members of the united states congress, people in imported positions of power who are pointing fingers at individuals working in this government making allegations or spreading innuendo about them without any direct evidence. they're dragging people's names and reputations through the mud. these are the five members of congress we're talking about. over the weekend, they've got a new and powerful ally seem. he refers to congressman bachman and the others as the national security five. he blames political correctness to the threat. he goes on. the national security five are doing their duty and asking difficult questions designed to make america safer. asking the difficult question, he says. he says that critics are the five, in his words, the kind of willful blindness that keeps america at risk. now, they've named these two to investigate muslim brotherhood infiltration. on the left is a member of president obama's homeland security advisory council. on the right is hillary clinton. now, we learned late last week that both have received threats since being named. now, some top republicans have been raised. >> allegations about the reports from which they are drawn are nothing less than an unwarranted and unfounded attack on an honorable citizen, a dedicated american and a loyal, public servant. >> now, the bachman 5 web site claims to connect in a following very convoluted way. the web site alsz makes allegations against her brother and mother. now, as a top aid to the secretary of state, ms. abadine has a security clearance and has undergone extensive background checks. mr. abriari was cleared by security officials when the allegations first surfaced months ago. now, last fall, he was given an award for his extraordinary contributions in specific cases in support of the counter terrorism mission. we have looked into it and the f.b.i. has looked in to it and found no credible evidence. >> nor have colleagues provided credible evidence. we've asked them five times and each time they've all refused. what they keep saying is they're not really making allegations at all. just asking questions. remember, newt gingrich also said so in his political piece and said so again today. >> i think all they ask for is an investigation. i think it's totally legitimate to ask that question. >> see, no one is saying anything. >> what i think these members of congress have done is simply raise the question. >> just raising questions. when asked by charlie rosen whether he thought congressman bachman was out of line, congressman canter said no. >> if you read some of the reports that have covered the story, i think her concern was about the country. >> they all are defending their tactics to interviewers they are, perhaps, more comfortable with. >> i wish that some of these numb nuts would go out there and read the letter before they make these horrible allegations about the horrible accusations we're making. the letters name names and con neblgt those names to sinister plots. what they don't do is supply any direct evidence that justifies putting anyone in the spotlight. some late reporting on the story. also on the phone is john esposito, professor of religion and international affairs at georgetown yumpblt. you've got some information about a closed door meeting in which there appears to be a crack in the security. what v you heard? >> anderson, well, publicly, they're being unapologetic. but privately, at least one is expressing some regret. i was told that trent franks of arizona stood up in a meeting last week at the republican study committee. and he told his colleagues that they maybe should nt have singled out abadine by name. it was confirmed by two other republicans. what i'm told is that franks said his regret was mostly in using the name and that it overshadowed the general point that they were trying to make. i should also say franks told republican colleagues that he still stands behind that question and what he wants the inspectors general across the government to investigate. you know, you talked about the fact that republican leaders, at least some of them, have really shunned this leader. i talked to a pretty conservative congressman today who said a lot of us, conservatives like me, are saying are you kidding me? they're idiots for making this mistake. why go after hillary's body person without having rock solid evidence. >> you said this whole thing was a wake up call. how so? >> well, i think what it really points to, and i think that the events of the so called mosque at ground zero, that, you know, we have a kind of deep anti-muslim here in the united states. if you look at poland, you find out that a considerable number of people are willing to believe anything about islam and muslims. people like newt gingrich slated that for political reasons. you know, in your comments, which are really interesting to me, is that what you kept saying and what most people keep saying, in effect, is