says that according to today's testimony, bolton told fiona hill to tell the white house lawyers that i am not part of whatever drug deal rudy and mulvaney are cooking up. and we're also learning more about mick mulvaney involvement and how he is working with giuliani. what do you make of that? >> well, again, it's high officials going against government policy. they are the government. they're supposed to set the policy and carry out the president's wishes. but, of course, that's where it stops, at the top, it's the president's wishes. quite clearly according to the smoking transcript. it's not the tape. but it was released by the white house. and we read that the president says "do us a favor." and it's quite clear that he tried to put the arm on the ukrainians to dig up dirt on the bidens to use against biden in an election here in the united states. if people out in the country