okay out, i will read a universe of meaning into that. i think. they took all the time to type out. okay there's so much unsaid. we have problems. there's volumes that we need to address between us. so, for example, to bring in some spanglish into this, i'm from miami and we used dolly like for everything right, and that's what that's the famous catchphrase. pitbull the rapper says dolly, and so if you say dolly! okay mr. okay if you say is like, go, go, go, go. go, right, like, hurry up. yeah i feel like it's definitely just knowing the audience. i know i've educated my parents quite a bit on the different acronyms that i use in a day to day like t l d r even something as simple as, like a k a. b t u. those are things that i've been using my vernacular when speaking with my jen's friend. hold on a second. what is t ld r. too long or too