vital news to anyone who uses a cell phone. today, world health organization panel took a fresh look at the medical research and concluded that cell phones are possibly carcinogenic. days after dr. sanjay gupta investigated serious questions about the current research on cell phones and cancer. here's a portion of sanjay's report, which aired as recently as last night, foreshadowing today's stunning 180 from the w.h.o. on cell phone safety. >> if you've ever put a cell phone to your ear, you should listen to what neurosurgeon dr. keith black has to say. >> there's no way to say cell phone use is safe. i think that the public has a right to know that there could be a potential risk. the public generally assumes if one is selling something on the market that we have had assurances that that device is safe. >> to be clear, dr. black's message is at odds with headlines from the largest international study on cell phones in cancer. their conclusion, little or no evidence cell phones are associated with brain tumors. but if you look just one layer deeper into the appendix of that same study, you'll see something unsettling. turns out participants in the study who use a cell phone for ten years or more had double the rate of brain glioma, a type of tumor. >> that's what triggered today's warning, a closer look at the studies. last year, interphone, a 13-country study, found no overall higher risk of brain tumors but found that people who used a cell phone for ten years or more had double the rate of a cancer called glioma, which is one of the most aggressive forms of brain cancer. other studies have been more reassuring. some studies have caused new reasons for concern. earlier this year, researchers using brain scans showed that less than an hour of cell phone use can increase brain activity in the area closest to the phone antenna. it's important to point out, cell phone radiation is measured on the assumption that you do not hold the phone to your ear. but who does it that way? phone makers recommend half inch or more. for years, i like most of you, pressed the phone against my ear. even the manufacturers recommend that you don't do that. the studies are confusing and none is done the same way. and then there's this, our medical producer spoke recently to a researcher, dr. henry lay of the university of washington. like the w.h.o., he's been reviewing cell phone studies. what he found is that in the studies not funded by the cell phone industry, 67% reported negative health effects like fertility problems and cancer. but in a studies that were funded by the cell phone industry, just 28%. again, that's according to a respected long-time researcher on radiation and its effects on people. but just like anything to do with the cancer link, you can't draw any firm conclusions on that, just like the w.h.o. couldn't draw a firm cancer connection from the studies they looked at. they could only confer possibilities and reasons for concern. that's why the cell phone industry trade group say the reports say they do not cause cancer, but they do say they might. i sat down earlier tonight with dr. sanjay gupta. the world health organization has always assured consumers that cell phone radiation had no adverse health effects. today it seems like a different message that they're sending. >> it very much does. this is happening as what he speak. what they're saying is that cell phone use and these electromagnetic waves, they're going to classify that as a possible carcinogen. carcinogen means cancer causing agent. so this is very different from what we've been hearing from the world health organization for some time. look, this is 31 scientists representing many different countries. they looked at existing studies, anderson. many of the ones we've talked about. this wasn't new research. they looked at the existing studies, including the interphone studies and after deliberation, they came to this conclusion, a possible cancer causing agent is how they're labeling it. >> what is a carcinogen? other carcinogens are lead and chloroform, but the cell phone industry is dismissing this, saying coffee is also listed in this group. >> the way that they classify these things, they say there's things like tobacco, there are things that are probable carcinogens and this they're calling a possible carcinogen. and you're lead -- you're right, lead and chloroform is in that category. gasoline exhaust is in this category. with regard to coffey, i saw that, as well. coffee, there was some concern that there might be an increase in bladder cancer as a result of coffee consumption. but you're getting an idea of the imperfections of the science here. they can draw a cause and effect relationship. they're not saying they have done that by any means. looking at all the existing studies, they're changing their stance. the world health organization is changing their stance and saying this is not something that we're going to say has no merit whatsoever, we're saying this is a possible carcinogen and merits more study. >> so the u.s. government is also very firm in saying there's insufficient evidence that cell phone radiation poses a health risk. do you think the w.h.o. decision may now alter the u.s. policy? >> i think they might. we talk about the fact that the fcc says look, there's no risk, you don't need to do anything extra to protect yourself, which we reported on a couple weeks ago. you know, the world health organization is a very legitimate body of scientists. again, they represent scientists from all over the world. they all have a lot of legitimacy, so i think it will be interesting to see how they react. they're not saying a cause and effect relationship, but