a lot of ladies out to lunch at the local coffee shop, and i heard a group of them. um one of them was saying slay the other day, so i'm like, oh, this is just creeped up into like completely unacceptable level. and um, i did i like i did physically cringe. do you feel that same way when gen xers employ these things? no i guess i've realized i just have total generosity of spirit towards gen xers. they just do not bother me as much in defense of the poor bone boomers who are getting a bad rap here. i'm on the cusp of that, but it's a fine line between trying to sound i won't i wouldn't dare say hip but contemporary and the best example i can think of is when i grew up. we said yo, yeah, i'm up for that. and what i've said that to my kids, they say no. you mean down, dad and i said so. up is down. okay so now that's exactly where i'm at. and i am so uncool that my down is up just like to pop in and try