where's the beef? these people make claims all of the time. and, like most racists and antisemimites, there's no obligation placed on them to demonstrate what my undergraduates say any statement you make is an assertion, unless you can provide hard evidence. and i think going after that -- and i think that conserve tef republican is the most agreejous indication of what our problem is. this is a woman who was born and raised here, had all kinds of security cleerps worked for the secretary of state and would not be seen as anybody who's particularly soft on terrorism. she's in the right place with regard to many people. i would disagree, at times, with regard to israel and palestine. she is a muslim, but it's not as if she's anybody who speaks out publicly, et cetera. so to target her, one has to ask the question why. >> i imagine it's got a chilling effect on just muslims working at all levels of the u.s. government who suddenly, i assume, by these congress people, i assume they are as well. at a time we are fighting a war and we need people in the government who are a dincht phase. >> if you take a look at the obama administration, and let me say this ahead of time, i was a strong supporter of president obama. but the reality of it isn't with regard to the obama administration, elections and appointments, where are there muslims in the government? they are not. the president has never visited a mosque in the united states. so there's a tremendous sensitivity to talk about there's some sort of infiltration within the government is really absurd. and part of what demonstrators, that the reality of it is that we don't want to face it. that we have a real problem in the u.s. the problem is we are brush stroke i stroking the vast majority of muslims and sending a message to not only them, but to some politicians that you don't want to appoint anybody with that kind of name or look. the fact is, if they are a muslim, you can wind up with these kind of allegations. people like mccane and the intelligence committees themselves, some of bachman's own colleagues, the real question becomes why isn't the media every day in response to this, not just talking about the story, but just con stantly saying to them, what is your evidence on anything that you are saying? >> does this play to congresswoman's base? and gomar's base? and then bringing them back to, you know, countries in the middle east where they're raised up as terrorists for 20 years and then come back to the united states to attack us 20 years from now. >> is this just playing to the base? >> oh, it's very much playing to the base. when i talked to senior republican lawmaker who just said point-blank to me, anderson, focusing on the story. >> it's a great gift because it really riles up the circles that they have. it's important to them that really thinks that they are doing the right thing here. and on that note, i've talked to other aides about this, as well. just on the substance of what they're trying to do, they actually think that they're canaries in the coal mine. that they're trying to raise an issue that maybe 4, 5, 10 years from now is going to be an a ha moment. in fact, one aid said to me that they're like winston churchi talking aba threat that nobody sees. let us know what you think. we're at facebook. follow me at twitter. let's talk about this on twitter right now. up next, raw politics making overseas trip. will the tough talk help in november? and what does the tone reveal by the kind of foreign policy president he'd be. we'll be right back. i was having trouble getting out of bed in the morning because my back hurt so bad. the sleep number bed conforms to you. i wake up in the morning with no back pain. i can adjust it if i need to...if my back's a little more sore. and by the time i get up in the morning, i feel great! if you have back pain, toss and turn at night or wake up tired with no energy, the sleep number bed could be your solution. the sleep number bed's secret is it's air chambers which provide ideal support and put you in control of the firmness. and the bed is perfect for couples because each side adjusts independently to their unique sleep number. here's what clinical research has found: 93% of participants experienced back-pain relief. 90% reported reduced aches and pains. 87% fell asleep faster and enjoyed more deep sleep. for study summaries, call this number now. we'll include a free dvd and brochure about the sleep number bed including prices, and models plus a free $50 savings card. and how about this? 