they're saying that there's no evidence whatsoever, we're not saying that either. so this is a step in another direction for them. >> it sounds like the bottom line here today is something you've been reporting on this program for several weeks is cell phone radiation may cause cancer. so what are the best ways to limit exposure? >> that's the interesting thing about this. so many things we talk about on that list that you mention, they're more unavoidable. there aren't many things that you can do to mitigate your risk. with this, even in the pamphlets that come with cell phones, they say you should not hold a cell phone next to your ear. they say you should be at least half inch to an inch away. you could use an ear piece is what i use. i think that by simply doing that, the amount of radiation drops off significantly the further and further away it is from your head. we're talking about the brain here. the glioma, this is what they're most concerned with here. move that cell phone away from your ear, use an ear piece like this and you can greatly mitigate your risk. >> i think that's important. when you told me that when we did this story a week or two ago, i bought an ear piece and i've been using it since. or i've been trying to text a lot and keeping the phone away from my body and not in my pocket. but i don't think most people know that. everybody you see on the street, they have the phone pressed up against their head and that's how i've been using it for years. >> most people do. and i think that what is so interesting about this, anderson, we're seeing this unfold real time. we talked about this a couple times over the last couple weeks. this world health organization, i don't think anybody knew what they were going to say before we heard the announcement this afternoon. this is unfolding. as more people learn about this, the message is absolutely not saying don't use your cell phone. people are going to use their cell phone. the message is there's a possibility of a risk here and it's an easy one to address. most people can address this pretty easily. especially children who will likely be using a cell phone for the rest of their lives, should think about this, as well. >> and studies have not been done on the effects of children, right? >> there have not, which i think is surprising. a lot of the concern is that the skin is thinner, the bone is thinner. could the effect be greater as a result? >> get an earphone if you can. use that, keep the cell phone away from your body and away from your ear, even if you don't have an ear piece, just keep it away. sanjay, thank you very much. >> you got it, anderson. >> let us know what you think about it on facebook or twitter @ anderson cooper. i'll be tweeting some tonight. still ahead, we've seen a lot about syria, but this is perhaps the worst. a 13-year-old boy reportedly tortured and murdered by the regime. his name, hamza. his death has sparked renewed outrage in syria. i know it's hard to take, but we feel we owe it to this little boy to bear witness to what has happened to him. we'll talk with a human rights activist hiding in syria right now. also, the revealing photographs from congressman anthony wiener's cell phone. he said he was hacked but he's refusing to answer more questions and he had a very heated exchange. we'll show you all of it but here's just a short part. >> we follow some rules here and -- >> i would love to get an answer. >> you do the question, i do the answer and this jackass interrupts me? >> he's talking about our producer. isha sesay is following other stories for us tonight. isha? a dramatic day in the casey anthony trial. cindy anthony, casey's mom, bloke down on the stand and she practically collapsed. she had to ask the judge for a break. coming up, the 911 recording that made her fall apart. tonight, the question k, building up our wireless network all across america. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your wireless network experience. from a single phone call to the most advanced data download, we're covering more people in more places than ever before in an effort to give you the best network possible. at&t. rethink possible. constipated? phillips' caplets use magnesium, an ingredient that works more naturally with your colon than stimulant laxatives, for effective relief of constipation without cramps. thanks. 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>> look, this was a prank that i've now been talking about for a couple of days. i'm not going to allow it to decide what i talk about for the next week or two weeks. and so i'm not going to be giving anything more about that today. i think i've been responsive. >> but with respect, you're here, which we appreciate, but you're not answering the questions. can you just say why you haven't asked law enforcement to investigate? >> you know, dana, if i was giving a speech to 45,000 people and someone in the back of the room threw a pie or yelled out an insult, would i spend the next two hours responding to that? >> no. >> i would get back -- >> this is not that situation. >> you want to do the briefing? do you want to do the briefing, sir? >> from your twitter account, a lewd photograph was sent to a college student. answer the question, was it from you or not? >> do you want me to finish my answer? >> yes, this answer. did you send it or not? >> if i were giving a speech to 45,000 people and someone in the back threw a pie or yelled out an insult, i would not spend the next two hours of my speech responding to that pie or that insult. i would return to the things that i want to talk about to the audience that i -- >> all you have to do is say "no." >> that is what i intend