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dealing with our debt crisis they're wrong. they're wrong. we can't afford to just do one or the other, we have to do both. >> president will roll out the entire job growth proposal early next month in a speech. it will probably be a combo platter of tax cuts, investments in infrastructure and long-term health for the unemployed. what will governor rick perry say today? you know you're dying to find out. he's not backing down about his treason comments about fed chair ben bernanke. he says the fed should be audited. >> i think we're seeing it almost weekly or even daily, scientists who are coming forward and questioning the original idea that man-made global warming is what is causing the climate to change. yes, our climates change. they've been changing ever since the earth was formed. but i do not buy into that a group of scientists who have, in some cases, found to be manipulating this information. >> he's talking about those scientists in the uk who were accused of tinkering with climate data. they were cleared of wrongdoing. perry's rival, mitt romney says he believes in global warming science. perry and michele bachmann will both be in south carolina on friday. let's talk about the teenager who allegedly wanted to outdo the columbine killers. investigators are trying to figure out where he got bomb-making materials and if he had access to guns. jared cano planned to set off pipe bombs on the first day of school. they kicked him out last year. police got a tip. they talk about what they found at his house t. goes minute by minute, what he intended to do, starting at 5:00 a.m. in the morning and going through the day, where he intended to put these destructive devices and, you know, particular layouts of the school, that type of information. >> and have you heard about the controversy at the university of miami? a former booster, former because he's now in prison for running a huge ponzi scheme, well, he says he spent millions of dollars on miami players over an eight-year stretch. cash, jewelry, dinners, nightclubs and yes, call girls. nevin shapiro also claims several coaches knew what was going on. the ncaa is investigating. they are cooperating. we'll keep you posted. the justice department is looking at standard & poor's and its practice of giving high ratings to bad mortgages so they'd look less risky and bring in more money. investigators want to know if in the years leading up to the financial crisis business managers big-footed analysts who wanted to give the mortgage bonds lower ratings. "the new york times" is reporting the story. the pape also says the probe started before s&p downgraded the nation's credit rating. now to see how the world's money is doing this morning, let's head to kristie lu stout. she's in hong kong. how does it look? >> reporter: hey there, carol. not too good. worries about global growth are dragging down the markets. european markets are falling from a two-week high. here in asia, markets closed the day until the red. in japan, because of the strength of the yen and a big drop in exports, the nikkei closed down 1.25%. not a great day for global markets. >> bummer. let's talk about china. vice president joe biden is on this mission to say, hey, everybody's cool here in the united states economically, kind of. >> that's basically it. that's basically it. the american vernacular, right, everything's cool. this is a visit about building trust after that damaging debt debate in washington. again and again, beijing, need i remind you, beijing appealed to the u.s. to protect the dollar. joe biden held talks today with xi jinping. you have to remember that name. he's widely expected to become china's next president. on friday, biden will meet with the current president of china, hu jintao. the official china daily out on thursday said that arms sales were the biggest source of disagreement between the two countries. namely arms sales to taiwan. carol, back to you. >> interesting. i'm going to remember the name, mr. xi. thank you very much, kristie lu stout. comedian jon stewart says the media's focus jumps from one candidate to the next pretty fast, michele bachmann, then rick perry, now someone who is not even in the race. is the media treating candidates like toys? here's your punch line. >> squirrel! >> you think this is the field or do you think we're waiting for paul ryan? >> are we going to see other people like a paul ryan. >> somebody who could maybe appeal to moderate voters, i don't know, paul ryen. >> he's young at 41 but he has ideas. >> why is that? it's never enough for the media. they're like, mom, can i get a paul ryan? i just got you a rick perry and you already broke your michele bachmann. oh, and before i get you anything else, where the [ bleep ] is your ron paul? and don't tell me he's no fun to play with. >> i want chris christie. for your next vacation, how about a trip to space? a space hotel is in the works and we have the pictures that are out of this world. first, it's time for the quote of the morning. it's a fiery one. this is the quote, we're supportive of the president but we're getting tired, y'all, we're getting tired. our people are hurting. i will tell you who said that in 90 seconds. it's seven minutes past the hour. active naturals wheat formulas target and help repair damage in just 3 washes. for softer, stronger... ... hair with life. [ female announcer ] nourish plus. only from aveeno. ♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ ♪ she was waiting up around the bend ♪ ♪ smile at me and then you take my hand ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, where delicious ingredients like toasted oats, with rich dark chocolate, sweet golden honey, or creamy peanut butter come together in the most perfect combinations. ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ ♪ yeah, i was just thinking ♪ i hope this will never end ♪ yeah, i was just thinking you could save a bundle with geico's multi-policy discount. geico, saving people money on more than just car iance. ♪ geic nine minutes past the hour. this is your "a.m. wakeup call." the quote is we are supportive of the president but we're getting tired, y'all, we're getting tired. our people are hurting. who said that? congresswoman maxine waters. listen to how amped up she got at a town hall in detroit. >> the congressional black caucus loves the president, too. we're supportive of the president but we're getting tired, y'all. we're getting tired. we want to give him every opportunity but our people are hurtin'. unemployment is unconscionable. we don't know what the strategy is. we don't know why on this trip that he's in the united states now he's not in any black communities. we don't know that. >> it's because the unemployment rate amongst african-americans is in the double digits. they're suffering a lot and they want to know where are the jobs, just, of course, like the rest of america. well, we need answers to something. let's head to atlanta and check in with rob marciano. give us a few answers to make us feel better about anything. >> i tell you what, i'm reading this new report that has more questions than answers. we're going to be verklempt and scratch at our heads here in a second. if you're traveling we have travel delays that we'll expect to see later on this afternoon because of pop-up thunderstorms that are typical of this time of year. let's take a look at the boards, new york metros, thunderstorms, a couple rolling through philadelphia right now. so be aware of that this morning. d.c., we'll see them in the afternoon as will atlanta and miami as well. there's your little batch of thunderstorms. it's about to move through the philadelphia area. gusty winds and some heavy rain, but it will last all of about 20 to 30 minutes. so i'm guessing by 6:30 or 7:00 it should be done. it's preceding a front that will be moving across the western great lakes and into the east coast later on today. 84 degrees expected in new york city and 90 degrees expected in atlanta. new report, carol, this is what i'm talking about. scientists tested a rock that was taken back from apollo 16 and they did fancy radioactive isotoping type of tests to it and figured out that the moon is likely 200,000 -- 200 million, excuse me, years younger than we first thought -- or formed 200 million years before we first thought. 3.46 billion years old. >> the moon is not an old man, it's a whipper snapper. >> i said that wrong. it's 200 million years older. which is does look a little long in the two. >> i'll revise that. the moon is not a whipper snapper but a really old person. >> yes. but wiser. the old man in the moon should be old and wide when you look up to it at night with many questions, i'm sure. >> i'll do that tonight. thank you, rob marciano. >> okay, carol. mgm wants to blow up a laying hotel before it opens. the newspaper reporting that there are huge design flaws. one worry, it could collapse in a major earthquake. mgm says the problems cannot be fixed, the general contractor disagrees. the issue is tide up in court. a space hotel is in the works. this is what it will look like. it would how's up to seven people and include luxuries like precooked gourmet meals and sealed showers. it will cost you, though. the cost is 165 grand per night. a russian company is behind the project. it could be ready to go in 201. here's a question for you. are you mad? are you ticked? are you bitter? we have something for you when we come back. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] more people are leaving bmw, mercedes, and lexus for audi than ever before. ♪ experience the summer of audi by september 6th and get over 130 channels of siriusxm satellite radio for 3 months at no charge. [ male announcer ] they'll see you...before you see them. cops are cracking down on drinking and riding. drive sober, or get pulled over. with diabetes, it's tough to keep life balanced. i don't always have time to eat like i should. and the more i focus on everything else, the less time i have to take care of me. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes, which can help lower a1c. glucerna products help me keep everything balanced. [ golf clubs clanking ] [ husband ] i'm good! well, almost everything. [ male announcer ] glucerna. delicious shakes and bars. helping people with diabetes find balance. while i took refuge from the pollen that made me sneeze. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. so lily and i are back on the road again. with zyrtec® i can love the air®. 14 minutes past the hour. another day cnn put together some sound of republican presidential candidate michele bachmann repeating some of her catch phrases. she's not the only one. here's your punch line. cnn put together a tape that shows bachmann never answers questions directly and she repeats things over and over again. take a look at this. >> i've been at the tip of the spear. i've been at the tip of the spear. i've been at the tip of the spear. we took the biggest punch to the gut this week. we took a punch to the gut. we saw a punch to the gut. we're job creators. i get job creation. we're job creators. >> unbelievable. you listen to that and she sounds like a parrot, same thing over and over and over again. >> conan, you should talk. could you please roll that tape that i made? >> we have a great show. great show tonight. great show. we have a great show! wow, thank you. we have a great show. we have a great show for you tonight. great show tonight. we've got a great show for you tonight. >> we do it, too. it's like breaking news, we'll bring you the latest, blah blah blah. michele bachmann, is not alone. time now for your political ticker with tim farley, host of the sirius briefing. welcome. >> welcome. thank you very much. i appreciate that. it's interesting you mention that. is it branding or controlling the message? >> i think it's both. >> you've covered these things before, carol. you've got this -- there's a big push, there's an interesting story in politico about pushback on michele bachmann specifically because evidently some of her handlers have been overzealous in protecting her and you kind of wonder if it's legitimate concerns over safety or whether it is