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>> well, there's no question, but in terms of geopolitics, i'm talking about votes at the united nations. and actions of a geopolitical nature. russia is the number one adversary in that regard. it doesn't make them an enemy. it doesn't make them a combatant. they don't represent the number one national security threat. the number one national security threat of course to our nation is a nuclear iran. >> mr. romney has drawn praise from conservatives for his line on iran as well as his vocal support on israel. how will it affect his chance in november if at all? what does it say in how he'd run foreign policy if elected? let's talk about the raw politics with ari fleischer. an unpaid occasional adviser to the romney campaign. and also with us cornell belcher, a pollster for the obama 2012 campaign. do you think romney did what he needed to do overseas? >> in israel, he certainly did. even though i think it's been exaggerated, he did commit a mistake in england and it cost him the opportunity to bask in the glow of the olympics. but if he was running for prime minister, it might hurt him. he's running for president. in israel, i think he knocked it out of the ballpark. i think if the issue there is the impact this trip will have on the jewish community in the united states, calling jerusalem the capital is what those american jews who vote on the basis of foreign policy and defense will remember from this trip and also today of course giving him a virtual endorsement. that's the power of the trip for him. >> cornell, one of your campaign surrogates, former ambassador questioned romney's ability to be commander in chief. saying if he can't engage our allies on a simple topic like the olympics, how will he be tough enough to stand up against our enemies like iran? in fact, he articulated policy. it sounded pretty similar to president obama's. is that really, then a fair criticism? >> here's the problem. cnn's been covering it for two days now. it is gaffe after gaffe. you leave israel after insulting the palestinians. and here's the problem, if you're, in fact, president romney, the problem is, you've now offended the palestinians. and they don't see you as a fair arbitrary. so in fact president romney would set the peace process back in the middle east. step back from sort of the politics back and forth of it. from a campaign standpoint, i know we want to say this one incident or that one incident this gaffe or that gaffe, isn't problematic. at this point, it's become accumulative. there is an aggregate problem here, after gaffe after gaffe. at some point from just a purely campaign standpoint, i have to pile on. like some of -- the campaign itself is problematic because some of these statements coming out right now should have never been green lighted. like the whole line of -- the cultural line with the palestinian stuff. someone along the process should have said, there's a way to talk about israeli exceptionalism without offending its neighbors around them. so that becomes problematic. no, you're not going to sort of win the presidency on foreign policy. this trip has not helped him. >> part of this i guess is making inroads among jewish-american vote. which i guess if you look at polls, traditionally has gone toward obama. is this -- do you think he won over some jewish-american voters? >> some. here's the equation. i'm on the board of the republican jewish coalition. i was just over in israel registering americans to vote. the jewish votes overwhelmingly vote democratic. the republicans are not going to get a majority. the question is, how big inroads can they get. if barack obama gets between 25% and 30% of the jewish vote, if he loses 3-1 is huge victory for republicans. it means florida goes republican. ohio likely goes republican. if he breaks 30%, those two states are in the bag and pennsylvania likely goes republican. that's the margin this race could come down to. especially if it's close. >> cornell, do you think he made inroads with jewish-american voters? >> i think it's tough to say he made inroads. the think the major news coming over the last two days has been about gaffe's. most of the press that's been covering right now -- i don't even know what his statements on israel is because everything i read is about the gaffes. what ari says is important. we're increasingly becoming a country of minorities. i think the republicans more broadly have to start competing for more of these minority votes, be it jewish voters or hispanic voters, especially in these key battleground states, if they're going to be a majority party. >> you got to read more than the huffington post here. that's why you've been reading about the gaffes, i think. >> well, they're -- >> the daily caller or something. we got to leave it here. thanks very much. the disabled veterans charity that's refused to answer our questions on camera, they're now bashing our reporting on twitter and their website. cnn's drew griffin has been investigating them for two years. response to their claims ahead on the program. syou know, i've helped a lot off people save a lot of money. but today...( sfx: loud noise of large metal object hitting the ground) things have been a little strange. 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(sfx: loud thud sound) what a strange place. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. the u.s. hadn't won gold in over 100 years. but thanks to them... and her... and especially this guy, all those years were just a prologue to this. ♪ it's amazing how far you can go with a little help along the way. td ameritrade. proud sponsor of the 2012 u.s. olympic team. deadly diseases spreading through one country. details on that ahead. tonight, a "360" follow-up. we've been reporting on a group called the disabled veterans national foundation. dvnf. tonight, a "360" follow-up. we've been reporting on a group called the disabled veterans national foundation. dvnf. we've been reporting on them for months now. this is the same charity and i use that word -- well, some questions. it is an alleged charity. this is the same charity that sent a shelter for homeless veterans thousands of bag, of coconut m&ms. the same charity that raised nearly $56 million over the past three years. i want to repeat that. they've raised nearly $56 million over three years. but according to tax records and other documents, little of that $56 million raised has gone directly to help disabled veterans. instead, they've given nearly $61 million to a company they signed a contract with. a company to boost their mailing list. that company is called quadriga art. one of the world's largest direct mail providers to charities. $61 million they've given to quadriga art. the long story short, the senate finance committee is now investigating dvnf to see if it should keep its tax exempt status. we've tried to get dvnf to talk to us on camera but they refused. off camera, they had plenty to say about our reports. on their website they wrote, "cnn's anderson cooper 360 has run a series of misleading and inaccurate segments which have ranged from being unfair to irrational. despite being provided a multitude of information, ac 360 has knowingly withheld information that would have provided a balanced view of dvnf's work and fund-raising program." last week the charity attack our reporting on twitter writing, once again ac 360 has done another incorrect report. to see the real facts, visit they also tweeted anderson cooper dvnf will focus our efforts to help vets. we have given proof and documents to "a.c. 360" and will no longer waste our time with cnn. we obviously stand by our reporting. drew griffin, who spent two years investigating, joins me now. so, drew, i think first, we need to point out that all of their responses to our reporting is either on twitter or on their website. for years you've been trying to get them to talk on camera. >> all we want to know is how this charity got in such a pickle with this fund-raiser. we're not saying that dvnf and its volunteer board members are taking any money. we can tell all the money is going to this fund-raiser. we'd like to know how. we went to washington, baton rouge, even sacramento, to get an answer from dvnf. they will simply not meet with us. they've even gone through two public relations firms. now they're just resorting to tweeting. >> those tweets, even what they posted on their website, they insist they've given away as much as $16 million. >> yeah, but look at what they say on their website. in cash and requested items. gifts in kind. we've got no way to tell what they're talking about in terms of money. no proof they're giving away any money. we know they're giving away m&ms. navy shoes. basically donated items that they're redonating somewhere else. but all of the actual cash money raised is going to this private fund-raising company in new york. dvnf remains indebted to that fund-raising company. even as they bring in new money, it's all going to this private company. >> again, i mean, to me, if i'm running a charity, and i'm on the up and up, and i want people to continue donating money, i would be completely transparent. i would want to answer any questions that people had, large or small. yet this group clearly is not doing that. you found even on the group's website the claims are hard to prove. >> yeah, your first point, anderson, that's number one, what everybody says about a charity. if a charity's on the up and up, they want to show their books. again, we've asked for two years and haven't seen that. again, on the website, just look at the front page of their website, you'll see a little thing on the very top about some webinar to help you if you're a vet. we clicked on it, it's not there. there's no link to find out where this webinar's going to take place. another thing we've seen pop up. crutches. they have a program to help provide crutches to disabled veterans. again, we called the company, millennial. we have no proof any of the crutches have been given away. they confirmed, yes, dvnf placed a very small order, 15 pairs of crutch, valued at $1,500. that may appear as a major program on the website and something they're tweeting about but as far as we know we're talking