the double standards. what's good for the goose, clinton, is not good for the orange gander. we see it over and over again on a daily basis. it is embarrassing. i mean, do they not have mirrors? how can they go out and say this with such vigorous force and conviction when there is evidence that they said exactly the opposite? video evidence. >> well, i mean, from a messaging stabbed poindpoint, t clearly flailing. it's been a month since speaker pelosi announced this. they don't have a response team. does it look like to you that they're throwing it and see what sticks? >> yeah. i think they're making it up each day. >> do you see that changing? >> i think there may be a change and i think, you know, when republicans on the hill talk about they need a war room, they need a message strategy, they're speaking in code. what they're trying to do is send a message to the president saying the problem isn't your staff, the problem is you.