to do. >> all you have to do is say no to the question. >> let me try a different question. >> the woman who allegedly got this tweet, this 21-year-old college student in seattle, she released a statement saying you follow her on twitter. is that true? and if so, what is the reason? >> you know, i have said this a couple of ways and i'll say it again. i'm not going to permit myself to be distracted by this issue any longer. >> all you have to do is say no to that question. if you're not following her on twitter -- >> why don't you let me do the answers and you do the questions. >> congressman, you understand the frustration. we appreciate you're talking to us, you're smiling, you're cooperating, but you're not answering the question. >> this is now day three. you have statements that my office has put out. >> but they don't answer the question. >> there are statements that i've had my office put out and there are going to be people who -- look, this is the tactic. the guy in the back of the room who is yelling out the insult wants that to be the conversation. >> but you said you were hacked and that's a potential crime. >> dana, i'm going to have to ask that we follow some rules. one of them is you ask the question and i'll give an answer. >> i would love to get an answer. >> you do the questions, i do the answers and this jackass interrupts me, how about that? let me just give you the answer. the objective of the person who is doing mischief is to try to distract me from what i'm doing. for the last couple of days that has happened. i made a decision i'm not going to let it happen today or tomorrow. >> if this is the nonstory you say it is -- >> i characterize it as a distraction. i'll leave it to you to make the distinction. >> if this is the distraction, you're a sophisticated guy, just answer the questions. >> i've been doing that for several days. now i choose -- now i choose -- there are people here who haven't read the statements. i assume that you have. look, all i can tell you is this, this is akin to someone deciding on day three or four they want to continue talking about something i consider a distraction and the decision i've made is i'm not going to permit it to distract me. i'm not going to permit it to continue on for three, four, five, six days. if that's unsatisfactory to you, i apologize. but i think what people want me to talk about is the debt limit vote tonight, or things like the oppressive disparity between the wealthy in this country and people that don't have as much or it's more difficult being in the middle class in this country. that's what i'm here to work on. thank you, guys. >> dana bash you saw in that interview joins me now with senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin. dana, what questions has he not answered? >> all the ones you just heard me asking. what is so weird about this is it's so plausible that his twitter account was hacked, it really is. the experts we talked to, it's very easy to do. so the fact that he just won't answer some basic questions just even say point blank that it wasn't him is very weird. >> so he has not said that's not a picture of my private parts? >> no. earlier today he came out and was very gracious and answered reporters questions earlier in the day, as well. he was asked, is the picture you? and he gave a similar answer to the one he gave over and over in the clip you just saw. >> and he wouldn't say whether he was following her on twitter, right? >> no, she -- the woman we're talking about, this 21-year-old college student, who was the alleged recipient of this tweet, she actually said in her statement to the "new york daily news" that anthony wiener was following her on twitter. so that's one of the questions you heard us try to ask, is that true, and if so, why were you following her? who knows? maybe she sent some funny tweets. he wouldn't answer that question. he kept talking about the 45,000 people in the room. >> jeff, why would he secure an attorney -- i get why he would secure an attorney but why wouldn't he contact the capitol police if in fact this was a hack? >> i can understand that. he might be hiring an attorney to see if he wants to sue someone. it doesn't mean he did anything wrong that he hired an attorney. the weird thing about this story is he started out being very open and treating it as a joke, and now in this sort of hilarious interview with dana and ted, he's acting like a perp, like someone who has something to hide, which of course extends the story and suggests he had something to hide. in his defense, we do need to point out that the person behind this is andrew brightbart, who's made a practice of targeting democrats, shirley sherrod most notoriously, and his stories tend to fall apart on close inspection. here, unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your perspective, wiener doesn't seem to be ending the story, he seems to be extending it. >> dana, if he called the capitol police and asked them to look into it, they would do that, right? >> absolutely. that is the protocol here on capitol hill. i talked to law enforcement sources, and they said that if -- it would not be unusual for a member of congress who felt that their account was hacked if they called the capitol police to please look into this, i want to know who did this, they would do it. and a spokesman for the fbi, who would also be a potential place that would investigate, they also said that congressman wiener has not called to ask for an investigation. which is as you saw, if you said you were hacked, why not get to the bottom of who did it? he said that it was a prank and wants to move on. but it was just a little odd that he wouldn't answer