about 15 pairs of $100 crutches. and again, i don't know where they're going. >> that was one of tweets i saw about the crutches thing. they're giving away crutches. you're talking about 15 pairs of crutches. this is a company that's raised $56 million over three years and they still won't talk to us. no matter how many times -- you'll go anywhere, i'll go anywhere. i'll have them on any night they want. >> heck, i've gone everywhere, it seems, to find these people. as you read in that statement, they will simply not deal with us anymore. but they have to deal with the senate. the senate finance committee is investigating. i can tell you from inside that investigation, they're not happy with the first round of answers they got on dvnf on whe the money is and isn't going. the senate investigators have asked for more clarification. there could be a little more trouble down the road for this group. >> they won't answer our questions. i challenge them to go on any network, msnbc, fox, anybody they want, and submit to actual questions from an actual reporter. because i would love to see the answers, even if they're not willing to talk to us. i think we all just want answers, and they're not giving them. it's incredible. drew, again, appreciate the reporting so much. the invitation's open, dvnf, ball's in your court. tonight syria's biggest city, the commercial hub is a raging battleground. will the fault of al assad be decided in the streets of aleppo? i'm going to talk to him about the involvement of foreign fighters in the fight now. uh-oh. [ male announcer ] when diarrhea hits, kaopectate stops it fast. powerful liquid relief speeds to the source. fast. [ male announcer ] stop the uh-oh fast with kaopectate. an african-american couple forced to move their wedding from a church. after a couple congregants complained. the complainers say they aren't racist. the story when we continue. welcome back. tonight syria's biggest city aleppo is a battleground. the dead include 25 people in aleppo. this video purportedly shows some of the fighting in aleppo cnn can't vouch for the authenticity of it. with what we're hearing from witnesses on the ground, it appears to be occurring. street battles raging. attack helicopters. tanks firing in the city. all of this in syria's commercial hub. 200,000 people in and around aleppo have fled the shelling. conflicting reports about who controls the city's key neighborhoods. we do know that the so-called free syrian army scored a victory outside of aleppo today. in the meantime, there are questions growing about the fate of president bashar al assad. here's what leon panetta told our barbara starr today in an exclusive interview. >> i'm sure deep down assad knows he's in trouble and it's just a matter of time. >> what would you say to him? >> i would say if -- if you want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you'd better get the hell out now. >> so did the u.s. government, other government agencies like your former agency, have operations in syria to help assure the security of the chemical weapons? >> again, i'm not going to comment on specific operations. only to tell you that we are taking every step possible to make sure that those chemical sites are secure. >> those chemical weapons, obviously, a major point of concern. one of many concerns. ivan watson's on the ground, inside syria. he joins me now. intense fighting in and around aleppo. both the assad regime and the opposition are claiming victories. what have you seen? what's the latest? >> reporter: with our eyewitness vantage point, what we saw was a rebel offensive that started at sunset sunday night. the rebels attacked the last syrian army checkpoint before the gates of aleppo to the north of the city. it was a firefight that lasted hours. and in the end the rebels overran this entrenched syrian army position that had more than a dozen tanks. it had machine guns firing into the night sky in all directions. hitting surrounding villages. in the end, they overran it. and today we saw what they captured. a number of tanks, armored personnel carriers, ammunition. tank rounds. and this was not only a moral victory for the rebels but a strategic one because they now control the main exit point to the north between aleppo, the biggest city in syria, and the turkish border. it's a crucial transit route. >> what does it tell you about the syrian regime forces. i mean, how dug in were those forces? >> they were behind earth berms with tanks. the rebels were clearly outgunned. we saw the syrian government fire. sprang out in all directions. calling artillery strikes from miles away, from within aleppo, we believe, that were pounding indiscriminately surrounding hilltops which were populated with villages, villages that the rebels have been controlling. what was striking, anderson, was that the government forces weren't able to bring in any reinforcements to help their surrounded men. they