about the politics of it. whether trump is being rightly or wrongly accused, that all of this drama increases the chance that he'll have too much baggage in 2024 and he'll lose to the democrats. instead of going after the merits of the case, they're basically saying, just the politics of the case. we need to win in 2024. and is donald trump our best candidate? >> it did speak to the notion of trump fatigue. it is going to continue. it will be another thing and a distraction away from what she and other candidates want to be speaking about. as you mentioned, a really interesting aspect is from a political standpoint. with all the focus on trump's legal issues, guess what we're not hearing about? we're not hearing about the specific policy issues. where he stands, particularly on issues. we heard a little on the unitary executive. just an example of what we're not hearing about policy.