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cnn's jim spellman is seeing its power firsthand. he's now in the bahamas. we'll try to get jim spellman. we don't have him quite yet because the wind is blowing really, really hard in the bahamas at this moment. let's head into atlanta and check in with jack can jeras. can you tell us the track of the storm? >> we can, carol. we've seen more changes and it bridges it closer to hugging the coast of the united states, potentially from north carolina all the way on up northward. i do want to tell people, this is just in. normally we get this 20 minutes before the top of the hour and it literally just came in. bear with me. the hurricane watches you've been talking about, this is the north carolina coast, from north of surfacy to the north carolina/virginia border. tropical storm watches in addition for that north of modesto beach to surfacy. basically what that means is hurricane conditions are expected in about 48 hours, but tropical storm watch means tropical storm conditions are expected in about 48 hours. the storm did weaken just a smidge yesterday. we're at 115 miles per hour. that's down from 120. but it's still same category 3 and a very, very major threat as it moves through the central bahamas right now. it's been lashing the bahamas. lots of damage being reported in southeastern parts of the islands. let's talk about that track here. this is the latest for you showing you that it could intensify once again throughout the day today and into tomorrow. it's going to stay off the coast of florida. we're talking about 200, 250 miles off the coast, but the tropical storm force winds extend out about 250 miles, so it's going to be brushing the coastal areas at times. we're expecting a lot of high surf today. there are wind advisories in effect even into central parts of florida as irene continues to approach. as we head into saturday, that's where we even going to see it as it heads toward the carolinas. you're going to see these conditions. by saturday morning at the latest, landfall is a possibility here and then moving on up into the northeastern parts of the united states. now, the computer models we were talking that it was shifting east, east, east the last couple of days, guess what, carol, they've shifted off to the west and they're showing more consensus, so we are concerned that this could be scraping all the way up the coast and bringing a lot of damage and a lot of flooding to a whole lot of people. >> man. at least we'll all be sharing in the misery, right? >> there you go. >> we did manage to get jim on the phone. he's in the bahamas. he's in nasa. so jim spellman, what's it like there? >> reporter: hi, carol. i i i'm having trouble out here. high winds. i'd say probably a tropical storm. not hurricane-level winds just yet but still punishing pounding winds. as it passes through -- so far, though, a quick drive through town this morning they haven't seen any major damage. a few trees down, signs blown over, but no structures seem to be majorly damaged that we can see at this point. back to you. >> all right. jim spellman, we'll let you go. we know you probably have to take cover at some point and of course we'll have jim on a little later in the show and we'll continue to get updates from jacqui jeras. in other new this morning there's still no sign of moammar gadhafi. they're hoping a big pile of cash will flush him out of the shadows. they've put a bounty on him, dead or alive. rebels are stille fighting loyalists especially around the airport. cnn's arwa damon is in the thick of things. she told anderson cooper why the airport is such a fierce area. >> reporter: the reason why there's been such, is they believe gadhafi's loyalties are trying to clear a route for gadhafi and his family members to shou escape. the rebels are do not control the areas to the east of the airport. there's two military bases located there. it's populated with gadhafi loyalists. there's a church of highway that runs south of trip will to the airport complex here, anderson. >> the rebels are asking other countries to give libya money that has been frozen in their banks the last couple of months. the united nations might vote on that. did you feel this one? it was a 4.5 magnitude tremor, really just an aftershock. there are not any reports of damage unlike tuesday ice 5.8 earthquake, although that earthquake did crack the top of the washington monument. it's going to be closed for a while as engineers figure out how to fix the cracks. the quake damages three corner spires and flying buttresses. the animals at the national zoo, they knew the quake was coming. keeper says about 15 minutes before the shakers began the apes scrambled up into their lookouts, the flamingos gathered a big pink defensive ball and snakes that normally would have been asleep were slithering around. >> all of these behaviors were atypical given the behaviors that we observe in these animals of this time of day every single day. >> and, by the way, only the pandas had no reaction. they just laid around sleeping is as they normally do. just about two weeks shy of the ten-year anniversary of the 9/11, authorities have identified a set of remains from ground zero. 40-year-old james was an ic consultant who worked in the tower. the new york medical examiner's office says dna testing is being done on