Yes, john. Syed rizwan farook, and someone else may have been plotting an earlier attack in california according to two u. S. Officials that we have been speaking with, and the two conspired back in 2012 and specific target was even considered. They e scoped out the area, and picked out a target, but neither of the officials could say how serious the plotting got, and how far along they were in launching the attack. The two decided not the go through with it after a round of terrorrelated arrests in that area sayinging they were spooked at the time, and this is bolstering the belief, john, that Law Enforcement has been saying publicly that farook was radicalized for a period of time before the San Bernardino attacks, and we are also learning from officials that the two, that farook and his friend had been conspiring to do bad thing, and that is a direct quote from the officials, and they have discovered the extent of the plans following the San Bernardino attacks as we have been hearing, john, and farook was not on the radar of Law Enforcement, and so this is something that they are going back to look at, and look, did we miss something along the way. Sglon another attack with another person on a different target back in 2012. Any word on who this other person is . Is this someone that the fbi has spoken to . This is somebody someone that the fbi has spoken to, but we should point out that no other arrests have been made in the case. And what is interesting here, john, this is before, and this is 2012 before isis had established the caliphate, and we have been reported that it is believed that both of them, the husband and the wife, Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook were radicalized before isis establish established the caliphate, and that he was radicalized and planned another attack, and as a justice correspondent, i cover several cases where the people talk about things all of the time, and they want to do thing, and launch an attack here or there, but it is again unclear how far they were in the planning stage, but it is alarming nonetheless, and especially considering what my colleague evan perez is saying that farook had guns at the time. He was given guns in 2011 and 2012 around the time that they had picked out this target, and apparently they were planning to launch an attack. John . Pamela stay with us, because i want to bring in special fbi Counter Terrorism agent tim ka len ti, and the fact that farook had planned an earlier attack, and how does a guy like this stay the off of the radar . Well, john, it is unfortunately, only that attack that put him on the radar in the last couple of weeks, so the fact that he was owning weapons and planning an attack is not something that is indicative of his personalty that others would see s and whatever this friend or associate is, and that is important to find out, and as we are seeing in the case of him marrying malik, and those two and the pillow talk could have been discussing and conducting the attack, and maybe it is her who gave him the spine to go through with an attack. Tim. All of the sudden and without a substantial step, john. And i was going to be saying that for the first time we are hearing about another person that farook had been planning this attack in 2012. We dont know how far they got or if it is just discussions, but the existence of the other person that farook had discussions with, this has to be an intelligence gold mine for the investigators. Yes, the atf and everybody is combing through the electronic life, and everything else. And there are communications that date back to the time period three years ago that are revealing right now, which contemporaneously to others around him may not have meant much, but looking back, i am sure that there are associates who are saying, yeah, he was spending time with this guy, and think were doing things in the garage or going out to the gun range together, so we will be seeing more and more reveal and this subject is going to be coming to light soon i am sure. And a pamela any more details on the nature of the fbi contacts with this associate, with this friend as you put it that farook had been planning this attack with . Well, this is someone that farook had known for year, and we know that the fbi has interviewed more than 300 people, and this person is one of the 300 people or so that they have talked to, and they are interested in and continue to talk to this person. But, you know, if the that i have the probable cause, and enou evidence to back up the arrest, and this is still active case, john, and there are only five or six days into it, and so there could be a lot of developments in thep coming in the coming days, and this is information coming to light from the San Bernardino attacks that is very interesting to investigators this time of 2012 e predates his meeting the wife, and predates the existence and the e creation of isis, and this islamic state, and it was around many other forms, but it was not declared until last year essentially, but you have new information as well about the couple, this terrorist couple pledging allegiance to isis. That is right. So we are have been report, and cnn was first to report that the wife Tashfeen Malik had posted on the Facebook Page associated with her just before the attack, and so we are learning more about the post. She basically said that we pledge of allegiance and then went on the say pledge of allegiance to khalifa Al Al Baghdadi and it says we so presumably the both of them in this together, and they were both pledging allegiance to al baghdadi, but also, a lot of misspelling which is garbled, and which is to officials, it is strange, because if you had it