much to the chagrin of his conservative challenger. >> so much for bold colors. so much for principle. >> reporter: a nasty finish to a tough race. mississippi tea party candidate chris mcdaniel with a not so conciliatory speech after losing in a close race to incumbent senatored th ed thathad cochran >> there is something a bit strange, there is something a bit unusual, about a republican primary that's decided by liberal democrats. >> thank you, all, for being here, to help celebrate a great victory. this is your victory. >> reporter: cochran, who trailed mcdaniel in the republican primary june 3rd, spent the past three weeks courting voters outside the gop base, including african-americans. pointing to federal funds he secured throughout his 36 years in the senate. and to those who say, you know what, you have been re-elected time and time again, your opponent says it's just been too much, you've been there too long? >> i'm the choice the people