over 400 samples of remains. some relatives have met with attorney general eric holder. they asked him to expand a hacking investigation. they want to know if employees of rue put murdock's news corp hacked into their loved ones' cell phones, voice mails or computers. it's led to several arrests and resignations in the uk. john edwards says he needs more time to get ready for his trial. the trial is supported to start in october but edwards says his daughter is getting married that mount plus he needs to get a new attorney to get him up to speed on his case. the former democratic presidential candidate is accused of breaking campaign contribution laws. steve jobs, the matter mooind behind the iphone, ipad and other gats that rocked the world is resigning as ceo of apple. how he broke the news and who stepping up as apple's next chief executive is next. but here is our quote of the day. here's the quote. there are gonna be heads exploding all over washington. find out who said this and why. that's coming your way in 90 seconds. [ dog ] i have a gut feeling i am gonna ace this checkup. my vet thinks my insides are in mint condition. [ female announcer ] vets agree, a healthy checkup starts inside. our breakthrough iams premium protection formula is developed with vets with cutting edge ingredients for the lifelong health of your pet. [ dog ] healthy inside and out. come on, up high! [ female announcer ] iams premium protection. our most advanced iams nutrition. ever. [ dog ] i am an iams dog. ♪ woof. discover aveeno positively radiant tinted moisturizers with scientifically proven soy complex and natural minerals. give you sheer coverage instantly, then go on to even skin tone in four weeks. aveeno tinted moisturizers. fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! [ jack ] yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] half a day's worth of fiber. fiber one. it is nine minutes past the hour. this is your a.m. "wake-up call." et welcome back. now to the quote of the day. this is the quote. there are gonna be heads exploding all over washington. the quote came from former vice president dick cheney. he said that to nbc about the memoir he's about to release next week. he writes about a secret resignation letter and his formal thoughts about george bush. i can't wait. steve jobs has stepped down as ceo of the tech giant he helped create. job has been on medical leave since the beginning of the year. in his resignation letter he writes i have always said if there were ever a day when i could no longer meet my duties and expectations as apple's ceo, i would be the first to let you know. unfortunately that day has come. lit's head to kristie lu stout. she's in hong kong. wow. iphones, ipads, all that happened under steve jobs. that changed the game, didn't he? >> he did. it's worth going through how many businesses apple has transformed under steve jobs. the computer, the apple two, making it affordable for anyone to own to the macintosh launched in 1984. the ipod which surpassed the walkman. the itune store transformed the music business. some say it killed the music bisque. of course, the iphone turning the mobile phone into a computer platform and what i always have with me, the ipad, which is ushering a post pc era, all of those products came to market under the direction of one man, steve jobs, who, carol, the headline is, he's no longer ceo. >> i mean i know he's been having health problems, he had pancreatic cancer, live transplant, doesn't really talk much about his health so we don't know exactly how he's feeling. what's the speculation out there about why he decided to do this? >> that's just merely speculation at this point. there was a report about a month ago when the reporter asked him is there a success inline in place. steve jobs said, quote, that is hogwa hogwash. but in the resignation letter he said a succession plan is in place. tim cook is the new ceo. he's done it before. earlier this year and in 2009 and in 2004. he previously served as apple's chief operating sales. word inside apple is he's widely popular, but he's not a prop ukts guy. he's an operations guy. he's not going to be a new steve jobs. apple after steve jobs will be a leadership of a team of people, not just one person. but let's be clear on this. he's seriously ill. he's very sick, but steve jobs is still very much alive and he remains as chairman of the board. back to you. >> yab. nobody quite like him. a team of people have to take over for him. kristie lu stout reporting live from hong kong. et many thanks. mitt romney turns down a labor day invite. instead the republican front-runner has other plans. he'll give us more insight into his 2012 strategy. that's just ahead. and in honor of the bickering in politics today is the national day of kiss-and-make-up day. go on, kiss and make up. 13 minutes past the hour. a real person will be there to help you. then you can use to view photos of the damage, track your claim, print an estimate. you want an english muffin? they literally hand you a toasted muffin with butter and jam. (sigh) whaa. tasty. that's, that's a complete dramatization of course, but you get my point. vo: geico 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. if something is simply the color of gold, is it really worth more? we don't think so. chase sapphire preferred is a card of a different color. unlike others, you get twice the points on travel, and twice the points on dining, and no foreign transaction fees. call now or apply at your nutritional needs can go up when you're on the road to recovery. proper nutrition can help you get back on your feet. three out of four doctors recommend the ensure brand for extra nutrition. ensure clinical strength has revigor and thirteen grams of protein to protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. and immune balance to help support your immune system. ensure clinical strength... helping you to bounce back. ensure! nutrition in charge! 