access, we have strong laws on the books but the federal government -- >> can i show this for example? you don't want bad people to get access to guns. >> when you get into the gun show, it's a slippery slope. that stops a father from giving his child a gun. >> what about online purchases? >> let me go a step further -- >> because background checks make sense, right? >> we have to protect the second amendment. we have no choice. we have to do that. it's very important. i believe it in from a safety standpoint. and hillary is a desatter. hillary wants to take the guns away frommer. hilla hillary's going to be worse than obama. hillary, i can't imagine this, she wants to take the guns. you know, it's interesting, in california, when you had the two people, those two horrible people, shoot people that gave them a wedding party. these people that got killed gave them a wedding party. anyway, they went in, they shot. if a couple of people in that room had guns or if a couple of people in paris had guns, you wouldn't have had 130 people or