Transcripts For CNNW American Morning 20110715

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welcome, everybody. it is friday, july 15th. i'm soledad o'brien. you are watching snoonk kiran is off, christine is off, welcome soledad. good to see you. >> thank you. we have a lot to do today. let's get right to it. serious new pressure on rupert murdock and his global media empire. the justice department says it's now investigating the claims that one of its tabloids tried to hack 9/11 victims' phones. a report in another british tabloid, "the mirror" quoting a source who says "news of the world," the newspaper which folded under the pressure of the hacking scandal, hired an investigator to try to tap the phones. now lawmakers, law enforcement, and 9/11 families are all demanding the truth. >> susan candiotti following the latest for us on this and breaking, one casualty of the news international, rebekah brooks has resigned. >> the question is, does this mean that the walls are crumbling at news corp. it's too early to say, bulls this is a crack in the wall. she was a protege of rupert murdock, rose through the ranks, the ceo. lately, certainly have been seeing her by his side with the flowing red hair. for her to announce she is resigning is certainly big news. in fact, she even said, in her resignation letter, feels a deep responsibility as she puts it, quote, for the people we have hurt and wants to say how sorry i am for what we now know has taken place. >> interesting to hear that kind of language. really kind of resisting we did something really wrong and her resignation letter says that. >> pushing back, too. we now know. >> we didn't know before, she says. then we have that and the fact that justice department here in the united states, is getting involved in this scandal. we're hearing that the fbi is now involved. >> they are involved. and overnight, we are learning from the u.s. attorney general himself, eric holder, he told reporters in australia that, in fact, yes, this investigation is ongoing. they've been hearing a lot from congressmen, senators, saying that this must be looked at. 9/11 families as well. eric holder says yes, he is acknowledging the investigation. here's part of what he said. >> well, there have been serious allegations raised in that regard in great britain and there are -- there's an ongoing investigation as is appropriate, there have been members of congress and the united states who have asked us to investigate those same allegations and we are progressing in that regard using the appropriate federal law enforcement agencies in the united states. >> so again, people are saying, too, we shouldn't jump top conclusions. they're looking at one report to see whether these allegations are true. >> i was going to ask you, have there been any details, you talk about 9/11 and phone hacking and people go crazy, have there been any details about what they're talking about? >> there really aren't many details other than this report that was in the british tabloid that, in fact, a former cop, who worked as a private investigator, was asked to hack into the records of 9/11 voice mails and phone records and you all -- we all remember that after 9/11, we heard that, in fact, some of these recordings were made public, but by family members themselves. did other -- did hacking happen as well. they want to find out. certainly the family the do. they're calling this grotesque if it really happened. >> a lot of people are. susan candiotti, thanks, susan. a new report in today's edition of "the wall street journal" says that osama bin laden was putting together a team of terrorists to attack the u.s., ten years to the day that the twin towers came down. the intel comes from documents that navy s.e.a.l.s seized when they killed the terror leader. some of the first reports we heard suggested bin laden was looking to attack trains and bin laden was reportedly looking for militants already -- who already had legitimate passports. over 1,0009/11 survivors, some who fled the burning buildings who collapsed will not be allowed to attend the ceremonies. reports say the mayor's office told one survivor's group there's not enough room at the place where the ceremonies will be held. the annual ceremonies are reserved for family members of people who died in the attacks. >> that's got to be brutal for people who -- >> survived them. >> absolutely. completely. happening right now, secretary of state hillary clinton is in turkey this morning at the top of her to-do list, stepping up international pressure on the libyan dictator moammar gadhafi. clinton says she believes that gadhafi's days in power are, quote, numbered. turkey is the first stop on the diplomatic world tour. that will take secretary clinton to greece, then to india, indonesia, and china over the next 12 days. the president is pushing the pause button on the debt debate. just 19 days remain until the u.s. hits the debt ceiling and triggers at least a partial default. president obama scheduled the address -- is scheduled to address the nation at 11:00 a.m. eastern and we'll cover that live. >> no negotiations planned today after five meetings in five days leaders have been told to talk to their colleagues and figure out how to move the process forward. the president is prepared to reconvene the debt talks on saturday. while nobody is sounding very optimistic about a deal, there is a possible compromise in the works. >> the senate's two top leaders, democrat harry reid and republican mitch mcconnell are working on a fallback plan, the compromised deal that would give the president enhanced authority to raise the debt limit with procedures attached that could lead to spending cuts. >> we don't have it worked out yet, but it's something that we're looking to. hopefully we can come up with this big, robust deal we've been trying to get but until we do that we're going to have to look at other alternatives and his is one of them. >> something has to be worked out pretty fast because now a second credit agency, credit rating agency, standard & poor's is warning there's a 50% chance they will downgrade america's credit rating in the next three months. at a hearing yesterday the federal reserve chairman ben bernanke told lawmakers a stalemate on raising the debt ceiling is not an option. >> i think it would be kalam my tas outcome, create a severe financial shock that would have effects not only in the u.s. economy, but in the global economy. default on those securities would throw the financial system into -- into potentially into cha chaos. >> he made a very interesting point yesterday. he said whether or not you choose to default on loans or social security, a default for credit purposes is a default. eric cantor, by the way, has been pretty silent, laying low after reportedly challenging the president during debt talks on wednesday. he says the president told him, erir rick, don't call my bluff, before walking out of the meeting. president obama insists that's not how it went down. >> no. look, at the end of the meeting, after we had already met for a couple hours, what i said to the group was, what i think the american people feel, which is, we have a responsibility to do the right thing, we shouldn't be overly partisan, we shouldn't be posturing, we should solve problems. >> now as we said, the president is going to be addressing the nation at about 11:00 a.m. eastern time and you can watch it right here live on cnn. minnesota might be back in business soon. negotiators have reached a tentative budget deal, reached that last night. state officials are hoping to get it passed early next week to end a 15-day government shutdown. once that happens, those 22,000 state employees can get back to work. 98 road construction projects will resume. and the state parks could open again. jurors in high-profile cases like the casey anthony trial can expect a big pay day sometimes, but a florida lawmaker is looking to ban future jurors from cashing in. this proposal would make it illegal for a juror to accept compensation for information immediately following a case. there would be a 270 day, or nine-month cooling off period. violators could face a heavy fine and jail time. this way, law makers say jurors won't be biased during the deliberations. the bill came about after casey anthony juror sort of went out and got a publicist right after the trial. that brings us to our question of the day. should jurors be able to cash in on their cases? we want to know what you think. send us an e-mail, tweet, let us know on facebook. we're reading some of your comments later in the show. casey anthony walk away a free woman on sunday, but clearly her troubles will be far from over. her face is recognized across the country. people were glued to watching the trial and what she's doing next and what comes along with that infamy is a pr nightmare. how can casey anthony even begin to rebuild her life and her image? david mattingly weighs in for us this morning, joins us live from orlando. hey, david. >> good morning, soledad. casey anthony will soon be free. she won't be behind bars anymore, but that doesn't mean she won't be able to have any privacy. she's going to be receiving a lot of scrutiny. the question now is, will she be able to manage it? >> reporter: as one of the most watched and talked about people in the country, public relations executives weigh in with a word of caution to casey anthony. do not confuse enfa my with fame. >> it is not fame. there's interest in you, a lot of it is negative interest. don't confuse that situation with celebrity. don't think that you have to go out and do a whole lot of things right now. as a matter of fact, it's best probably to lay low. >> caylee! >> reporter: if that's even possible. angry words we heard outside the orange county courthouse are tiny in comparison to the casey anthony hatred expressed on-line. more than 770,000 people are signed on to just one of many anti-casey pages on facebook. >> we the jury find the defendant not guilty. >> reporter: acquitted in a court of law, casey anthony may need to begin fighting for her freedom in the court of public opinion the minute she walks out of jail. >> most people are going to be looking at her expression. i think people need to see remorse. i think people need to see that she understands the fact that she lost her daughter. she doesn't need to walk out of jail smiling. she doesn't need to walk out of jail with a smirk on her face. she needs to walk out of jail looking like a mother who lost her child. >> reporter: and from there, experts believe it would be time, at least temporarily, to disappear, consider the offers that come her way, and decide how best to tell her story. >> we're going to have to hear from casey anthony. we're going to have to hear a first person account. people will be interested in what she has to say. whether or not they accept it or not is a different story. >> reporter: we know casey anthony will be leaving jail on sunday, that's according to the terms of the latest sentence she's carrying out for lying to the police. we don't know where, when or how. those questions will not be answered and probably, soledad, until after she's out. >> all right. david mattingly for us, thanks. >> how long do you think before casey anthony's not something everybody is talking about? is that a year, three years. >> if she disappears, goes away somewhere and as they said, disguises herself as david was saying. >> she's not going to do. >> going to be a long time. are you into world cup? >> i'm literally a soccer mom. my kids are in soccer camp, all four, this morning. they're very into it. world cup fever. >> this sunday is the big game. world cup final, women's world cup final. >> usa versus japan. >> we're just talking about soccer. >> world cup. >> it's america's first final since they went all the way back in 1999. the u.s. team beat france 3-1 on wednesday to get to this final game. and that game drew the highest weekday ratings ever for a women's world cup match. >> how did that compare to the men's world cup match? >> it was still a lot less, but it's a pretty big deal. hearing people who have been telling me they've loved it. >> we'll talk to one of the breakout stars of the tournament, team usa goalie, hope solo. >> we'll be talking to her. excited about that. still to come this morning, two planes, a big one and small one, have a bit of a collision, a collision on the tarmac at boston's logan airport. everybody turned out okay. google taking a bite out of the social networking pie, should the folks at facebook be sdmern concerned? yes, they should. >> the beginning of the end for the "harry potter" movies. >> how sad. >> are you really? >> no. actually not at all. by the way, it's not the end. >> that's probably true. as a business guy i will agree with you there. the so-called final "harry potter" film premiered at midnight. shows from coast to coast. it will rock the box office this weekend. you are watching "american morning." we'll tell you about that. 14 minutes after the hour. hey, the new guy is loaded with protein! really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. new ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] new ensure high protein. ensure! nutrition in charge! but i did. they said i couldn't fight above my weight class. but i did. they said i couldn't get elected to congress. but i did. ♪ sometimes when we touch ha ha! millions of hits! [ male announcer ] flick, stack, and move between active apps seamlessly. only on the new hp touchpad with webos. welcome back be to "american morning." welcome to you, soledad. good to have you here. >> thank you for having me. scary moments for passengers on board two planes that collided kind of on the ground at boston's logan international airport. officials tell us delta 767 was taxiing out to the runway last night when it clipped the tail of an atlantic southeast commuter plane. no we were taxiing pretty slowly and felt a huge bump, like, you know, it was terrifying. like what happened? everybody said at once, what happened? >> the tip of the wing just was sheered right off and i think the whole tail section or like the tail fin came off of the other plane. >> one person on the delta flight complained of neck pain but no other injuries. the ntsb is investigating the incident. >> that's got to be terrifying. >> real bad when you're in one of those planes and it happens. >> anything sheering off is bad words to hear about planes. this story, the tsa says a man was caught trying to board a plane in baltimore last week with 13 knives in his carry-on luggage. >> where has he been? does he know you can't bring it on a plane. doesn't appear officials say that the 24-year-old was involved in any kind of plot or threat. told investigators he is, in fact, a knife collector. em i'm a knife collector. >> apparently he is. >> all in my carry-on. charged with carrying a concealed deadly weapon and interfering with security personnel. >> people who collect knives or guns -- >> they ship them. >> they don't bring them in the carreon luggage. >> they seal them, they ship them. >> the tsa moving forward with a program. it allows for prevetted so-called trusted travelers to get through airport security faster. now they'll begin testing it in the fall at airports in atlanta, detroit, miami and dallas/ft. worth using select delta and american airlines frequent fliers. the program tee signed to ease screening for travelers who provide additional personal information ahead of time. >> the former defense secretary donald rumsfeld might want to sign up for that. this is him. >> that's him. >> getting the full-on pat-down at chicago' o'hare. witnesses said he was all smiles and very nice, probably because he knew people were taking pictures of him, so he's going to be during that pat-down. >> day eight of the space shuttle "atlantis's" mission getting a wake-up call from paul mccartney and the beatles singing "good day sunshine." officials say the shuttle is stable, no concerns for crew's safety. "atlantis" is scheduled to return to earth on july 21st, end up being a 13-day mission. they've extended it by a day. midnight magic for "harry potter" fans across the country. >> you didn't just say that, did you? >> the muggleles. i did call them the moguls. waiting for the midnight premier of "harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2" the final film in the franchise. >> was it last night at midnight? a few hours ago. >> this morning. >> the premier