now, i know this has been a long road, and we wouldnt be where we are today without your persistence and the quiet courage of families in every state of our union. And we certainly wouldnt be here without the bravery of the young men and women who have risked

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