planned out and thought to it, you would leave more than a garbled Facebook Page. And in the the past, people will leave videos or a manifesto, but this is seemingly the only thing they left behind to pledge their allegiance to isis before the attac attack. And i want to go over to investigator chris shwecker, and this is a new information we are getting but a sizable attack in 2012 with a different person, and now what does this do for the investigation . Well, it is looking more and more that it was a very experienced terrorist here who had been radicalized well before we thought. In 2012 isis did not exist as you pointed out, but isis did scoop up a number of al qaedas followers and suborganizations, so he could have been radicalized for a while and looking for the bride. Again, it is looking like his wife was a contributor, but maybe not the catalyst as we thought before. And it is certainly calling into question the time line of when they met and whether he was seeking somebody with similar views and people were saying was it the wife who radicalized him, and no sh, if he had been plott an attack the years before he reached out to this woman. True . True. This whole case is it is featuring quite a few interesting loopholes here. A loophole in financing. The nontraditional target if you wi will. A lot of the things in this case are going to be studied in the future, or the visa waiver program, and the fiancee exception if you will, where you can go to the terrorist breeding ground and find yourself a mail order bride and thibring them b to the states quite easily, and it is going to be studied for a while, because it has everything. And the tim, you were saying it is providing years for them, and that i have to look back because if it was at a was an attack that was in 2012 not only the new friend appearing on the scene, but both of those men have been coming in contact for the last three years. Yes, they have to dig deep and not just malik and farooks arelationship, but predating it by not the period of time we are talking about 2012 or 2013, but we have to the go back a long time to look at the support structure for this man when he came to america, and was this job in advance planned, and as the investigator said, this is going to be in investigation for the next several years, i am sure. And pamela brown, excellent are reporting. Appreciate it. And now, late details on the latest aspect of the details that we are working to bring it to you ahead in the hour. And next, will donald trump back off of his plan to keep any and all muslims out of the United States. And he has been taking the heat from all sides and with the chance to back down, we will see if he took it. And i didnt get here alone. There were people who listened along the way. People who gave me options. Kept me on track. And through it all, my retirement never got left behind. So today, im prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. Every someday needs a plan. Lets talk about your old 401 k today. [so i use quickbooks and run mye entire business from the cloud. I keep an eye on sales and expenses from anywhere. Even down here in the dark i can still see were having a great month. And celebrate accordingly. I run on quickbooks. Thats how i own it. Barely a day after being calling for a ban on all muslims, with an interview with Barbara Walters he kept the rhetoric right where it started and turned it up to 11. Do you regret if ban on americans which some believe is unimagined . No, we have to do the right thing and somebody in this country has to say what is right. I have Great Respect and love, and i have people that i have tremendous relationships with, and they are muslim, and barbara, they agree with me 100 . It is shortterm, and let our country get its act together. They knocked down the World Trade Center and tried to do it twice, and other things have happened and they have a lot of o, and people who have tremendously bad intentions, and we have the be tough, and we have to smart, and we have to be vigilant. What is short term . It could be quickly if our country gets the act together. But we have a president who does not have a clue. We need toughness and smartness and we have to do it quickly. And there are many even in your own party who believe that e isis is going to be liking your rhetoric, that your words are putting us in greater danger . And the worst thing that has ever happened to isis, and the people in my party fully understand it. And donald trump not backing down which means there is more fa fallout, and more ramification, and more implications for trump the candidate for the party, and for who as they are as as a Political Force and for who we are as a country. One thing it will not mean if history is any guide. It will not mean a dip for him in the polls. More on that from rap ndi kaye. Reporter remember when donald trump first started his run for president , he made this comment, remember it . Are the they are bringing crime, and they are bringing dr drugs, and they are rapists reporter the blowback was huge, and major corporations breaking ties women h and political insiders saying that he was a doomed candidate, but they were wrong. Are the trump jumped to second place, and it quickly became clear that he was just getting started. In july he said this about senator john mccain, a former p. O. W. He is not a war here roar. Sgle this is a war e hee roar. He is a war hero. And he is a war hero, but he was captured. And he is a war hero because he was captured. And i like people who werent captured. And he took a hit dropping six points to 18 support in a cnn orc poll, but still, he held on to the top spot among all of the republican candidates, and