life. i assume in some way it seems like he'll turn it into something productive, but you just don't shrug your shoulders and put this behind you immediately. in fact, natasha he was saying um, you know, i don't want the nice stress shift the narrative of making a mistake in a different part of interview. he does say it was his mistake. he stepped out onto the moving wheel. you know that sort of heavy, graded wheel of the snowplow. he sat down to because he was looking for his nephew, making sure that he wasn't running over his nephew and that he wasn't in dangerous. he was trying to save him. but he says it was my mistake, but he's not going to. he's going to try to absolve himself of any of that sort of guilt. that's an act of love, right? you put your life on the line for someone that you love and you live to survive that you have to forgive yourself because it came from a pure place. and when you survive something like that, i think the question is. why did god spare me if you believe in god, if you don't why am i here? and what is the purpose that i now find in the pain and i believe so many people will be inspired from his story because he's still here to tell it, agreed. evan. dr vincent i have two quick