brought in a helicopter after about three hours that circled overhead. it clearly wasn't enough to save the day. the rebels, who are supposed to be gearing up for the mother of all battles inside aleppo, they felt like they had enough fighters and enough ammunition and weapons to carry out this attack outside of aleppo. and capture and win the day within a matter of hours. it says something about the balance of power or the shift in it in the north syria. >> there was a disturbing article in "the new york times" today about the growing presence of al qaeda fighters or al qaeda inspired groups, foreign jihadists fighting on the side of the opposition inside syria against the assad regime. i'm about to talk to a foreign reporter who was actually held hostage by a group of foreign jihadists. what have you seen? who are these fighters? what is the makeup of the fighters you've seen? >> i haven't seen the fighters who took the two foreign -- the british and dutch journalists hostage. but i met their syrian guide. a terrified young man. who said that they talked like al qaeda. they threatened to kill him because he didn't have the proper beard and because he had brought infidels in to syria. now, when we got in touch with syrian rebels, the free syrian army commanders on the ground to ask them about this case, and to try to help the journalists, they were appalled at this news. they seemed to know who these guys were up in the hills. one commander told us, listen in an hour, i could take these guys out with my men. there is a broad spectrum of different rebel groups on the ground here, anderson. there are hundreds of rebel bands. some of them tend to be kind of secular. others seem to be islamist inspired. and some of them do have foreign volunteers. i've met three libyan foreign fighters who have crossed the border from turkey over the past week joining larger groups of fighters. and some of the syrians have misgivings about them being here. they don't want foreigners, certainly jihadists fighting their battle. others say, you know what, nobody has come to our rescue, nobody else has rescued us, so we'll take any help we can get to bring down the assad regime. >> yeah, interesting. ivan, dangerous time. stay safe, thank you. with us now is dutch freelance photographer who was one of two foreign journalists held captive for a week until syrian opposition fighters rescued them. you were basically captured right after you crossed into syria on july 19. what happened? >> we were brought into the country by a smugglers ring and we were following a well-known smugglers route and -- well, after being into syria for an hour, we kind of were handed in to a jihadist movement who were camping at the very border. >> the people who were smuggling you into syria accidentally brought you to this camp of jihadists. who were the jihadists? were they actually any syrians? >> the majority of them were foreign. >> where were they from? >> they were from africa, pakistan, bangladesh, some guys from the u.k. >> did you instantly know you were in the wrong place? >> yeah, we immediately knew we were in the wrong place. we saw the men. they look really jihadist as well, wearing long beards, immediately talking religious. yeah, they were jihadists. >> did they think you were spies? >> they immediately started accusing us of being cia. well, we said we were journalists. they said we were suspicious looking, we looked military in their eyes. >> at some point, you tried to escape. did you just think you had to get out of there? >> yeah. in the very early stage of our imprisonment we tried to escape, because things were spiralling down. we thought that they weren't treating us as nice. we knew -- they knew we were journalists and still they were keeping us, so we thought the ransom option was coming into perspective. we also were afraid that they might hand us off to another islamic group. so we felt like we'd better take our fault into our own hands. in the second day of our captivity, we made a run for it. >> i understand you got a mile away but they caught you and they shot you. >> yeah, yeah, i mean, we thought it was -- the camp was quite desolate at the time we did it. we hadn't seen a couple of guys unloading trucks, and they saw us and then immediately we got caught in the crossfire. and they chased us down the valley and after one half mile they succeeded in shooting me. and five minutes later, they got a hold of john. they shot him as well. >> where were you shot? >> i was shot in the thigh. and john was shot in his arm. miraculously, only in the arm. because they must have -- at least 20, 30 bullets. at every single one of us. >> you could have easily been killed? >> yeah. at that point i thought i would be killed, yeah. >> were they al qaeda? >> we actually discussed it with them. we said, well what section are you guys? they said, well, can't say too much about it but we're not al qaeda although we know they're