14 minutes past the hour. first an earthquake, and now a hurricane threatening the east coast. late-night comedians are getting a kick out of mother nature. here's your morning punch line. >> i hate when we have natural disasters kick in. we have hurricane warnings and the young dancers are strapping themselves to the pole. >> see that's what happens when you can sell "oprah." >> here's how big the earthquake was yesterday. the supermodels were actually swaying. meanwhile president obama is still vacationing on martha's vineyard. it's really sad when your spf factor is higher than your approval rating. >> time now for your political ticker with our friend tim farley, host of "morning briefi briefing" from sirius. good morning, tim. >> good morning. >> i think we should start with mitt romney. jim demint was in north carolina and mitt romney said, hmm, i'm going to skip it. >> it's interesting to me that mitt romney is sort of like the george constanza of politics. remember the episode on "seinfeld" where george would do everything opposite? he's ignoring north carolina. jim demeant, more familiar with the righties. mitt romney says i'm not going to go there right now and putting his eggs in the new hampshire basket right now. he's not going to there. senator demint likes to fashion himself as a key maker. he's fashioning himself. tight is the long game for mitt romney. he's looking at delegate count and looking at all the states. south carolina probably not going to be very, very good to hum. >> the speculation is one of the reasons he's not going to do there he did poorly in 2008 in south carolina. i think he came in third after john mccain. also his mormon faith might be keeping him out of the faith. it's a very christian-oriented state. maybe that's the reason why. by the way, bachmann and perry do plan to go to jim demint's little shin dig. >> indeed. it's an evangelical state. jim deminute endorsed mitt romney in 2008. this is not 2008 though. mitt romney playing the long game, not necessarily ignoring south carolina but it's not one of his priorities right now. >> so the hurricane is coming and it's going to hit, i don't know, the east coast sometime this weekend and president obama is going to -- we keep talking about president obama and his vacation. no, he's not going to cut his vacation short. he's staying. >> he is indeed. and he did play a little golf yesterday in a place. there were a few local golfers who were upset because he took up all the golf carts, not just him but his entourage. there's a much more mooted response this time around to the president's visits in martha's vineyard, but to the point you were making about irene, it was noted yesterday that the president is not planning to cut short his vacation. he's scheduled to be back in d.c. for the dedication for the martin lieu thr king jr. memorial but they're going to have to watch because it could affect new england. washington, d.c., is watching to see what it does because of the celebration on sunday. >> that could be pose posted depending on which direction it turns. tim farley. moammar gadhafi wanted dead or alive. we're going to take you live to tripoli. it's 19 minutes past the hour. [ male announcer ] get ready for the left lane. the volkswagen autobahn for all event is back. right now, get a great deal on new volkswagen models, including the jetta, awarded a top safety pick by the iihs. that's the power of german engineering. hurry in and lease the jetta s for just $179 a month. ♪ visit today. 21 minutes past the hour. this is your "wake-up call." there are three things you need to put on your radar. hurricane i ryan, the first watches and warnings for the united states could come as early as this morning. at 9:00 a.m. eastern new york mayor michael bloomberg will hold a press conference to discuss preparations for the storm. at 1:00 eastern a hearing in the case against the doctor accused of killing mikage jackson. attorneys for conrad murray asking that jurors be sequestered. coffee companies like craft and smucker are reversing their past price hikes. the easing is being attributed to coffee futures and improving coffee growing weather conditions. they're spurring on a manhunt for the fugitive leader moammar gadhafi. he's wanted dead or alive. rebels have a bounty on his head, about $1.5 million for anyone who captures him, but pockets of fierce fielting persists. one of gadhafi's sons saadi is talking cease-fire to spare the city a sea of fire. dozens of journalists health -- held for days. here's matthew chance before he was let go. bye, bye, bbc, bye matthew. good luck. >> good luck. >> matthew is a happy man today but let's go around the world with our own sara sidner. she's live in tripoli. sara, what are things like in the