to you guys down there. just an unbelievable situation. you describe the lack of power paired with the fuel shortage as a double whammy. how is this combination making recovery difficult for people in your parish? and how are the frustration levels right now? it's got to be reaching their boiling point. >> yeah. well, our electrical department entergy is working hard at restoring it. i know a lot of people are out of town and want to come back. unfortunately it was raining today. and of course when you just can't get out to the streets and it's pouring down rain, that's just going to delay things as you would expect. very, very difficult. i just got back from traveling to lafitte, which is outside of our levee protection system. this is a community that had very, very high water. some of the hardest things i've had to deal with is looking people in the face who just have lost everything. there's a quiet desperation about them. it's almost like there is no