bring in kylie atwood, doing expensive reporting on all of this. what do we know about the biden administration's own efforts to try to secure travis king's release? >> well, listen, the state department, the pentagon, they've been saying that they have made multiple efforts to reach out to north korea to discuss travis king but they haven't received any response. the only response that the u.s. and its allies have received is through the u.n. command. which is there at the border where travis king crossed over from the north koreans, acknowledging receipt that they had reached out regarding travis king. but there is no substantive conversation over the matter right now. and when you talk to u.s. officials, they're not exactly surprised by that. there is two reasons for that. the biden administration officials have not been in regular contact with the north koreans for the last two and a half years of the biden administration. so it is not like there are active channels of communication