capital now? >> reporter: they've been pretty quiet this morning. it's pretty normal because in the morning time everyone's sleeping and frankly it usually is quite a calm scene but people starting to come out now. there are fewer check points we're noticing in the area where we are. this was the scene yesterday of a lot of explosions because people were blasting off rounds in celebration. but there is a general sense that this entire city is not completely secure. i know a fire fight has been going on around the airport, which is about 15 miles away from here. so what's happening is the rebels are trying to go from street to street and try and secure each and every neighborhood. that has not been an easy task. they were telling us ads we're trying to turn down some of these streets over the past 15 hours or so, you can't go down there. there are snipers on tops of building, evidence of cars that had bullet holes through the window. so there is a sense that the rebels are in control of even more of the city but not all of the city, carol. >> so one of moammar gadhafi's sons is saying, hey, i'll ready to negotiate a cease-fire. do his words carry any weight? >> reporter: actually i think that what we're hearing from the opposition is that we're beyond that. we're beyond that. in hearing things like the city is going to run with blood, some people find that absolutely ridiculous because they know that the rebels have control of much of the city. however, the people don't know what he's referring to, is he referring to a massive army that's going to pop out of somewhere or nowhere? is he referring to chemical weapons, the mustard gas that the gadhafi regime has in its grips? most people are taking it with a grain of salt. they're saying this is a regem that doesn't realize it's lost its grip. the inner families of moammar gadhafi is believed to be delusional and does not understand how much of this country is now controlled by the people who are opposing them. and many of these people, carol, to be fair, are regular citizens who have come from their neighborhoods who decided they'd had enough and they saw the uprising happen and they saw gadhafi's reaction in benghazi when he levelled tanks at his own people. that is what set this all off, a part of really what's happening across the mid east and north africa. but that's what set these people off. civilians have turned themselves into soldiers over the past six months. >> fascinating stuff. sara sidner live from tripoli this morning. thank you. et it u now 26 minutes after the hour. let the watches and evacuations begin. hurricane i ryan is coming on. they're preparing for its weekend arierchlt more on the big storm right after the break. well-being. we're all striving for it. purina cat chow helps you nurture it in your cat with a full family of excellent nutrition and helpful resources. purina cat chow. share a better life. that's not going to satisfy you. come on. it's time for a better snack. try this. it's yoplait greek. it has two times the protein of regular yogurt. you'll feel satisfied. 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[ male announcer ] they'll see you...before you see them. cops are cracking down on drinking and riding. drive sober, or get pulled over. i'm a film star. well, i'm a film, left behind by a floor cleaner i thought was going to take me places. wait! now life is dull... darling! ♪ i believe in miracles [ male announcer ] swiffer attracts dirt. swiffer wetjet's new upgraded solution loosens and lifts off dirt to help prevent streaks and residue. and reveal more shine than a mop or your money back. you had me at "bzzzzz". . good morning to you. it's august 25th. this is carol costello with your a.m. "wake-up call." get ready for irene. hurricane watches are now in effect for parts of the north carolina coast. storms have been pounding the bahamas all night long. cnn's jim spellman is in nassau in the middle of it all. what damage are you seeing, jim? >> reporter: so far, carol, fortunately no major damage. here's our live shot. no rooftops or buildings down. signs down and a lot of high water in the streets, flooding is a big concern. [ inaudible ] so i would say right now maybe -- still got a few more hours. [ inaudible ] so far the power is still on, the cell phones are still working. >> jim spellman reporting live. it's kind of hard to hear because of all the wind but thanks for the update. the good news there, no major damage at least not yet, but i reeb is supposed to turn into a monster storm. jacqui jeras will be along shortly the tell you when it will hit the united states. tourists, d.c., national mall, still not allowed in the washington monument after tuesday's earthquake. there are cracks in the wall. so it's now closed indefinitely as engineers study ways to repair the damage. in the meantime the fcc wants a answers about overletted cell phone networks in washington right after the quick. police and fire reportedly had no problems communicating but plenty of people said they could not get through to 911 when they were using their cell phones so the government is asking for carriers and call centers for more information about what happened and why there was no cell phone service for hours. new warnings from the pentagon about china's growing military. a top defense official says china's bigger and more modern army is