that question. >> it's also far from clear that even if he was hacked, there was a crime committed here. as far as i'm aware, there's never been a criminal prosecution based on impersonating someone on twitter. if he actually sent this lewd photo, i don't think that's a crime either. it's probably bad taste, but i just don't think this is really a law enforcement matter. it's a political matter. >> you get the sense that his strategy is just kind of wait this out and thinking it will just go away? >> absolutely. that's what it seems to be. he's very cognizant as i said of the optics of this story. earlier today, he came out to the cameras, talked to another one of our producers and was answering some questions and she started to ask another followup question. he came back and he said, i want to come back because i don't want you to have a shot of me walking away from the camera. today, he came over to us and to other reporters very carefully doing so, he even went to his office to put on a tie. he doesn't want to look like he's running away from this, he's coming and talking to us, it's just what he's saying is not answering basic questions about what all went down and as you both pointed out, raising more questioning. >> dana bash, appreciate it. jeff toobin as well. thank you very much. up next, syrians rallying around a 13-year-old boy and against the brutal regime they believe tortured him to death. it's not just syrians. tough talk from secretary of state clinton about this boy and what happened to him. we'll talk to a woman in hiding right now in syria. later, the casey anthony murder trial. casey's mom breaking down on the stand. nancy grace and defense attorney mark geragos join me with two very different perspectives on the case. i'm chef michael, and my dog bailey and i love to hang out in the kitchen. you love the aroma of beef tenderloin, don't you? 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natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ keeping them honest tonight. more evidence that syria's dictatorship is abducting, torturing and murdering its own children. children like hamza, 13 years old, taken by security forces at a protest rally last month. his family had no word for a month about their little boy. imagine that, the government taking your child and for a month you not having any information about him. then the government returned hamza to his family. they returned him dead. the terribly mutilated body was given to the family last week. we're going to show you some pictures, we're blurring them but they're difficult to look at. so i want to give you warning right now. it's hard to watch but we think it's important to know what happened to this little boy and and it's a museum out there. and that is where it will be on display. of course we know "atlantis," which will fly in july, the last shuttle to fly. it's going to make its home right here at the kennedy space center once it's retired. and "discovery," which has already flown its last flight will be at the smithsonian. picking up on leroy's point about the "endeavour." endaefr would never have been built if it hadn't been for the very tragic challenger accident. it was ronald reagan at the time saying we are going to press forward. we're going to continue with the exploration of space and they made the decision to build the replacement for the "challenger." >> i just want to interrupt, to explain to our viewers, we can actually see "endeavour" now. >> there it is. there it is. >> looking at the cameras, and it's coming in right now. the wheels are down, flared over the runway. >> gear down and locked. touchdown. chute deployed by greg johnson. forward, you're touchdown. and so after a journey of 6.5 million miles, "endeavour" landing in darkness, illuminated by the dedication of every scientist, engineer, flight control, mechanic and dreamer who helped to fly. the ship completing its 122 millionth mile after the crew delivered an instrument to the international space station. it will sift through the cosmic darkness for years to come. >> houston, "endeavour," wheels stop. >> 122 million miles flown during 25 challenging space flights. your landing ends a vibrant legacy for this amazing vehicle that will long be remembered. welcome home, "endeavour." >> thank you, houston. you know, the space shuttle is an amazing vehicle. to fly through the atmosphere, hit it at mach 25, i mean steer through the atmosphere like an airplane, land on a runway, it is really an incredible ship. on behalf of my entire crew, i want to thank every person who has worked to get this mission going. and every person who has worked on "endeavour." it's sad to see her land for the last time, but she really has a great legacy. >> great words. thank you, mark. and we'll meet you and your crew on 5-3. >> you know, john, we don't want anybody out there that is watching to worry about that, what they're seeing there. you know, as leroy chau, who is probably still with us can testify, that's just a burn off of some propellants. you don't see it during daylight launches. it's not a fire. it's not significant thanything has to worry about as we see "endeavour" sitting there. >> let's go back to leroy who can tell us exactly what happened, exactly what we're watching with "endeavour." leroy? >> right, john is correct. it's nothing to worry about. what you're seeing interest exhausts from the auxiliary power units. you can think of them as small jet engines. and they're burning hydrozine. supplies the hydraulic pressure for all of the systems i aboard the "endeavour." >> when i saw the "endeavour" coming in, i heard the communications and the talk between mark kelly and mission