would show whether day tried to figure out whether this plane was siecivilian? >> what you would get from the cockpit voice recorder if there had been discussion, any callout, if they heard from the ground, anything like that. but i can't see that that's going to be an issue here. i mean, no, but the core point is, as lawyers would say, the facts speak for themselves. they shot down a civil aviation aircraft. therefore, by definition, the crime has been committed. >> right, no, it is a crime, but i'm just saying in other cases, these things have not necessarily been called terrorist acts. some are calling this an act of terror. >> right. >> and there becomes the importance of did they know what they were doing or not even care to find out? >> right. and if you -- where we get the cockpit voice recorder and data recorder, you'll get an idea of whether there was any attempt to communicate, attempt to find out what was going on. they will get the data. they will get the recorders.