think on monday and who are you going to vote for to serve as an interim chair for this state? rep. justin jones. well, that's correct. we have a special called session this monday at 4 30. pm um, where we will take up this matter. and as i've told everybody in the state house and are my constituents i will be voting to send justin jones back to the state house because that's who the people of house district 52 elected this last november. and so it's very important that unlike my state legislature, i will listen to the voice of my constituents and i will do what needs to be done to support democracy in this state. will your colleagues also be voting to send justin jones back to the state house? i hope they do, and i believe most of my colleagues do plan on sending justin john's back. so can you just explain the what this exercise was that we just went through. he was expelled on thursday on monday. you're going