left excited about andrea bocelli and the boss. it is a city as diverse as the city of new york itself. a lot of hometown love, a lot of new york artists and artists from all over. that plays to the diversity of the lineup. there's a little of something in terms of music for everyone. new york philharmonic, paul simon, jennifer hudson, barry manilow, santana. the list goes on and on. it is a great assignment, i can tell you that, as you well know. things are filling in since they opened gates at 3:00. we saw people running in, big smiles on people's faces. it is hot and humid. nobody seems to mind the weather, wanting to get as close as they could. everybody has to be vaccinated, everybody eligible. those 12 and up. still seeing a fair amount of masks on as well, you can deep those on if you feel more comfortable. a lot of excitement in the ariana lot of celebration.

Related Keywords

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