that doesn't happen impromptu. this is planned and this is a strategy and it is obstruct, distract, confuse, and victimize, play the victim. donald trump, pobrecita. una victima. of the liberal left. >> to joe's point -- >> he's a victim of the liberal left -- conspiracy. but to his point -- >> yes. >> his last appearances have been particularly surpapastic. right? >> oh, my gosh, yes. >> and unbound. do you see that getting ors or is he learning from what joe is saying? >> no. he doesn't learn. in 2 1/2 years he's learned nothing. he's just been silent for two days but once you get him in front of the a microphone again or an audience it's going to happen all over again. to joe's point you cannot have an effective war room tough a delusional unhinged general. and you can't have like message discipline and a coherent message if every time the president gets before a microphone he speaks for 70