indeed they're trying to control the message a little bit. >> funny you should mention that. i happen to have something for our audience to set up this beautiful segment, bachmann security, you talked about it. politico is reporting at least five hostile encounters and that includes one with cnn's don lemon. listen as don describes what happened to him last week in iowa. >> reporters started asking her questions and i asked her respectful questions about her performance last night, where does she think she'll end up on the straw poll? two of her staff members started elbowing me and pushing me through the crowd. her husband, marcus did the same thing. he elbowed me into a golf cart write hit my head. >> don told politico in an e-mail that the bachmann campaign e mailed him and apologized. it came from ed rollins who runs michele bachmann's campaign. he acknowledged the problem. he proms to correct. apology accepted. that was some don, actually. bachmann turned around and retracted the apology in a later interview with politico saying rollins was apologizing if don was offended but stands by the security team's actions. what do you make of this? >> i just know this is going to be more and more of a problem. people are getting angry around the country and reporters are trying to do their jobs. on the other hand, as you well know, there are people who are trying to get that for want of a better excompression, that macaw moment. so what we have is this balance here of journalists trying to feed the big machine back at headquarters where you have to give them the tape and get the new cut if you will. also some people who were out there trying to make a candidate look bad. on the other hand you have candidates who want to be out there talking to people and they're also trying to control exactly what the message is. so i do believe this year we're probably going to see more and more of this, especially in the case of a very polarizing character like michele bachmann. although it's interesting, carol, because sarah palin walked around at the iowa state fair and didn't have nearly the same amount of protection. so i'm not sure how this is going to play out. it seems like we're on the edge of the potential for something a little bit more violent. >> we're in for a long, strange campaign, i think. >> you could be right about that. >> i'm sure i am. tim farley, thanks so much for joining us this morning. if you're one to hold a grudge, you may be making yourself sick. new research says that persistent bitterness can lead to anger and hostility and damage the immune system and organ function. so doctors orders, take a deep breath, forgive, chill and don't forget to smile. did you know it's the national day of bad poetry? if you're celebrating bad poetry day at work, one bit of advice, no poems with nantucket. it's 19 past the hour. but hurry before this opportunity...disappears. the mercedes-benz summer event ends august 31st. it's pro-cool technology releases armies of snowmen masseuse, who cuddle up with your soreness and give out polar bear hugs. technology. [ male announcer ] new bengay cold therapy. the same technology used by physical therapists. go to for a 5-dollar coupon. the same technology used by physical therapists. a mouthwatering combination of ingredients...e for you! i know you're gonna love. [ barks ] yes, it's new beneful healthy fiesta. made with wholesome grains, real chicken, even accents of tomato and avocado. yeah! come on! [ barking ] gotta love the protein for muscles-- whoo-hoo! and omega-rich nutrition for that shiny coat. ever think healthy could taste so good? [ woman announcing ] new beneful healthy fiesta. another healthful, flavorful beneful. aflac! oh, i've just got major medical... major medical. ...but it helps pay the doctors. pays the doctors, boyyy! [ quack ] oh yeah? what about your family? ♪ we added aflac, so we get cash! it's like our safety net... ♪ to help with the mortgage or whatever we need! so my family doesn't feel the pain too. ha! [ male announcer ] help protect your family at [ pigeons ] heyyy! hooo!!! we get double miles on every purchase, so me and my lads earned a trip to san francisco twice as fast! we get double miles every time we use our card... i'll take these two... matter what we're buying. ...and all of those. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double miles! whoa dude. [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to what's in your wallet? that's not going to satisfy you. it's time for a better snack. here, try this. it's yoplait greek. it has two times the protein of regular yogurt. you'll feel satisfied. [ female announcer ] yoplait greek. it is so good. it's pretty good! we take it on ours. this summer put your family in an exceptionally engineered mercedes-benz now for an exceptional price during the summer event. but hurry, this offer ends august 31st. 22 minutes past the hour. rebel forces in libya are closing in on tripoli. let's head round the world with max foster live in lon didn't. i just can't believe moammar gadhafi is still hanging in there. >> yes. it could be months, even though what's happening around tripoli right now. it's all really about zawir, a city to the west of tripoli. we haven't gotten anyone there but there are reports that rebels are taking control of zawir. it they do, it will leave tripoli land locked. nato controls the water above tripoli as well. that would be a crucial svelte. even more important in a way, there's an oil refinery in the same area which the gadhafi forces are completely dependent on. we're getting reports that there is gunfire around that. if the rebels can get control of zawir and the oil refinery, gadhafi could be stuck. >> let's talk about japan. it's been about five months since the earthquake and tsunami. the national police say thousands of people are turning in things like wallets and safes and valuables. that's pretty amazing. >> yes, so much about the japanese culture, isn't it? you've had all sorts of wallets, bits of cash. the japanese are famous for storing cash at home. they're great savers. lots of wallets have been washing up