the numbers quickly repounded. The next month, trump had women up in arms with this bizarre debate about megyn kelly. And she starts to ask me all kinds of ridiculous questions and there was blood coming out of her eyes, out of her wherever ment. And trump denied that he was refering to menstruation. And supports believed him because he held steady before and after the remarks according to fox news polls. In september, mr. Trump made disparaging comments about carry fiorina, his only female opponent, and telling Rolling Stone magazine, look at that face . Would you vote for that . Can you imagine that being the face of our next president . And then he dropped six points after that, but he was still in the lead. While we still dont know yet how Donald Trumps call to ban muslims from entering the u. S. Will play out, we know what happened after the paris attacks when trump told msnbc he would strongly consider shutting down the mosques. Some of the absolute hatred is coming from these areas, and the hatred is incredible, and emb embedded. The hatred is beyond belief. And the hatred is greater than anybody understands. And he escaped unscathed and again the defying convention aal wisdom and jumping in the polls by four points according to a fox news poll, and eight points in a Washington Post poll. Randi kaye, cnn, new york. And so, where will this take his party and the country . Some asked if the language, the persona and this prez sentationf trump out and out fascism . In a recent column in the new york times, that was taken up, and he is called and a a celebration of inmasculinity, and fear of difference of outsiders, a pitch to the frustrations of the lower middleclass, and intense nationalism, and resentment of elitism, and fascism, and does that sound like trump . Well, yes, it does. But, they do say that donald trump is not a true fascist, but the campaign could turn into something close to it. And now, joining us is jeffrey lord who served as white house political director in the reagan a administration, and now, i want to start with you, ross after that dramatic read into your article, jeffrey toobin. You are hired. You read it well. And you are saying that donald trump could be a fascist or protothe typical to it. And today, we saw paul ryan, the senior republican in congress condemn the statemens s of banning muslims in the United States from trump, but he would not rule out voting for him. The problem for republicans is that if they say that trump is a fascist, it does not get them anywhere, because the reality is that trump is tilting in the direction, but also succeeding, because he is speaking to the peoples valid and legitimate reasonable fears. The trick for republicans is to be able to say on the one hand, you know, trump has gone too far, and this is outrageous and unamerican, but this is what we will do about immigration, terrorism, and eisis that is going to make you trust us again, and they have not found a way to do that, but they have been swinging back and forth between being outraged at trump and rightly so in many case, but never addressing the deeper concerns motivating the trump voters, and this is the core reality, and this is where i tried to end the column. You cant beat a protofascist by saying that you sound like a fascist, because the only way do it is to address the grievances that are motivating the supporters and driving the campaign. Jeffrey lord, do you believe that donald trump is a protofascist and sounds like a fascist . I think it is silly and of course not. I did work for Ronald Reagan and Ronald Reagan was frequently accused of being a fascist, so we have been here and done that when there is a candidate who comes along from outside of the reg regular political arena who is not part of the political elite as it were, and he is subject to, he or she can be subject to all kinds of charges and as i say, Ronald Reagan was certainly accu accused of this, and donald trump is accused of this, and it is silly. But ross has a point though, that are there is an incredible gulf between the base of the Republican Party and the quote, unquote political elites, and i mean, it is just amazing to me that they are continually out there trying the to insult the people they are asking to vote for them. Instead of listening and paying attention to the very real concerns about whether it is terrorism or the economy or what have you. It is a not a good recipe for success. Jeffrey toobin, do you think that donald trump knows what he is doing here . Do you think that he knows the strings he is pulling and the buttons he is pushing . Yes. And i dont know whether he is a fascist or not, but i know that we are talking about proposals that are without precedent in American History and the idea that you could take a religion and say that all of the people in that religion cannot come back into the United States even if they are american citizens, nothing remotely like that has ever been proposed as far as i know at least in respectable company in American History, and it is clearly unconstitutional and it is not going to happen, but it is indicative of how far donald trump has gone from what is normally considered reasonable politics. Is it unconstitutional and never going to happen, and no legal basis for banning all muslims . 