potentially destabilizing to the pacific adding that it could stir up new tensions. this comes as congress get as new classified report. talks about china's fighter jets, airport care yeses and its army which is 1.25 million ground troops strong. sheriff's detectivives in florida want to send a $293,000 bill to casey anthony. that's how much the orange county sheriff's department says they spent on working on thedy appearance of her 2-year-old daughter caylee anthony. anthony was found not guilty of murder last month but she was convicted or four misdemeanor counts of lying officers and prosecutors say that's why she should pay up. let's go through all 100. i'm just kidding. number 6, melinda gase, co-founder of bill and melinda gates foundation. sonya gandhi, the president of the indian national congress party. number 8, missourchelle obama, first lady, christine lagarde, and number 10, irene rosenfeld, the ceo of kraft foods. we'll have the top five coming up in 60 seconds. s, but... [ man ] there's never any seats for 25,000 miles. frustrating, isn't it? but that won't happen with the capital one venture card. you can book any airline anytime. hey, i just said that. after all, isn't traveling hard enough? ow. [ male announcer ] to get the flights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet? uh, it's okay. i've played a pilot before. what's in your wallet? and not because silverado's the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size truck on the road or because heavy duty made motor trend's 2011 truck of the year. no, it was good because you told us so. consider this a thank-you. the chevy model year wrap up. get in on our greatest model year yet. right now, combine the all-star edition discount with other offers for a total value of $6,000. our greatest model year yet is wrapping up. 34 minutes past the hour. this is your amount "wake-up call." at number five, sheryl, and number four, indra, number three, number two, hillary clinton who is u.s. secretary of state and number one most powerful woman in the world will be angela merkel who's the chancellor of germany. no u you know. for more on money news let's head to christine roman live from new york. france is proposing tax increases and spending cuts to deal with its debt and sarkozy is dealing wi up for re-election. >> it is incredibly important for the stability of the european system and the bailout of all the other countries that france stay aaa and get its financial house in order. what are they proposing? tax increases to confront some growing debt, $16 billion in tax increases. among the things, taxes on high wage earnings and some big french billionaires have come out and said they're for a special payment to help pay down the debt. alcohol, tobacco, soda, new taxes on those things. interesting. sth will be debated in parliament, of course, maybe next month and there could be some vigorous debate about this. yes, a french president up for re-election proposing tax increases. there you go, carol. >> imagine that. >> i can't in this country, can you? in this country we call them other things, fees -- tax increases are not popular here, not at all. >> you're right about that. we're going to talk about steve jobs on "american morning." >> thanks, christine. >> you're welcome. >> remember the lawmaker who shouted "you lie" at president obama two years ago? this morning he's in the hospital. we're trying to find out more about his condition coming up. here's today's get smart question. steve jobs just resigned as ceo of apple. what was hiss salary last year? a, $80 million, b, 40 million dollars, or c, a dollar? the answer coming up in two minutes. stick around. 39 minutes past the hour. back to our get smart question. steve jobs justry signed as ceo of apple. what was his salary last year? was it $80 million, $40 million or $1? the answer is c. he's made $1 per year. let's bring in cnn political reporter shannon travis who is kind enough to wake up early with us. he's live with us from washington. good morning, shannon. >> good morning, carol. always willing to wake up early for you. >> that's why i like you so much. >> a lot of our viewers may remember he's the congressman who shouted you lie at president obama during a joint session of congress back in 2009. hi was hospitalized apparently yesterday. it's unclear if he's still in right now. but he had to go to the hospital. apparent there this stemming from something that happened or was announced publicly last week. last week his staff said publicly he came out with rocky mountain spotted fever, likely through a tic bite while working in his yard. another said he was taking antibiotics for a simple lyme disease. we're not sure if he does have lyme disease but he was taking antibiotics to treat symptoms of it. so the congressman has had to cancel some appearances from this ill finance that he's come down with and we certainly wish him well, a speedy recovery. >> oh, yeah. i hope he doesn't have lyme disease because it's really nasty and really hard to get rid of. let's talk about the starbucks ceo and his plan. it may be catching on. >> something viewers may be wanting to think about as they sip their morning cough. last week, howard schultz, the ceo of starbucks, he basketly told republicans and democrats in washington, you know what? you want my money. >> stop all the fighting and