down the road from us. >> there are increasing reports about al qaeda growing influence or growing presence or jihadists, certainly, foreign fighter presence among the opposition. you were finally freed, though, by people in soldier's uniforms or outfits. who freed you? >> i think it must have been the free syrian army, a group like four or five of those guys. they came into the camp, demand to see us when they actually saw us, they were outraged, and took one of our guards, threatened him at gun point, took him along and took us along blindfolded and handcuffed. and directed us into their car. and we head off shooting in the air and leaving those jihadists behind. very brazen action, i have to say. >> i'm glad you and your colleague were able to get out safely. thank you so much for talking to us. >> thank you, anderson. >> very lucky to be alive. another story tonight. a pastor in mississippi asked a couple to change their wedding venue at the last minute. because some of the members in the church didn't want to see them get married there because they're african-american. pretty outrageous story. now some of the other church members are apologizing. details next. [ male announcer ] when she takes the starting block this summer, she's not just natalie coughlin. she's every 5-year-old who ever jumped in a pool and didn't want to get out. ♪ every coach, every rival who ever pushed her. she's the tip of a spear that goes all the way back to the beginning. it's amazing how far you can go with a little help along the way. td ameritrade. proud sponsor of the 2012 u.s. olympic team. that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they help save you up to thousands in out-of-pocket costs. call today to request a free decision guide. with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. i'm isha sesay with a 360 news and business bulletin. the suspected colorado theater gunman was charged today with 142 counts, including 24 counts of first degree murder. that's two counts for each of the 12 people killed 10 days ago. the suspect also faces 116 counts of attempted murder and other charges. the pastor of a mississippi baptist church asked a black couple to change the venue for their wedding two days before the big day because some members of the congregation didn't want to see the couple married there. church leaders addressed the controversy during the services yesterday, saying many ministries are open to everyone. the couple disagrees. uganda's president is warning against handshaking and physical contact as the east african nation battles a highly contagious ebola virus. 14 people have died, at least six others are infected. a grid failure knocked out failure to about 350 million people in northern india today. the outage made for a travel nightmare, with thousands trapped when at least 300 trains were delayed. and traffic gridlock for those in the capital, new delhi. anderson? >> two guys cutting open a watermelon. they split it open by putting a bunch of rubber bands around the watermelon. i didn't know this could work. let's take a look. who knew? never seen that done. i wonder how many rubber bands it takes. let's take a look at this slow motion version. >> let's see this again. >> it's so slow we can't even see it. wow! look at that. >> that is your homework for tonight. find out how many rubber bands it took. >> thanks very much. a piece of exercise you have to see. if you like the shake weight, the thigh master, you're going to love this new exercise machine we found in an infomercial from korea on the ridiculist next.. time now for the g cleaner , putting us to work here in america and supporting wind and solar. though all energy development comes with some risk, we're committed to safely and responsibly producing natural gas. it's not a dream. america's natural gas... putting us in control of our energy future, now. time now for the "ridiculist." and tonight we're adding whatever this thing is. it's a piece of exercise equipment from what appears to be a korean infomercial. it follows in the suggestive foot steps of such devices as the thigh master and shake weight. let's take a look, shall we? hey now. wow. hey now! that's not just suggestive. now, there's a language barrier of course. from what we can gather, this piece of exercise equipment finally addresses a very common problem. that problem being, when you desperately want to ride a horse in your living room, but when you try to mimic the motion without any equipment, you are very likely to fall down. >> see, problem solve. finally a way to pelvic thrust your way to fitness without falling on the floor which always happens to me. to think all we have in this country is the shake weight which looks downright demure by comparison. >> it's going to kick your butt. >> you just shake it back and forth. >> actually, forget the whole demure by comparison thing, it still looks like a "saturday night live" sketch. >> introducing