thinking, chris christie is not looking so terribly hot. is this a good time to strike while the iron is hot? >> that is certainly part of it. they are looking around for a different, quote, unquote, establishment, alternative. in republican politics, there is nobody who knows how hard it is to run for president of the united states more than jeb bush. his father did it, his brother did it. so this could be read as him doing due diligence. this doesn't mean he is going to run. his can activity has stepped up a little bit in recent weeks, making phone calls. the question i have about jeb bush possibly running for president and a lot of republicans say this behind the scenes is the rust factor. he has been out of the game so long. the last time he ran was 2002 for governor of florida. he is kind of hot and cold. frankly, he is the establishment. his family built up the