could yesterday. so, even though he is frustrated by this, they do think that it wasn't as well as it could, wolf. >> elaina, thank you so much. david chalian is here with plea in "the situation room" with more on how trump's georgia arrest is impacting the 2024 campaign. david, only two of trump's gop rivals have been on the campaign trail since he surrendered last night. what are they saying? >> well, you know, it is a little bit of a repeat of what we saw on the debate stage. they were asked about this topic to raise their hands or not if indeed they would still vote for donald trump. wolf, if he's convicted in any of the cases, six of the eight did sew as you recall. ron deantis in iowa, he's sticking with the question he's used often, he believes if the republican party looks backward at january 6, 2021, and the evens there of, they will be lost. he's saying the candidates can't get consumed by this and have this overshadow everything.