90 if it ever got to the supreme court. And e jeffrey is the legal analyst and im not, but the reality is that the u. S. Has had exclusionary immigration policies at a many times in the past, and we had something called the chinese exclusion act in the 19th century, and immigration policies raced on the racial and the ethnic quotas, and i agree that the proposal is deplorable, but i am not so sure it is unconstitutional, but it is more of an open question there. And i would have to say, that i would bow to jeffrey on this, but didnt know that if you were not an american citizen and you were outside of the country a that you a constitutional right to come into the country . The propostal as i understand it, and i appreciate your bowing to me. It is for not [ laughter ] it is not just for nonit is zerngs but citizens as well. It is muslims. Noncitizens but it citizens well. And people have freedom to associate with other people. And it is not outside of the country but ross, he is talking about a religious test for each and every human being that does enter into the United States. Ross, as a conservative column, and writes about the party and thinks an awful lot about the Republican Party, can you believe that there is a discussion right now within the are Republican Party to apply a religious test to every human coming into the u. S. . Well w well, there is not really a discussion. Well hsh, he is leading in t polls, and a frontrunner. Well, i would dispute that he is the frontrunner. I think that he is leading in the polls, but he is not the frontrunn frontrunner. I dont believe he is the likely nominee, and people watching his campaign dont believe it. There is not a discussion, and every Republican Office holder have weighed in and most of them condemned it strongly, but what trump is doing is to get us to talk about him, and the whole campaign and this is where he has something in common with mussolini, because when mussolini did was to make it up as he went along, and it is what trump is doing, and starring in his own real the ti the television show. And that is selling trump very short. He is proposing ideas that he thinks that the people will support. Period. I just compared him to beneato mussolini and how could i sell him short . Well, it is things that are on peoples minds and they are afraid to say. Yes, that is back where i started out, this is the problem with trump for the party is that he is both saying outrageous, e deplorable, and fashistic thing, and putting his finger on the real anxieties and concerns and the republican rivals have not figured out how the play with the combination. E jeffrey, you are taking donald trump at his word that he wants to ban all muslims from n entering the United States, and you believe there is a precedent here, jeffrey . John, he is talking about first of all, a temporary situation. I have said that this is a human version of what was done on the original 9 11 itself in terms of the planes. If you will recall the faa grounded every single plane flying over america until they could figure out what is going onment and he is trying to say here, we have stateless threat. How do we deal with a stateless threat, and lets talk about it, and get into the issue, and instead of shying from it, and sayingers oh, there is no problem here. And there is evidently a problem here. And he is not saying anything like what you are pretending he is saying. He said, lets stop muslim immigration until, and i am quoting him wordforword until we get our act together. When do you think that is going to be . When they elect donald trump. A weekend . I mean, you are talking about an extended period of time jeff, jeff, this is nowhere close to what Franklin Roosevelt did. He was donald trump on steroids, right . And you are talking about the interment of the japanese. No, no, not the interment. No, no, not the interment act. What are you talking about . No, the alien and emergency acts where he suspended the naturalization process for every german, every italian and every japanese in this country as an immigrant, waiting to be naturalized. Well sh, i mean not the interment. But look guys, guys . And just by getting this far, we have given that trumps theory is that once he is elected president , 24 hours later, we are going to have everything figured out. And we are giving him too much krcredit if there is a policy detail blueprint or what, but his answer to e everything is that lets not do anything until we elect donald trump and then it is going to be fine. And that is the last word. Thank you, all. And up next, the justification of Donald Trumps idea that the system is broken, and we will put those claims to the test. The beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight. Power, wifi, and streaming entertainment. Thats. Seize the journey friendly. Talking about Donald Trumps plan to bar muslims, any muslims to the u. S. As for the immigration part, he is suggesting that he is only doing what has to be done, because the system for screening people coming into the country is dysfunctional. And i am doing a right thing that is measured in the end and not measured in stone, but we have to find out what we are doing. We are letting people into the kcountry, and we dont know who they are. And he says we dont know who they are, and what are the facts . Tom foreman has been looking into the process and joins us now. Yes, john. There are many visas that people could come into the country, business, tourism, medical treatment, and educational purposes, but consider just someone who is trying to be an immigrant to immigrate here, because they want to be permanently living in the u. S. There are numerous steps that are in place here, and it starts out with the person submitting a petition to the u. S. Citizenship and service which is basically, yes, we can move ahead with the process, and if so, they will send it over here to the u. S. Visa, and the National Visa center to consider, okay, how many people are apply prg that part of the country, and where is this person in the lineup . Are they so far back there is no reason to move