by your boot straps, and okay, yeah, that is great, but the s messages needs to be why conservativism is more beneficial for folks in their lives and how it applies, and they have to do a better job with that and there is a chance for that in this election in the post obama election. >> well, i agree there is an opportunity for republican, because there is nowhere to go for them but up. they have done such a dismal job with trying to appeal to african-americans or latinos, and, you know, tara is right in that after can americans as well as latinos and i have seen it in survey after survey, they are much more optimistic about the future of themselves and the families in this country, and one of the question s s in the l was do you feel like you have a better chance than your children to reach the american dream, and blacks and hispanics overwhelming majority said yes, and whereas the whites and the minorities said yes. so the point is that the republican party's lack of that