iraqi soldier during the fall of ramadi. it was fascinating. this was right before they pulled back. he said that they were there. they were trying to fight and then there was no more ammunition. they were surrounded on all sides. they were supposed to be supported from the rear by are another unit and then they turned out not to be there. he came out of the fight, talked to our arwa damon and said the leadership is bad they're not having a good go of it. when you look at the problem here and it seems boiled down because of what the defense secretary said it's very complex, right, the different things going on here. >> yeah, i mean, i would add to that the cost of staying around when isis takes over the area you're in. we know what they are. they just killed 200 civilians. they've gone house to house in other cities that they've taken looking for people who work with the government who are asoes associated with the army. when you have leader shipship and the cost of remaining behind you recall the 1,500 soldiers who were executed early in the isis