apartment staff member to let them into the apartment. that's where they found the acclaimed actor, the father of three. police say he had a needle in his arm, and they believe they found heroin in the apartment that substance is now being tested for confirmation. don? >> alexandra, thank you very much. i need to tell you that some of philip seymour hoffman's biggest fans were his fellow actors. and a lot of hollywood's famous names are mourning his death tonight. this statement is just released from tom hanks. he said this is a horrible day for those who worked with philip. he was a giant talent. our hearts are open for his family. alec baldwin also shared his thoughts. he said i worked on two films with philip seymour hoffman. he was a consummate stage actor and a true jah. including "the hunger games" and "money ball." his loss will be felt from hollywood to broadway. bradley jacobs is a senior editor at us weekly and he joins us. let's talk about the characters he played. he was a character actor. he didn't have a name, you know, like a brad pitt or even like an