solid obligation and duty to stand before you representing the rights and sovereignty of this state and its peoples. and now being mindful of my duties and responsibilities under the constitution of the united states, the constitution of the state of alabama, and seeking to preserve and maintain the peace and dignity of this state and the individual freedoms of the citizens thereof, do hereby denounce and forbid this illegal and unwarranted action by the central government. >> governor wallace, i take it from that statement that you are going to stand in that door and that you are not going to carry out the orders, is that correct? >> i stand upon this statement. >> you stand upon that statement. governor, i'm not interested in a show. i don't know what the purpose of the show is. i am interested in the orders of these courts being enforced. that is my only responsibility here. the choice is yours. i would ask you once again to responsibly step aside. very well. >> remain on the campus. >> the justice department says that the negro students will be