>> oh, so this is the thing you put up around nakeds. >> yeah, this guy works for i.c.e., grabbing kids, taking them away from their families, whatever. i-docs. it's basically like you post people's public information or make them known to people. >> are you not afraid that somebody from the the other side is going to go, i'm going to docs you! >> they can go for it. >> you could have shown up today masked up. >> yeah. >> so that we don't see your face, so there's a little more plausible to anonymity. >> i could have. it's never made me stop before. >> i'm going to block out this person's face. >> yeah, yeah. >> have you seen this bern getting coffee in your neighborhood or your bus? this person is from the privatized immigration detention system, modern-day nazi putting people in concentration camps, be on the lookout. some people are going to say, saying they're a modern-day nauz. >> inflammatory. >> concentration camps, over the top. >> it is inflammatory because it