back . But if they say okay, then they are going to be paying a fees and it gets to the nittygritty here, and this is the part that trump says it is not working. So you have a Consular Office or the embassy to have a facetoface meeting with the person and consider all of the information they have, and provide, and who this person knows, and who they are related to and what are they up to . Coming here for the job in a family . And basically, john to, find out everything that they can about why this person wants to be an american, john. And now, tom, a list of the potential disqualifiers is big. Yeah, it is. Maybe there are flaws nit, and. But if the imgrant reaches in point, he could be kicked out for criminal record, communicable disease, spying, unemployable if he cannot pay his way or if he is lying or in any way misrepresented himself on all of the form, and all of that can kick him right out of the process. Only if he gets through all of that, does he then have a chance to join a Million People a year who are told immigrants living here under a provision or another country, yes, you can call United States home. But one point here, john, we have been talk ging a lot about syria in all of this Syrian Refugees and the process that we are describing here is much more intense for Syrian Refugees and the Officials Say it is the most intense screening with the biometrics and the fingerprinting of any immigrants in the world, and yes, flaws in the system . Y yes, there are flaws of any system, but the idea that the system is broken, many people in the government would say that is flatout not true. Tom forman, thank you so much. Before this latest proposal, will this change any minds . Joining us is russell moore, the president of the Southern Baptist convention, and author of onward,n gauging the culture without losing the gospel. And so, david, you found yourself in the middle of this whole thing a little bit when you tweeted, here is the truth. Whether you like it or not, donald trump is the only candidate to have the bravery to put out that statement on muslims, and now since the first we came out, you said a better word would have been moxie instead of bravery, and never nevertheless, the thrust of the tweet. What did you mean by that . It is a bold move and what a shock if donald trump has a bold move up his sleeve. He does it all of the time. Look, the reality is this, john, theres so many h things to unpack here, but think about this for a moment, would there be any other candidate who would ever Say Something like this or do Something Like this or proposal Something Like this . And of course, we know that the answer is no. And so it is bold, and it is got some guts and moxie, and the question is, is it politically stupid or not . And we are about to find out. And i want to talk about the political spos spects, but dr. Moore, david brought up the point is donald trump the only one who would Say Something like this, and the different way you are looking at, is this the type of thing that anybody should say, and you are calling the comments reckless and demagoguery. And you are saying that anybody who supports religion should be denounce this. Yes, we have been fighting religious freedom for over 200 years and emphasizing it greatly unattack in the last several year, and so we are to stand up for religious liberty for everybody, because it is not a government grant, but it belongs to people as endowed by god, and so not to condemn the remarks would be horrifically hypocritical for anyone who claims to believe not only in religious freedom, but also in the dignity of human beings as created in the image of god. This is a ugly an reckless line of orhetoric that we are hearing from donald trump. And david, the politics, no one covers evangelical voters as closely as you do. So you put out another tweet yesterday that you said that this could give him a boost among the evangelical voters. I do, and it is a crucial Pivotal Moment for donald trump, and literally he needs to pivot. And what i mean by that, if he is going for the cheap applause line where 20,000 people love what he says about banning muslims at the rallies and all of that, and i mean, that is shortsided, but what he needs to look at is talking more about shariah law, and talk more about the abuses of women as it relates to the shariah law. He is not the only one to say this, and marco rubio has talked about it, and ted cruz has, too, and if he can pivot and talk about that and jihad and some of the concerns that many evangelicals and others have about the islamic teachings, then evangelicals will be receptive to listen to that, and he is the first to admit that he is not the one to wax poetic about it, and instead, he needs to the arm himself with a team of experts around him about this issue, and there are plenty out there. And in and of itself, david, with these comments and everybody gaspping about them, you dont believe they will will hurt him, today, tomorrow, and two weeks from tomorrow in iowa . Well, it depends on the time line and short term, no. If you are looking at a longer term, and this is still around for a while, and he continues to harp on it, then he hasnt pivoted and he has all of the sudden, played into the narrative that is out there right now. And so, you know, do you agree with that comment, russ l russell . Do you believe it could be a political boon even though you disa agree with the comments, do you believe, dr. Moore, that it is going to help donald trump . I have more faith in the American People than that. He has to do more than pivot, and he has to repent, and that is to turn away from this blanket denigration of people that is constant. It is not just