on the shore, for example. they've been handed into the police, literally tens of millions of dollars worth of cash handing into the police. they're struggling somewhat to store the cash. lots of safe have also been washing up on the shore. and the police are trying to get into those, workouts who they belong to and get the cash back to the family if the families survived. an interesting story. says so much about japan and how it's coped so stoically with this disaster several months ago, as you say, car. >> pretty awesome people in japan. max foster, live in london this morning. military and police operations against protesters have rended in earia. that's the claim syria's president made. in the meantime, more pictures from syria hit youtube. this was what it looked like monday in hamms, syria. it came during what appeared to be a peaceful protest. cnn cannot confirm the authenticity of this youtube video. thousands of supporters are expected to greet india's anti-corruption crusader as he prepares to leave jail today. he was arrested tuesday before he was to begin a hunger strike, calling for tougher corruption laws. he refused to leave jail until he was assured he could continue his hunger strike on the outside. this morning he has accepted a proposal that will allow him to fast for two weeks. if the stock market roller coaster is making you feel queasy, here are words of wisdom from financial guru suze orman. it will be until 2015 until we even feel like we have hope again. >> that made me feel better. she's also got advice on how to make the most of your money in the meantime. we'll get to that later. heavy duty made motor trend's 2011 truck of the year. no, it was good because you told us so. consider this a thank-you. the chevy model year wrap up. get in on our greatest model year yet. right now, combine the all-star edition discount with other offers for a total value of $6,000. our greatest model year yet is wrapping up. aren't getting enough whole grain. but actually, it's never been easier to get the whole grain you want from your favorite big g cereals. from cheerios to lucky charms, there's whole grain in every box. make sure to look for the white check. i'm a film star. well, i'm a film, left behind by a floor cleaner i thought was going to take me places. wait! now life is dull... darling! ♪ i believe in miracles [ male announcer ] swiffer attracts dirt. swiffer wetjet's new upgraded solution loosens and lifts off dirt to help prevent streaks and residue. and reveal more shine than a mop or your money back. you had me at "bzzzzz". time is flying by this morning. good morning, it's thursday, august 19th. this is your "a.m. wakeup call." i'm carol costello, joining you live from new york. president obama is off the bus and will soon be chilling out on martha's vineyard. no doubt jobs are still on his mind. that's what he talked about all through his three-day bus trip near the midwest. while the "j" word was front and center, the "r" word wasn't far behind. >> we're in danger of not having a recovery that's fast enough. that's why we need to be doing more. >> part of doing more, a big speech on jobs coming up after labor day, part of a big push on the economy. cnn's chief white house correspondent jessica yellin fills us in. >> reporter: my sources say there will be proposals in three main categories, targeted tax cuts, another big one for the white house is new infrastructure investment and long-term help for the unemployed. i should point out this is all being worked out right now. it will continue to be hatched out over the president's vacation. >> and that vacation begins later today when the president and his family head to martha's vineyard. in this sluggish economy a lot of people are asking what should they do with their money? here's financial guru, suze orman. >> if you can find good, high yielding 4.a%, 5%, 6%, where the dividend is safe, there's good economics behind the company, up, dunn, eventually you'll ab head of the game. you want to look for what it gives you, more than what your money is doing in itself. >> in other news this morning, a tampa teenager who police say wanted to outdo the columbine kill serz in jail this morning. 17-year-old jared cano planned to set off explosives and kill dozens of students on the first day of classes at freedom high school. investigators say they found explosives and materials and a manifesto at his home. he was a tune student at the sc until he was expelled last year. verizon is telling people to put downing the picket signs or lose their medical benefits. if they don't return to work by the end of the month they'll have to pay out of pocket for cobra. the loss of benefits provision is spelled out in their 2008 labor contract. time now for a laugh. republican presidential candidate rick perry causes stephen colbert to sing. here's your punch line. >> i toast governor perry's call to end regulation with a champagne flute of lead paint. >> semigloss? i tell you, the more i drink of this, the more sense a president perry makes. >> i think he likes me back. exhibit a, the governor of texas announced his candidacy in charleston, south carolina, right around the corner from my childhood home. obviously trying to get my attention. he might as well have stood on my driveway with a boom box over his head. ♪ in your eyes ♪ like the heat your eyes i am complete ♪ ♪ you're eyes i see the doors 2000 churches your eyes ♪ >> that was so bad it was good. there say report out this morning that federal investigators have their owns on standard & poor's, not for the downgrade but for the financial crisis. you remember that, don't you? christine romans has details for us right after this break. with scientifically proven soy complex and natural minerals. give you sheer coverage instantly, then go on to even skin tone in four weeks. aveeno tinted moisturizers. while i took refuge from the pollen that made me sneeze. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. so lily and i are back on the road again. with zyrtec® i can love the air®. 