control, it was a real goose bump moment for me. what was it like for you, leroy? this must have been -- i don't want to overapply it, but fairly emotional for you. >> very much so. any shuttle flight is special. coming up to the landing or the culmination of the end of the flight is a very special moment. that's kind of a stressful time on the commander as he or she makes the actual landing. and as you come down, the wheels stop, especially this time, the last time for "endeavour," it's definitely bittersweet. i did my first two spacewalks out of "endeavour's" air lock many years ago. and every vehicle, every shuttle is special. and "endeavour" is no exception. >> leroy, we're now coming up to the last shuttle flight, the "atlantis" in july, if it all goes according to plan and on schedule. and that's now leading to a lot of people to ask the question, what would we not have if we did not have the shuttle program and all of the hundreds of billions of dollars that were spent? >> well, you know, it's -- the shuttle is still the most advanced flying machine ever built. it never lived up to the promise of inexpensive access to space unfortunately, but we learned a heck of a lot about operating a reusable vehicle. and the lessons learned that can be applied in the future to a reusable vehicle are invaluable. so as i said before, there is no vehicle that has anywhere close to the capability of shuttle in the past or even for the future. she takes off like a rocket, takes a crew of up to seven astronauts, payload of over 50,000 pounds. it's a superb orbiting laboratory as well as construction platform. you can do spacewalks. it's got a robotic arm. you can take up big pieces of space station or other things and deploy it. so, you know, there is nothing even on the drawing boards that can come even close to her capabilities. yes, it's an expensive program. but to me it was well worth it. >> and let's just go back to john zarrella. not only was this an amazing final touchdown, but this mission in itself, the back story, john, and all of this with commander mark kelly and the u.s. congresswoman gabrielle giffords, who was shot in the head as we know, but was there for the liftoff. give us some of those details. because that was incredible. >> yeah, it really was. for a while, it was questioned as to whether mark kelly was even going to be able to continue to command this flight. and after his wife was shot, he took some time down. and nasa appointed an interim commander so the crew could continue their training. then once his wife, gabrielle giffords, was moved to houston for the rehabilitation center there, kelly gave it some long thought and conversations with family members, et cetera, et cetera. and he came out in a news conference and said look, she is here. i'm here. we're both in houston. what am i going to do? she is in rehab all day. i might as well be training for a flight. and so the bottom line was that the decision was made by his family and by her that he would go ahead and fly this flight. and then the drama was would gabrielle giffords be able to watch her husband when he lifted off from the space center. and, in fact, you know, it was certainly a minor miracle if you believe in such things that she was even able to come here to witness that liftoff, and then go back home to houston and continue her rehab. and in fact had an operation on her skull while he was flying this mission. so that's quite a bit of the back story to this whole, you know, "endeavour" final flight was the giffords-kelly drama that played out over several months. john? >> it's an amazing story. everything to do with the "endeavour" right now. so john zarrella there at the kennedy space center. we had leroy chau in houston, texas. we've lost him but thank him for him time. john, we thank you for being with us so early in the morning. for our viewers in the u.s., we say goodbye. you'll return to "anderson cooper 360". >> an elaborate story about how the girl was a nanny, giving a name, talking about when she would see the trial. all according to prosecutors, a fabrication. >> did she ever seem sad that she did not see her? >> her demeanor never clanged. she was the same person. >> taped conversations with family members are also in evidence, this one with her brother. >> there is nothing to find out there. is absolutely nothing to find out. if i knew where caylee was, do you think any of this would be happening? no. >> this one with her mother. >> if anything happened to that baby, i'll die. do you understand? this. >> i got within three feet of my daughter's car, and the worst odor that you could possibly smell in the world. and i've smelled that before. it smelled like a decomposed body. >> reporter: some witnesses describe a different person, a caring mother close to her child. >> it was amazing. casey and caylee had a very special bond. >> reporter: but which version of casey anthony the jurors buy will determine her fate. tom foreman, cnn. >> hln's nancy grace has been following this case from the beginning. i spoke to her earlier, along with criminal defense attorney mark geragos. nancy, the prosecution doesn't have a motive, and they don't have a cause of death. aren't those the kind of two biggest problems that they're facing? >> well, anderson, as you well know, the state doesn't have to prove motive at all. how are we, the state, supposed to crawl into somebody's mind, especially a defendant on trial for murder, and determine what they're thinking? but as a practical reason, they do need to show that to the jury. however, i think they are showing motive, anderson. by all the problems tot mom had finding babysitters, she wouldn't pay for them. there