bickering. apparently hee is got over 100 other ceos to join him. they've all signed this pledge, carol, to say we're going to stop giving to your cam paper. all of you lawmakers running, we're not giving you a dime until you stop the sniping, stop the gridlock. now, last week schultz said -- this is a quote. all it seems people are more interested in is reelection and not fixing problems to help other people. others have joined up with starbucks, tim arm strong of aol. scott griffith. wall ter rob of whole foods and bill campbell of intuit. they hope that everyday americans would do the same thing, that they would withhold their political contributions until the parties in gridlock in washington stops. >> we'll see what happens, but it's interesting that so many ceos have signed up. 100 so far and maybe more. shannon travis, thanks for joining us this morning. hurricane irene. it's coming. check out how it looks from space. it's better to be above it than below it. we'll track the storm for you next. but first this day in history back in 19er 1718 the french founded the city of new orleans. in 1923 napoleon sold it in the louisiana purchase. it's 43 minutes past the hour. t! really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? 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[ major nutrition ] new ensure high protein. if something is simply the color of gold, is it really worth more? we don't think so. chase sapphire preferred is a card of a different color. unlike others, you get twice the points on travel, and twice the points on dining, and no foreign transaction fees. call now or apply at good morning to you. it is thursday, august 25th. this is your a.m. "wake-up call." i'm carol costello. thank you for joining us this morning. we're live from new york. let's get you up to date on hurricane irene. a mandatory evacuation goes into effect later this morning for tourists along the outer banks. so let's check in with meteorologist jacqui jeras. she's tracking this storm. any other watches and warnings? i know you're getting updates all the time. >> yeah. we did get the watches that were updated just this morning, just at the top of the hour. let's go ahead and show you the maps, spell it out for you. this is for your the carolinas. so for virginia, north carolina state line to surf city is where we have a hurricane watch effect and south to modesto beach is where we have a watch. these are watches. that basically means hurricane or tropical storm conditions are expected within 48 hours so we're talking about saturday morning. that's when we're talking about those winds beginning to pick up and really starting to feel the impact of this storm. hurricane warnings are all in effect across bahamas island chains. it's about 80 miles away from nassau as we speak. this is packing winds of 115 miles per hour. this is a very powerful category 3 storm. we're going to continue to see changes in intensity with this thing. it's likely to get stronger as we move through the bahamas but we will see it wobble back and forth. it's very common for hurricanes to change their intensity from time to time. now, saturday morning, that's when we're going to start to feel the impact through the carolinas. this is going to last the day through sunday as it rides up the eastern coast. look at the cone. don't focus on the skinny line. if it does, i have to tell you that would be one of the worst-case scenarios because that would be two landfalls that we're talking about. that will allow it to stay stronger and bring in coast aal flooding. we ooher expecting a potential for hundreds of thousands of people to be without power. that includes you in new york. make sure you've got what you need for at least three days. >> i've got peanut butter and jelly. i have toilet paper which is always good. >> bottled water. >> i'm keeping my fingers crossed that that thing will turn in the right way. >> let's hope. >> thank you. i hope so. thank you, jacqui. things like this are absolutely mesmerizing but they also give forecasters like jacqui jeras a better idea of how strong the storm is and you can get out of the way. that's why noaa is campaigning against budget cuts. a major weather satellite will die in five years can and if the funding isn't there to replace it, forecasters could lose a crucial tool. we'll keep you posted. libya's leader is wanted dead or alive. they're offering a seven-figure award. let's go to sara sidner. there seems to be activity over your shoulder. i know you can't move from that location right now, but what's your best guess? >> best guess, we know that it's toward the back b al aziziya compound, that's the gadhafi compound. now a large plume of smoke in the area to the south of where we are, which is martyr square. i'm going to let you get a view of the plume of smoke. there's definitely a major fire over there. they were being shot into the compound by gadhafi loyalists and that really made headlines because this is a place where moammar gadhafi had set up his own kingdom if you will, a place where the average citizen could not go. you had to be a very close ally. now his own people are firing into that compound trying to root the rebels out. i just heard a blast comes from that area as well. clearly there are issues over there. we have not been able to make it to the area but we're going to head there in