34 minutes past the hour. for morning money news let's go to christine romans. she's here, one floor up. let's talk about the s&p. it's making headlines again but for very different reasons. >> yes. we know that federal officials are investigating just about every angle of the subprime mortgage debacle. "the new york times" saying that s&p is in the cross hairs of the department of justice investigation. no comment from the doj and the company at this point. s&p and the other ratings agencies, of course, rated those mortgage bonds that were packaged together and sold to investors rated them sterling, aaa, great, no risk here. when of course we know in the end they were junk, if you will. they were really worthless. so that's what we're hearing about this morning, whether this s&p investigation with the other credit rating agencies is moving forward. i will point out, many people who have been watching this say there's likely been probes or investigations or at least a request for information for some time well before the u.s. was downgraded. you recall, carol, when the u.s. was downgraded many people say why do we trust the ratings agencies again? because they did such a great job rating the subprime mortgage secretarier? point taken there, right. >> yes. it's not a form of retaliation. that's what many people think. as you said, this investigation has been going on for quite some time. >> most likely it has. the whole industry is being looked at. to see if there's any way maybe investors -- investors and the rest of us, quite frankly, can get justice for what was a terrible period in american history. quick point, futures down this morning, carol. we're watching futures. they're still kind of weak. looks like -- if things hold for the next four hours you'll have a lower open. >> la, la, la, la. thanks, christine. >> you're welcome. >> if what a former booster says is true, miami hurricane players received cash, jewelry, free nights out on the town, even free prostitutes. we'll talk about the scandal brewing in just a few minutes. before we go, it's time to get smart. president obama and the first family head to martha's vineyard for a vacation. he's two years into his presidency and he's taken 61 days off so far. who had the fewest days off at this point in their presidency, "a," george w. bush, "b," bill clinton or "c," ronald reagan. you have two minutes to think about it. 37 minutes past the hour. it's 39 minutes past the hour. this is your "a.m. wakeup call." before the break we asked you this probing question, which of the following had the fewest days off at this point in their presidency? was it george w. bush, bill clinton or ronald ragen? the answer is bill clinton. he had only taken 28 days off in his first 2 1/2 years in office. that's according to a cbs radio reporter who, for some reason tracks presidential vacation day. to be fair, presidential vacations aren't like yours and mine. they're still in contact with washington and of course they're on-call for emergencies. now for our political ticker. let's bring in our senior political editor, mark preston, joins us live by phone from port smith, new hampshire. good morning. >> good morning, car. >> you're there to cover the republican presidential candidate rick perry. everyone will be tuned in because you never know what he's going to say. >> you never know what he's going to say and he seems to be making news every day now, carol. this morning he'll do a meet and greet in a diner. heads up to dover a little bit later, does the same thing and he's going to meet workers at a home builder up in pembroke. the whole idea is that he's talking about the number one issue in the country, and that's the economy, the economy, the economy. this retail politicking that you see up here in new hampshire is pretty amazing. these presidential candidates walk into these diners. the diners don't know they're coming an they sit down and start talking to them. it's a unique experience for these candidates to actually hear from people like you and me. >> interesting. >> you know what else, carol, he's also very critical of president obama and in fact, yesterday, listen to what he had to say about his record compared to president obama's record. >> president said i needed to watch what i say. i just want to respond back, if i may, mr. president, actions speak louder than words. my actions as governor are helping create jobs in this country. and the president's actions are killing jobs in this country. it's time to get america working again. >> and here you have, carol, rick perry criticizing president obama for his economic policies. also i should note rick perry would not back down from his criticism of ben bernanke, the fed chairman. carle? >> he upped the ante. mark preston, thanks so much. let you get back to work. let's go to florida and talk about the head football coach at the university of miami. he'll hold a news conference later this morning. we'll be all ears. he just might address a possible scandal involving players, prostitutes and a ponzi schemer. david mattingly has more for us. david's on the phone. so what's going on here? this is really ugly. >> reporter: that's right, carol. everyone at the university of miami is talking about nevin shapiro, a former university of miami booster. he's now serving 20 years in federal prison for a ponzi scheme. he talked to iyahoo! sports, talked about the from the years 202 to 2010. he claims he broke ncaa rules for his interactions with 72 sturnt athletes at the university of miami, most of them football players. this involving about a dozen current players. he says he gave them gifts like tvs, jewelry, watches, clothing, suits, trips to clubs, trips to strip joints and it gets worse here, carol. he says he also pid for prostitutes, sex parties and on one occasion, even an abortion for a stripper that had been impregnated by a miami player. the details coming out with what he claims that did he with these players, just rocking this campus. the ncaa says that they've been aware of these allegations, they've been investigating them now for five months. and the university of miami president donna shalala put out a statement saying they will vigorously