right now. With muslims, but it has to do with everyone. And then he has to the offer a plan to deal with the very real problem of global terrorism coming from the radical islamic jihadis and the situation in the middle east. What we need is the serious proposal to deal with that and not someone who is giving these easy and cheap lines that are inkon s inconsistent with our First Amendment freedom, and you dont come up against a repressive regime by add iing more. Thank you, both. And now, ahead, more Late Development s developments in the San Bernardino killings, and we have new information just in on the money trail that leads from the internet to the killer and possibly to his mother. Now more than ever americas electricity comes from cleaner burning natural gas. And no one produces more of it than exxonmobil. Helping dramatically reduce u. S. Emissions. Because turning on the lights. Isnt as simple as just flipping a switch. Energy lives here. The possibility of a flare swas almost always on my mind. 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The money that farook had about borrowed in the past. What can you tell us . Yes, this loan for 28,500 was made in november, just apparently over from a lender over the internet. And the question that arises obviously from this is what happen odd the money. Well, so far, the investigators believe that half of it ended up with farooks mother, and perhaps it was money that he was providing, knowing the end of his life was coming, and for perhaps to provide for his daughter, the sixmonthold daughter that they were leaving behind, but the money is interesting, because authorities want to know if it played any role in financing this e terrorist attack, and whether this means of coming from other financing measure that played a role in the attack. So far what we are told, john, is that the fbi has found no indication that there is any foreign financing for the plot, for the terrorist attack, and they believe that he and his wife already had what they need need needed. They bought the guns in 2011 and 2012 and they did not need the money to finance the attack, and the bulk of the money was sort of end of life to provide for their daughter and his mother after they were killed in the terrorist attacks. And new information on the guns as well. That is right. We have learned from sources that farook showed up on last, about a week ago on sunday and monday to target practice with the ar15 and he brought his own in riverside, california, and this is a magnum shooting range in riverside, california, and the fbi has shown up there, and gotten the surveillance tape, and the video to see that he was there, and practicing the shooting, and again, this is days before the wednesday terrorist attack, and now the question is also, where was the wife at this point . We know that she and he according to the fbi both took target practice in preparation for the terrorist attack. And back to the money, if half of the money that he had borrowed went to the mother, isnt that going to raise more questions about what she knew and is she still being questioned . A suspect at all . Well, that is a great question, and that is what the fbi has on their mind, because those questions are not yet answered. They want the talk to members of the family again about what they knew. One of the things that the fbi director jim comey said to us last week, john, on friday, was that, you nknow, the idea of seeing something, and saying something, and he is very concerned that members of the family knew stuff that they did not tell anyone about. So the concern that they do have is that the mother or someone else could have seen something suspicious, and after all, she was living in a house with a bomb lab in her garage, and she didnt say anything. So that is a question that they have. Evan perez, thank you so much, and a lot of new information there. And back with the panel, former fbi assistant director chris sweker, and Counter Terrorism specialist tim clem ente, and s the money is suspicious, but the mother gets half of it, and does it raise any red flags to you . Yes, the evidence is mounting against the mother here as it was just mentioned, and basically a bombmaking fac trishgs and ordering am munitio, and stockpiling the ammunition, and all of the accouterments of making a bomb right there in the house with her living there, and taking possession of three incremental possession of 5,000. And what it reminds me of the Boston Marathon bombing investigation where i think that at least three individuals or if not four were charge d with aiding and abetting, and some were not charged until a year after the the event. The fbi is looking at it very, very carefully and building the case, and time is on their side with respect to her. So i think that it is going to be getting very interesting to see if she is indicted in the next weeks or even months. And tim a lot of talk about this money, the 29,000 over the last 24 hour, a nd some talk, well, who gave it to them . But you can get that kind of money on your own. Is it possible to get that kind of a loan and establish that kind of the financing without a wi wider Terror Network . Yeah, absolutely, john. It is looking like this individual from what i have seen online about the income was earning 72,000 or so a year and had been there to five year, and income to debt ratio, and maybe he saw it advertised online or somewhere and it indicates that he was financing this operation or the life or the afterlife for his child and mother using what is now wire fraud and bank fraud. So it is two more additional charges that the fbi is going to be looking at and the proceeds from the crime of the wire fraud or