open. >> did your -- i mean, did you lose your voice? it -- i mean -- >> yeah. >> what was the -- what could you tell? it just that it hurt? you actually couldn't -- >> it hurt and i couldn't hit the notes. >> did you think to yourself that this great career that you've worked so hard for and that is just started -- >> was gone. >> could be over? >> yeah, was gone forever. >> you go a few years ago on cbs because you're going to announce the nominees with the other anchors, you're going to announce the nominees for the grammy awards. let's take a look at that. >> okay. oh, no, i've never seen this. >> 25 by adele, lemonade by beyonce, purpose by justin bi bieber, a sailor's guide to earth but ster gle simpson. >> adele versus beyonce. >> that's a statement right there. i don't know.