started. good. >> yes. those are the pictures of people who not only got in line but dressed you. >> nice. it's "deathly hall loss part 2" broke box office records before the opened. this is why i'm confused. $25 million in advanced ticket sales. nobody has got than. >> going to be a good weekend. >> rave reviews. getting rave reviews. one of these days i'll spend a week off work and watch all of them. i haven't watched any of them. rob, have you? >> i'm embarrassed to say i haven't. >> you and me a boy's weekend. >> start out by dressing up in garb and getting in line for the theater. >> maybe we won't and say we did. >> photos please, send the photos. >> what's going on there? >> hi, soledad. >> hi there. >> we are looking at thunderstorms going to pop across the northern plains. this is the area, the time of the year, jet stream moves north and we're getting a little action. there's a tornado warning south of fargo, towards wompatet. towards western minnesota. moving to the east at 35 miles an hour. no reports of this on the ground but a pretty good signature on the radar. i wouldn't be surprised if there was a funnel that touched down there. be aware of that. we'll see also thunderstorms fire along this stationary boundary later on today. that could cause some problems if you're traveling through atlanta airport. probably a couple thunderstorms south of the city. north and east of there, we're looking at a pleasant weather. the northeast, including d.c. up through philly, baltimore, new york, to boston, a little bit warmer than yesterday. but still low levels of humidity. fairly pleasant. the heat will be building still across the plains, 100 plus again today and then it builds towards the north. once the thunderstorms exit the minneapolis and minnesota area, temperatures tomorrow, these are heat indices will feel like they're well over 100 degrees as far north as the canadian border. feel like 111 into sunday and this could be a long-term event as this ridge builds through monday and tuesday, we don't see this heat waning too much. so everybody getting a shot at a heat wave now. looks like we're into the middle and latter part of july and the folks who live in the land of lakes and canadian border will feel it towards the beginning of next week. back up to you. >> ugly looking map. thanks, rob marciano. >> a family in texas is fighting to keep their precious pet, willbur the pig. sounds familiar. too cute. last week they received a letter from their homeowner's association to say they had 30 days to find will bur a new home. neighbors complained he was tearing up the yard and he stinks. the owners say he smells better than most dogs. the whole lack of sweat gland thing apparently. the family is now going door to door to get enough signatures to keep the wilbur. >> i had pigs as a child. >> did you live in a residential area? >> no. no. i grew up in long island. they don't smell. >> is that right? >> that is correct. i have an authority on this. pigs do not smell. >> i'll take your word for it then. >> check out these pictures. hump back whale putting on an amazing show. >> wow. >> this is the sea of cortez. celebration of her freedom. way of saying, thank you, i believe. the boat found the whale tangled in netting. the crew worked more than an hour to free her and she in turn followed the boat for miles guessing to show her appreciation, they posted it on youtube. >> that was excellent. >> isn't that neat? >> i've seen whales but that's a whale and a show. that's fantastic. >> it is. >> i have a better one. say it altogether, ah. >> that is cute. >> they grow up so fast. the five cheetah cubs born six weeks ago at the national zoo had their first physical this week, their well visit i think you call it. first vaccinations. doctors say they will be running faster than any other animal in no time at all. >> what zoo was that? >> what zoo? >> in d.c. that's right. that's great. still to come this morning, president obama's 50th birthday bash. going to cost the guests $35,000 plus to attend. kind of bad timing if you think about what we're talking about today. >> yep. >> and we'll tell you when it's scheduled to take place. >> florida lawmaker is looking to ban jurors from selling their stories following a trial. that brings us to our question of the day. should jurors be able to cash in on their cases. this lawmaker is saying they should wait nine months before they take money from anybody. send us an e-mail, tweet, less us know on facebook. we're reading your comments throughout the course of the show. woman: saving for our child's college fund was getting expensive. man: yes it was. so to save some money, we taught our 5 year old how to dunk. woman: scholarship! woman: honey go get him. anncr: there's an easier way to save. get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. 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what are they unhappy about? >> they're pretty much unhappy about everything that's happened since the end of the hosni mubarak government or regime. there's about, i would say, several thousands already on tahrir square. the protests are going to be very big, not quite as big as they were last friday because the largest opposition group, the muslim brotherhood, is not participating. now what they're saying, ali, essentially is that they believe that the old order, the order under hosni mubarak has not disappeared, even though he has had to crede power. they say a lot of the police officers who were and are now in the police force and were, are still out there, people who have killed protesters in the past, are still on the loose and are not being put on trial fast enough. they want deep economic reforms. they want more social security. they want a general deep sort of purging of the ranks, if you will, of the entire government bodies. what we have to keep in mind, ali, this point in time, this country is being run by a military council. a lot of people on that military council were, of course, also part of the mubarak system and many of them very close to hosni mubarak and so, therefore, many people believe that change is going too slow, they're being too protective of hosni mubarak and the core reasons why they are here. you see them there, ali, they say they are not going to leave until all their demands are met. i can tell you in the evening here when it gets a little cooler, it's very hot here, a lot of people are going to be on that square, ali. >> fred, we'll continue to follow this story with you. frederik pleitgen in cairo. the scandal has jumped the atlantic. the fbi investigating claims that one of rupert murdock's tabloids tried to hack into the phones of 9/11 victims. a report in another british tabloid "the mirror" quoting a source who says the "news of the world" hired an investigator to try to tap into the phones. but the man who was mayor of new york city on that day, rudy giuliani, told candy crowley that murdoch is innocent until he's proved guilty. >> as you know, "news of the world," owned by rupert murdock, who has been a friend and a supporter of yours for a long time, now allegations that news corp journalists or those working for news corp, tried to hack into the answering machines or the phones of 9/11 victims or their families. should there be an investigation some. >> there is an investigation. sure. i mean, intercepting communications like that is a crime. it has to be investigated. i think what there shouldn't be, and we've learned recently, a bunch of criminal cases of different kinds, don't rush to judgment, give people a presumption of innocence. >> murdoch finally gave an interview to one of his own papers, "the wall street journal". he said he is ordering his own internal investigation into the phone hacking allegations. negotiations to raise the debt ceiling and keep america from defaulting are on hold this morning. they could resume tomorrow. after five meetings in five days the president pushed the pause button last night sending congressional leaders back to capitol hill to talk to their colleagues about the best way to move the process forward. president obama is scheduled to address the nation this morning at 11:00 eastern time and cnn will carry that speech live. how is this for timing, by the way. the president having ath birthday bash, a fund-raiser with couples asked to fork over $35,000 to attend. the event scheduled for august 3rd in chicago, the day after the united states defaults if no one raises the ceiling on our debt limit. breaking news this morning. the first u.s. troops have left afghanistan. the draw down is under way. barbara starr is live for us at the pentagon. hey, barbara. >> good morning, soledad. the first of the 33,000 surge forces, in fact, yes, on their way home out of afghanistan now. u.s. officials are confirming about 650 troops mainly from the iowa national guard, left afghanistan on wednesday. they will not be replaced and that's how they're going to begin to achieve this draw down that president obama ordered. bring troops home as scheduled, don't send in new troops. soledad. >> the administration is jumping back into the don't ask, don't tell debate. what's happening now? >> well, this is really very interesting, but legally, a bit murky. the obama administration has asked a federal appeals court to suspend its ruling that would end enforcement of don't ask, don't tell in the u.s. military. what the obama administration says, it wants, is to keep to the new status quo, if you will, to follow that congressional law where the military will lift the ban on don't ask, don't tell. they're already working on it. they expect it within days to be able to tell the pentagon the services are ready to go, that they will lift the ban on this, and there will be a 60-day waiting period and once and for all, don't ask, don't tell will be gone. the justice department wants legally to stick to that plan and not go with some sudden lifting of it. gay rights groups, obviously, very concerned about it, they say it's just time to get on with it and end this ban. soledad. >> barbara starr at the pentagon, thanks, bar ra. casey anthony is no ordinary florida prisoner, at the center of one of the most watched and talked about trials ever and there are serious concerns for her safety when she's released from jail on sunday. gary tuchman shows us the intense security plan that's in place for her. >> reporter: prisoners are released every day from the orange county, florida, jail. perhaps, none of them with the level of notoriety that will greet casey anthony when she leaves sunday. >> not guilty. >> reporter: after her stunning acquittals. her attorney, jose baez, talked to abc news, about how her notoriety could bring danger. >> are you worried about her safety, such antagonism towards her? >> i am. i am. and i'm afraid for her. >> will she have bodyguards? >> you know, we're in the process of trying to take that next step for her and assist her in that regard. so i don't know. >> reporter: so now, there is an intense security plan in place. casey anthony will be released from this jail on sunday, as early as 12:01 a.m. we don't know how she'll be taken out, we don't know where she'll do, but the sheriff office is allowing two news photographers to videotape and take still photos of her leaving. once she's gone, we will be able to televise the images of her going free. >> i don't think they can treat her like any other inmate in terms of the release. it would be irresponsible, given the frenzy surrounding casey anthony because, again, while she is in their custody, prior to release, they have to protect her. so that release is still part of their perview. >> reporter: where will casey anthony go? will she change her appearance? after all, this is a woman whose face is now known everywhere in the country. >> if her attorneys are doing the right thing and doing their jobs, they are going to have to explain to her that there is real hatred out there for her, that there have been death threats, that she cannot just walk amongst the population. that is not going to happen. >> reporter: jose baez visited her in jail on thursday afternoon. he is not saying anything about casey anthony's plans, but another defense attorney, cheney mason, has issued some speculation. >> she's only 25 years old. you know, a decade from now, hopefully she will have some stability in her life and maybe a husband and they can be somewhere in montana and start over. >> reporter: casey anthony's journey to montana or elsewhere is only a couple of days away. gary tuchman, cnn, orlando, florida. >> don't know where that elsewhere is going to be. mila kunis, remarkable story, is she going to attend this marine ball she was invited to by a marine on youtube or not? the actress's rep is putting an end to the rumors apparently once and for all. >> we've got it here first. >> yeah. >> a florida lawmaker wants jurors banned from selling their stories immediately following a trial. so that brings us to the question of the day. should jurors be able to cash in on their case? we want to know what you think. send us an e-mail, tweet, go to facebook. we'll be reading some of your comments a little later this morning. 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"harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2" premiers in theaters today. the film has already made over $25 million in advanced sales alone. caught up now on the day's headlines. "american morning" is back right after this. stay with us. one good thing about the debt talks it's a lot of fodder for jeanne moos. she has a lot of stuff. welcome back to "american morning." lawmakers say the darn december things when the debt clock is clicking. >> tempers have flared which at times have been intense, unproductive, nasty, mean spirited. the list goes on and on. jeanne moos has the low lights for us this morning. >> reporter: we are indebted to the debt ceiling for making our politicians testy, testy. >> president obama quit lying. >> i think mitch mcconnell, frankly, has lost his mind. >> and you think this mess started 18 months ago? no, it did not. >> reporter: a democrat gets fiery. a republican mocks her back. >> i think we're going to have to extend the space shuttle for an extra day to retrieve that thought process it got so far out there in orbit. >> reporter: these politicians aren't even the ones stuck in the room where the debt talks are taking place. now since cameras aren't allowed in the negotiating room, we can only imagine the annoyance, the exasperation, the tension. >> temperatures began rising. >> debt negotiations turning nasty. >> angry president shoves his chair back and walks out. >> it seems like the president had a, well, hissy fit. >> when it almost came to blows between eric cantor and the president. >> reporter: almost came to blows? that's almost as overblown as comparing the debt talks to the real "housewives of new jersey." >> 19 times [ bleep ]. >> teresa, completely serty fibly, crazy out of her mind. >> reporter: remind you of anything is. >> i think mitch mcconnell, frankly, has lost his mind. >> reporter: mitch mcconnell's raise the debt ceiling plan got bashed by both sides. >> it's called el foldo. >> reporter: the president got compared to a poppy chashg ter. >> he reminds me of wimpy. >> i gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today. >> reporter: this is literally become a food fight. >> we might as well do it now. eat our peas. >> tell us to eat our peas like pratty kids. >> i got a big plate of peas and i ate all my peas. it's the president's turn. >> speaker boehner reportedly said dealing with the democrats is a lot like dealing with jello. >> jello is slippery, slimy. >> i love jello personally. if you mix peas in it. >> reporter: never mind the debt ceiling. be glad there's no blood on the ceiling. unlike el ka pone in "the untouchables". >> i get nowhere unless the team wins. >> reporter: may the politicians of the debt talks take a bat to the budget. jeanne moos, cnn. new york. >> hard core. >> yeah. let's see what comes of it today. i think they're taking a breather today. there's no formal negotiations going on. there are going to be a lot of talks one hopes or it's summer friday in washington. i don't know. the president has a press conference this morning at 11:00 a.m. eastern. we'll be covering that. coming up in the next hour, republican presidential candidate tim pawlenty is here. what would he do if he were in the oval office. would he risk an economic meltdown refusing to budge on the debt ceiling? you are watching "american morning." it is 56 minutes after the hour. [ engine idling ] [ male announcer ] talking a big game about your engine is one thing. having the proven history that can back it up is a whole nother story. unsurpassed torque... best in class towing... legendary cummins engines. which engine do you want powering your truck? guts. glory. ram. personal pricing now on brakes. tell us what you want to pay. we do our best to make that work. deal! my money. my choice. my meineke. another five meetings in five days, debt talks on hold. the president pressing the pause button, telling congressional leaders to talk amongst yourselves and figure out a way to move forward on this "american morning." good morning. it is friday, july 15th. welcome to "american morning." christine is off today and kiran is off today. >> that's right. i'm soledad o'brien helping out today. lots going on this morning. let's get right to it. we begin with president obama pressing the pause button as you mentioned on that debt ceiling debate. everybody take to your corners, we have to figure this out. here are the headlines. 