would be high class and be invested in the business. >> i knew my senate testimony contained hundreds if you will of front page stories. they would have been expressive standing alone, but here they all were in a narrative. >> i was informed about a project that had been going on before i arrived. they called for bugging, burglarizing, male covers and the like. i was instructed by mr. haldeman to see what i could do to get the plan implemented. i told the president about the fact that there were money demands being made by the seven convicted defendants. he asked me how much it would cost. i told him could i only make an estimate that it might be as high as $1 million or more. he told me that that was no problem. the issuing of the so-called dean report is was first time i began to think about the fact that i might be being set up in case this whole thing came tumbling or crumbling down at a later time. >> the president made this