foreign minister lavrov, minister fabia said he's forming this contact group and that the russians might agree. did you talk about this with the minister? and do you see this as a useful mechanism that might happen in the coming days? and lastly, i'm wondering if you talked to him about the fact he told you last week the exercises the russians were doing had nothing to do with ukraine. we now know that that was a pretext to mask the russian intervention -- >> what was the first part of that question? i'm sorry. we now know what? >> we know this exercise did have a lot to do with ukraine and perhaps it was a pretext for russia to go into the crimea. i'm just wondering, you've invested a lot in your relationship with minister lavrov and i'm wondering if you feel misled by him at all and whether you spoke with him about that. thank you. >> well, let me take the first part of that question.