get through live? but still open questions there, for instance when they were shipped by fedex, were they on fedex cargo planes or were they on passenger planes? as you know oftentimes passenger planes ship not only the u.s. mail, but things like fedex or ups packages. these are open questions which raise questions about secondary exposures to this that you have to look at over time? this is a real big complicated story here and it's clear from the remaining questions in the timeline that the pentagon is still having trouble answering some of those questions. >> people that may have been exposed, take large doses, covering that story a decade ago when there was that huge anthrax scare here in the united states. we wish all of these people obviously well. jim, thanks very much for that report. up next louisiana governor bobby jindal he's taking swings at some of his potential gop rivals especially rand paul saying he's quote, unsuited to be commander in chief and