just looking at the crime scene and the report, great report, but it's out of control. >> rick, how do you see it? >> well, you know, they need to get the evidence and as david said i think it's important we find out how that weapon impacted that aircraft, to find out what it did and -- that might give us a better clue as to the condition of the weapon. we're hearing different reports about where that came from. was it a front-line russian piece of equipment? was it something taken from a ukrainian base? was it modified? this would be important. >> peter golz, just as, you know, as noah was talking about, the priority is obviously dealing with the victims of this crash, dealing with them in a sensitive way, dealing with them in a humane way, in a dignified way. and right now they don't have the capabilities on the ground really to do that. >> no, they don't. what has to happen is there has to be international action to

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Evidence ,Weapon ,Report ,David Soucie ,Out Of Control ,Crime Scene ,Rick Francona ,Aircraft ,Russian ,Equipment ,Piece ,Reports ,Condition ,Clue ,Crash ,Victims ,Noah ,Base ,Peter Golz ,Something ,Priority ,Way ,Capabilities ,Ground ,Action ,

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