19 days left before the u.s. hilgtss the deadline which would trigger at least a partial default. president obama is scheduled to address the nation at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. there are no talks planned today after five meetings in five days, congressional leaders have been told to talk to their colleagues to try to figure out how to move the process forward and do it fast. the president is prepared to reconvene negotiations tomorrow and while nobody is sounding very hopeful about any deal, there is a compromise that's in the works. >> here's how that works. the senate's two top leaders, democrat harry reid and republican mitch mcconnell are working on a fallback plan that would give the president enhanced authority to raise the debt limit and those powers would be linked to federal spending cuts. >> we don't have it worked out yet, but it's something that we're looking to. hopeful this we can come up with this robust deal we've been trying to do, but until we can do that we have to look at alternatives. >> standard & poor's is warning there's a 50/50 chance they will downgrade america's credit rating in the next three months. at a hearing yesterday the federal reserve chairman ben bernanke warned lawmakers that failing to raise the debt ceiling by august 2nd is not an option, using word the like chaos and catastrophic to describe what would happen. listen. >> i think it would be a kalam matisse outcome, we would create a financial shock that would have effects not only in the u.s. economy but global economy. default on those securities would throw the financial system into -- into potentially into chaos. >> soledad, it's -- he's not given to overstatement. >> no. this is a very dire thing when he is saying chaos and kalam tis. they're very careful, any federal reserve chair, anybody working there is, about the words they use to describe an impending situation. >> because they know we will be talking about it. the president is going to be making a statement later on this morning. he addresses the nation at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. we will be covering that live so will dan lothian, live at the white house this morning. dan, what are you hearing about what the president is likely to say at 11:00? >> well look, a couple of things. first of all, we expect the president to use this public platform to prod congress to get some kind of agreement or at least start moving in that direction to show some progress, but also this is a chance for the president to update americans on the process and to explain what you were just talking about, you know, what could happen or what they believe will certainly happen if that debt ceiling is not raised. there is no formal meeting here at the white house today. that's the first time this week that has not happened, but sources telling us that the talks do continue informally behind the scenes. yesterday after the fifth meeting with congressional leaders, according to a republican aide who's familiar with those talks, the president told congressional leaders to go back, to meet with their caucuses, and then to come back in the next, you know, 24, 36 hours, with some kind of agreement on how to move forward and the president, according to sources, saying that if, in fact, they can't do that, then they might have to get together again over the weekend. the bottom line here, though, the president is still pushing for the biggest deal possible, but he wants to make sure that they have exhausted all their limits, be i guess you could say, so they can start looking at other options because the president believes you to raise that debt ceiling or there will be huge problems for this country. >> he's getting more and more people who are telling the same story, that while the budget remains a major issue, this debt ceiling is not something to be toyed with. we'll stay with you on this all morning, dan. thank you. when the president addresses the nation on the debt ceiling, cnn is the place to be. we will carry the speech live at 11:00 eastern and have a lot of analysis around it to find out what it is he means if it's not abundantly clear when he says it. secretary of state hillary clinton is in istanbul, turkey, the first stop on a diplomatic world tour. while in turkey the secretary will meet with the international contact group on libya trying to increase the pressure on the libyan dictator moammar gadhafi to get out. after turkey, secretary clinton visits greece, then india, then indonesia and then china. all of that over the next 12 days. what is next for casey anthony? we know she's getting out of jail on sunday after three years. she walks out a free woman and anthony may be a rich woman after her release. there is speculation surrounding how she'll sell her story and for how much. >> meantime she's received a number of death threats as well fueling a lot of concern about her safety. joining us now, legal contributor for "in session" on trutv, sunny hostin following that case, knee deep in the case is a better way to put it. she'll walk out the door. at that point does the legal responsibility for casey anthony's safety sort of end with the authorities who have been holding her? you're gone, you're on your own? absolutely. >> good luck. >> it really does. i mean certainly when an inmate is in prison, prison officials are responsible for their safety. but realistically, once she's released into the public she's on her own. i will say this, usually defendants are released, you know, from prison, no big deal. they walk right out. family members are meeting them. that's not going to happen. >> nobody -- that's really not going to happen this time. >> there are a couple of examples more hateful postings we've seen on facebook page, here's one from facebook, it says, i got my gear and sights ready for sunday. certainly implication there about shooting. and the other one says, take her to where they found poor caylee, strip her naked and nail her to a tree and let her suffer slowly. does -- >> and they get worse from there. >> they do. >> we can't put on tv. does law enforcement have any obligation to consider that and does this make her argument a lot stronger for getting out of dodge? >> no question about it. if there are credible death threats law enforcement will respond to that and i think that's why this release will be unlike anything we've ever seen basically. there are rumors that there are going to be different convoys of vehicles. she may be released at very, very early in the morning on sunday. i mean, they're making a lot of plans. her attorneys have been in and out of the jail trying to, i think, figure out sort of like an escape plan. >> unlike oj simpson, she doesn't have a lot of money. she has no money. she can't really on her own, right now, hire bodyguards, she can't really on her own, you know, change her identity. some people talked about get plastic surgery and move somewhere else. >> yeah. >> unless she does some kind of a deal to sell the story. >> that's right. and i think let's face it, doesn't everyone really want to hear from her, but she's such a prolific liar, is she really going to tell the truth? i think she has to tell her story. how is she going to make any money. who's going to hire her? will we see her working anywhere? i think we will hear some more about her story. i think we're going to hear, perhaps, a book deal, hear about, you know, maybe a television deal. people are talking about reality tv. i don't think that's going to happen. certainly -- >> do you think she goes public or immediately goes quiet, tries to get all the hatred. i think it's fair to say, one of the most hated people in america at this moment. >> and in the world. worldwide coverage. you know, i don't know. i think there have been some reports that she's going to just go into hiding for several months, maybe live under an assumed name, perhaps, get some plastic surgery or live as a disguised person. but i think we are going to hear her story because people have offered her a million dollars already for her story. >> one formal offer on the table. >> all starts again. >> she's going to profit for it. >> soledad, i suspect we'll be talking about this a long time. sunny, good to see you. scary moments for passengers on board two planes that collided on the ground at boston's logan airport. officials say a delta 767 was taxiing out to the runway last night, when it clipped the tail of an atlantic southeast airlines commuter plane. >> we were taxiing pretty slowly and then we just felt a huge bump, like it was terrifying. like what happened? everybody said at once, what happened? >> the tip of the wing juz -- was just sheared right off. i think the whole tail section or the tail fin came off of the other plane. >> we keep talking about there's not much of a collision but if you're in that little plane and the tails come off. >> in a plane, not much of a collision can be a very big collision. >> one person on the delta flight complained of neck pain but no other injuries. the ntsb is investigating the incident. still to come, the tabloid phone hacking scandal claims first big victim, a bad situation is getting much worse for rupert murdock this morning. >> what made james whitey bulger the most feared man in boston. deb feyerick is here with a sneak peek at her special "stone cold killer." the president and congressional leaders tangling over raising the debt ceiling. our next guest says don't bother. republican candidate tim pawlenty is here in the "american morning" studios. nine minutes past the hour. we're back in just a moment. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] more people are leaving bmw, mercedes, and lexus for audi than ever before. ♪ experience the summer of audi event and get over 130 channels of siriusxm satellite radio for three months at no charge. but i did. they said i couldn't fight above my weight class. but i did. they said i couldn't get elected to congress. but i did. ♪ sometimes when we touch ha ha! millions of hits! [ male announcer ] flick, stack, and move between active apps seamlessly. only on the new hp touchpad with webos. over raising the debt ceiling. our next guest says don't probably heard this before, i'm telling it to you, the debt ceiling talks have hit the wall after meeting for five straight days, the president has pressed the pause button, he's calling on congressional leaders to figure out a way to get a deal done, to talk amongst themselves rather than with members of the other party for today. they could meet again tomorrow and two senate leaders are working on a plan to give the president enhanced authority to raise the debt ceiling in time to head off a default. i'm joined this morning by former minnesota governor and current republican presidential candidate tim pawlenty. governor, good to see you. thank you for being here. >> good to be with you. >> what do you make of this mess in washington? i'm going to get tweets by saying why are you calling it a mess? it's a mess. >> you're mixing your metaphors. the ceiling talks have hit a wall. which is it? it is a mess. it has to be fixed. they just put a band-aid over a broken bone it's not going to solve the problem. i wish they wouldn't raise the debt ceiling but, obviously, they're moving in that direction and they should fix the problem really and not just kick the can down the road. >> >> when you say you wish they wouldn't raise the debt ceiling. you've been a chief executive, you kind of understand, ben bernanke said it, economists have said it, everybody said this is too dangerous to not raise the debt ceiling. >> they've broken through it. >> they have. you're right. >> that's what, you know, the reporting here is getting missed a little bit. >> you make a good point. we broke through the debt ceiling in may. the treasury secretary said he can juggle things around until august 2nd and then we miss some payments. and ben bernanke said yesterday, it would be kalam matisse to do so. >> look, i wish they didn't have to. i wish they wouldn't. obviously they're going to. my point is this, fix the real problem and at least start down the road towards real structural change, and they're not doing that. we have a country that has a federal government that is out of control. they're spending $40,000 a second or so that they don't have, in the hour of this part of your show, it's $144 million they'll spend they don't have. it's ridiculous. they have to structurally change things and doesn't appear they are ready to do it. >> we were talking to a journalist in your home state, which is struggling at this point with a government shutdown that could end. >> did end. got agreement. tentative agreement. >> they have to hammer it out. this journalist said minnesotans are a grup of people who usually work things out and it was under your tenure there that republicans started digging in. you're a reasonable guy. you understand money. why is it a good thing to dig in? why are we not compromising. >> 40 years before i became governor the average two year spending increase was 21% every two years. out of control. you had to have some common sense. this isn't a matter splitting the difference. we had to have transformational change in minnesota. i fought hard and we drew lines in the sand. i had a government shutdown. i set a record for vetoes. had to dig in. the other way was out of control, excessive and somebody had to be the person who said look, we got to get this thing back within our means. that's what i did. >> let me show you a couple polls. first from gallup, say the same thing, a gallup and quinnipiac poll, this one is asking about spending cuts versus tax increases. by the way, this is of republicans. only 26% of republicans say they only want cuts in dealing with the debt ceiling increase. 68% are prepared to accept some tax increases or elimination of credits and rebates 68% of republicans. the quinnipiac poll. similar, only 25% are saying they would only agree to spending cuts in order to agree to raising the debt ceiling. 67% say some taxes on the wealthy and corporations could increase. these are republicans. >> part of leadership is you have to educate and do things that you know are right, and the polls if you're going to govern by the polls you could have a computer program that tells you what the outcome is. you have to look at how we got into this mess. we didn't get into this mess because we're under tax and government revenues didn't keep up with the private economy. we got into this mess because politicians took government spending and grew it at 3, 4, 5 times or a multiple of the rate of growth of the private economy. you can't say here's where we are, let's split the difference and call it good. how did we get here? we got here by out-of-control spending. it needs to be brought into control. >> you can't govern by polls. i want to ask you about latest polling. >> like i said you can't govern by polling. >> also a quinnipiac poll. you're struggling, getting into -- in a five-day swing in iowa next week. you're coming in at 3%. i think it's michele bachmann you've got to be most concerned about, she shares a lot of your views, at least economically. >> well the polls bounce around a little bit. the "des moines register" poll, a credible poll in iowa had us in sixth or seventh place. we have to start showing progress and i'm confident we will when my message of cutting taxes, doing health care reform, public employee pension and compensation reform when my record of results gets out in minnesota we will do better and you will see that in the poll numbers. the point is i'm actually the one person in the race who's actually done all of these things. and there will be other candidates, one of the strengths i bring to it, i just don't talk about these things i did them. >> governor pawlenty, good to see you. thanks for coming in. >> my pleasure. 