down with the congress. he is a grown up. he is an adult in the room. senator, you are no fan of obama care. you voted nearly 60 times to defund it and repeal it. a government shutdown won't stop it. how far are republicans willing to go, senator? >> hopefully we will come to our senses and won't shut the government down. you are right. you don't shut down obama care by shutting down the government. you disrupt the fragile economy. >> tell me, what did your fellow senator ted cruz accomplished this week with 21 hours in the debate? >> every member of the senate has the same individual power that every other member has. our reputations as senators are accumulation of how we use the power. it remains to be seen how mr. cruz's 21-hour speech will matter or not. it did take away 21 hours from the debate toward this, which was unfortunate. we have until midnight monday night to make a decision.