pursue the truth, wherever that path may lead. if these allegations do prove to be true, then this man who is already behind bars for a crime that he committed with a ponzi scheme is making sure that this school he apparently loves so much and gave so much money to, including the players, could be vulnerable to some very stiff penalty of their own. >> could mean the end of their program for a while, too. david mattingly, you'll be on "america morning" with more. thank you so much. was piers morgan being rude or was christine "i'm not a witch" o'donnell being weird? you'll see the drama after a break. plus the fbi's looking into a death threat against comedienne david letterman. the threat on a jihadist website calls for letterman's tongue to be cut off. goodnight, stuffy. goodnight, outdated. goodnight old luxury and all of your wares. goodnight bygones everywhere. [ engine turns over ] good morning, illumination. good morning, innovation. good morning unequaled inspiration. [ male announcer ] the audi a8, chosen by car & driver as the best luxury sedan in a recent comparison test. the possibilities are dless. inin.. to tuesday and wednesday only. hotels.combe smart. book smart. with aveeno nourish plus moisturize. active naturals wheat formulas target and help repair damage in just 3 washes. for softer, stronger... ... hair with life. [ female announcer ] nourish plus. only from aveeno. good morning. thursday, august 19th. this is your "a.m. wakeup call." i'm carol costello joining you live from new york. david letterman, a terror target? a jihadist website says it wants the comedian's mouth shut forever, all because of a joke. >> the fbi is investigating, taking it seriously. it all follows comments david letterman made about ilyas kashmiri. he's a member of al qaeda in pakistan, killed by a drone attack, according to his jihadist group. we have a response on a website calling for him to be killed and his tongue to be cut off. let's listen to david letterman and the words he made on his program which caused all of this outrage. >> anyway, they picked a successor to osama bin laden and his name was ilyas kashmiri. guess what? he was blown up by an american drone. yeah. >> there you are. brings a laugh in america but in parts of pakistan, not so pleased about it. the fbi is investigating. no word yet, carol, from letterman's publicist, no word from letterman. it's worrying, i'm sure. >> i'm sure it is. when i heard that, i thought to myself, that's it? that's just a strange world. max foster, many thanks, live from london. president obama's ten-day vaca starts today. he's going to martha saes vineyard. forecast there today, sunny with a high of 79. sure beats gloomy with a low of 2. the latest gallup poll says only 26% of americans approve of president obama's handling of the economy. jobs were the theme of his midwest bus tour that just wrapped up. when folks tell you we have a choice between jobs now or dealing with our debt crisis they're wrong. they're wrong. we can't afford to just do one or the other, we have to do both. >> the president will roll out his job growth proposal just after labor day. cnn has learned it will probably be a combo platter of tax cuts, investments in infrastructure and long-term help for the unemployed. was piers morgan being rude or was former senate candidate christine o'donnell being a little weird? morgan asked her about her views on gay marriage. oh, the drama. >> why are you being so weird about this? >> i'm not being weird about this, piers. i'm not running for office i'm not promoting a legislative agenda. i'm promoting the policies i lay out in the book that are mostly fiscal and constitutional. that's why i agreed to come on your show. that's what i want to talk about. i'm not being weird. you're being a little rude. don't you think as a host if i say this is what i want to talk about, that's what we should address? >> not really, no. you're a politician. >> yeah. okay, i'm being pulled away. we turned down another interview for this. >> where are you going? you're leaving? >> well, i was supposed to be -- >> oh, yeah, she's leaving. going, going, gone. morgan invited her back tonight and christine o'donnell tweeted a response. piers, thanks for the invite. schedule is also packed. no hard feelings you cheeky bugger. can you say bugger on television? a tampa teenager who police say wanted to outdo the columbine killers are "s" in jail this morning. he planned to set off explosives and kill dozens of studentses on the first day of places at freedom high school. they found explosives and a manifesto at his home. cano was a student at the school until he was expelled last night. b.a.r.t. has been hacked again. home addresses and other information about b.a.r.t. police officers were posted. it's since been taken down. the group anonymous took credit for another hacking on sunday. it's not clear yet who's behind the latest one. let's head live to atlanta to rob marciano. any flight delays to speak of? >> not yet. i think you can see cheeky bugger on tv. it's a term of endearment across the uponed. >> bugger is? >> i'm told. by the way i messed up the moon thing. you were right. it's 200 million years younger than we first anticipated. it's way too early. let's talk about delays. a couple of thunderstorms right now moving through philadelphia. if you have an early morning flight there, there may be a grourned delay or a quick ground stop but it will move through relatively quickly. new york metros as well as some thunderstorms expected in the afternoon with the anticipation of a front that's moving through. here's that squall line, preceding the front about to move across the delaware into philadelphia. it shouldn't, again, last too long. there's yu front pushing across the great lakes, hot and humid conditions continue across the deep south. we're watching this developing system south of jamaica and it's heading towards central america, likely will continue to do so, although it may very well become our next tropical storm before it makes landfall across parts of mexico and likely south of texas. texas needs the rain as everybody knows, as a matter of fact, the numbers that we're putting on them now as a loss from agriculture, $5.2 billion. a lot of farmers there with raising cattle, refuse to go to some higher commodity crops. they're just losing money hand over fist. as a matter of fact, noaa yesterday reported, carol, there's been nine separate billion dollar weather-related events this year alone. mother nature has not been kind to us at all. >> no, absolutely not. thank you, rob. >> all right. you bet. >> let's take a look at the word of the day now. it would be supercookie. no, you can't eat it. find out what it means and why you need to know what it means right after this break. 