i personally think president trump was the right president at the right time. i agree with a lot of his policies. but the reality is rightly or wrongly, chaos follows him. and we all know that's true. chaos follows him, and we can't have our country in disarray, and a world on fire, and go through four more years of chaos. we will survive it. and you don't defeat democrat chaos with republican chaos. now is the time we need to have a new generational leader, one that's going to leave the negativity and the baggage behind, and start focusing on the real issues that we have in the future. but more than that, americans don't want another nail-biter of an election. and that is what we will get. look at any of the polls, head to head against joe biden. ron doesn't beat biden, trump head to head with biden. on a good day, he might be up by two, the wall street journal haddam up by four. i'm in every one of those same polls, i defeat biden by 17 points. 17 points. that makes it bigger than the