was resentment between her and her parents that was mounting when they couldn't take care of caylee every night. and it got to the point where the prosecution will allege her babysitter was homemade chloroform. >> mark, to you, is the lack of motive, is the lack of -- maybe even more important, the cause of death a big problem for the prosecution? >> i think the cause of death is potentially fatal for the prosecution. but in terms of the motive, when nancy says you can't crawl into the mind, the prosecution has to crawl into the mind. in order to do a murder prosecution, you have to have malice, and malice is what is the defendant's state of mind. so that's exactly what you're focused on. you have to number one prove a manner and cause of death, or at least if you can't do that, you've got to give the jury some kind of a credible story as to what happened. so this is -- the prosecution has an uphill battle, i think. other than the fact that they're going to resort to what i affectionately call the character assassination evidence. >> nancy, are they assassinating her character? it seems like the defense is doing that to her parents. >> yes, anderson, they are. as a matter of fact in the last hours, tot mom's mother cindy anthony has on the stand doubled over in tears as she was cross examined by the defense. and interestingly, anderson, her own daughter looked on as if she didn't even know who cindy anthony was, completely stone faced. and in response to mr. geragos, anyone that's been watching the testimony and been in the courtroom knows the state has established motive and certainly a jury is not going to give a gold star to a defendant that manages to hide a 2-year-old's body until it decomposes beyond a determination of cause of death. believe me, tot mom has told so many lies the cause of death is going to pale in comparison to the rest of the testimony. >> mark, when you have a client who has told numerous fabrications to law enforcement and led law enforcement on literally led them to an office building she no longer worked in, claiming she was working there, isn't her credibility a huge problem for her defense? >> of course. credibility is something that's going to always be a problem for any defendant, because that's what prosecutors do. prosecutors lay out the defendant. they try to get a jury to believe that somebody who lies, therefore you're going to make the leap to therefore they're a murderer. when nancy says motive has been proven, i would challenge that. first, nancy's argument is that they don't need to prove a motive, and now it's abundant that they prove the motive because they couldn't get a babysitter. the fact remains, the prosecution, if the jury is focused on the evidence, has to show how did she die, give us a credible explanation as to how she died and the cause of death. that's criminal law 101. i understand that if you don't like the person, the easy way out of this is to demonize the defendant. that's nothing new. but by demonizing the defendant, that's not supposed to supply any lack of evidence that you've got if you're the prosecutor. >> anderson, i hardly think that tot mom's own computer searches back in march when caylee goes missing in june, how do you make homemade chloroform, how do you make weapons out of household items, how do you break someone's neck, these are her computer searches. and then chloroform turns up in toxic levels in her trunk. chloroform is found at the scene where the dead body is. that's hardly character assassination, that is hard evidence, anderson. >> mark, is that hard evidence? >> well, look, all of these things that are supposedly out there, until they get into a courtroom and you see them in a courtroom, you understand what it is, until they've been cross examined, i don't buy any of it until you see it and -- >> nobody is trying to sell it to you, geragos. >> look, nobody is trying to -- all they're trying to do, and when nancy starts calling her tot mom and making fun of her, it's just part of the demonization of the defendant. >> the defense attorney has been questioning george anthony very aggressively, the allegation -- making allegations against him that he basically abused casey anthony. why would that play into this case? >> i think the defense would have had a very good opportunity, anderson, if they had stuck with a straight accidental defense. if tot mom said she drowned on my watch, it was my fault and i panicked. i didn't want to tell my mother and i set it up to look like a murder, as crazy as that may sound to the jury, that's what i did. i think she would have had an actual shot at a lesser included offense, like voluntary manslaughter. but claiming the reason i didn't tell anybody is because my father and brother molested me and then you put george anthony on the stand and he's credible and believable, you've got to decide who you believe, tot mom or george anthony. that's what it's going to boil down to. >> mark geragos, nancy grace, thank you very much. up next, building up america. we'll take you inside a restaurant where feeding the hungry is taken to a new level. y sweet & salty nut bars... they're made from whole roasted nuts and dipped in creamy peanut butter, making your craving for a sweet & salty bar irresistible, by nature valley. ♪ ♪ membership rewards points from american express. they're a social currency with endless possibilities. sadly, no. oh. but i did pick up your dry cleaning and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi place around the corner. well, in that case, i better get back to these invoices... which i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? 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