17 minutes past the hour. time to check in with rob marciano for an update on the forecast. hey, rob. >> good morning again, soledad. another gorgeous day across the northeast. low levels of humidity, warmer than it was yesterday, enjoy that, you know, this time of year, the heat and humidity typically builds back in. building across the southwest, or i should say the southern plains and towards the northern plains where today we've got some severe thunderstorms that are bubbling across parts of eastern north dakota, moving into minnesota and some have been rough and looking for thunderstorms to build across parts southeast along that stationary boundary. that's where you'll see the airport delays especially in the afternoon, atlanta, specifically, minneapolis, two big delta hubs, miami, atlanta, minneapolis, miami, orlando and denver to a lesser extent in the afternoon. denver had a streak of some thunderstorms pretty much the last couple weeks. 104 again in dallas. dallas, oklahoma city, seeing 100 plus days, each seen at least 20 so far this year. notice atlanta a little cooler and drier, 85 degrees expected in new york city, and the heat again expected to build. as a matter of fact, we've got excessive heat watches that are posted all the way to the canadian border. international falls, which we typically refer to as the ice box of the country, on sunday could easily see heat index that will be up and over 100 degrees. far from an ice box for sure. because of that, soledad, we broke out the animated fan here. which only do that for the most extreme heat, so that should be a warning to everybody across the northern plains. >> wow. >> we'll take the wind here in new york. >> yes. >> getting that hot in canada you know we've got trouble on our hands. >> ice box is over 100 degrees. >> that's it. thank you. still to come on "american morning," a major new development in the news corporation phone hacking scandal. a rupert murdock protege is out. >> and a florida lawmaker wants jurors banned from selling their stories immediately after a trial that brings us to the question of the day, which is this -- should jurors be able to cash in on their cases? we want to know what you think? send us an e-mail, tweet, let us know on facebook. we'll read your comments later this morning. first you're watching "american morning." it is 19 minutes after the hour. 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[ female announcer ] ask the doctor about your loved one trying the exelon patch. visit to learn more. the dow, nasdaq and s&p 500 closed lower yesterday after federal reserve chairman ben bernanke backtracked on earlier comments the fed may be ready to provide further stimulus to the economy. markets pushed lower after standard & poor's put the u.s. on credit watch. the agency says there's a 50% chance it will lower america's stellar credit rating in the next three months because of complications surrounding the debt ceiling talks. that is the second warning from a leading credit agency this week. market movers today, citigroup reports second quarter earnings before the opening bell and google reported its earnings late yesterday. crushing estimates, with a 36% rise in profits last quarter. its stock jumped 12% in afterhours trading yesterday. just in this morning former "news of the world" editor and news international chief rebekah brooks is ri singh. news corporation stock taking a beating over the continued phone hacking scandal dropped more than 7% in the past five trading sessions. the stock is currently down again in premarket trading this morning. the new social networking site google plus is growing quickly, still in beta testing but 10 million users have signed up for it. that's only about 1% of facebook's 750 million global users. right now, google plus is only available by invitation but the company says it will be open to the public soon. for the latest news about your money check out the new "american morning" back right after the break. ood made for th. ood made for th. that's why there's purina puppy chow... with all the essential nutrients your growing puppy needs. purina puppy chow. company says it will be open to with diabetes, it's tough to keep life balanced. i don't always have time to eat like i should. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes, which can help lower a1c. [ male announcer ] glucerna. helping people with diabetes find balance. welcome back, everybody. it was said in south boston when he walked down the street, the sidewalk shook. we're talking about the notorious mobster james whitey bulger. he was arrested last month at his apartment in southern california after 15 years on the run. >> now, you know, you probably remember he was the inspiration for jacque nicholson's character in the movie "the departed" but he might have been more frightening. deborah feyerick takes a serious look at his reign in terror in boston in a special this sunday night, cnn presents "stone cold killer" here with a preview of it. more scary than he was portrayed in the movie. >> i spoke to somebody who knew bulger and nicholson and said nicholson was a little tame in his depiction of the character of whitey bulger. when whitey bulger was arrested back in june he remained defiant, he refused to get on the ground before being hand cuffed and he told one of the arresting agents that, in fact, you did its right way. what he was referring to, was the fact that agents had lured him into the garage rather than arrest him in his apartment. it's possible whitey bulger at 81 years old may have been ready for a shoot-out. he had assault rifles, shotguns, a silencer, automatic pistols, revolvers, 30 altogether. the fbi knew that when they went to get him, he would be armed and dangerous. >> reporter: bulger's life of crime started early. arrested in his teens, he was robbing banks by age 20. his shock of blonde hair earning him the name of whitey, a name he's said to despise. with his rugged good looks and reckless flamboyance, bulger imagined himself boston's version of hollywood gangster jimmy cagney. but instead of red carpets, he was headed to alcatraz, a string of bank robberies landing bulger ten years in prfederal prison a age 25. he did his time and upon release vowed he would never ever go back. >> they had no hard proof. >> reporter: "boston globe" reporters dick and gerald ultimately uncovered the deal he cut to make sure of that. >> he got out of prison in 1965, and we started doing research in 1988 and he hadn't gotten so much as a parking ticket. >> reporter: whitey bulger, fresh from prison, went to work as a mob enforcer. bulger wanted more. and federal investigators say he'd stop at nothing to get it. >> then he went on a killing rampage. i think it's like a month, he killed six guys in 1972. >> he was ambitious in making his move. >> reporter: he was making his move with this man, steve themmy, aka the rifle man. among their alleged victims, flemy testified his own girlfriend, deborah davis. >> back in those days, before dna was in use, to identify victims, he would personally get involved in cutting off the fingers or hands of the victims and extracting their teeth. >> reporter: tom fuentes, a cnn consultant, ran the organized crime squad for fbi headquarters. give me three words that describe whitey bulger. >> stone cold killer. >> now, the brutality of bulger's alleged crimes, it happened in part because he felt protected, he felt he could get away with anything because he was a mob -- an informant for the fbi. it's his fbi contacts that made him especially dangerous because he knew he could get away with it by selling out other mobsters, especially the italian mafia, which at the time was the fbi's number one priority and that's why he was seen as this big informant, this prized informant and basically given cart blanche while some of his rogue agents looked the other way. >> that is hard core. >> is the movie a fair representation or just loosely based on? >> loosely based on his life. loosely based on the life. the more you read about whitey bulger the more you find out how dangerous he was. he killed -- allegedly killed debbie davis, because she as the girlfriend, knew the secret and that was, that he was the one thing which in south boston you could not be, and that was a rat. he was selling other people out and that's something that was not okay. you could be a killer, you could not be a rat. >> interesting. look forward to seeing it. it's going to be this weekend. >> yes. sunday. sunday at 8:00. >> we got three amazing stories from cnn present on sunday night at 8:00, "ice wars," "stone cold killer" and "extreme cheer leading". >> something for everybody in there. our top stories, debt ceiling talks are on hold. there's no deal after five days of meetings. the president wants congressional leaders to get back to him with a way forward. negotiations could pick up tomorrow. meanwhile a second major agency, standard & poor's, is threatening to downgrade america's credit rating. the president will address the nation on the state of negotiations at 11:00 a.m. eastern time this morning and cnn will carry it live. and casey anthony walks free on sunday. she's going to be released from jail after nearly three years behind bars. no word yet on what she's going to do or where exactly she's going to go but she has received a number of death threats. and he was planning another 9/11. "the wall street journal" says osama bin laden was putting together a team of terrorists to attack the u.s. ten years to the day that the twin towers came down. the intel comes from documents that navy s.e.a.l.s seized when they killed the terror leader. also, news international chief rebeckah brooks, a proteg of rupert murdock, considered to be almost like a daughter, leaving the company after this growing phone hacking scandal. she was the editor at the time of some of the most serious allegations against the "news of the world". >> susan candiotti following this closely a couple key developments into news corporation in the united states and the resignation this morning. >> this resignation we found out about overnight, of course, and parliament, ever since the scandal started, has been calling for her head. after watching other people lose their jobs as the scandal broke, but now finally she has fallen on her sword, taking responsibility in a resignation letter saying she feels responsible for the people who have been hurt and then she added this, quote, i want to reiterate how sorry i am for what we now know to have taken place. so, you know, the scandal keeps moving forward and forward. >> fbi is now investigating one of rupert murdock's tabloids, claims, may have tried to hack in to the phones of 9/11 victims or 9/11 victims' families. what kind of details do we know? because there's not much out there on this. >> there isn't much out there at all. we finally have eric holder acknowledging that the fbi is going to take a look at this, after getting a lot of heat from congress, lot of senators, asking for an inquiry, and they're looking into, as far as we know, an allegation that was made in one of murdoch's own newspapers, another tabloid "the mirror" claiming there was a private investigator who was asked here in new york to get phone records to hack into victims' voice males to see what they could find out after 9/11. the fbi will try to find out whether this was true and they will see where the investigation goes. here's what the ag is saying. >> well, there have been serious allegations raised in that regard in great britain and there are -- there's an ongoing investigation as is appropriate. there have been members of congress in the united states who have asked us to investigate those same allegations and we are progressing in that regard using the appropriate federal law enforcement agencies in the united states. >> and 9/11 families are also applauding the fbi's investigation, saying that this is gruesome and horrifying if true and they want the fbi to get down to the bottom of it. >> certainly add to the level of disgust that many people are feeling in the wake of all these allegations. >> exactly. i spoke with the father of one of many, many 9/11 victims, jim riches, a former firefighter himself, and this is how he reacted. >> if somebody went in and took our information and took our last messages from our sons or our -- what we were talking about, it's not -- none of their business unless they can ask us and if we're willing to tell them we'll tell them. to invade the privacy like that, americans have rights. >> we will all wait to see where the investigation leads the fbi. >> this thing, this plot thickens. the stock of the company down 5% over the last five trading sessions, down again this morning. susan, i know you're staying on it. thank you. >> you're welcome. major misstep by prosecutors led to the mistrial in the federal perjury case against roger clemens. this came as quite a surprise. the judge's ruling came yesterday on the second day of testimony after the prosecution showed jurors evidence that had already been deemed inadmissible. clemens was charged with lying to congress, you'll recall well, he testified he never used performance enhancing drugs. a hearing to determine what happens next in this case is scheduled in september. the judge had said that even a first-year law student would have seen this coming. >> he was absolutely furious. california's governor signed a bill that requires schools to teach gay history. lessons in public schools will include the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender americans. some religious and conservative groups are coming out against it. the head of the, quote, traditional values coalition is calling for parents to pull their children out of public school over that. >> right. let's be clear here they're talking about the contribution of gay and lesbians to history. it sounds like a -- >> everybody else's contribution also. >> it's the idea that everybody's contribution should be counted. i've been getting a lot of tweets about this to suggest that somehow history is being displaced as a result of it. i think this is just a move toward inclusion. you be the judge. minnesota may be back in business soon. negotiators reached a tentative budget deal last night. state officials are hoping to get it passed next week to end the 15-day government shutdown. if that happens, 22,000 state employees can return to work and nearly 100 idled road construction projects can resume and people can go back to camping at state parks in minnesota too. kind of a good idea with all the political climate and hate in washington, d.c., hand out bats. that will work. no, actually it was all kind of peaceful, no bean balls or brawls at the 50th annual congressional baseball game. democrats beat the gop, 8-2 at nationals park. money raised went to the washington literacy council and the boys and girls club of greater washington. >> the democrats typically win this game. i'm not sure what that says. the democrats do do well on the diamond in washington. still ahead, greeted like a hero on the first tee, golf super star rory mcilroy got in trouble fast day one at the british open. round two is under way right now. >> grief counseling, grief counseling, for har"harry potte fans, it's come to this. grief counseling for "harry potter," because it's all come to the end. now they go into the grief counseling. people who are literally upset about the movie's ending have a place to turn a doctor to talk to. >> my good snooze what lessons can be learned from other sad endings like "star wars" and "star trek" and survivors ending. people have gone on. >> if any of you are old trek kis or "star wars" fans send us to us on twitter. we'll share it. hey ! chocolate, vanilla or strawberry ? chocolate ! chocolate it is ! yeah, but i'm new, too. umm... he's new... er... than you. even kids know it's wrong to treat new friends better than old friends. at ally bank, we treat all our customers fairly, with no teaser rates and no