53 past the hour. i put myself through nursing school, and then i decided to go get a doctorate degree. university of phoenix gave me the knowledge to make a difference in people's lives. my name is dr. kimberly horton. i manage a network of over a thousand nurses, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] find your program at ♪ let me make you smile ♪ let me do a few tricks ♪ some old and then some new tricks ♪ ♪ i'm very versatile ♪ so let me entertain you ♪ and we'll have a real good time ♪ [ male announcer ] the new hp touchpad starting at $399.99. ♪ while i took refuge from the pollen that made me sneeze. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. so lily and i are back on the road again. with zyrtec® i can love the air®. [ male announcer ] it can open doors, it can erase boundaries and hold its ground. it can even the score and start a movement. -it can... -[ beatboxing ] [ male announcer ] it can buy time and tell time. shhh. [ baby giggles ] [ male announcer ] we use our mouths in so many ways to open up to the world. after all, life opens up when you do. crest and oral-b. tell us your story at that's not going to satisfy you. come on. it's time for a better snack. try this. it's yoplait greek. it has two times the protein of regular yogurt. you'll feel satisfied. [ female announcer ] yoplait greek. it is so good. oh, and there's a smile. 57 minutes past hour. this is your "a.m. wakeup call." the word of the day, supercooker. it's the newest form of web tracking. it's almost impossible for you to detect. you know what a cookie is, the small file that websites install to track online users activity. "the wall street journal" is reporting that websites like hulu are installing these supercookies that can create a profile even after the cookies are deleted. anderson cooper was talking about a french actor who recently urinated on a flight. i can't say that any -- anyway, forgive me for that. here's your punch line. >> he created his own jet stream or as the french would say -- his solo flight, golden globe winning tinkle. an actual thespian, actually thes peein'. i'd say he actually depends on it. he hasn't commented on this incident. i know you got it. [ laughter ] sorry. >> he was giggling. and i was afraid to say urination on the air? let's move along, shall we? let's go to carter evans for a look at your money this morning. he joins us live from the nasdaq market site here in new york. i had. >> sure, let's go to carter right now. absolutely. what a great lead-in. all right. let's talk about what's going on today before we talk about what probably could happen. we're going to get a report on consumer prices, a read on inflation at the consumer level, see if we're paying more for stuff. we get the weekly unemployment numbers. we'll hear from sears, dollar tree, jm smucker, hp and the gap. now for the numbers. these are the futures on the premarket page. the dow down 209 points, the nasdaq 48, the s&p 500 down 25.. ftse in london, down 2%.

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3 46 Billion , Whipper Snapper , Person , Mgm , The Old Man In Moon , Hotel , Newspaper Reporting , Earthquake , Problems , Worry , Design Flaws , Issue , Contractor , Court , Luxuries , General , Meals , Precooked Gourmet , Company , Question , Showers , Cost , Project , Russian , 165 , 201 , Bmw , Summer , Charge , Satellite Radio , Channels , Saudi , Mercedes , Siriusxm , September 6th , 130 , Drinking , Cops , Riding , More , Diabetes , Glucerna , Care , Shakes , Carbs , Everything Else , Bars , Help , Everything , Balance , Products , Husband , Blood Sugar Spikes , A1c , Golf Clubs Clanking , Pollen , Relief , Refuge , Allergy Symptoms , Zyrtec , 24 , Day Cnn , 14 , Tape , Some , Sound , Catch Phrases , Republican , Things , Punch , Spear , Gut , Job Creators , Thing , Job Creation , Parrot , Conan , Unbelievable , Show , Wow , Breaking News , Blah , Message , Tim Farley , Ticker , It Branding , Briefing , Sirius , Big Push , Politico , Pushback , Handlers , Wonder , Bit , Bachmann Security , Safety , Audience , Concerns , Funny , Reporting , Reporters , Encounters , Iowa , Don Lemon , Five , Last Night , Straw Poll , Members , Staff , Marcus , Golf Cart , Write Hit , Elbowing , Crowd , E Mail , Campaign E , Ed Rollins , Problem , Campaign , Apology , Actions , Interview , Apologizing , Stands , Security Team , Country , Want , Excompression , Macaw , Big Machine , Journalists , Headquarters , Cut , Case , Protection , Character , Didn T , Potential , Edge , Amount , Sarah Palin , Iowa State Fair , Grudge , Hostility , Immune System , Take A Deep Breath , Bitterness , Organ Function , Doctors Orders , Research , Poetry , Advice , Work , Poems , Nantucket , 19 , Technology , Event , Who , Soreness , Armies , Thugs , Polar Bear , Snowmen Masseuse , August 31st , 31 , Physical Therapists , Combination , Grains , Coupon , Chicken , Beneful Healthy Fiesta , Cold Therapy , Bengay , Ingredients E , Barks , Gonna Love , Protein , Barking , Accents , Tomato , Avocado , Muscles , Nutrition , Coat , Hoo , Aflac , Doctors , Woman , Flavorful Beneful , Healthful , Boyyy , Family , Mortgage , Whatever , Spain , Safety Net , Purchase , Card , Pigeons , Hooo , Lads , San Francisco , Matter , Wall , Venture Card , Add Up Fast , Miles , Gang , Capital One , Times , Snack , Yogurt , Yoplait Greek , Greek , Wallet , Price , Summer Event , Tripoli , Max Foster Live In Lon Didn T , Ground , Moammar Gadhafi , Rebel Forces , Libya , 22 , Zawir , We Haven T , City , West , Anyone , Rebels , Way , Control , Water , Svelte , Nato , Leave Tripoli Land , Oil Refinery , Gunfire , Gadhafi Forces , Wallets , Gadhafi , Thousands , Valuables , Tsunami , Home , Shore , Lots , Japanese , Isn T , Bits , Sorts , Savers , Japanese Culture , Example , Tens Of Millions , Dollars Worth , Safe , Workouts , Families , Car , Live In London , Protesters , Max Foster , Disaster , Rended , Operations , Earia , Made , Claim Syria , Youtube , Syria Hit , Protest , Authenticity , Supporters , Syria , Hamms , India , Crusader , Jail , Hunger Strike , Corruption Laws , Words , Proposal , Suze Orman , Stock Market Roller Coaster , Outside , Wisdom , Most , Hope , 2015 , Thank You , Truck , Wrap Up , Heavy Duty Made Motor Trend , Chevy , 2011 , Grain , Aren T , Offers , Total Value , All Star Edition Discount , 6000 , 000 , Box , Cheerios , Check , Lucky Charms , Big G Cereals , Film Star , Film , Floor Cleaner , Solution Loosens , I Believe In Miracles , Darling , Swiffer Attracts Dirt , Swiffer Wetjet , Left Behind , Streaks , Dirt , Residue , Mop , Bzzzzz , August 19th , Thursday August 19th , President Obama , Martha S Vineyard , Bus , Doubt , Mind , Word , Bus Trip , Midwest , Wasn T , Center , Danger , J , Three , Economy , Part , Recovery , Jessica Yellin , White House , Infrastructure Investment , Proposals , Big One , Being , Categories , Sources , Family Head , A , Economics , Good , Guru , Dividend , Cup , Dunn , 4 , Police Say , News , Tampa , Game , Columbine Kill Serz , Explosives , Manifesto , Dozens , Freedom High School , Students , Tune Student , Classes , 17 , Benefits , Verizon , The End , Picket Signs , Laugh , Loss , Labor Contract , Pocket , Provision , Cobra , 2008 , Governor , Regulation , Lead Paint , Champagne Flute , Stephen Colbert , Sense A , Semigloss , Exhibit A , Candidacy , Attention , Texas , Corner , Childhood , Charleston , Eyes , Driveway , Boom Box , Heat , Churches , Downgrade , 2000 , Break , Details , Minerals , Soy , Coverage , Don T You , Christine Romans , Four , Aveeno Tinted Moisturizers , 34 , Officials , Floor , Reasons , Making , Let S Go , Let S Talk About The P , Morning Money News , Point , Investigation , S P , Comment , Agencies , Chairs , Mortgage Debacle , Angle , Doj , Them , Mortgage Bonds , Risk , Junk , Investors Rated , Aaa , Sterling , S P Investigation , Say , Probes , Credit Rating Agencies , Investigations , Job Rating , Request , Mortgage Secretarier , Form , Retaliation , Industry , Futures , Investors , Justice , American History , Thanks , La , Looks , Miami Hurricane , Lower Open , Prostitutes , Smart , Town , Scandal Brewing , Presidency , 61 , Bill Clinton , C , Tb , George W Bush , Ronald Reagan , 37 , Following , Ronald Ragen , 39 , Reporter , Answer , Reason , Cbs Radio , 2 1 , 28 , Vacations , Contact , Emergencies , Mark Preston , Phone , New Hampshire , Port Smith , Everyone , Meet , Diner , Workers , Home Builder , Heads Up To , Pembroke , Diners , Retail Politicking , Experience , Fact , You And Me , Record , Policies , Head Football Coach , Criticism , Ante , Carle , Let S Go To Florida , David Mattingly , News Conference , Scandal , Tears , That S Right , Interactions , Sports , Rules , Iyahoo , 2010 , 202 , Trips , Football Players , Clubs , Athletes , Clothing , Watches , Tvs , Suits , 72 , Player , Sex Parties , Stripper , Joints , Occasion , Abortion , Allegations , Campus , Donna Shalala , Statement , Path , The Truth , Penalty , Crime , Program , Piers Morgan , America Morning , David Letterman , Fbi , Drama , Tongue , Website Calls , Threat , Death Threat , Switch , Cut Off , Jihadist , Morning , Everywhere , Luxury , Wares , Bygones , Illumination , Engine , Innovation , Stuffy , Outdated , Comparison Test , Inspiration , Sedan , Possibilities , Car Driver , Audi A8 , Dless , Hotels , Combe Smart , Book Smart , Aveeno Nourish Plus Moisturize , Inin , Thursday , Jihadist Website , Mouth , Terror Target , Member , Joke , Ilyas Kashmiri , Pakistan , Al Qaeda , Response , Website Calling , Jihadist Group , Drone Attack , Outrage , Drone , Successor , Osama Bin Laden , Letterman , Parts , Publicist , From Letterman , Vaca , Martha Saes Vineyard , London , Ten , Low , Beats , Gallup Poll , 26 , 79 , 2 , Handling , Theme , Gay Marriage , Christine O Donnell , Senate , Piers , Office , Agenda , Book , Host , Rude , Politician , Feelings , Schedule , Back , Invite , Going , Bugger , Studentses , Television , Student , Places , Cano , Bart , Anonymous , Police Officers , Credit , Hacking , Sunday , Home Addresses , Flight Delays , Term , Tv , Endearment , Cheeky Bugger , Uponed , Delays , Moon Thing , Flight , Grourned Delay , Squall Line , Couple , Ground Stop , Anticipation , Conditions , It Shouldn T , Delaware , Deep South , System South , Heading , Storm , Jamaica , Mexico , Numbers , Agriculture , Rain , 2 Billion , 5 2 Billion , Farmers , Raising Cattle , Commodity Crops , Fist , Mother Nature , Events , Noaa , Rob , Take A Look , Supercookie , You Bet , 53 , Doctorate Degree , Knowledge , Lives , Difference , University Of Phoenix , Dr , Nurses , Network , My Name , Phoenix , Kimberly Horton , A Thousand , Tricks , Let Me Entertain You , Hp Touchpad , 399 99 , 99 , Doors , Boundaries , Beatboxing , Mouths , Score , Movement , Baby Giggles , Shhh , Ways , Crest , Lifeopensupproject Com , Come On , Supercooker , 57 , Websites , Users Activity , Cookie , Web Tracking , File , Wall Street Journal , Supercookies , Factor , Cookies , Profile , Anderson Cooper , Hulu , French , Jet Stream , Thespian , Golden Globe , Winning Tinkle , He Hasn T , Laughter , Incident , Thes Peein , Giggling , Urination , Market Site , Nasdaq 48 , Consumer Prices , Lead In , Unemployment Numbers , Stuff , Consumer Level , Inflation , Hp , Jm Smucker , Gap , Dollar Tree , Sears , Americans , Jobs Proposal , Poll , Forecast , Bed , Gloomy , August 18th , On The Beach , Points , Premarket Page , Dow Down , S P 500 Down 25 , In London , Ftse , 18 , 25 , 209 , Thursday August 18th , 48 , 500 ,

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