the bank fraud if they can prove that he borrowed the money to never intend on paying it back because he would be die manage the coming days clearly the mother could not keep the proceeds and i believe as chris says the mother going to be looked at closely and she is not a flight risk, because she is under microscope, and so this is to the fbis advantage if they have to arrest her. And then to the neighbor who bought the ar15s and bought them years ago without any knowledge of what they would be yuse ed for. But still, what questions would you ask the neighbor . We dont know for sure that he didnt have knowledge. I am looking at him as a straw purchaser which either makes him aider and abettor or in hot water for making a false statement on the federal gun application. I dont know, but i will say that the evidence is mounting against him as well. And the peertopeer wb site is lightly regulate and quasi phi nan nal sa financial, and sort of an uber banking, and this is the terrorist financing that is going to be explore and heavily regulated in the future. Thank you both very much. And coming up we will hear from the San Bernardino Police Officers who led survivors out of the building. He showed enormous courage that day, and humility now. I dont feel like a hero whatsoev whatsoever. Anyone behind me or any one of the people, 300 people who were there would have said the same thing. A that is is our job to put ourselves on the line of danger to protect the community. Its the final countdown the final countdown if youre the band europe, you love a final countdown. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Our family takes great care in crafting ketel one. So thank you for taking the same care when you drink it. No, thank you. By day, they must stay warm. 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And then the police aofficers shared their stories of going into the building and we also heard from the Police Officer who was wounded in the shootout with the killers. Ana cabrera was there tonight, and anna, quite an event tonight. Absolutely. It was an emotional event. That officer you mentioned, who was actually wounded in the shootout with the killers, he showed up on crutches. He was shot in the leg and he described that moment feeling like he had been punched in the leg, going down, seeing he had been shot and yet telling himself i have to keep fighting, something he said he learned in the marine corps. Another off icer we heard from was detective george losano, who you may have heard from, and seen on the drel phone individuvideo, the dramatic scene inside the building as officers were escorting the survivors to safety and described that moment when he said ill take a bullet for you. Listen to these men in their own words. I was responsible for watching a hallway that some people came down the hallway and actually that scared me because they opened the door and they didnt announce themselves so it kind of scared me. Go, go, go. At that time i decided to walk them out. When they were passing me, there was a female there with a small child, an 8yearold little boy that was just terrified, just shivering almost, to the point of like shaking like a leaf. And i said what i said. Ill take the bullet for you, thats for damn sure. Just be cool, okay . I meant what i said. I said it for them to calm down and relax that we were going to do everything we can to get them out of that building safely. Thats our job to put ourselves on the line to protect the community. There is one guy down there. Is one guy in the back of a car. After exchanging gunfire with the male and as i was running up to the corner, i was struck in left thigh. As that time when i was hit, the male was already down in the street. So i did not know who was in the back of that car shooting at us, but i could hear rifle fire coming out of the back of that car. I could also hear my teammates that i was with at that time as well as the officers and deputies up here returning fire at that vehicle, they did an amazing job trying to keep that person inside that vehicle. Courageous and horrific moments for so many of those First Responders. Ana cabrera, thank you so much. There is so much more happening tonight. Randi kaye has a bulletin report. A man is going to remain behind bars. He is accused of pushing his wife over a cliff in rocky park. Investigators are still looking into the death of his first wife. If youre in the market for a 747 or two or maybe three, boy, have we got a deal for you. Malaysia is looking for the owners of three jumbo jets abandoned. If no one claims them, the planes will be sold to pay expenses. And fans gathered in the park near where john lennon was killed 35 years ago. Mark david chapman, the man who shot the beatle and the music legend is still in prison. Coming up, go inside the mind of the killer with exclusive recordings he made in prison. That is coming up tonight. We will be right back. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping. The way i see it, you have two choices; the easy way or the hard way. You could choose a card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. Or, you could make things easier on yourself. Thats right, the quicksilver card from capital one. With quicksilver you earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. So, lets try this again. Whats in your wallet . To prove to you that aleve is the better choice this is claira. For her shes agreed to give it up. Thats today . Well be with her all day to see how it goes. After the deliveries, i was ok. Now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again. More pills . Seriously . Seriously. 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