minimum deposit to open. it's just the right thing to do. but now i see the splash., ♪ i wanted love, i needed love ♪ ♪ most of all, most of all... ♪ libyan government is warning nato and opposition fighters against attacks targeting the country's oil. a spokesman says, quote, we will kill everyone who comes near our oil. >> cnn's zain verjee is following that for us this morning live in london, hey zain. >> hey there, guys. the libyan leader moammar gadhafi is saying that he is going to dig in and fight until the death. he's also criticized nato for some of its recent attacks calling the attacks really heavy and completely merciless and that's when a spokesman came out and said we will kill everyone who comes near our oil. in the meantime on the diplomatic front, you've got the secretary of state, hillary clinton, she is over in istanbul meeting with other diplomats. they're all feeling a little bit optimistic because there's this sense that moammar gadhafi is actually wanting to find a way out. they're low on supplies, low on moral, and they're looking to see whether or not there could be an opening. the secretary has said, though, that gadhafi has to stop the violence and step down first. >> zain, another story that i know you've been following all morning because it's, obviously, unfolding very quickly in london, is the resignation of the former editor of the "news of the world" and the head of news corp newspaper operations in london, rebekah brooks. >> right. this has been a major and very significant development. she was the chief executive of news international and there has been so much political and financial pressure on her to step down and it's finally happened. in a statement she said that she was sorry for the people who had been hurt and that she herself was becoming a distraction, so she has decided to step down. i mean, she was rupert murdock's golden girl. he really defended her and did not want her to resign, but she couldn't take the heat. there was so many people calling for her just to leave. she was actually editor of "news of the world" when young teenager, 13 years old, by the name of milly dowler was murdered and it's come out that "news of the world" had hacked her phone and was deleting all these messages that gave the parents hope that milly dowler was alive. and she was the editor. they want to know, still, even though she's resigned, what she knew, when she knew it, as "news of the world's" editor, she's got to have known what's happened. they want to know how deep this has gone. this is a significant move. many are saying it's great, but it may be too little too late for news corp. >> many questions remain for her. zain verjee in london, thanks, zain so. second round play under way at the british open championship. thomas ba yorn sharing 5 under par. didn't know he was going to be playing until another golfer withdrew on monday. >> for rory mcilroy, he has ground to make up. shot an opening round 71, six stroke office the pace. final chapter in the "harry potter" film franchise hits theaters today, midnight. people flocked to the midnight showings of "harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2." the film had already grossed $25 million before that premier. >> that was from advanced ticket sales. >> they're going to have a great weekend. >> help for all you in mourning over the end of the films. i don't know who you are. we have help for you. a california culture expert says look at the trek ki and "star wars" fans to see how those franchises have lived on with conventions and other special events. he expects the potter verse to live long and prosper and like those other franchises lots of costumes involved with "harry potter" fans. >> i don't think it's over at all. >> no. >> i know she said it's over, it's not over. sh there will be much more. >> morning headlines up next including reports of significant progress in the nfl labor impasse. ready for some football? >> the u.s. women's soccer team is one win away from taking the entire women's world cup championship, bring on the endorsements. coming up in your next hour, the breakout star of the tournament, goalie hope solo joins us live. it's 45 minutes after the hour. host: do people use smartphones to do dumb things? man 1: send, that is the 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[ male announcer ] think, type, go. with just type. only on the new hp touchpad with webos. welcome back. 46 minutes past hours. here are the morning headlines. a top rupert murdock executive is now out over the phone hacking scandal. news international chief rebekah brooks has resigned. she was editor at the time of some of the most serious allegations against "news of the world" newspaper. the fbi investigating claims that the "news of the world" tried to hack 9/11 victims' phones. murdoch told "the wall street journal," also one of his papers, that his company has handled this crisis, quote, extremely well. "the wall street journal" says osama bin laden was putting together a team of terrorists to attack the u.s. ten years to the date that the twin towers came down. the intel comes from documents the navy s.e.a.l.s seized when they killed him. casey anthony will walk out of jail on sunday, some experts are warning that her release could be dangerous. no word on what she's going to do yet or where she's going to go. anthony was acquitted in the death of her 2-year-old daughter caylee. still no deal on raising the nation's debt ceiling after five straight days of talks, the president has hit the pause button and wants congressional leaders to figure out a way to move the negotiations forward. they could meet again tomorrow. u.s. stock futures trading higher ahead of the opening bell, getting a boost from stronger than expected earnings google. second-quarter profits s skyrocketed a whopping 36%, well above estimates. at the goal line now, there is hope that the nfl lockout could end in the next 24 hours. there are reports that say that the players and the owners are making progress and getting a deal now could save the preseason. you are caught up on the day's headlines. "american morning" is back right after this break. washington, d.c., is cloudy right now, although our cameras aren't focused on the clouds. there are clouds focused on thet there are clouds there. 71 degrees and a beautiful morning to wake up and get work done in washington. it is going to be 87 later on today. if you stay in the capital and the white house and do work, it's air-conditioned and you get that debt deal worked out. >> yeah. it's hot in there. hotter, hotter than 87. nothing can truly prepare military doctors for the atrocities of war, of course. there is one place that actually comes kind of close and it is the university of maryland's shock trauma center which is in baltimore. here where doctors learn to treat multiple critical patients all at once all under a battlefield like condition and intense training before deployed into the front lines. >> barbara starr joins us live from the pnk with an insiwith ae look. >> reporter: this is part of a special report we were working on with sanjay gupta for his upcoming show on the weekend. we traveled up to the baltimore hospital to take a look at how military doctors are getting that very specialized trauma training before they go to the war zone. here at home, a lot of them just work on military bases at hospitals, treating the typical sore throats and sniffles. once they go to the war zone they have to treat blast injuries and head injuries, the burns, the really terrible things that happen, sadly, to so many troops in the war zone. so we went to have a look at how they get that training. lieutenant colonel allen ward is an air force flight surgeon who normally certifies that air crews are healthy enough to fly. >> even as a flight surgeon, i'm expected to be a jack-of-all-trades. when we are not deployed i'm an outpatient internal medicine guy. >> reporter: before getting to afghanistan, he says this will help him learn to prioritize multiple critical patients under battlefield conditions and sharpen his ability to make rapid decisions. >> i expect to see gunshot wounds. i expect to see traumatic brain injuries from explosive devices, it means burns as well. a lot of orthopaedic injuries. and really some horrific stuff and what i'm doing here is getting exposure to a lot of things i would see over there. it's a high volume trauma center. >> reporter: now we certainly hope that nobody here needs that kind of care in such a trauma situation. but if you do and you have to go these days to your local emergency hospital, your local emergency room, there is actually a pretty good chance one of the doctors, nurses, or medical techs will have served in the war zone, either as a reservist and have come back home or served on active duty and retired and come back into private practice. what the military and the medical community is finding is after ten years of war, really, the experience of war-time medical care now permeates the civilian medical system across this country. >> unintended, but not to negative consequence. don't miss sanjay gupta this weekend. barbara starr continues up with the doc to continue their series on military medicine and explain how innovations from ten years at war is changing your health at home. it airs saturday and sunday at 6:30 a.m. on cnn. casey anthony is set to be released on sunday. unclear what she plans on doing after she gets out. she has received a number of death threats. >> jurors in high profile cases like that can sometimes hope for a big payday after the trial. a florida state representative is looking to ban future jurors from cashing in. a proposed bill would make it illegal for a juror to accept compensation immediately following a case. there would be a nine-month cooling off period. violators on either side paying or receiving money could face a heavy fine and jail time. this way, lawmakers say jurors won't be biased during deliberations. this bill came about after casey anthony's juror sought and hired a publicist after the trial. >> i wonder if is a because they wanted to make a lot of money or the media was hounding them and they felt they needed a little buffer? we want to know what you think. should the jurors be able to cash if on their cases? this comes from shelley on facebook. no, but, at the same time, charging them with a felony, as it has been proposed, borders on stupidity. >> the judge gets paid, lawyers get paid, the court staff get paid. why should the jurors who get nothing be allowed not to get paid? it's hard to serve on a jury for the ridiculous money. freedom of speech. does that ring a bell? very interesting comments. i think the issue comes down to would the potential payoff motivate you to behave differently during your deliberations? the more dramatic trial the more audience for whatever book or interview you do later you might go in with a little bias. top stories are up after the break. ♪ something unexpected to the world of multigrain... taste. ♪ delicious pringles 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but there could be a compromise in the works with 19 days before the default deadline. we are taking you behind the scenes of the high stakes budget battle on this "american morning." good morning, everybody. it is friday, july 15th. christine romans and kiran chetry are off today. i'm soledad o'brien. i'm helping out. >> thank you. good to see you here today. busy, busy morning for you. but this one has got our attention. he was actively plotting and aiming for another 9/11 style attack. osama bin laden was putting together a team of terrorists to strike the u.s. ten years to the day of the attacks. now this intelligence comes from documents that navy s.e.a.l.l.s seized. bleded abo bin laden was looking to attack trains and looking for militants who already had passports. some will not be able to attend the ceremonies that marked ten years since the attacks. report say the mayor's office told one survivor's group there is not enough room. the annual ceremony at ground zero reserved for family members and the people died inside attacks. they will unveil the naming when which i've had a chance to peek at. >> it's powerful. >> but terrible for those who ran for their lives not to be a part of that too. a big development in the news corp phone hacking scandal. rebekah brooks is leaving the company. she was the editor at the time of the news of the world and at the time that some of the most serious allegations were made against it. british police say there are potentially 4,000 hacking victims including celebrities, politicians and terror victims. only 19 days to the default deadline and talks to raise the debt ceiling are stalled in the morning after five straight days of meetings between the president and congressional leaders and negotiations are now on pause. >> the president urging everyone to move this discussion forward. dan lothian is live at the white house. the president is planning to address the nation in three hours from now. we will be covering it live. you will be there. any idea what he is going to say. >> reporter: this is the second time this week the president is holding a press conference. what we're expecting the president to talk about are a couple of things. first of all, getting a deal done. not any deal but according to white aides, the biggest deal possible. secondly, this is an opportunity for the president to explain to the american people what is happening here in washington and to, again, lay out what we have been hearing the warnings from the treasury department of what and others of what will happen if the debt ceiling is not raised, how that could impact the overall economy. as you pointed out, no formal meetings taking place here at the white house today. the first time this week that is happening. but, nonetheless, we are told behind the scenes informal talks are taking place. what happened after yesterday's meeting, the president, according to one republican aide familiar with the talks, told congressional leaders to go back to their caucuses and to come back with some kind of agreement in the next 24, 36 hours on how to move forward. if that does not happen, according to the source, then the president may just call them back this weekend for meetings. so there's a lot of talk about possibilities, but, so far, no agreement. ali? >> all right, dan. thanks very much. we will be covering this with you on cnn live. we will have analysis all around the conversation and see where it's gone between now and 11:00 eastern this morning. we are expecting there to be developments between now and then. tim pawlenty is hoping and praying the debt ceiling isn't raised. earlier this morning on "american morning," the former minnesota governor and republican presidential candidate conceded that he believes it will ultimately be hiked to head off a default, but he insists that that is not going to solve the problem. >> we didn't get into this mess because we are undertaxed and government revenues didn't keep up with the private economy. we goot into this mess politicians took government spending and grew it three, four, five times and a multiple of the economy. you have to look at how we got here and by out of control spending that needs to be brought under control. >> pawlenty says he believes congress should pass legislation that would put interest and debt payments ahead of all other federal spending, but fed chief ben bernanke said yesterday a default is a default. doesn't matter whether you pay your debts a or you pay social security. democrats plan to huddle in just about an hour from now. the best political team on tv take us inside the high stakes budget battle in new york, we are joined by jim mclock lynn and joining us from miami is maria, a democratic strategist and former senior adviser to the hillary clinton presidential campaign. nice to have all of you. he heard from the man who is running to be president, pawlenty talked about how he really wants to solve the problem and that reasons that was not solve the problem, 19 days to go. isn't it sort of too late to think about the big picture, solving the problem? >> not if we had real leadership. unfortunately, the problem is we haven't gotten any leadership from the white house or from the senate democrats. what that has done is put us in a tough spot. we're in a tax and spending revolt in this country and they don't seem to get it. >> john is laughing at you. >> with due respect, you can't