just a bit to find out what's going on and if in fact that's bab al aziziya on fire again. >> there's a bounty on his head. do you think that will help? >> reporter: $1.4 million is a lot of money, but it should be cleefrmt libya always tells us we are not a poor nation. you don't see desperation here. you don't see a starvation here. people seem to be doing okay. although, annoyed with the fact that this is a rich nation and a lot of people don't have a whole lot. but i think that this bounty is another incentive and i think it was an incentive to guess those closest to gadhafi and his are jet stream to defect and say i know where he is, and go for the money if not for a cause. that's one of the reasons that i think the national transitional council has put that in place. but the question at this point is whether or not anyone would do that. what we're hearing from people who are real loyalists, they believe what they were hearing from the gadhafi regime, that it was in complete control or in complete control of the rest of the country and suddenly they're faced with the reality right in their face. they can no longer deny that the gadhafi regime has been broken in this country and i think those that are surrounding him and he himself may be a bit delusional in thinking that somehow they still have control over libya. carol? >> sayre >> sara sidner, thanks so much. did you feel this one. >> another quake hit after 1:00 a.m. eastern. there were not any reports of damage unlike tuesday's 5.8 quake. that cracked the top of america's favorite on link. the quake damaged three corner spires and some flying buttresses, damaged some sculptures on the lawn. . animals at the national zoo knew the earthquake was coming. 15 minutes before the shake began apes scrambled up into their lookout, the flamingos gathered into a big defensive pink ball and snakes that should have been sleeping were sliktserring around. >> all of the behaviors were typical. >> only the pandas didn't move. they were just waiting to be fed as usual. in ore news this morning steve jobs, the mastermind behind apple has stepped down as ceo. jobs has fwn on medical leave since the beginning of the year. he will stay on as the company's chairman, however. he co-founded apple in his family's garage back in 1976. tim cook, apple's operating chief, will replace him as ceo. let's take a look at the word of the a day now. that would be mustard gas. find out exact will i what that is and why it's important this morning right after this break. it's 53 past the hour. i know you're gonna love. 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, Speculation , Doesn T , Pancreatic Cancer , Feeling , Place , Report , Success , Tim Cook , Succession Plan , Hogwa Hogwash , 2004 , 2009 , Word Inside Apple , Prop , Chief Operating Sales , Ukts Guy , Operations Guy , Person , Team , Leadership , Nobody , Chairman Of The Board , Yab , Mitt Romney , Front Runner , Thanks , Reporting , Plans , Insight , Republican , Labor Day Invite , Bickering , Politics , Make Up , Strategy , Honor , Go On , Kiss , 2012 , 13 , Estimate , Butter , Geico Com , English Muffin , Muffin , Claim , Photos , Jam , Car Insurance , Dramatization , Geico , Whaa , Tasty , Vo , Something , More , Color , Card , Gold , Chase Sapphire Preferred , Points , Travel , Transaction Fees , Others , Dining , Chasesapphire Com Preferred , Needs , Protein , Nutrition , Strength , Recovery , Muscle Health , On The Road , Preserve , Doctors , Brand , Feet , Thirteen , Charge , Immune System , Balance , Comedians , Mother Nature , Kick , 14 , Hurricane Warnings , Dancers , Natural Disasters , Morning Punch Line , Opole , Swaying , Oprah , Supermodels , President Obama , Spf Factor , Approval Rating , Martha S Vineyard , Tim Farley , Host , Ticker , Morning Briefi Briefing , Sirius , Senator Demint , George Constanza Of Politics , Episode , Everything , Seinfeld , Righties , Jim Demeant , Basket , Eggs , New Hampshire , States , Count , Game , Key Maker , Delegate , Reasons , Faith , South Carolina , Mormon , John Mccain , 2008 , Estate , Plan , Bachmann , Little Shin Dig , The Long Game , Jim Deminute , Vacation , Priorities , I Don T Know , Golf , Upset , Entourage , Golf Carts , Golfers , Irene Rosenfeld , Visits , Response , Jr , Dedication , Lieu , D C , Martin , New England , Thr , Celebration , Pose , Tripoli , Wanted Dead Or Alive , 19 , Power , Jetta , Deal , Top Safety Pick , Models , Autobahn , Engineering , Lane , Left , Event , Volkswagen , Iihs , German , Visit Vwdealer Com Today , 179 , 79 , Watches , Warnings , Radar , Hurricane I Ryan , 21 , Michael Bloomberg , Attorneys , Press Conference , Doctor , Preparations , Killing , Eastern A Hearing , Mikage Jackson , Murray , 00 , 1 , 9 , Smucker , Coffee Companies , Craft , Jurors , Easing , Coffee Futures , Price Hikes , Leader , Weather Conditions , Coffee , Manhunt , 5 Million , 1 5 Million , A Sea Of Fire , Cease Fire , Pockets , Fielting , Sons Saadi , Matthew Chance , Dozens , Journalists Health , Let Go , Let S Go Around The World , Sara Sidner , Luck , Bye Matthew , Bye , Bbc , Capital , Calm Scene , Everyone , Sense , Scene , Rounds , Explosions , Street To , Fire Fight , Happening , Streets , Neighborhood , Peach , Ads , Snipers , Task , Control , Evidence , Window , City , Building , Bullet Holes , Cars , Words , Opposition , Saying , Sons , Weight , Hearing , Much , To , Blood , Mustard Gas , Gadhafi Regime , Army , Weapons , Somewhere , Grips , Nowhere , Families , Regem , Grip , Grain Of Salt , Country , Citizens , Many , Neighborhoods , Uprising , Benghazi , Part , Civilians , Tanks , Mid East , North Africa , Evacuations , Stuff , Soldiers , 26 , Six , Break , Storm , Striving , Well Being , Family , Purina Cat Chow , Cat , Resources , Life , It S Time , Come On , Snack , Yogurt , Yoplait Greek , Greek , Smile , Film Star , Floor Cleaner , Film , Cops , Drinking , Riding , Left Behind , Streaks , Residue , Dirt , Solution Loosens , Mop , I Believe In Miracles , Swiffer Attracts Dirt , Darling , Swiffer Wetjet , Money , Bzzzzz , Storms , Hurricane Watches , 25 , August 25th , Nassau , Middle , Concern , Buildings , Signs , Water , Shot , Rooftops , Inaudible , Jim Spellman Reporting Live , Kind , Update , Tourists , National Mall , Problems , Fire , Police , Answers , Ways , Quick , Cell Phone Networks , Fcc , Centers , Government , Cell Phone Service , Information , Carriers , China S , 911 , Defense Official , Military , Tensions , Pacific , China , Airport Care Yeses , Classified Report , Talks , Fighter Jets , Detectivives , Sheriff , 1 25 Million , 293000 , 93000 , Orange County Sheriff S Department , Bill , Appearance , Casey Anthony , Thedy , 2 , Officers , Murder , Prosecutors , Misdemeanor Counts , 100 , Sonya Gandhi , Of The Indian National Congress Party , Co Founder , Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation , Melinda Gase , 6 , Kraft Foods , Missourchelle , Christine Lagarde , First Lady , Five , 8 , 60 , 10 , Isn T , Venture Card , Won T , Seats , Airline Anytime , Frustrating , 25000 , Wallet , Flights , At Capitalone Com , Dow , Silverado , Pilot , Road , Truck , Made Motor Trend , Wrap Up , Thank You , Dependable , Chevy , 2011 , Total Value , Offers , All Star Edition Discount , 000 , 6000 , Sheryl , 34 , Hillary Clinton , Secretary Of State , Indra , Angela Merkel , Woman , Chancellor , U , Germany , Christine Roman , Tax Increases , Debt , France , Re Election , Cuts , Sarkozy , Tax , House , System , Stability , Order , Bailout , European , 16 Billion , 6 Billion , Billionaires , Taxes , Pay , Payment , Wage Earnings , Soda , Alcohol , Tobacco , Sth , Debate , Parliament , Yes , Hospital , Lawmaker , American Morning , You Lie , Question , Salary , Condition , Get Smart , 40 Million , 00 Million , 40 Million Dollars , 80 Million , Answer , Dollar , Stick Around , 39 , Steve Jobs Justry , C He , , Shannon Travis , Viewers , Congressman , Session , Congress , Staff , Hi , Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever , Antibiotics , Another , Tic Bite , Yard , Simple Lyme Disease , Symptoms , Appearances , Finance , He Doesn T Have Lyme Disease , Starbucks , Of Starbucks , Morning Cough , Howard Schultz , He Basketly , Ceos , Fighting , Cam Paper , Lawmakers Running , Pledge , Apparently Hee , Gridlock , Sniping , Dime , In , Whole Foods , Tim Arm Strong , Aol , Scott Griffith , Wall Ter Rob , Thing , Parties , Americans , Interesting , Of Intuit , Contributions , Stops , Bill Campbell , Hurricane Irene , Space , Up 100 , 19er , City Of New Orleans , Napoleon , 1923 , 1718 , Sugars , Fat , Louisiana Purchase , 5 , 24 , 43 , Egg , What S Shakin , Value , Both , Oooooh , Fifty , Thursday August 25th , Evacuation , Outer Banks , Surf City , North Carolina State Line , Virginia , Maps , Watch , Hurricane Watch Effect , Modesto Beach , Impact , Bahamas Island Chains , 80 , Intensity , Hurricanes , Forth , Scenarios , Line , Landfalls , Don T , Cone , Peanut Butter , Thousands , Potential , Hundreds , Coast Aal Flooding , Toilet Paper , Bottled Water , Jelly , Fingers , Let S Hope , Jacqui , Idea , Forecasters , Campaigning , Budget Cuts , Tool , Funding Isn T , Weather Satellite , Noaa , Award , Libya , Seven , Guess , Shoulder , Back B , Al Aziziya Compound , Activity , Location , Plume , Smoke , Gadhafi Compound , View , Compound , Loyalists , There , Headlines , Kingdom , Citizen , Rally , Firing , Blast , Issues , Fact , Bit , On Fire , Bab Al Aziziya , Nation , Cleefrmt Libya Always , 1 4 Million , 4 Million , Incentive , Starvation , Jet Stream , Cause , National Transitional Council , Face , Rest , Reality , Sayre , Quake Hit , Eastern , Link , Buttresses , Shake , Lawn , Sculptures , Defensive , Lookout , Ball , Sliktserring Around , Jobs , Mastermind , Fwn , Ore News , Pandas Didn T Move , Garage , Company , Chairman , Take A Look , 1976 , Word , Morning , Will , Barks , Gonna Love , 53 , Barking , Grains , Muscles , Avocado , Chicken , Accents , Tomato , Coat , Beneful Healthy Fiesta , Hoo , Flavorful Beneful , Healthful , Hit It , Dog , Wso To Save Money , Hits , Mr , Butters , Refuge , Eyes , Anncr , Dust , Sneezing , Geico Com Get A Quote , Relief , Allergy Symptoms , Brand Allergists , Lily , Pollen Outside , Zyrtec , Hair , Vapor , Liquids , Colorless Oily , 50 , Concerns , Mustard Gas Supply South , Terrorist Groups , Surprise , Materiel , Out Of Washington D C , Heart Attacks , Skpirts , Laugh F 5 8 , Larry King S Third , Crack , Epicenter , Nancy Pelosi , Center , Tea Party , Calm Down , Marion Berry , Duo , Gift , Markets , Givingst Let , Cart Evans , S P 500 , Flat , Stocks , Dow Down , Down , Nasdaq , Winning , Charlie Sheen , 500 ,

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