>> and so you have run a lot of campaigns, ap you know how they work, and candidates don't say stuff unless they believe that there is an audience for that stuff. >> that is right. >> and in your view, are those comments or what you call mealy mouthed reposts as it were to donald trump's comments, is that the because they are hearing from their polling, from the focus groups, et cetera, that there is public support for these kinds of positions? >> the republican party as a whole since the development and strengthening of the tea party as the base has been absolutely petrified to the not alienate that base. all of them running for president understand that their pathway to the nomination will not occur without making sure that they have that tea party extremist base. their supporters support these concepts, and embrace that notion. their supporters are not a majority of the country, and so, really, getting back to the opening questions, you know, at the end of the day, that is why