delegate it to democrats in the room. the reality is washington has had a failure of leadership. and everyone has got to work together on this one. the president has to lead and he has. he has offered entitlements but republicans have not met him halfway. you have people running for president who are debt ceiling deniers and saying that would compound the economic problems and deeply responsible. we need a balanced solution here. i think grand bargaining is getting away from us. we have to raise the debt ceiling or we will be in deeper. >> plan b is apparently the one that mitchell mcconnell has offered and he is working with harry reid on taking parts of thattings, in addition to other pieces of that so if nothing else happens, soledad, we are able to raise the debt ceiling so that contrary to what tim pawlenty thinks and ma shell ba michele bachman thinks, this will be catastrophic to american families all over the country and nobody wants that except for a handful of people in the republican party. >> 19 days to go, jim, how realistic that is plan b? >> again, the only real solutions are coming from the republicans. mitch mcconnell has put out a series plan. some people agree and some disagree. >> a joint plan with harry reid, a democrat. >> the one plan -- it's laughable to say barack obama has shown leadership on this. he put out one plan and it was voted against 40-0 by his own party. all of the democrats voted against the plan. >> my question is the plan b that has been proposed, harry reid on one side in addition to what you mentioned how likely is that plan b is something that is going to be embraced? >> i think it's giving us a framework. what the republicans understand is this spending and the more taxes, the president just proposed another trillion dollars in taxes and that will kill our economy and hurt business and especially small businesses. >> how much is it hurtinging that all this conversation -- s&p saying 50% chance they will downgrade the u.s.'s rating. >> it is having an impact on our economy because it looks like we cannot solve great challenges in a bipartisan way. >> looks like or we cannot? >> we cannot because it is hostaging -- in washington. this offers a backup plan which could be very good it would give the president power to raise the debt ceiling. i think essentially the inmates are running the asylum here. you give the president the power and you get some cuts and get unemployment insurance extended and bipartisan deficit commission with binding results. the big deal. that is where we are right now and what we need. >> maria, what is the political burden? because, ultimately, all of this is viewed through a political lens. the winners and the losers. >> absolutely. >> who holds the bag? what is the political burden? >> here is the reason i believe that mitchell mcconnell ended up offering his plan. he understands, as well as other republicans who are becoming very nervous about who is going to take the blame if we do go into default, they are understanding republicans will take the blame. what they have not understood up to now when you negotiate you have to put something that is your cow on the table. they haven't done nothing to put their sacred cows on the table. president obama and the democrats have offered up changes in medicare and social security. the sacred cows for american families and don't know that because they understand we are at a crossroads. republicans do not understand that. if we go into default, they will take the blame on this. >> don't understand -- >> not at all. barack obama is a democrat president of the united states. democrats still control the united states senate here. what the republicans understand and what they are doing here is they are dealing what the voters asked them to do the last election. get control of spending and asked them to help lower taxes. >> pulling, though, put -- a poll shows that -- >> yes, exactly. >> 70% of republicans -- >> exactly right. >> -- say they would be okay with -- >> the question is skewed. it says only taxes on the wealthy. the problem is this president considers anybody with a job nowadays wealthy. >> come on! >> not a question. it's skewed! >> listen. that quinnipiac poll -- acouple of things. it says people will blame republicans more than the president. the election are won and lost in the country by middle class so figure out where the blame goes. >> maria talking about the sacred cows. social security and medicare if that is on the table the third rail of getting elected again the minute you talk about that. >> that's why it takes guts to do it. it is essential. we deal with our deficit and our debt problem three ways. having spending cuts and revenue i krens entitlement and it has to be a bipartisan plan and bipartisan commission. >> maria, do we go up to the 19 days when it's resolved? august 2nd still talking about all of this? >> i do think this will go up to the 11th hour. >> i thought we were at the time 11th hour! >> i think we will ultimately get a deal. i don't know if it will go to august 1st but i think we will get a deal because the republicans are getting nervous because they have seen the polls that jim needs to look at that the american people do want to reduce the deficit but they also want to do it in a fair and balanced manner and that is something that republicans do not understand how to do. >> we give maria the final word on that. thank you very much. >> president obama will hold a news conference this morning at 11:00 a.m. eastern time to discuss the debt ceiling talks. you can watch it right here on cnn. how is this for timing? the president is having a 50th birthday bash next month. also a fund-raiser with couples being asked to fork over $35,000 to attend. the event is scheduled for august 3rd in chicago. are you doing your math on this one? the day after the united states defaults if they don't raise that debt ceiling. that's going to be hash tag awkward if we're stuck in that. >> well, individuals are paying for it. >> i think weird to have a $35,000 party. >> or a party at all the day after. still ahead this morning, 300 acres of pot! what does it look like? >> like you don't know! >> it would be the largest marijuana plantation ever. we will show you. >> for those of you don't know what it looks like, we will give you the video after that! a bunch of prunes. a window washer slides off his heat an dangles in the air from his harness but he is okay. we will hear what he has to say about his ordeal. buzzing over hope solow. we will have her amazing story when we have a chance to speak to her live next. it is 11 minutes past the hour. ♪ we inspect your air filter, cabin filter. there's bugs, leaves, lint, crud. you'll be breathing that. i do believe it's part of a locust. make sure your alignments good. your brakes are good. you've got all sorts different things that you check off. your fluid levels. pretty much everything you could need. it gets done. it gets done quickly. and it gets done correctly. the works fuel saver package, just $29.95 or less after rebate. only at your ford dealer. you're a doctor. you're a car doctor. maybe a car doctor. vietnam, 1967. i got mine in iraq, 2003. u.s.a.a. auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation, because it offers a superior level of protection and because u.s.a.a.'s commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. u.s.a.a. we know what it means to serve. welcome back, everybody. this morning the ntsb is investigating a fender-bender type accident that happened on logan airport in boston. a delta 767 clipped the tail of an atlantic southeast commuter flight giving passengers on both planes a major scare, as you can imagine. >> taxiing slowly and felt a huge bump like, you know, it was terrifying. it's like what happened. everybody just said at once, "what happened? ". >> the tip of the wing was sheared right off. i think the whole tail fin came off of the other plane. >> one person on the delta flight complained of neck pain. no other injuries, though, reported. a close call for a window washer in seattle. he fell from his seat and was clinging to a rope, some 55 feet above the ground. look at that. it's pretty dramatic. firefighters were finally able to rescue him using ropes and a harness to make him -- to keep him from falling. they say he was pretty shaken up as you can expect but no injuries. what did he have to say about the ordeal? his quote, "hi'm happy to be down." >> "atlantis" wake-up call courtesy of the beatles singing "good day sunshine." >> they come up with pretty creative ways to wake them up. the selection is good. >> they are scheduled to hold a joint news conference from space in about an hour. at 12:29 eastern time, president obama is going to be calling them. okay, we will take the charges. nasa's dawn spacecraft expected to slip into orbit some time today and spent the several weeks circling a giant asteroid that is about the size of arizona. the size of arizona is the size when you fold it into a ball? >> i believe so. >> it is to be the source of numerous meeon earth. you've been warned. crews in southern california began closing the ramps to the 405 freeway last night earlier than they said they were going to do it. ten-mile stretch of the fln state, it will be closed for most of the weekend. they are predicting literally the mother of all traffic jams, jammed -- it's jammed already. the traffic is terrible already before they are doing this. >> i thought the weird sale by jetblue to fly from long beach, sold out. >> four bucks. >> for those of you that don't know a plaf, stay home and watch movies. something missing from most of last year's top grossing movies. smoking. a cdc study says 69% of the 2010 films including "the social network" had no what is called tobacco incidents. warner brorgprevious studies sh link between on-screen smoking and teens picking up the habit but a general decline in teen smoking. >> a general push to really stamp that out. >> yeah. the mexican army uncovers its largest pot plantation ever hidden among tomato plants. it was found in the state of baja, california, on tuesday. 250 miles south of the u.s. border. the plantation stretching nearly 300 acres. dozens of men attending the plants, unclear which drug cartel operates the specific fields but the marijuana is said to be worth about $153 million in street value. >> i thought you were going to say which one are the marijuana and which ones are the tomato plants. >> that's right. i cannot tell, ali! >> let's just go to rob marciano who is in the extreme weather center. hello, rob. >> i tell you what, when you touch the stem and the leaf and oil on your hand, it smells so good coming off that tomato plant! i love that smell! fantastic! good morning again, guys. move along from there. severe thunderstorms across the northern parts of all the plains with a gem migrating to the norm and stationary boundary on the south. if you're traveling to atlanta or minneapolis, delta hubs will probably see a afternoon problem and edema and orlando and denver. last couple of weeks, been a hundred plus in dallas. if they get over a hundred day, that is 14 days straight of hitting the century mark. granted, slightly lower level of humidity there. dew points in the 60s which is nothing to sneeze at. still humid. a buddy coming in from dallas and said it's a different sort of heat in atlanta, for sure. the heat is building up to the canadian border. heat advisories and watches posted for minnesota and north dakota through the weekend. it will feel like over a hundred degrees at times saturday and sunday. watching this typhoon could be a super typhoon before it hits southern japan early next week. on the other side of the pacific, show you this video of a humpback whale which was tangled in nets and this sight-seeing crew managed to untangle the whale. tail slapping and breaching into the couple of hours. feel good story there. this whale should be halfway up the coast line towards alaska so he or she is probably very happy. good stuff there. >> if you didn't see the pictures, you would that i is nuts. >> that whale is flipping around so much i'm thinking it had nothing to do with happiness. maybe he had an itch. he is really all over the place. >> you're wrecking the great story, ali! >> the whale tailed this tour for a little while. >> it's appreciation of an animal showing it through movements in the surf. >> beautiful. beautiful, rob. thank you. that and your knowledge of tomato plants, a lot to go. how about this real estate story? they practically gave this home away. spelling mansion in l.a. sold for? drum roll, please. $85 million and listed for $150 million. even though the sale price was almost half the asking price. still one of the most ever paid in the united states for a single family home. 27 bathrooms and 14 bedrooms a bowling ali, beauty salon and gift wrapping rooms. i have one of those. i'm kidding. parking for a hundred cars. it now loongs to 22-year-old eckelstone whose father is a billionaire. it is not the most expense sieve home. >> two questions. a gift wrapping room and 28 bedrooms and 14 bathrooms. only half have a bathroom. you're getting ripped off if you're in one of those bedrooms. how much do you have to work to make up for the hit your accounts took for the recession? a good story to pay attention to. we are watching your money coming up next. the best week ever for u.s. soccer goalie hope solo. we have her story coming up live. automotive performance is gone. and all we have left are fallen leaves and broken dreams. oh. wait a second. that is a dodge durango. looks like american performance is doing just fine. ♪ carry on. ♪ thought they were dead. [ laughter ] [ grunting ] huh? [ male announcer ] should've used roundup. america's number one weed killer. it kills weeds to the root, so they don't come back. guaranteed. weeds won't play dead, they'll stay dead. roundup. no root. no weed. no problem. 26 minutes after the hour. watching your money this morning. u.s. stock futures trading higher ahead of the opening bell and getting a boost from stronger than expected earnings from goog. second quarter profits skyrocketed up 36% and well above estimates. new survey says more americans are planning to retire later because of the recession and the financial crisis. most older americans expect to work five more years on average saying they plan to retire at 69 instead of 64. coming up next, u.s. women's soccer goaltender hope solo joins us live. "american morning" coming back after the break. on our car insurance. great! at progressive, you can compare rates side by side, so you get the same coverage, often for less. wow! that is huge! 