the shake weight commercial dvd. featuring the shake weight commercial three times on a loop, then some static, and then nothing else. >> this dvd's great. first of all, you can show your friends that it's an actual commercial. that's kind of cool. >> sorry, but all i can think of any more is that time when i was playing a game on andy cohen's "watch what happens live." >> anderson cooper, show me how to use this shake weight and you get the point. he gets the point. >> i think i lost the game but i like to believe i won a small victory for dignity that day. i suppose i should just be thankful he didn't get me to demonstrate the korean horse riding machine on live television. >> hey, the olympics are going on. people want to get in shape. we're just doing a public

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Board Members ,Tweets ,Tweeting ,Answer ,Public Relations Firms ,Washington ,Baton Rouge ,Sacramento ,16 Million ,Items ,Cash ,Gifts ,Proof ,Somewhere Else ,Away M Ms ,Navy Shoes ,Fund Raising Company ,Cash Money ,New York ,Webinar ,Everybody ,Number One ,Haven T ,Vet ,Page ,The Up ,Books ,Crutches ,Pop Up ,Link ,Company ,Pairs ,Crutch ,Order ,Millennial ,Yes ,500 ,1500 ,15 ,00 ,Matter ,Anywhere ,Away Crutches ,Everywhere ,Answers ,Road ,Investigators ,Network ,Clarification ,Dvnf On ,Isn T Going ,Msnbc ,Fox ,Reporter ,City ,Tonight Syria ,Battleground ,Inside Aleppo ,Bashar Al Assad ,Fault ,Court ,Streets ,Invitation ,Hub ,Ball ,Fighters ,Fight ,Involvement ,Uh Oh ,Announcer ,Diarrhea Hits ,Kaopectate ,African American ,Source ,Relief Speeds ,Uh Oh Fast ,Congregants ,Church ,Aren T ,Wedding ,Racist ,Complainers ,City Aleppo ,Fighting ,Aleppo Cnn Can T ,Authenticity ,Witnesses ,Video ,In The City ,Attack Helicopters ,Shelling ,Aleppo Have ,Street Battles Raging ,200000 ,Free Syrian Army ,Neighborhoods ,Fate ,Barbara Starr ,Leon Panetta ,Deep Down Assad ,Government Agencies ,Operations ,Shell ,Agency ,Family ,Weapons ,Step ,Opposition ,Ivan Watson ,Victories ,Regime ,Chemical Weapons ,Concerns ,Sites ,Inside Syria ,Latest ,We Saw ,Rebels ,North ,Checkpoint ,Firefight ,Gates ,Sunset Sunday Night ,Rebel Offensive ,The End ,Tanks ,Villages ,Directions ,Position ,Machine Guns ,Night Sky ,Ammunition ,In The End ,Exit Point ,Armored Personnel Carriers ,Tank Rounds ,Border ,Transit Route ,Turkish ,Regime Forces ,Forces ,Earth Berms ,Forces Weren T ,Hilltops ,Fire ,Artillery Strikes ,Men ,Helicopter ,Reinforcements ,Wasn ,Capture ,Shift ,Balance Of Power ,Presence ,Article ,The New York Times ,Jihadists ,Groups ,Assad Regime ,Al Qaeda ,Hostage ,Makeup ,Foreign ,Oman ,Syrian Guide ,Dutch ,Infidels ,Beard ,Touch ,Journalists ,Commanders ,Case ,Guys ,Commander ,Secular ,Spectrum ,Chills ,Islamist ,Hundreds ,Rebel Bands ,Photographer ,Foreigners ,Battle ,Stay Safe ,Rescue ,Misgivings ,Ivan ,Syrians ,Volunteers ,Turkey ,Captive ,July 19 ,19 ,Smugglers ,Jihadist Movement ,Smugglers Route ,Camp ,Camping ,Africa ,Pakistan ,Bangladesh ,Beards ,Spies ,Eyes ,Cia ,Stage ,Imprisonment ,Weren T ,Nice ,Perspective ,Ransom Option ,Captivity ,Run ,Hands ,Couple ,We Hadn T ,Crossfire ,Valley ,Guys Unloading Trucks ,Point ,Arm ,John ,Hold Of John ,One Of Us ,Thigh ,Bullets ,Influence ,Section ,Fighter Presence ,Uniforms ,Soldier ,Outfits ,Four ,Gun Point ,Car ,Hair ,Action ,Guards ,Shooting ,Anderson Cooper ,Pastor ,Wedding Venue ,Mississippi ,Colleague ,Church Members ,Church Didn T ,Summer ,Apologizing ,Coach ,Pool ,Rival ,Natalie Coughlin ,Tip ,Spear ,Beginning ,Doesn T Cover Everything ,Expenses ,Rest ,Aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan ,80 ,Plans ,Thousands ,Decision Guide ,Costs ,Unitedhealthcare ,Medicare Supplement ,Types ,Millions ,Hospital ,Insurance ,Doctor ,Specialist ,Networks ,Medicare ,Referral ,Aarp ,Commitment ,Experience ,Distance ,Gunman ,Theater ,Business Bulletin ,Isha Sesay ,Colorado ,Counts ,Charges ,Suspect ,Murder ,Attempted Murder ,Degree ,Mississippi Baptist Church ,116 ,142 ,12 ,24 ,Congregation Didn T ,Revenue ,Church Leaders ,Virus ,Controversy ,Contact ,Everyone ,Services ,Ministries ,Warning ,Handshaking ,East African ,Uganda ,14 ,Six ,Grid Failure ,Failure ,Northern India Today ,Outage ,Travel Nightmare ,300 ,350 Million ,Rubber Bands ,Watermelon ,Take A Look ,Capital ,Traffic Gridlock ,Bunch ,New Delhi ,Slow Motion Version ,Shake Weight ,Infomercial ,Thigh Master ,Homework ,Exercise ,Exercise Machine ,Ridiculist Next ,Korea ,Energy Development ,Wind ,Solar ,G Cleaner ,Natural Gas ,Dream ,Energy Future ,Exercise Equipment ,Ridiculist ,Devices ,Foot ,Korean ,Language Barrier ,Equipment ,Horse ,Motion ,Living Room ,Pelvic Thrust ,Floor ,Fitness ,Comparison Thing ,Butt ,Demure ,Weight ,Sketch ,Saturday Night Live ,Static ,Commercial ,Game ,Loop ,Cool ,Nothing Else ,Andy Cohen ,Friends ,Dignity ,Many ,Places ,Record ,Ignorant ,Iraq ,Egypt ,Horse Riding Machine ,Public ,Television ,Shape ,

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