i don't think. again, i couldn't care less. i'm accepting. >> what that about? >> it's ridiculous. he thinks he's talking to like a montana audience maybe but this is -- i mean this is ridiculous. he's on a national stage and he's -- this is a liberal democrat? i mean, come on. does he understand the base of his own party and where his party is? >> again, it's not something you joke about. i don't make insinuations about people's sexuality. any good politician knows this. first rule of holes, stop digging >> absurd. >> john, gloria, peter, thank you to all of you. now, next, it's the tea party versus the establishment. as republicans pick new house leaders. now the votes are in. plus, iraq under attack. cnn's anderson cooper joining us live from baghdad with the latest on the growing crisis. and president obama's decision to send hundreds of military advisors. when folks think about what they get from alaska,