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[ male announcer ] jetta tdi clean diesel. the turbo that gets 42 miles per gallon. ♪ ♪ win or lose on saturday, but we hope win. members of the u.s. women's soccer team are the new darlings of the sports world. >> on sunday, right? the game is on sunday. >> did i say saturday? i meant sunday. >> i'm ready for sunday. >> saturday is the warm-up party. goalkeeper hope solo is one of the team's breakout stars. >> she has led them to dramatic victories against brazil which was awesome game to watch and france was a challenge but they still won. her big challenge on sunday when u.s. plays japan for the world cup title. hope solo joins us in frustrate, germany. congratulations on the success so far and crossing our fingers for much more. what is the plan as you go into sunday's game against japan? >> you know, we're not surprised where we stand right now. we came into this tournament with one goal. it wasn't to beat brazil in the quarterfinal. it wasn't to make it to the final. our whole goal is to win the whole thing. i think when you get this close you would have a lot of regrets if you walked away and haven't won it all. >> a lot has been made in the media about this team and its spirit and refusal to give up. while a lot of people were following you after brazil and after france, i mean, i think you got the whole world following you right now. what is it about this team? you played soccer for a long time. what makes this team so special? >> this team is truly a team and its cliche in sports today, this team will fight till the bitter end to find a way to win. it's not always pretty but everybody on the field is trying to find a way to win. i think it's the american way. it's the american spirit. i think america is so behind us because you can feel that spirit and you can feel the fight in our team. and people kind of grab on to that. they gravitate towards it and truly, this team is a winning team and i can hope -- i can only hope we prove that and go all the way and bring the trophy back home. >> you were 17 years old back in 1999 when the dream team was in the same position that you are in now. mia hamm, jewel li fowdy. do you look at those team members as an inspiration what you're going through now? >> yeah. the '99 team, they true, truly paved the way for all of us. we wouldn't be where we are today as a federation. we wouldn't be where we are today as, you know, female u.s. soccer players in particular but they set the standard. they set the bar high. you know, with that said, of course, they inspired me. michelle akers the true inspiration to not only many members of this team, she was a true winner and we hope she is back there watching because you don't see her face around here too much, but she really was the spirit of that team. of course, they inspired me. i was 17 years old when the '99 team won. with that said 12 years later, this team wants to write their own story book ending. we want to end with our legacy and we are very different team from the '99 team. so, you know, we do hope that looking forward that people remember the 2011 u.s. women's soccer team. >> i tell you one more similarity, that team had rock star status. i don't think anybody plays professional soccer for that reason. certainly as an american soccer player. you guys work hard and you have your matches and now you've got to this place where you're international celebrities. in fact, the hash tag mary me hope solo is trending on twitter. what do you make of all of that kind of popularity? >> and what is the answer? >> well, let's just say that i'm happy i'm in frustrate because i don't feel the affects of all of that. i know that we have our fans and we have gained hopefully what is long-term fans. we have, of course, some band wagon fans and we are okay with that as well because we're bringing attention to the sport and people are finally seeing it's such a beautiful game and women can play a tough, tough intense soccer game. so we're happy with all of the attention we get on the field, off the field. we know it's bringing attention back to the game. >> i think very just dodged the answer to that one. >> it's let me see what happens when i get back to the states. >> let me ask you a quick question about impact. i have four kids at this moment are getting ready to go off to soccer camp for the summer. do you think about the impact that you're making on the next generation, the 10, 11, 12-year-old kids who are out there? >> of course, we think about that. you can't not think about it when you see the kids come to our games, when you see all of the inspirational signs that are, you know, at the training fields, at the playing fields. of course you think about it. i do my best to be a good role model and do my best to inspire people, especially the youth, especially the youth of america. but, you know, i'm out there every game giving back because they give me so much just joy and confidence when i play. i really, really do thrive off the fans and the energy that the fans give our team and me particularly. i thrive off that. i like to give it back, of course. >> great. we wish you the best of bad luck. big dramatic victories are a big catalyst for bringing more people in for support and watch the sport. thanks, hope solo. amazing goaltender. amazing. >> thanks for having me. >> i want to make sure. i misinformed everybody and said the game is on saturday. it is on sunday. >> you just wanted them to start watching earlier. >> we will all start watching. it's a pregame. top stories now. debt ceilings talks on hold and no deal after five days of meetings in washington. the president wants congressional leaders from both sides to get back to him with a way forward and negotiations could pick up again tomorrow. a second major ratings agency, standard & poor's is threatening to downgrade america's credit rating. the president will address the nation on the state of negotiations at 11:00 a.m. eastern this morning. cnn will carry it live. >> casey anthony is going to walk free. going to be released from jail after nearly three years behind bars. no word on what she is going to do or where she is going to go. she has received a number of death threats. planning another 9/11. osama bin laden was putting together a team of terrorists to strike the united states ten years to the day of the attacks. the intelligence comes from documents come navy s.e.a.l.s received when they seized his compound. >> rebekah brooks has resigned from "news of the world" newspaper. >> susan candiotti is here with that news and other news that the u.s. department of justice and fbi looking into investigations here in the united states. >> a lot of people are watching what is happening now. with the news of the resignation of rebekah brooks. she adds that she says, quote, i want to reiterate how sorry i am for what we now know to have taken place. does this mean that she didn't know about it before or at least -- the very least she certainly is acknowledging there were problems. >> sounds like she is saying and i didn't know about any of them at all. one has to imagine stepping down is not going to be the end for her. >> we will have to wait and see. will there be any fallout permanently on her career? you're right, we have to wait and see. >> will she testify before british parliament? >> yes, she says that is what she is going and concentrate on defending her actions and the news corporation's actions as well. wait and see. what about the impact on the paper itself? we know that rupert murdoch has been saying that he thinks that they are fairing extremely well throughout this crisis with only minor mistakes. the only newspaper he responded to was his own newspaper, this interview done in "the wall street journal." he also said he thinks that the damage has been very minimal and that they will be able to recover from it. >> let's talk about the phone hacking here in the united states. because i think people here really started to feel almost enraged about this story when there was an allegation that, in fact, maybe the newspaper was also hacking the phones of victims and family members of people in 9/11, who died in 9/11 and who survived 9/11. >> the families are particularly horrified by this. congress has been, you know, pounding on the wall of the justice department practically to get them to take a look at this allegation, specifically whether a private eye, it started with a newspaper story about a private eye who says he was contacted by news corporation to hack into phone records and look into voice mails of 9/11 victims. so that is how that investigation is going to be directing itself in that way. see where it leads. and see where it leads. >> susan candiotti, thanks. next, pr executives weigh in with advice for casey anthony before she gets out of jail. a florida lawmaker wants to stop jurors from cashing in on high profile trials by writing books and giving interviews. we want to know what you think. e-mail us, give us a tweet, tell us on facebook and we will read through some of them next. 38 minutes after the hour. t the motorola expert from sprint. its powerful tools help you work faster and smarter so you can get back to playing "angry birds." it lets you access business forms on the go, fire off e-mails with the qwerty keypad, and work securely around the world so you can get back to playing "angry birds." it's the android-powered phone that mixes business with pleasure. so let's get our work done, america, so we can all get back to playing "angry birds." the motorola expert from sprint. trouble hearing on the phone? visit but i did. they said i couldn't fight above my weight class. but i did. they said i couldn't get elected to congress. but i did. ♪ sometimes when we touch ha ha! millions of hits! [ male announcer ] flick, stack, and move between active apps seamlessly. only on the new hp touchpad with webos. nearly three years after being behind bars, casey anthony is set to be released on sunday. unclear at this point what she is going to do or what her plans are. she has received a number of death threats, though. >> it's curious. the law enforcement is not their responsibility. what is she going to do because of that? jurors in high profile trials can hope for a payday but a lawmaker is hoping to ban future jurors from cashing in. a proposed bill would make it illegal for a juror to accept compensation for information immediately following a case. >> they have this nine-month cooling off period as they call it and violators could face fine and jail time. this way, lawmakers say, jurors wouldn't be biased during the deliberations or make the case go one way or the other and make their story better and get more money. the bill came back of after a juror in the casey anthony case sought a publicist after the trial. >> we don't know why they sought the publicist to fend off media requests. here is what some of you say. take a page out of other nation's approach. in canada it is illegal for the media to contact jurors and jurors are enjoined not to discuss what went on in the jury room. way less sexy. jurors enter the trial essentially anonymous and do their job and return to anonymity. >> i think it's interesting to walk through what was going through the jurors' minds. i like hearing from the jurors at the end of the trial. even not the over the top -- >> we want to hear from them. >> this is from todd. no. just another example of why a jury of your peers should be abandoned. courtroom has become a stage and attorneys are actors and witnesses are coached. this clearly favors a guilty defendant trying to get acquitted. it should be a panel of seven judges. majority decision is the verdict. he has it all worked out. >> wow! >> like throw it all out. >> the jury of your peers is a piece of american legal history. >> we have had remarkable responses to this. thanks to them. casey anthony might be out of jail on sunday but her troubles are far from over. her face is recognized across the country. quite possibly around the globe. >> it's definitely infamy in a large way is a public relations nightmare. how could someone like her rebuild her life and image? david mattingly weighs in for us this morning. he is live from orlando. hey, david. >> reporter: good morning, soledad. the scrutiny that casey anthony is going to face once she gets out of jail here is a given. public relations experts will also be watching to see how she plans to manage this attention. as one of the most watched and talked about people in the country, public relations executives weigh in with a word of caution to casey anthony -- do not confuse infamy with fame. >> the not fame. there's interest in you. a lot of it's negative interest. don't confuse that situation with celebrity. don't think that you have to go out and do a whole lot of things right now. as a matter of fact it's best probably to lay low. >> caylee! >> reporter: if that is even possible. angry words we heard outside the orange county courthouse are tiny in comparison to the casey anthony hatred expressed online. more than 770,000 people are signed on to just one of many anti-casey pages on facebook. >> we, the jury, find the defendant not guilty. >> reporter: acquitted in a court of law, casey anthony may need to begin fighting for her freedom in the court of public opinion the minute she walks out of jail. >> most people are going to be looking at her expression. i think people need to see remorse. i think people need to see that she understands the fact that she lost her daughter. she doesn't need to walk out of jail smiling. she doesn't need to walk out of jail with a smirk on her face. she needs to walk out of jail looking like a mother who lost her child. >> reporter: and from there, experts believe it would be time, at least temporarily, to disappear. consider the offers that come her way and decide how best to tell her story. >> we're going to have to hear from casey anthony. we're going to have to hear first-person account. people will be independence in what she has to say. whether or not they accept it or not is a different story. >> reporter: of course, credibility just one of the many long-term issues that casey anthony is going to have to be struggling with as she tries to put her own life back together and find some path out there outside of jail, soledad. we're all still waiting and watching to see when, where, and how she is actually released from the jail on sunday. >> and she's a very young woman. she has a long life ahead of her. david mattingly, thanks. your morning headlines are next. stay with us. [ male announcer e looking for a pickup truck, check out the miles per gallon. the length of the power train warranty. and the horsepower. only ram delivers this kind of muscle. that'll thin out the herd real quick. . guts. glory. ram. t the motorola expert from sprint. its powerful tools help you work faster and smarter so you can get back to playing "angry birds." it lets you access business forms on the go, fire off e-mails with the qwerty keypad, and work securely around the world so you can get back to playing "angry birds." it's the android-powered phone that mixes business with pleasure. so let's get our work done, america, so we can all get back to playing "angry birds." the motorola expert from sprint. trouble hearing on the phone? visit so we can all get back to playing "angry birds." woman: saving for our child's college fund was getting man: yes it was. so to save some money, we taught our 5 year old how to dunk. woman: scholarship! woman: honey go get him. anncr: there's an easier way to save. get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. a top rupert murdoch executive is quitting over the phone-hacking scandal. rebekah brooks resigned and editor at the time of the most serious allegations against "the news of the world. >> on the fbi is investigating claims that "the news of the woverl world" paper tried to hack nine phones. the "wall street journal" says osama bin laden was putting together a team of terrorists to attack the u.s. ten years to the day that the twin towers came down. that intel comes from documents that navy s.e.a.l.s seized when they killed him. no wore on what casey anthony is going to do when she gets out of jail on sunday. she was acquitted in the dem of her 2-year-old daughter casey. no deal to raise the debt ceiling. the president has called a break after five straight talks. they could meet again tomorrow. u.s. stocks are trading higher ahead of the opening bell in the morning. new economics numbers are in. government says falling prices at the pump pushed the prices lower last month. california's governor signed a bill that requires schools to teach gay history. the bill is believed to be the first of its kind in the nation. in l.a., carmageddon startsing this weekend. a bridge being closed on 405. you can expect the delays. you're caught up on today's headlines. ♪ ♪ probably cause you think you're cooler than me ♪ we are cooler than you are, or at least many parts of the country today temperature wise. 72 in new york city. beautiful view of central park. sunny and mostly sunny later on and 85 and still be cooler than many parts of the country. that's not like a judgment. >> no, it is a judgment. we are -- just kidding. for "harry potter" fans, sad and news. it's over. end is here. final installment of the film franchised with midnight showings across the country. as usual, long lines. people in costume. i always find that a little weird watching the movie in costume, but whatever floats your boat. box office smash even before the opening credits, they had $25 million in advanced sales. >> more than some movies make in actual sales. incredible. help for you mugles in morning over the "harry potter" films. see how the franchises in the "star wars" and "star trek" films have lived on and on. he expects potter to live long and prosper. i guess what involves anybody wearing costumes has another life. good news. mila kunis will not let her country down after all. she apparently is going to keep her date to the marine corps ball. reports swirled she was trying to get out of it. >> yeah. >> but her rep says her shooting schedule is clear. marine sergeant scott moore asked her through a youtube video. he is stationed in afghanistan and i guess she is searching for a dress. >> no word now on whether justin timberlake who encouraged her to accept the invitation is saying yes to a virginia based marine who posted a similar youtube video and inviting j.t. to her marine corps ball. he has not responded. two good-looking marines serving their country and can cause a lot of damage to you if you say no to them, make you mad. >> 53 minutes after the hour. re? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. new ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] new ensure high protein. ensure! nutrition in charge! sir, can you hear me? just hold the bag. we need a portable x-ray, please! [ nurse ] i'm a nurse. i believe in the power of science and medicine. but i'm also human. and i believe in stacking the deck. . ♪ maybe i can see your halo you're saving grace ♪ >> this week, cnn hero gardening started a way on bond with her children. when the recession hit her backyard hobby became a necessity. . take a look. >> i love the united states. i think it's a wonderful place to live. it's scary to me with so much land and abundance that people are hungry. in 2008, my husband lost his job. it was a very, very difficult time. the first thing we did was plant a garden. if you grow your own food, you never have to worry about how you're going to feed your family. we thought if we can help other garden, then we can help them pull themselves up out of poverty. i'm holly hirschberg. we teach people to grow enough for a family of food. we want to help people provide for themselves. this is an egg plant and i've already harvested from it. my garden is in front of my apartment. i can grow tomatoes and bell pepper in just flower pot. if it wasn't for my garden, then i wouldn't be able to afford fresh produce at all. >> these were seeds from the dinner garden. we have provided over 5u6,000 seat backs to individuals and families all over the country' provided seeds for 180 community gardens. who wants to grow vegetables? we see a lot of families whose children only eat when they get a free meal at school. when they are at home, we really want them to have the best nutrition possible and certainly you can't do better than garden veggie. i'm not a master gardener. we provide the seeds and help you grow them. you eat the food to fight hunger. >> that really is. i'm inspired. never garden in my life. >> she said i'm not a great gardener. if you know anybody making a big difference in your world, tell us about them at to nominate them to be a cnn hero. later on today, in a few hours, president obama will hold a news conference to keep us up-to-speed what is happening in the debt ceiling talks. while a little hard to make it interesting, it is crucially important. they have now five days of meeting with no deal. you can watch president obama live right here on cnn. been great to have you

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American Airlines , Detroit , Donald Rumsfeld , Screening , Pat Down , Program Tee , Fliers , Space Shuttle , Pictures , Witnesses , Chicago , Atlantis S , O Hare , Mission , Wake Up Call , Smiles , Paul Mccartney , Eight , Safety , Concerns , Crew , Shuttle , Good Day Sunshine , Earth , 21 , July 21st , Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2 , Premier , Fans , Moguls , Midnight Magic , Muggleles , Line , Franchise , Deathly Hall Loss Part 2 , Nice , 2 , Weekend , Work , Ticket Sales , Reviews , Rave Reviews , 25 Million , 5 Million , Photos , Haven T , Many , You And Me , Dressing Up , Theater , Rob Marciano , Boy , Garb , Thunderstorms , Area , Action , South , Jet Stream , Tornado Warning , Northern Plains , Pop , Hi , Wompatet , Fargo , Funnel , Least , Signature , Radar , 35 , New York , North , Boundary , City , D C , Weather , Atlanta Airport , Northeast , Philly , Heat , Temperatures , Humidity , Levels , Minneapolis , Across The Plains , 100 , Event , Heat Indices , Shot , Canadian Border , Bridge , 111 , Looks , Willbur The Pig , July , Border , Map , Beginning , Land , Heat Wave , Lakes , Texas , Ugly , Homeowner S Association , Home , Letter , Yard , Neighbors , 30 , Pigs , Signatures , Dogs , Black , Owners , Sweat Gland , Wilbur , Hump Back Whale , Sea Of Cortez , Long Island , Boat , Whale , Celebration , Netting , Appreciation , Isn T , Whales , Youtube , Zoo , Doctors , Animal , Vaccinations , Cheetah Cubs , Six , Birthday , Timing , Bash , Guests , Yep , 5000 , 35000 , Stories , Money , Course , Anybody , College Fund , Scholarship , Honey Go , Dunk , Car Insurance , Counter , Homes , Anncr , Geico Com , Bounty , Sheets , Sheet , Bargain , Thn , Super Absorbent , Picker Upper , Medicare , Waste , Loopholes , Billions , Pushover , Want , Target , Politicians , Cabin Filter , Air Filter , Benefits , 50 Million , Everything , Brakes , Breathing , Fluid Levels , Bugs , Leaves , Locust , Alignments , Crud , Lint , Car Doctor , Doctor , Dealer , Eyes , Rebate , Transitions Lenses , Saver Package , Ford , 9 95 , 29 95 , Transitions , Eyecare Professional , Lenses , Comfortably , The Sun , Thanks To The Eyeglass Guide , Pair , Eyeglasses , Eyeglassguide Com , Dow , S P 500 , Nasdaq , 27 , 500 , Debt Ceiling Talks , Agency , Complications , Credit , Markets , Stimulus , Reserve , Earnings , Estimates , Market Movers , Rise , Bell , Citigroup , 36 , Editor , Stock , Phone Hacking Scandal , Trading Sessions , Beating , Trading Yesterday , 7 , Wealthy Americans , Swiss Offshore Bank , Credit Suisse , Premarket Trading , Taxes , Planning , Crisis , Accounts , Recession , Subpoenas , Harris Research , Users , Google Plus , Beta Testing , Social Networking Site , 10 Million , 69 , 64 , Company , Number , Super Business , Break , Invitation , Cnnmoney Com , Ones , Job , Superguarantee , Only Superpages , The Good Guys , Phone , Book , Superpages , Preservatives , Naturals , Flavors , Ingredients , Purina Cat Chow , Vietnam , 1967 , Military , Auto Insurance , Level , Usaa , Generation , Veterans , Protection , Commitment , Iraq , 2003 , Auto Insurance Quote , Legacy , Equal , Everyone , East Coast , 6 , 31 , Studios , Wake , Hand , Talks , Progress , Protesters , Thousands , Protests , Scenes , Sign , Tahrir Square , Revolution , Cairo , Dictatorship , Winter , Threats , Attempts , Intimidation , Frederik Pleitgen , Government , Hosni Mubarak , It Testing , In Cairo , Order , Muslim Brotherhood , Police Officers , Police Force , Crede Power , Point , Mind , General , Reforms , Purging , Government Bodies , Change , Military Council , Cooler , Core , Reasons , Evening , Fred , Demands , Square , Met , Candy Crowley , Supporter , Working For News Corp , News Corp Journalists , Friend , Answering Machines , Communications , There Shouldn T Be , Crime , Rush To Judgment , Interview , Kinds , Presumption Of Innocence , Papers , Phone Hacking Allegations , Defaulting , Speech , Eastern Time , Capitol Hill , Ceiling , Troops , Defaults , Couples , Fund Raiser , August 3rd , Path , Afghanistan , Draw , Barbara Starr , First , Pentagon , Surge Forces , 33000 , Iowa National Guard , 650 , Administration , The Don T Ask , Federal Appeals Court , Don T Tell Debate , Ruling , Don T Tell , Enforcement , Status Quo , Ban , Services , Plan , Gay Rights Groups , Don T Ask , Lifting , 60 , Trials , Prisoner , Center , Bar Ra , Security Plan , Notoriety , None , Prisoners , Jail On Sunday , Gary Tuchman , Jose Baez , Abc News , Acquittals , Antagonism , Danger , Process , Bodyguards , Step , Sheriff Office , News Photographers , 01 , Release , Inmate , Videotape , Leaving , Images , Where Will Casey Anthony Go , Custody , Frenzy , Perview , Attorneys , Jobs , Everywhere , Appearance , Death Threats , Plans , Population , Speculation , Cheney Mason , Husband , Stability , Couple , Elsewhere , Journey , Montana , Mila Kunis , Rumors , Actress , Ball , Rep , Marine , Little , Grunts , Volkswagen , Tiguan , 2011 , Cat Meows , Whistles , Discounts , Agent , Coverage , Save , Ting , 800 My Coverage , 800 , 44 , Payday , Jury Duty , Florida State Representative , Media , Interviews , Answers , Organization , Blog , Cody , Jeff Patterson , Reason , Jeff , Honor , Twitter , Views , Lots , Head , Writing Books , Oj Simpson , Madam Foreman , Biggest , Books , Michael Jackson , Thoughts , Marine Corps Ball , Thank God , Scott Moore , Shooting Schedule , Virginia Based Marine , Justin Timberlake , Kelsey , Skill , Video , Cute , Pinky , Marines Corps Ball , Jeanne Moos , Limit , Insults , Highlights , Sky , Lites , Temper Tantrums , 47 , Sides , Welcome Back , Pause , Claims , History , Demonstrators , Phone Taps , London , Egypt , Department Filing , Southern California , Motion , Gays , White House , Courts , Killing , Supporters , Highway Officers , Interstate 405 , Highways , Bridge Demolition Project , Carmageddon , Los Angeles , 53 , 405 , Lines , Shutdown , Freeway , Anticipation Building , Ramps , Access , Headlines , Sales , Premiers , Stay , Debt , Fodder , Times , Tempers , On And , Stuff , Mean , Debt Clock , Flights , Nasty , Mess , Frankly , Testy , Orbit , 18 , Annoyance , Negotiating Room , Cameras , Tension , Exasperation , Blows , A , Chair , Debt Negotiations , Hissy Fit , Crazy Out , Housewives Of New Jersey , Bleep , Serty Fibly , Teresa , Debt Ceiling Plan , Raise , El Foldo , Peas , Food Fight , Hamburger Today , Poppy Chashg Ter , Wimpy , Dealing , Turn , Pratty Kids , Plate , Speaker Boehner , Blood , Jello , Slimy , Jello Is Slippery , The Untouchables , El Ka , Budget , Bat , Team Wins , Hard Core , I Don T Know , Breather Today , Press Conference , Eastern , Let , Tim Pawlenty , Oval Office , Meltdown , 56 , Engine , Whole Nother Story , Best In Class Towing , Engine Idling , Torque , Guts , Ram , Truck , Glory , Legendary Cummins Engines , Pricing , Meetings , Choice , My Meineke , Hold , Figure , Soledad O Brien Helping Out , Debt Ceiling Debate , Corners , Hilgtss , Powers , Deal , Chaos , Catastrophic , Kalam Matisse , August 2nd , Outcome , Overstatement , Kalam Tis , Statement , Dan Lothian , Agreement , Platform , Time , Aide , Sources , Next , Caucuses , Bottom Line , Options , Limits , Issue , Secretary , Istanbul , Contact Group , Analysis , Libya , Greece , Concern , Anthony May , In Session , On Trutv , Door , Contributor , Sunny Hostin , Prison Officials , Authorities , Prison , Luck , Defendants , Postings , Examples , Page , Shooting , Sights , Implication , Tree , Gear , Does , Death Threats Law Enforcement , Tv , Argument , Obligation , Dodge , Convoys , Vehicles , Escape Plan , Plastic Surgery , Let S Face It , Identity , Book Deal , Liar , Anywhere , Television Deal , Reality Tv , Name , World , Hiding , Worldwide Coverage , Table , Offer , Sunny , A Million , A Million Dollars , Commuter Plane , Atlantic Southeast Airlines , Wing Juz , Tails , Whitey Bulger , Tabloid Phone Hacking Scandal , Deb Feyerick , James , Guest , Candidate , Stone Cold Killer , Sneak Peek , Don T Bother , Bmw , Channels , Summer , Saudi , Mercedes , Siriusxm , Satellite Radio , 130 , Deal Done , Governor , Party , Tweets , Metaphors , Problem , Band Aid , Ceiling Talks , Bone , Chief Executive , Economists , Road , Reporting , Treasury Secretary , Payments , May , Wouldn T , They Didn T Have To , Control , 0000 , 144 Million , 40000 , 44 Million , Estate , Journalist , Grup , Minnesotans , Spending Increase , Tenure , 40 , Difference , Record , Out Of Control , Transformational Change , Common Sense , Lines In The Sand , Vetoes , Isn T A Matter , Look , Somebody , Polls , Means , Gallup , Cuts , Tax Increases , Quinnipiac Poll , 26 , Credits , Rebates , Elimination , Similar , 68 , Leadership , Corporations , Computer Program , Wealthy , 67 , Government Spending , Tax , Multiple , Rate , Revenues , 4 , Spending , Growth , Polling , Michele Bachmann , Swing , Iowa , Poll , Sixth , Des Moines Register , Message , Poll Numbers , Cutting Taxes , Employee , Results , Health Care Reform , Pension , Race , Candidates , Strengths , Forecast , Update , My Pleasure , 17 , Building , Southwest , Southern Plains , Afternoon , Parts , Airport Delays , Eastern North Dakota , Streak , Extent , Oklahoma City , Denver , Big Delta Hubs , 104 , Notice , 85 , 20 , International Falls , Ice Box , Heat Index , Fan , Hands , Trouble , Wind , Canada , Rupert Murdock Protege , Help , Medication , Alzheimer S Disease , Death , Exelon , Patients , Hospitalization , Treatment , Disease , Symptoms , Twenty Four , Side Effects , Dose Increases , Appetite , Weight , Loss , Likelihood , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Severity , Nausea , 110 , Medicines , Stomach Problems , Heart Rate , Heart Conditions , Bleeding , Risk , Stomach Ulcers , Exelon Patch , Visit Exelonpatch Com , Fed , Ri Singh , 750 Million , Ood Made For Th , Purina Puppy Chow , Essential Nutrients , Puppy Needs , Diabetes , Glucerna , Shakes , Carbs , A1c , Blood Sugar Spikes , Balance , Sidewalk , The Street , Mobster , Movie , Character , On The Run , Apartment , Inspiration , Jacque Nicholson , The Departed , Terror , Special , Sunday Night , Preview , Oreign , Agents , Depiction , Hand Cuffed , Defiant , Shoot Out , To , Shotguns , Assault Rifles , Garage , Silencer , Automatic Pistols , 81 , Teens , Revolvers , Armed And Dangerous , Jimmy Cagney , Whitey , Version , Flamboyance , Hollywood , String , Bank Robberies , Red Carpets , Alcatraz , Research , Boston Globe , Gerald , Reporters Dick , 1965 , Mob Enforcer , Nothing , Parking Ticket , Hadn T , 1988 , Guys , Aka The Rifle Man , Killing Rampage , Steve Themmy , 1972 , Deborah Davis , Fingers , Cutting , Use , Dna , Flemy , Teeth , Tom Fuentes , Headquarters , Squad , Organized Crime , Informant , Contacts , Brutality , Crimes , Mob , Mobsters , Priority , Italian Mafia , Rogue Agents , Representation , Cart , Rat , Debbie Davis , Killer , Amazing Stories , Ice Wars , 8 , Extreme Cheer Leading , Chief Rebeckah Brooks , Resignation , Calling , Developments , Parliament , Scandal Broke , Sword , Allegation , Senators , Inquiry , Newspapers , Voice Males , What The Ag , Horrifying , Bottom , Disgust , Feeling , Messages , Father , Firefighter , Sons , Jim Riches , Rights , Wait , Misstep , Mistrial , Prosecutors Led , Perjury , Judge , Clemens , Testimony , Prosecution , Surprise , Roger Clemens , Schools , Law Student , Performance , Drugs , Coming , Parents , Quote , Lessons , Traditional Values Coalition , Contributions , Groups , Children , Public School , Transgender , Lesbian , Gay , Idea , Contribution , Lesbians , Everybody Else , Inclusion , Result , Camping , Baseball Game , Bean Balls , Climate , Hate , Brawls , Hand Out Bats , Peaceful , Washington Literacy Council , Hero , Golf Super Star , Greater Washington , Diamond , The First Tee , Nationals Park , Boys And Girls Club , Grief Counseling , Day One , Harry Potte Fans , British Open , Rory Mcilroy , Har , Star Wars , Snooze , Ending , Endings , Trek Kis , Star Trek , Chocolate , Friends , Ally Bank , Customers , Vanilla , Her , Umm , Teaser Rates , Deposit , Love , Splash , Most , Soil , Spokesman , Fighters , Opposition , Nato , Leader , Zain , Dig , Zain Verjee , Front , Diplomats , Supplies , Sense , Moral , Low , Opening , Violence , Distraction , Golden Girl , Teenager , Milly Dowler , Didn T , Par , British Open Championship , Thomas Ba , Yorn , Stroke Office , Film Franchise Hits Theaters Today , Golfer , Space , Chapter , 71 , Showings , Franchises , California Culture Expert , Films , Events , Conventions , Mourning , Trek Ki , Costumes , Sh , Verse , U S Women Soccer Team , Win , Championship , Football , Endorsements , Labor Impasse , Nfl , Send , Grapgic , Host , Breakout Star Of The Tournament , Smartphones , Yeah Dawg , 45 , Oman , Gentleman , Bubbly , Brostache , Trumpet , Geico , Guitar , Sfx , Jam Vo , Costs , Letters , Mail , Taxpayer , Wonder , 34 Million , 165 Billion , Women , Postage , Tax Dollars , Men , Tens , Hundreds , Stamps , United States Postal Service , Postal Worker S Union , Status , Variety , England , E N G , Knighthood , Think , Kettle On , Manservant , Sir , Type , Go , Ostrich , Morning Headlines , Rupert Murdock Executive , 46 , Anthony , Profits , Boost , Futures Trading , Hope , Goal Line , Players , Lockout , 87 , Sixty Thousand , 9 , Zero , 4000 , 0 , 70 , August 1st , 300 , 55 , 29 , Four Bucks , 2010 , 250 , 153 Million , 53 Million , A Hundred , 150 Million , 85 Million , 22 , 28 , 42 , 99 , 10 , 38 , Seven , 72 , 2008 , 180 , Clean Tech Sector , Makers , Monday Morning , Sectors , Solar Panels , Debt Ceiling Stall , Biofuels , Fuel Cells , Et Cetera ,

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